Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 717 Walking Practice 2

A few days later, being underestimated by this pair of live treasures again, Du Long could only laugh dumbly, shook his head and ignored it, and continued his meaningful hiking trip!

After leaving the Chilong Gorge, you will see the endless Qingyun Grassland. It will be spring, and a hundred flowers will bloom on the Qingyun Grassland. All kinds of wild flowers will weave the entire Qingyun Grassland into a colorful natural blanket!

Looking at this beautiful grassland, Du Long's heart was filled with a shocking feeling, yes, it was a shocking feeling!

To be honest, this is not the first time he has set foot on this grassland, but it is the first time he has seen such a beautiful scenery on Qingyun Grassland. In his impression, Qingyun Grassland is a piece of turquoise grassland. The place where children gallop!

His impression of Qingyun Grassland has always been the picture of the war period, thousands of troops, fighting on the grassland, blood reddened the ground, countless war horses trampled the green grassland into a messy weed field, everywhere Corpses, blood, weapons and armor scattered all over the place!

"It turns out! War turned the place that looked like heaven into hell, but peace can turn hell back into a paradise like a paradise!" Du Long looked at this land that was both familiar and unfamiliar, and the shock in his heart made him faintly There is a special feeling!

This kind of perception is illusory, it seems to be right in front of your eyes, but you can't grasp the key point no matter what!

Stepping on the Huahai Grassland, Du Long did not take the roads that were pushed out by cars and horses, but walked forward seemingly aimlessly on the grassland. The endless flower sea can give him incomparably peaceful mind. The irritability in my heart is like the dust on the ground, which is constantly washed away by the rain!

Step by step, unconsciously, a large city without city walls appeared on the far side of the horizon. Facing this noisy city, Du Long had no intention of avoiding the city, and still followed his own heart, step by step. Step into this bustling and noisy city!

As if the hustle and bustle of the city had nothing to do with me, I was like the wind blowing between heaven and earth, moving freely among the crowd, just watching the world quietly.

The holy city of Hassam, this is a miracle on the prairie, and it is the holy city that the prairie people yearn for infinitely!

At the gate of the palace of the Holy City, two young masters Pian Pianjia led two horses and stood respectfully outside the gate of the palace, as if they were waiting for someone.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked out quickly from the gate of the palace. After seeing the two handsome young men outside the palace gate, he couldn't help crying and scolded: "Yun'er! Which one are you and Xiaomei acting in? ! Why did you come here from Haotian Capital all the way dressed up as a son?! Do you know how anxious your father is because of your disappearance?! It's just nonsense!"

"Hee hee! Third Uncle! Isn't this a good guy?! Daddy always wants to help Yun'er find a marriage, but each of those guys say that they can't even compare with King Wu!" Bai Yi's son She responded with a coquettish smile.

"Hey! How many people in this world can be like King Wu?! If you take King Wu as your standard, you will never get married in this life! Well, let's go to the palace first!" The middle-aged man obviously I was annoyed by this niece named Yun'er.

Just when the woman in white was about to enter the palace with the middle-aged man, the maid behind her suddenly grabbed her sleeve, and then pointed at the figure on the street with dull eyes, who was walking towards the gate of the palace step by step: " Miss, look quickly! It’s that stupid guy again, this kid didn’t realize that this is a royal palace, so he just wanted to break in like that?!”

"Huh?!" The one named Yun'er let out a light sigh, and seemed to see clearly the guy who met three times in a row. His eyes seemed a little abnormal, and his eyes were empty and unfocused. It seemed that he really wanted to break into the palace. .

At this moment, several stalwart figures suddenly appeared inside the palace, walking out of the palace gate talking and laughing all the way.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing these figures appearing at the gate of the palace, the grassland guards guarding the palace gate immediately raised their right arm and put it on their chest respectfully, saluting a standard grassland military salute.

"I have seen King Harujie!" The middle-aged man who came out to lead the two girls into the palace hurriedly gave a standard military salute respectfully. Grassland people are not so particular, and they usually only need to do this when they encounter such informal occasions. Just standard etiquette.

The Prairie King Harujie, who was striding out of the palace with his third brother Harvey, the county king Harlem, and the leader of the Guide Army, Kang Tuo, seemed not expecting that middle-aged man to stand outside the palace gate with two young princes , then smiled at him and nodded, "Haha, Mr. Dou! Why are you standing outside the palace gate? Who are these two handsome young masters?!"

"Who is coming?! The palace is important, and anyone who trespasses will be killed!" Just as the eyes of the Prairie King and the others were attracted by the three middle-aged men, a stern voice attracted everyone's attention again.

I saw a young man foolishly trying to break into the palace, but the palace guards all pulled out their weapons to block the way, and one of the guard captains shouted loudly that a stranger dared to break into the palace in front of the Prairie King. This made him very angry!

"His Royal Highness King Wu?!" After seeing the identity of the visitor, Kang Tuo, the leader of the Guide Army who was called by Du Long with one hand, exclaimed immediately, and his whole body was so excited that his body was shaking like chaff. Stopped, then rushed forward desperately and knelt down on one knee, the highest military salute in the march shouted: "The last general Kang Tuo! See Your Highness King Wu!"

Following Kang Tuo, except for the Prairie King, the group of people who knew Du Long rushed forward excitedly, marching with red eyes to pay homage!

For a moment, the guards of the palace who turned swords and yelled angrily just now were dumbfounded!

The two women disguised themselves as men, and the two little women standing next to the middle-aged man were also dumbfounded!

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