Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 64 Becoming a VIP

"Fire dragon?" Du Long didn't pay attention to the pride of the ring spirit beauty, and suddenly this term popped up in his mind. There are pictures of fire dragons in books, but they don't look like the little guy in front of him!

"Fire dragon is just a general term for fire-attributed dragons! This little guy is definitely not an ordinary fire dragon!" Obviously knowing what Du Long was thinking, the ring spirit beauty followed suit: "This little guy is more powerful than ordinary fire dragons!" That's a lot! Little guy, show off your trick and let him open his eyes!"

"Okay! Look at my fire source bomb!"

The ring spirit beauty's words seemed to be very effective. Xiao Jinjing immediately raised her head, her body swelled several times in an instant, and then suddenly opened her mouth towards a rock several meters high in the distance, and a fiery red energy bomb shot out instantly, towards The tall rock shot away.


With a loud noise, the boulder was shattered into fragments, and a mighty flame was ignited at the scene. Fortunately, there were no trees around that area, and only a piece of grass with a radius of more than ten meters was scorched.

Du Long and Xia Qinglian were dumbfounded as they watched the huge boulder several meters high turn into charred black fragments in an instant. They didn't expect this little guy to be so amazing. ?


Swallowing, Du Long looked at Xiao Jinjing in disbelief and said, "Isn't this too arrogant?"

"Hehe, I can only fire two fire source bombs at most a day, and I can only fire more powerful fire source bombs after the second evolution in the future!" Jin Jing, who had recovered her small and cute appearance, seemed a little uncomfortable. It's so embarrassing.

Who would have thought that such a terrifying guy would actually be a shy child at heart?

"It's already very powerful! Hehe!" With a smile, Du Long couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart: "By the way, Xiao Jinjing, why did you suddenly evolve? It wasn't because of me before that you Has your strength dropped a lot?"

"Hehe, sister Ling'er is responsible for all of this!" Xiao Jinjing's answer made Du Long feel a little baffled.

Before he could open his mouth to ask, the beautiful voice of the ring spirit came from his mind: "This little guy has great potential, but unfortunately, it's a waste of money to be by your master's side! Apart from giving it food and drink all day long, Don't care about anything else! Fortunately, my aunt is here, and there are still some ways to make the little guy grow up normally!"

Touching his nose in embarrassment, Du Long really didn't have the dignity that his master should have in front of the powerful ring spirit beauty. In short, he himself is used to it.

"Anyway! Hehe, I still have to thank the beautiful sister Linger! In short, in the future, Xiao Jinjing and I will rely on sister Linger to make more arrangements!"

Inside the Royal Academy, Du Long took Xia Qinglian's jade hand without hesitation, and strode towards the stables at the entrance of the academy. A few figures caught his attention from afar.

It was the grandson of the Fan family that he didn't want to meet very much——Fan Tong!

This kid looks pretty good, but the arrogance on his face made Du Long feel very uncomfortable. Coupled with the experience of the previous life, he hated him even more. It's a pity that no matter whether it is himself or the power of the family, he can't fight for the time being. People, he can only bury his hatred in his heart.

"Look, look! That's Fan Tong, the sixth-level strength of the cyclone. I heard that he, Wei Yiming, and Yang Yunfeng in the entire academy reached the sixth-level strength of the cyclone before the age of 20. It is estimated that he will be promoted to the fourth grade of the martial arts department next year. La!"

"To reach the sixth level of the cyclone before the age of twenty, even if you take the second-grade spiritual liquid twice, it will be powerful enough!"

"It is worthy of being the grandson of the existence of the three major spiritual ranks of the empire, and this martial arts talent is so amazing!"

Du Long could hear people pointing and pointing at Fan Tong from time to time on the side of the road. In the Royal Academy, the top son of the Fan family has a lot of fame. .

Grinning, Du Long didn't bother to pay attention to the son of the Fan family. He took Xia Qinglian's jade hand and walked towards the stable. Then he took a Du's war horse, and the two of them sat on the horse towards the academy together. He patted his horse and galloped away at the gate.

Inadvertently, Fan Tong just turned his head and saw Xia Qinglian who was riding on horseback with Du Long, and asked a follower beside him in amazement: "Isn't that a brat from the Du family? Let's ride with him Who is the girl? Is she also a freshman in our academy?"

"Young master! That brat is Du Long, the ninth son of the Du family. The one riding with him is Xia Qinglian, who was redeemed from the Zuixiang Building. I heard that Du Zhentian adopted her as a righteous daughter, and she was called a righteous daughter. You know that Yes, it will definitely be cheaper for the Du family boy in the future!"

"It's really a flower stuck in cow dung! Why didn't I notice the beauty Xia Qinglian?"

"Young master spends most of his daily life in painstaking practice. Although he has occasionally been to the Zuixiang Tower, even if he sees Xia Qinglian, that whore is pretending to be innocent and covering her face with a white silk scarf, so it is normal to miss this beauty! Listen to me It is said that Fan Wei cares about this Xia Qinglian very much, when Du Long made a fuss in Zuixianglou, he even beat Mr. Wei severely!"

"Oh? There is such a thing? Let Xiaowei come over when you have time. I want to see if the Du family kid has the courage to touch my Fan family?" Fan Tong looked disdainful, obviously Don't take Du Long very seriously.

Du Long didn't know about this. He didn't know that someone had already turned his attention to himself and Xia Qinglian. I don't know if everything that happened before rebirth would repeat itself?

In Zhenbaozhai, the war horse was handed over to the guards at the gate of Zhenbaozhai. Du Long led Xia Qinglian into the gate together, and the familiar female waitress greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Young master, what treasures are you going to buy today?"

"Hehe, I came to Zhenbao Zhai today, not to buy treasures, on the contrary, I came to sell treasures!"

"Sell baby?"

"That's right! As far as I know, Guibaozhai not only sells treasures, but also buys all kinds of treasures, right?"

"I don't know what kind of treasure the young master is going to sell in Zhenbaozhai?"

"One grade spiritual liquid!"

"A first-grade elixir? As long as our elixir appraiser appraises the quality of the elixir, we will purchase 90% of the selling price for the corresponding grade of elixir!"

"Ninety percent? Alright then! Please take me to meet your elixir appraiser!"

After some questions and answers, Du Long, under the enthusiastic guidance of the waitress, entered the appraising room of Zhenbaozhai, where three or five appraisers were sitting around and chatting about family affairs. Seeing a waiter leading the guests in, one of them The old man said, "What treasures does this guest need to appreciate?"

"Master Xi, this young master wants to appreciate a piece of spiritual liquid, and he said that he wants to sell it to our Zhenbaozhai!" The waitress immediately replied.

"Oh! Pill appraisal, that's the old man's job, hehe, little guy, come to me!" The old man called Master Xuan immediately became interested, and waved to Du Long with a smile.

Du Long was not polite, and walked over immediately, and all the treasure appraisers on the side also surrounded him curiously. It seems that the treasure appraisers in Zhenbaozhai are free enough.

He took out ten jade bottles from the package he had prepared a long time ago. He didn't want to reveal the secret that he possessed the space ring in front of outsiders. If you know, the consequences can be imagined!

"These... ten bottles are all first-grade spiritual liquid?" Looking at the ten jade bottles that Du Long carelessly placed on the table, Master Xuan was obviously a little dumbfounded.

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