Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 668 Distribution Principles

"Du Long! Do you know what the so-called top-quality spiritual treasures are?! Why do they become higher-level existences than top-quality spiritual weapons?!" In the wing room, the voice of the cave spirits sounded.

"At present, I have only seen the spirit treasure of the dragon clan, that is, the dragon ball! I only know that it can increase the user's basic combat power output by twice! As for what other top-grade spirit treasures are, what effects do they have, but I don't know anything !” Du Long replied truthfully.

"Hehe, the Dragon Ball is indeed as you said, it can double the basic combat power, and it is also the most common way to increase the combat power of many top-grade spirit treasures!" Dongtian Zhenling smiled lightly: "However, that is only one of the top-grade spirit treasures. It’s just a kind of treasure, not all top-grade spirit treasures increase the output of basic combat power!”

"In addition to the top-grade spirit treasures that increase the output of basic combat power, there are also top-grade spirit treasures that can increase the power of an attack formation, spirit treasures that can increase the power of a defensive formation, and spirit treasures that can increase the output of top-grade spirit soldiers, etc. Wait, that's all!"

"For example, if the dragon ball of the Dragon Emperor is given to you to use, it would be a waste! The reason is very simple. Your real basic combat power is only the sixth level of Huashen. It may not be possible to achieve it!"

"Therefore, there are many kinds of top-grade spirit treasures, and only the one that is most suitable for your own use is the best!"

In the wing room, Du Long listened carefully to the Dongtian Zhenling who was there and then told the information about the top-grade Lingbao. Jie Linglinger couldn't help but interjected: 'Cut! These low-level gadgets are just foreign things, and over-reliance on the help of these foreign things is not a good thing for you in the growth stage! '

Du Long didn't care about Ling Ling'er's disdain. In this world, the strong are respected, and the strong need some powerful weapons to help them become even more powerful!

Besides, although this method of cultivation is the right way to integrate the array pattern into the attack, this process is extremely difficult, and it will not be successful overnight. Before that, when facing a powerful enemy, the strength of the weapon will play a vital role!

"Qinglang Formation Spirit! There will be two top-grade spirit treasures as rewards in the last two levels. I don't know what kind of top-quality spirit treasures they are? Who will they be awarded to?!" Du Long didn't talk to Jie Linglinger. Nonsense, but asked the Qinglang Cave Heavenly Formation Spirit.

"Hehe! You people are fighting for the top-grade spirit treasures outside. In fact, who should get the three top-quality spirit treasures has already been determined. They don't deserve it. Even if they risk their lives, it's useless!" Dongtian Formation Ling's answer made Du Long dumbfounded on the spot.

"Isn't it?! This... Isn't this too unfair?! If the three top-grade spirit treasures have already been decided to be given to someone, wouldn't it be too unfair to other people?!" Du Longmeng Rolled his eyes and said.

"Fair?! Hehe, in fact, the former owner specially refined two top-grade spirit treasures for the sake of fairness. The purpose is to keep the forces of all parties in your world in a state of balance. Sooner or later, it will be very detrimental to other races!" Dongtian Formation responded with a smile.

"So that's how it is!" Du Long's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked: "Who will these two top-grade spirit treasures be distributed to?!"

"According to the distribution principle explained by the former owner, the Dragon Ball will naturally be returned to the Dragon Clan. As for the other two top-quality spirit treasures, one must be allocated to human forces, and the other must be allocated to land monster forces!" , and directly told Du Long the result truthfully.

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up and said, "So, as a human being, I also have a chance to get one of the top-quality spirit treasures?!"

"Hehe, that's natural. Since you have inherited the mantle of Qinglang and have the identity of a human being, getting a top-quality spirit treasure does not violate the will of the former owner. Under this premise, I can still assign a top-quality spirit treasure to you. It's yours!" Dongtian Zhenling replied cheerfully.

"Haha, that's great! Thank you! Qinglang Formation Spirit! I don't know...can I take a look at the top-grade spirit treasure I will get now?!" Du Long laughed excitedly.

"It's not a problem if you want to see the top-grade spirit treasure assigned to you, but before that, you must make a soul oath!" The Dongtian Array Spirit was not in a hurry to take out the top-grade spirit treasure.

"Soul oath?! What do you mean?!" Du Long asked in amazement.

"According to the previous master's wishes, the two top-grade spirit treasures he refined must stay in this world forever. Inherit this spiritual treasure to other human beings, and those who accept the inheritance must make the same oath!" Dongtian Array Spirit explained solemnly.

"Whether it's a top-grade spirit soldier or a top-grade spirit treasure, as long as there is a spirit character on it, only spiritual practitioners with spiritual power can use the energy in their bodies. If these things are brought to the fairy world, they will be rubbish and useless! Therefore... "

"I understand!" Du Long nodded and swore his soul oath without hesitation.

"Here you are!" The spirit of Dongtian Array was straightforward, a golden light suddenly flashed on the originally empty table, and then a jade box appeared there out of thin air!

Excitedly stretched out both hands to pick up the jade box on the table, opened the lid trembling slightly, and saw a milky white bead lying quietly in the box, it seemed to be about the same size as the previous Dragon Ball!

"Isn't it?! Why does it look similar to Dragon Ball?! Could it also be a spiritual treasure that doubles the basic combat power?!" Du Long said, staring at the beads in the jade box in amazement.

"It's just that the appearance is a bit similar. In fact, it is a spirit treasure that can double the total combat power output. It is completely different from the effect of Dragon Ball, but the effect is similar! The specific reason, you only need to refine it. Understood!" Dongtian Array Spirit explained patiently.

Nodding his head, Du Long stopped talking nonsense, reached out and took out the milky white bead, and started to refine it on the spot. The best-grade Lingbao, the masterless thing, was refined very quickly, and he succeeded in a few breaths. Refined.

A lot of information began to flow into his mind along with the refinement of the top-grade spirit treasure beads, and Du Long soon figured out how to use this top-grade spirit treasure!

The method of using it is completely different from that of the Dragon Ball. This bead is not used alone, but it should be used together with the top-grade Lingbing sword obtained by Du Longang!

The best spiritual weapon sword Chilongzhan, between the hilt and the blade is a dragon-head-shaped gauntlet, and there is a hollow in the middle, which can just accommodate this milky white bead embedded in it!

Flipping his hand to take out Chilongzhan, Du Long immediately began to embed the bead into it. The dragon head-shaped handguard is like the finishing touch. The bead is the dragon head's eyes, which is so ingenious!

Because of the embedded longan beads, the whole Chilong Zhan suddenly burst into dazzling white light. Fortunately, these rooms seem ordinary, and the sound and light inside are isolated. People outside the rooms cannot see or hear the sound inside. everything!

Looking at the Chilong Zhan in his hand, Du Long can clearly feel its power at this moment. He has a feeling that as long as he uses his sword with all his strength, even a mountain will be easily split in half by himself!

"What a miraculous bead! Not only can it increase the combat power output of the top-grade spiritual soldier Chilong Zhan, but it can also double the combat power output of the attack pattern..." Du Long held the Chilong in his hand tightly with his eyes shining. Long Zhan murmured in disbelief.

"Hehe, the top-grade spirit treasures are indeed miraculous! However, to refine them, you need a craftsman-level master craftsman to make them possible. There are only a handful of existences in the entire fairy world who can refine such treasures!" He replied with a smug smile.

"By the way!" Du Long suddenly thought of something and said: "This top-grade spirit treasure bead can only be used in conjunction with the top-grade spiritual weapon sword Chilongzhan. Could it be that when you handed Chilongzhan to Du Long, you already Are you going to hand over this top-grade spirit treasure to me?!"

"That's right! Since I saw that you were besieged by many masters in the Monster Beast Forest, but you were able to break through successfully, and I heard everything about you in Wuwang City before, I have a very good impression of you, so I immediately decided to give this item to you." The top-grade spiritual treasure that has been handed down to mankind is handed over to you! As you said, this bead is combined with this saber, and the combination of them is the real top-grade spiritual treasure!" The inspiration of Dongtian array sighed.

"So that's it! Hehe, Du Long is here to thank the Qinglang Array Spirit for your generosity! With this top-grade spirit treasure in hand, hum! Those guys who want to harm me are dead this time!" Du Long finished his thanks After the spirit of the cave, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous intent flashed unabashedly in his eyes.

"It's best to slow down the matter of revenge. You have to inherit Qinglang's mantle, so you will be teleported to another place, and you can't continue to pass the ninth level with them!" Dongtian Array Spirit interrupted directly.

"Forget it! Then let them live longer, but...can you send my wife, Qinglian, to the place where I accept the inheritance of the mantle? To avoid any accidents when she faces that group of people alone! "Nodding, Du Long made a request by the way.

"No problem! Since she is your wife, she will know some secrets of Qinglang Cave Heaven sooner or later, so I will send her away together! There is no need for her to continue to pass the ninth level. It is meaningless, after all, the last one The top-grade spiritual treasure must be given to the land monsters!" The spirit of Dongtian array directly agreed to his request.

"That... what is the last top-grade spirit treasure? If it is assigned to the land monster forces, then the Golden Winged Qingpeng Zhanyun and the others have a chance to get it?!" Du Long frowned, and immediately Open your mouth and ask.

"Hehe! The former master hated those narrow-minded people the most, like Zhan Yun, Liu Chen, and Emperor Xiezhi, who had no chance to get any top-quality spiritual treasure!" The answer of Dongtian Zhenling made Du Long secretly relax. Take a breath.

"In addition to the Golden-winged Qingpeng Clan, the four great emperors of the seabed are excluded. In this way, there are only two emperors, the Bull Demon Emperor and the Snow Ape Emperor from the Star Continent, left!" Du Long said softly. muttered.

"That's right! I'm also hesitating which one of the three of them I should give the last Lingbao to! According to my personal preference, I prefer that hearty bear!"

"However, this bear is a loose demon from the Forest of Spiritual Beasts in the overseas fairy island. I don't know who to pass on this spirit treasure in the future. After all, the population base of their bear clan is too small, and there are not many talents with the strength to protect the top-grade spirit treasure. Easy to date!"

"The Bull Demon Emperor and the Snow Ape Emperor are the emperors of the Star Continent. There should be a real emperor who controls one side of the entire Star Continent. If you had to choose between them, you should choose the Bull Demon Emperor." Emperor!"

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