Yu Qingzong, in the council hall of the elders' house!

"What?! The teleportation array of Xianmeng Mountain in the Star Continent lost contact, and the soul jade talisman of the elders of the Lu clan on Xianmeng Mountain is also broken?!" The great elder Lu Guang, who was acting as the temporary suzerain, shouted in shock and anger.

"Not only that, we contacted people from my Lu clan outside Xianmeng Mountain and in Ziyang City, and asked them to send people to Xianmeng Mountain to find out what happened. When it is activated, no one can enter or leave, nor can it communicate with the people inside!" Lu Yun, the deputy lord sitting at the bottom, immediately reported the latest information he had received.

"Which people are in control of the Star Continent Xianmengshan Guardian Formation?!" Elder Lu Guangda pondered for a moment and immediately grasped the point.

"Originally, the big formation there was controlled by the Saintess of the Immortal League and our Great Elder Liu Changfeng. Since the Saintess Gong Xiaoxue abdicated a few years ago and was taken over by our Princess Le'er of the Lu family, Liu Changfeng has not reached the level of the new Saintess with her strength. Before the spiritual rank, it is not appropriate to take over the alliance protection formation for the time being, and the entire fairy alliance protection formation is under his complete control!" Lu Yun replied immediately.

"It's this Liu Changfeng again?! That's right! What about the deputy suzerain Liu Xuan and those members of the Liu family in the sect?! Why don't you come to this meeting?!" Lu Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Back to the Great Elder! There is no response from Liu Xuan's message formation stone. The mountain range where the Liu family is located has activated their own blockade and lock-up formation. Except for those controlled by the Liu family, no one is allowed to enter or exit. Enter the area banned by the formation!" Lu Yun immediately reported the news he had received.

"Hmph! The Xianmeng Mountain of the Star Continent launched a large formation to block the air, and the mountains to which his Liu family belongs also launched a large formation to block the air. The deputy suzerain Liu Xuan even blatantly refused to participate in the elders' meeting. Could it be that they are really going to rebel? No way?!" Grand Elder Lu Guang shouted angrily.

"There are indications that the Liu family is most likely planning to defect from our Yuqing sect!" Lu Yun also said with an angry face: "Over the years, Liu Chen has used various excuses to gradually move the Liu family to Yuqing." The Wulan Mountains next to the sect are still wantonly recruiting disciples with excellent spiritual talents within the sphere of influence of the Yuqing sect, it seems that it is for today!"

"What Lu Yun's deputy suzerain said is true! Then Liu Chen was lucky enough to control the Wulan Cave. He didn't move the Wulan Cave's gate into my Yuqingzong, but set it in the nearby mountains. Changing the name of that mountain range to the Wulan Mountains, I felt something was wrong at that time!" An elder with blue eyebrows and white hair interjected in a deep voice.

"Hey! This is really raising tigers!" The Great Elder Lu Guang said angrily: "Back then, Lu Honger, the ancestor of my Lu clan, had a big heart and was willing to teach that advanced exercise to many disciples of different sects with different surnames. Most people are grateful for this. For kindness, only the Liu family is rebellious, not only ungrateful, but also repaying kindness, such behavior is worse than animals!"

"Great Elder! What should we do now?! If we can't teleport to Star Continent, we won't be able to find out the cause of the suzerain's death, so we can't do anything!" Lu Yun asked again.

On the main seat, the Great Elder Lu Guang pondered for a long while before he opened his mouth and said, "The Ziyun sect master Gong Qiu and the Xuyun temple master Zhou Sheng both entered the Qinglang Cave, and they should still have not returned from the Star Continent. Contact the two of them to inquire about the situation!

Also, we cannot rely on the teleportation array of the Immortal Alliance to teleport to the Star Continent. We can use the teleportation array of the Chifeng Palace to directly teleport to the Forest of Star Monster Beasts, and then fly to the Star Continent from there. Although it will take some time, it will be easier Do this and wait! "

"Lu Yun understands!" Lu Yun didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went out to make arrangements according to the elder's words.

. . . . . .

A snake-shaped flying boat advanced at high speed in the sky, and soon appeared above Xianmeng Mountain, and landed slowly!

On the snake-shaped flying boat were Liu Chen and his party of more than a dozen people, plus Du Zhendong's father and daughter, Yang Yunfeng and Yue Xiaoshan, four captives!

In a certain palace courtyard in Xianmeng Mountain, Liu Changfeng shot out from the secret room of his retreat, and flew up into the air in a flash, facing the snake-shaped flying boat that was landing!

Under his deliberate control, a gap temporarily appeared in the formation that sealed off the air, and the snake-shaped flying boat passed through safely into the formation of the Guardian League of Xianmeng Mountain!

"Changfeng has met the patriarch!" Liu Changfeng looked at Liu Chen, the legendary existence of the Liu clan, with fanaticism. On weekdays, he would occasionally return to the Wulan Mountains where the Liu clan of the Yuqing Emperor lived, but he was not qualified to meet him. On Liu Chen's side, he only occasionally gets to see each other at certain family celebrations.

For the members of the Liu clan, Liu Chen is their heaven and their spiritual leader. Many people dream of meeting him, but they never have the chance!

"Changfeng! You have worked hard in the Star Continent all these years! This mission has been completed very satisfactorily, I will remember this credit, and there will be a big reward when it is done!" Liu Chen looked at Liu Changfeng with a satisfied smile and praised road.

"Master Xie Patriarch appreciates it! This is what Changfeng should do, and everything is for my Liu clan!" Liu Changfeng was already happy in his heart, but he still pretended to be humble and replied.

"Let's go! This is not a place to talk, let's go to the place where you live before it's too late!" Liu Chen nodded with a smile: "You lead the way ahead!"

"Master Patriarch, please!" Liu Changfeng glanced at the few captives on the flying boat, and then flew towards the palace where he lived below with half of his body on his back. Liu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and continued to control the snake-shaped flying boat to slowly descend .

Soon, under the leadership of Liu Changfeng, the flying boat landed in the palace where he lived. After sending people to guard the four captives, Liu Chen took Liu Zonglin and Liu Changfeng into the main hall alone. Sitting on the main seat is Liu Chen, the contemporary patriarch of the Liu family!

"Changfeng!" As soon as Liu Chenfang sat down, he looked at Liu Changfeng with a smile and said, "You not only successfully helped Emperor Qingpeng and Emperor Xiezhi kill Lu Jun this time! You also completely banned Xianmeng Mountain to prevent anyone from spreading the news Leak it out and do what I told you to be perfect!"

"Hehe, Mr. Patriarch Xie praised you!" Liu Changfeng salivated and said modestly.

"This is a middle-grade spiritual weapon! I'll give it to you now!" Liu Chen flipped his hands and took out a prize that he got in Qinglang Cave. A medium-grade one, really stingy enough.

That Liu Changfeng was still staring at the golden spear with glowing eyes. To him, even if it was a middle-grade spirit weapon that could only exert an eight-fold combat power bonus, it was something that he would never dare to dream of!

"This...this prize is so precious, Changfeng dare not..." Liu Changfeng's eyes glowed red greedily, but he still said politely.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and accept it!" Liu Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense to him at all, and threw the golden spear that almost made him vomit blood with a wave of his hand. Liu Changfeng hurriedly stretched out slightly trembling hands It catches.

"Thank you, Lord Patriarch, for your generosity! Changfeng will definitely remember it in your heart!" Liu Changfeng directly put the golden spear into the space ring, and said politely.

"Okay! Give me another control formation stone of the alliance formation in Xianmeng Mountain! I have to do a big event in Xianmeng Mountain, and I must use the protection formation to deal with powerful enemies! Therefore, I must Only by controlling the formation myself can I display the true power of the formation!" Liu Chen just gave a sweet date, and immediately began to ask for the formation stone of the Xianmeng.

After being dazed for a moment, Liu Changfeng did not dare to take out the control formation stone of the Great Formation of the Xianmeng without any objection. This control formation stone should have belonged to the Saintess of the Xianmeng, but now it is 'temporarily' kept by the Great Elder Liu Changfeng: "Master Patriarch! This is the control formation stone of the Great Formation of the Immortal Alliance, you can refine it immediately!"

Tanshou took over the formation stone of Xianmeng, and Liu Chen was not polite, and immediately started to refine it. In just a moment, he completely refined this Wuzhu formation stone!

"Haha! Everything is ready, and now we can start the next step!" After successfully refining the Immortal Alliance's Control Formation Stone, Liu Chen couldn't help laughing and raised his head triumphantly.

"I don't know what the patriarch is going to do next?!" Liu Changfeng asked curiously.

"It's a long story, and when you have time later, you will understand, there is no need to ask more questions for now!" Liu Chen replied in a deep voice, then turned his hand to take out the stone of the communication circle and started to connect.

After becoming another master of the Great Formation of the Immortal League, he can also ignore the influence of the Great Formation and communicate with the outside world.

Emperor Xiezhi, who was on his way at full speed, was flying towards the northwest of Star Continent, and Emperor Qingpeng Zhanyun, who was still lurking in Ziyang City of Dongyang Kingdom, received letters from Liu Chen successively.

'Liu has arrived at Xianmeng Mountain and has taken control of the Xianmeng Mountain formation! They are about to use the four relatives and friends of Golden Dragon King Du Long to threaten him to hand over the top-quality Lingbao! I don't know if Emperor Xie Zhi and brother Zhan Yun are going to come and cooperate with Liu? ! '

Liu Chen first received a reply letter from Emperor Xiezhi:'Hmph! You human beings are insidious and cunning, it is enough for me to be used as a spear once, you can figure out what to do with the Golden Dragon King yourself! No need to count me in! '

Soon, Zhan Yun's reply followed suit: 'Hehe, Brother Liu Chen! This emperor has been thinking about it for a long time, and always feels that your plan is unlikely to succeed. After all, what you captured is not the direct relative of Golden Dragon King Du Long. Apart from angering him, there is no possibility of successfully forcing him to exchange the top-grade spirit treasure! Therefore. . . The emperor quits! '

Xianmeng Mountain, inside the palace, Liu Chen read the reply letters from the two monster kings with a faint smile on his face, he was not disappointed by their withdrawal at all, instead he sneered softly: "Hmph! You are smart, if that's the case ! Then you won’t have any share in the top-grade spirit treasure!”

This Liu Chen is indeed the most insidious and cunning. According to his plan, he will trade with Golden Dragon King Du Long under the protection of the Great Formation of Xianmeng Mountain. At that time, whoever dares to compete with him for the best spirit treasure will use the power of the formation to kill him!

In other words, if Emperor Xiezhi and Emperor Qingpeng want to continue to cooperate with him, they will only end up being used as spearmen!

In this regard, the two kings of the demon race are not fools. Although they knew that they might be used as spearmen, they still wanted to kill Lu Jun, to see if their character would explode and they would directly snatch the top-grade spirit from Lu Jun. precious!

In Xianmeng Mountain, without Liu Chen personally controlling the formation, they could easily kill Lu Jun with this formation, so why not do it? !

In short, none of these three cunning guys has a fuel-efficient lamp, and they all have their own ghosts, and everyone wants to get the best Lingbao!

"Okay! Let's get to the beginning of the ugly words. Since the two of you are unwilling to cooperate, then the top-grade spirit treasure belongs to me, Liu Chen! Hehe, it's time to contact the Golden Dragon King, Du Long!" Liu Chen sneered triumphantly, and took it again. The stone of the messenger formation was connected with the seal of the messenger to which the Golden Dragon King belonged.

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