Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 657 Super Treasure

In the Flame Palace, there were still seven figures staying in front of the main hall, they were the three of Emperor Xiezhi and his party, plus Zhan Yun, Liu Chen and his party of four!

"Emperor Qingpeng! Why did you suddenly ask me to wait for a while through sound transmission?!" Emperor Xiezhi looked at Zhanyun and the others indifferently.

It turned out that when everyone rushed into the gate of the main hall impatiently and was teleported to the Flaming Mountain, Zhan Yun secretly sent a voice transmission to Emperor Xiezhi, asking him to wait a moment, he had something to say!

After failing to siege and kill the Golden Dragon King with Liu Chen, they made a new plan, which was to contact and win over Emperor Xiezhi, and join hands with him to deal with the Golden Dragon King. There is no way to kill the Golden Dragon King!

"Haha! Emperor Xiezhi, Zhan has a mutually beneficial plan and wants to discuss it with you, please wait a moment for Emperor Xiezhi, how about we have a good discussion here?!" Qingpeng Huang Zhanyun smiled politely replied.

"A mutually beneficial plan?!" Emperor Xiezhi grinned coldly and said, "Could it be possible that you still want to unite with me to deal with the Golden Dragon King?!"

"Emperor Xiezhi is wise!" Liu Chen on the side said politely: "We have this intention, of course! As long as you are willing, we are willing to pay any price that can satisfy you!"

"Hmph! Kill the Golden Dragon King who is backed by a strong man in the fairy world?! This emperor has not lived enough, so you should hire someone else!" With a cold snort, Emperor Xiezhi seemed to turn around and leave.

"Emperor Xiezhi, please be safe and don't be impatient! Please listen to what we have said before deciding whether to cooperate!" Liu Chen hastily opened his mouth to dissuade: "Since we have come to ask Emperor Xiezhi to join hands, we have naturally thought of a perfect plan. If you are still not interested in the future, Liu and Brother Zhan Yun will definitely not force it!"

Only then did Emperor Xiezhi stop his figure, turned around and said with a little interest: "Oh?! I would like to hear what kind of perfect plan you two have prepared, but time is limited, so please make a long story short! "

After Liu Chen and Zhan Yun looked at each other excitedly, Liu Chen continued to explain: "Before telling how to deal with the Golden Dragon King's perfect strategy, Liu must first talk about the benefits of the Xiezhi Emperor joining us. A certain general and brother Zhanyun will go all out to help Emperor Xiezhi win the treasure you want in the last stage!"

Emperor Xiezhi frowned, obviously very interested in Liu Chen's promise, so he asked, "How can you two ensure that you can keep this promise in the end?!"

"Haha! Emperor Xiezhi, don't worry, as long as we decide to join forces to deal with the Golden Dragon King, Liu will make a solemn oath with Brother Zhanyun, and he will definitely abide by this agreement!" Liu Chen replied with a smile .

Sure enough, as he expected, Emperor Xiezhi was very interested in the condition they proposed!

"You two! I think you all know what it would mean to help the Emperor win a certain treasure in the final stage of fighting for treasures?!" Emperor Xiezhi was a little puzzled.

"That's natural!" Zhan Yun nodded without hesitation and replied, "To be honest, if the Golden Dragon King is not eliminated, so what if you get the best treasure?! For Zhan and Liu Chen brothers, finding a way to kill the Golden Dragon The king is the most urgent matter now!"

"Therefore! Brother Liu and Brother Zhanyun are willing to give up the chance to compete for the last treasure of Qinglang Cave, and only hope that Emperor Xiezhi can join hands with us to kill the Golden Dragon King!" Liu Chen added afterward.

"Very good! Now we can continue talking about the so-called perfect solution!" Emperor Xiezhi nodded in relief.

"The so-called perfect strategy is actually very simple. In order not to reveal that we were the ones who killed the Golden Dragon King, we must choose a time when no outsiders are present. Otherwise, we can only..." Only then did Liu Chen cooperate with his plan. Come clean.

According to his understanding, Emperor Xiezhi had a bad relationship with the other three emperors under the sea, and he naturally hated the Golden Dragon King. Even if he was unwilling to cooperate with him, at least he would not do the tipping off!

After listening to Liu Chen's explanation, Emperor Xiezhi began to think about the gains and losses of participating in this project. Naturally, Liu Chen, Zhan Yun and others stayed quietly, and no one would disturb him at this time!

To be honest, Emperor Xiezhi was neutral on the surface when he entered Qinglang Cave this time, but secretly he was very worried about the current situation!

Due to his character, he has a bad relationship with the emperors of the other three major forces in the seabed. Although the relationship with other forces is not so bad, there is no friendship at all!

In this way, he knows very well that he will be at a disadvantage in the final stage of competing for the treasure. Past experience and lessons show that this will definitely affect his success or failure in winning the treasure at the critical moment!

Therefore, Emperor Xiezhi was actually very tempted by the attractive condition that Liu Chen directly offered!

It can be seen from the appearance of top-grade spiritual soldiers in almost all the first few levels of Qinglang Cave, the last level definitely has a treasure that is more attractive than top-quality spiritual weapons, and he, Emperor Xiezhi, especially wants to win this treasure!

However, the three emperors of the seabed themselves put him under enormous pressure. With the help of the Golden Dragon King, even the two emperors of the Forest of Stars and Beasts have joined forces with them!

Emperor Xiezhi was secretly dissatisfied with the Golden Dragon King, because of his existence, the other three emperors of the seabed, the two kings of the Forest of Monster Beasts, and the Golden Dragon King himself formed an alliance of six top powerhouses!

Facing such a powerful opponent, Emperor Xiezhi was naturally under a lot of pressure, and his resistance to the tempting conditions offered by Liu Chen also dropped suddenly!

"If you want me to join hands with the two of you! I have to add a few conditions. If you can't meet these conditions, I will never join forces with you to deal with the Golden Dragon King. I don't want to be like you. I can only live after I get out of the cave." It's a day of fear!" Emperor Xiezhi thought for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Emperor Xiezhi has any conditions, just ask, as long as we can meet them, we will do our best!" Seeing the hope of a successful alliance with Emperor Xiezhi, Zhan Yun immediately replied excitedly.

In his opinion, if he and Liu Chen work together, there is no way to kill the Golden Dragon King!

Therefore, by joining forces with Emperor Xiezhi and uniting the power of the three top powerhouses to deal with the Golden Dragon King, there is hope that the Golden Dragon King can be strangled to death within the Qinglang Cave!

"First, when you swear that you will do your best to help me seize the treasure in the final stage, you must at the same time swear that you will never reveal the fact that I and the two of you are teaming up to strangle the Golden Dragon King!"

"Secondly, this emperor will only help the two of you in the dark. Once you find out that the matter of jointly besieging and killing the Golden Dragon King may be leaked, you will immediately withdraw. You must not have any objections!"

"Thirdly, how to create a process that can besiege and kill the Golden Dragon King in secret, this emperor will never participate, and will only help the two of you with all your strength at the critical moment when they jointly strangle the Golden Dragon King!"

This Emperor Xiezhi said a few conditions, in fact, he did not want to join forces to deal with the Golden Dragon King, so as not to be chased and killed by the strong in the fairy world in the future!

For this, although Liu Chen and Zhan Yun were very disdainful, they could only agree to all his conditions, and began to solemnly make oaths with the two subordinates!

. . . . . .

On the Flame Mountain, Du Long shot towards the highest mountain in the northwest, and encountered countless flame attacks along the way. Only after the introduction of Jie Linglinger did he understand that there were only two types of flames that attacked him.

One kind of flame is orange-red, which is Xianyuan fire, and the other kind of flame is a higher level, which is fiery red, called Taiyi real fire!

Although the difference is only one level, the power between the two is worlds apart. Where the fiery red Taiyi real fire passes, even the surrounding space will faintly fluctuate. If it is to be swept head-on, There will be absolutely no bones left!


Another burst of fiery red Taiyi True Fire burst out and spewed towards Du Long, frightening him so much that his hairs stood on end, he hurriedly dodged to dodge!

Taiyi Zhenhuo dangerously and dangerously swept across from behind him obliquely. Although separated by a certain distance, it still formed a huge heat wave and threw Du Long forward in a state of embarrassment!

"Damn!" Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Du Long turned around in astonishment and looked at the invisible flames that swept through the many tung trees and dissipated into the invisible, and said rudely on the spot: "Is this too exaggerated?! No wonder the whole flame Except for this kind of fire paulownia tree, there is no other vegetation on the mountain! All the emotions have been burned away?!"

"Hee hee! If it weren't for the protection of the Great Cave Array, these fire paulownia trees might not be spared!" Jie Linglinger responded with a sweet smile at the right time.

"Ling'er! I said that this flaming mountain is so dangerous, isn't it true that many passers-by cannot reach the top of the highest peak alive?! This...for a top-grade spirit weapon, the risk is too great, right? !” Du Long muttered a little depressed.

"You already have two top-grade spiritual weapons, so naturally you don't think they are very important. Compared with many spiritual masters in your world, a top-grade spiritual weapon at your fingertips represents whether you can become a top-level powerhouse. Good stuff!" Jie Lingling'er was obviously a little dissatisfied with his words.

With a raised brow, Du Long immediately nodded and replied: "What you said is not unreasonable, let's take the great-grandfather of Ziyun Sect as an example! If he can have a top-grade spiritual weapon, he can become a top-level powerhouse, then, Ziyunzong's status in the Immortal League will be much higher in no time!"

"You finally figured it out?! Hee hee, that's right! Because of this, many people are willing to risk their lives to venture into these dangerous caves!" Jie Lingling nodded in satisfaction. He responded with a smile: "More importantly, there is definitely more than just top-grade spiritual weapons inside this Qinglang Cave! It should also have higher-level good things than top-quality spiritual weapons!"

"Oh?!" Du Long, who was not very interested in the treasures in Qinglang Cave, immediately lit up his eyes: "Ling'er! Tell me, what treasure can be more advanced than the top-grade Lingbing? If it's just those fairy soldiers from the fairy world, us spiritual practitioners can't display their true power, but they are not even as good as ordinary low-grade spiritual soldiers!"

"Are you ignorant?! Just imagine, why did the lost inheritance treasure of the Dragon Clan allow the Dragon Clan to appear invincible in this world?! It is because they have a treasure that can greatly increase their combat power! "Jie Lingling explained shaking his head.

"Ling'er! You mean, in Qinglang Cave, besides the dragon heritage treasures that the Dragon Emperor is trying to find, there are also super treasures of the same level as the dragon heritage treasures?!" Du Long finally said to Qinglang Cave. Treasures aroused great interest.

"Exactly!" Jie Lingling nodded without hesitation.

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