Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 666 Leaking Identity

This is a fiery red hall, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters, with nine fiery red pillars supporting the top of the hall. There is a hexagonal stone platform in the middle of the hall, on which is placed a A transparent crystal emitting red light!

Shua, Shua, Shua. . .

In the originally quiet hall, golden light flashed from time to time, and after each golden light flashed, a figure would appear, which was the person who entered Qinglang Cave to break through the barrier!

All the people who were teleported into this fiery red hall looked around curiously at everything in the hall, and finally locked their eyes on the stone platform in the middle of the hall!

Seeing that there was no more golden light flashing for a long time, Xia Qinglian took Du Long's arm and whispered softly: "Husband! Why are we the only people entering the hall, why are the Qingpeng Emperor, Xiezhi Emperor and half of the people running away?" Where did you go?!"

"Hey!" Du Long grinned and said with a sneer: "Where can these guys go?! They must be forming a gang outside the gate of the teleportation formation, thinking about how to deal with us!"

The Dragon Emperor, who was standing by the side and looking at the surrounding environment, frowned when he heard it, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry! Thanks to the Golden Dragon King, this emperor can easily retrieve the Dragon Ball, the inheritance treasure of the Dragon Clan. From now on I will definitely help you with all my strength, and if Qingpenghuang and others dare to make a mistake, this emperor will definitely make them regret it!"

"Haha! With His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's words, Qinglin, you can rest assured?! No matter how those guys conspire and cheat, in the face of the absolute power gap, at most they are nothing more than clowns, and they can't make any huge waves!" Du Long joked to Xia Qinglian with a smile.

While chatting here, bursts of golden light flashed again in the hall, and it was the group of people who formed an alliance outside the gate before. It was obvious that there was a strange expression on the faces of these people after they appeared. Du Long saw He sneered secretly, already sure in his heart that his guess was not far from ten, it should be right!

Soon, all the nineteen people who had successfully passed the eighth level were present, and the hearty laughter of Dongtian Zhenling immediately sounded in the sky above the hall: "Haha, finally everyone is here! More than half of the first seven levels were killed or injured, so this level is not difficult for you!" Already, everyone here goes to the stone platform one by one, and puts their hands on the crystal ball!"

While everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't know what tricks the Dongtian Zhenling was playing this time, so they looked at me and I looked at you hesitantly, and no one took the initiative to go to Shitai for a while.

Glancing at the crowd at the scene, Du Long had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. He could see that most of the people were habitually looking at him again. Go to Shitai.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he directly stretched out his hands and pressed on the huge transparent crystal ball. He could feel a warmth passing along the crystal ball to his arms, and instantly spread to his whole body!

Soon, the originally transparent crystal ball began to flash red light, and the voice of the cave spirit once again sounded in the hall: "Golden Dragon King, the human name is Du Long! The basic combat power is the sixth level of the god, the eighth rank of the red flame spirit fire! "

In the hall, as the voice of the cave spirit fell, everyone on the scene stared wide-eyed, or couldn't believe it, or looked puzzled, or worried, and so on!

Standing in front of the stone platform, Du Long's eyes widened in astonishment. He never thought that his secret as a human being would be leaked out by the spirit of Qinglang Cave.

It happened so suddenly that he, who was completely unprepared, went blank and didn't know how to solve the current situation.

'I rely on it! What kind of shit hole heavenly array spirit is this? ! How could he leak other people's secrets for no reason? How did it know that the Golden Dragon King was Du Long? ! ’ At this moment, Du Long wished he could greet all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Heavenly Formation in Qinglang Cave.

"Brother Jinlongwang is human?! His name is Du Long?! How is this possible?!" In the crowd, the big, stupid Xionglong didn't know how shocking the news that the Golden Dragon King was a human Dulong was. He just muttered in confusion. road.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone on the scene reacted. Seeing the exaggerated reaction of the Golden Dragon King, they immediately understood that what the Dongtian Array Spirit said was true. This matter should be true and credible!

'Depend on! So it turned out that when he was outside the cave, someone reported that Du Long of the Purple Cloud Sect had four women by his side, besides the two original wives, he had brought back two from overseas fairy islands, and they were the Golden Dragon King The four women? ! So, this woman named Qinglin is the human Du Long's wife Xia Qinglian? ! ’ Liu Chen said sombrely to Zhan Yun and Emperor Xie Zhi.

'How is this going? ! How could the Golden Dragon King be human? ! Also, who is that man named Du Long? ! ’ The Emperor Xiezhi on the side didn't even know who Du Long was, so he asked this question.

'Brother Liu Chen! This is too much nonsense, right? ! If the Golden Dragon King and Du Long are the same person, it stands to reason that with the intelligence of your Liu family in the Xianmeng, it is impossible for you to not even know such important information? ! ’ Qingpeng Huang Zhanyun sounded surprised and angry.

'Depend on! That human Du Long is only twenty-four years old now, and he has just come to the Overseas Immortal Island from the Star Continent for less than five years. More than a year ago, he was only the chief disciple of the Purple Cloud Sect, and he was still competing with the little fellows for the chief disciple of the Immortal League. Even an immortal would never have guessed that he was the Golden Dragon King, right? ! ’ Liu Chen was obviously shocked by the news, and began to swear one after another.

'Humanity? Twenty-four years old? The strength is not weaker than any of us? ! ’ Emperor Xiezhi obviously couldn’t believe the news.

'If the Golden Dragon King is really the human Du Long, then this son's talent is as terrifying as that of the fairy world powerhouse behind him. What kind of monster have we messed with? ! ’ Qingpeng Huang Zhanyun's voice became extremely bitter, and he finally regretted his decision to oppose the Golden Dragon King.

'at this point! It's useless to regret, but having said that, just now, Dongtian Zhenling clearly stated that his basic combat power has only reached the sixth level of Huashen. ! ’ Liu Chen finally thought of the crux of the problem.

'Brother Liu Chen's analysis makes sense, what caused the Golden Dragon King. . . With Du Long's basic combat power of the sixth level of Huashen, how can he have a combat power that is inferior to the top powerhouses? ! ’ Qingpeng Huang Zhanyun finally accepted the reality, and began to answer Liu Chen's words.

'If he is a human being, why does he exude pure monster blood aura? And can transform into a dragon man? It seems that the reason why he was able to display the full strength of returning to the void with the basic combat power of the sixth level of transformation of the gods is definitely related to the secret behind this! ’ Liu Chen really deserved to be an old fox, and instantly thought of the crux of the problem.

'Could it be that, with a certain ability to transform into a dragon man, he can use the sixth-level combat power of Huashen to output the total combat power of returning to the void? This is incredible, right? ! ’ Emperor Xiezhi still couldn’t believe that such a mysterious exercise existed in this world.

'I remembered that when the human boy Du Long participated in the Immortal League Conference, when he wanted to defeat an opponent whose basic combat power was stronger than him, his limbs would inexplicably become several times thicker, and his strength would instantly explode by one. Big class! ’ Liu Chen suddenly remembered the scene he saw with his own eyes at the Xianmeng meeting, and he didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, and now it seems that this should be the reason.

'In this way, it is very likely that this human Du Long relied on the technique of transforming into a dragon to make his strength explode by more than one level, right? ! ’ Zhan Yun nodded.

'seem. . . His power surge after transformation has some weaknesses, it seems that he can't fight for a long time, didn't you find it? When fighting us, he has always tried to avoid confronting us unless it is absolutely necessary. . . '

'. . . . . . '

In the hall, Zhanyun's three top powerhouses were chatting privately through sound transmission, and the others were not idle, either whispering to each other, or secretly chatting through sound transmission, all talking about the fact that the Golden Dragon King is the human Du Long.

"Hehe, it turns out that the Golden Dragon King is Du Long! No wonder, Chifeng Palace and Ziyunzong were able to establish a business relationship without any contradiction!" Lu Jun looked at the two Gongs of Ziyunzong with a meaningful smile. brother.

"Sect Master Gong Qiu! Are you too mean?! Based on our personal friendship, plus the marriage between my younger brother and my sister Daiyao, we are considered in-laws, right? Even I have kept it a secret..." Even the master of Xuyun, Zhou Sheng, couldn't help teasing.

"This... that..." Ziyun Sect Master Gong Qiu was speechless for a while, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Beside the stone platform, Du Long stood there blankly for a long time, finally accepted the reality that his identity secret had been leaked out, he sighed helplessly, then turned around and walked towards Xia Qinglian.

"Husband!" Xia Qinglian immediately went up to meet him, gently stretched out her hand to hold his arm, and looked at him with worry in her beautiful eyes.

Squeezing out a smile, he stretched out his hand to pat her jade hand, but Du Long comforted him: "It's okay! Now we have enough strength to protect ourselves. Anyone who wants to harm us must think clearly about the heavy price he will have to pay." !"

Du Long's words that seemed to comfort Xia Qinglian were actually meant for other people with ulterior motives. Except for those who were already in the same situation as him, everyone at the scene nodded secretly and agreed with his words!

"Haha! This emperor is the first to state his position. Regardless of whether the Golden Dragon King is the human Du Long or not, on behalf of the Dragon Palace, this emperor will still unswervingly support him!" The Dragon Emperor, who obtained the Dragon Clan's inheritance treasure Dragon Pearl with the help of Du Long, expressed his position on the spot road.

"The same is true for this emperor, whether it is the Golden Dragon King or Du Long, he will always be my good brother!" The Holy Lin Emperor followed closely behind. In this way, the two major demon emperors such as Empress Xuanwa and Star Monster Beast followed take a stand.

As Du Long and Xia Qinglian said, if he is not strong enough and reveals the true identity of human beings, he will definitely be rejected by all the monster races. Now that he is strong enough, everything will be no problem!

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