Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 618 Shooting by Meteor

In the Blue Moon Camp, countless people stared in the air in astonishment at the youngest military god and god of war in the legend of the Star Continent!

In various countries in the Star Continent, the young man who was born in the Haotian Empire, the youngest commander-in-chief of the imperial army in the Star Continent, the one who was awarded the title of Military God for his achievements in military cultivation, and the one who was awarded the title of Military God for his achievements in martial arts. The world has given him the existence of a god of war!

Today, he once again let the world see his terrifying side. Only a few years after leaving the Star Continent, he was already able to bravely fight against the six-person team of Void Return Stage and Divine Transformation Perfection on his own!

First, he killed two perfect gods, and then he killed three eagles with one arrow. He also showed countless people the legendary scene of him bending his bow and shooting meteors into the sun several times!

Under the protection of the crowd, the second prince Jin Shencheng’s eyes were wide open and full of disbelief. He was unwilling to believe everything he saw with his eyes, but he knew very well that everything was absolutely real!

While he was deceiving himself, he began to feel a little uneasy about the next direction of the situation. He could vaguely feel that the plan that seemed to be successful this time might be in vain just because of Du Long's appearance!

‘Can’t lose, can’t lose! Yu Qingzong's fool, kill him quickly, kill him. . . ’ Looking at the battle in mid-air with slightly ferocious eyes, the second prince shouted crazily in his heart.

Below the battlefield, Princess Qingling and Princess Qingwen, protected by Little Dragon Girl Honglin and Feng'er, were able to watch the battle in mid-air with peace of mind. With their strength, they could not see Du Long's movement trajectory clearly at all, and could only Seeing where he passed, two men in black were chopped in half, and finally he shot a terrifying crossbow arrow, which instantly passed through the figures of three men in black!

After seeing all this clearly, the eyes of these two beautiful girls, who had long been secretly attracted to Du Longfang, flashed with splendor, their beautiful big eyes widened, and they stared unblinkingly at the killer who was killing everyone in mid-air. That muscular figure!

After the second transformation, Du Long's figure was obviously much stronger than in his normal state, giving people a feeling of explosive power, but in the eyes of women, he was full of masculinity!

In mid-air, Du Long watched in shock as he hit three enemies with one arrow. As soon as he saw the four opponents forming a straight line, he subconsciously took out the Moon Chasing Crossbow, raised his hand and shot an arrow!

All this was just a subconscious reaction. Unexpectedly, the results were brilliant, killing three birds with one stone!

The man in black, who was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, was shot in the heart, and his whole heart was shot out. Naturally, he died on the spot. The second man in black, who had completed the transformation, felt in danger, and was blocked by his companions in front. For a moment, he could only dodge to the left, but in the end he still couldn't dodge and was hit by an arrow in the right rib!

A gap as big as a bowl appeared in the right rib area. Wherever the huge hole passed, the kidneys and intestines near this area were instantly pierced, causing extremely fatal injuries. Although it did not kill him on the spot, it was still in danger. That’s it!

Finally, there is the guy in the Void Return Stage. There are three figures in front of this guy. He originally thought that even if there was danger, it would be blocked by the guy in front, so he was a little careless!

When he realized that the danger was approaching, he immediately made a dodge action. Unfortunately, he failed to understand what the danger was. As a result, the wrist holding the sword was instantly shot away by a crossbow arrow!


With a scream, this perfect being of returning to the void suddenly jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He knew very clearly that even the six companions working together were no match for Du Long, let alone the current situation. An important wrist for holding a sword is missing!

This guy's screams woke up Du Long, who had fallen into a sluggish state. He didn't have time to reflect on the terrifying piercing power of the Moon God Crossbow. After turning his hand and putting away the Moon God Crossbow, his body suddenly started to walk on the wind. Fa Dian turned around and chased after the Void Return master who was about to escape.

Not far away, Liu Yan, who was surrounded by hundreds of Chifeng Palace soldiers, would watch Du Long's battle from the corner of his eye from time to time. When he saw this dramatic scene, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

The sudden change made him forget the reality that he was being besieged by several powerful demon clansmen who had reached the perfect spiritual elixir level. For a moment, he was distracted, and the consequences could be imagined!


The moment he reacted, several attacks were already approaching. Amidst the screams, he crushed the random teleportation talisman he had prepared in his hand!

Golden formations flashed one after another. Unfortunately, Liu Yan, who was expected to teleport away even though he was slightly injured, never expected that random teleportation formations flashed, but he still stayed in place and was not teleported away!

As a result, the consequences would be extremely fatal. Several attacks passed by him in an instant. Liu Yan didn't even understand until he died. He had clearly calculated that he would teleport out of danger before the attacks had time to be fatal, but the result was... Transfer failed? !

In fact, the ring spirit Ling'er, who had been secretly paying attention to the entire battlefield, discovered that Liu Yan was preparing to escape from the battlefield by randomly teleporting talismans, so he immediately temporarily blocked the space in this area, so that the teleportation talismans immediately became ineffective!

This ability of the Ring Spirit Ling'er has already been demonstrated when Du Long dealt with the enemy as the Golden Dragon King. However, no one knew that Du Long had this Yin man's unique skill. Many people died after discovering this situation. Go tell outsiders!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! How can a little guy who has been practicing on an overseas fairy island for several years have the strength to compete with the Void-Returning Level?!" The man in black at the Void-Returning Level broke his wrist and began to run away quickly. He murmured in horror.

Through the corner of his eye, he could see Du Long approaching him at a terrifying speed, much faster than himself. This made him, who had just lost his arm, feel an inexplicable feeling of fear in his heart!

Holding the Red Flame Slash in his right hand, Du Long turned over his left hand and took out the Moon Chasing Crossbow. Then he began to rewind the bow while pursuing it. It would be easier to use a long-range weapon for this pursuit!

Seeing the moon-chasing divine crossbow in Du Long's hand blooming with dazzling light, and having just experienced the terror of this divine crossbow in person, a chill began to surge down the spine of this strong man returning to the void. Driven by fear, he suddenly With a wild roar, he accelerated and ran forward.

Du Long naturally didn't want to let go of this big fish. Since he had already broken up with the Liu family of Yuqingzong this time, there was no need to show any mercy, so he stepped away and sped up to catch up!


Finally, the Moon-Chasing Crossbow was successfully cocked, and the distance between Du Long and the guy was much closer. Holding the Red Flame Slash tightly in his right hand, he suddenly swung it forward, and a fiery red air blade flashed out and went straight ahead. The man in black at the Return to Void Stage shot away with electricity.

No matter how hard he ran away, he couldn't even match Du Long's speed, let alone such a powerful attacking air blade!

Knowing that there was no way to avoid it, this guy could only turn around, took out a long sword with his left hand and swung out a cyan air blade with all his strength, and met the flame air blade shot by Du Long.


The two energy blades met and made a huge muffled sound, instantly forming a terrifying shock wave that spread in all directions. Below was the camp of Blue Moon's million-strong army, which happened to be the first to bear the brunt!

For a time, sand and rocks were flying, tents were knocked down, and people were flying. At least thousands of people suffered disasters because they were close to each other. Most of them suffered minor injuries, and a few even lost their lives innocently!

The man in black at the Return to Void level chose to continue running for his life under the huge counter-shock. His figure was naturally affected by the huge counter-shock and seemed a little staggering. Du Long closed his eyes slightly and raised his hand to launch the Moon God Crossbow. The best new crossbow arrows were fired.


A blazing white meteor appeared out of thin air, instantly piercing the sky and shooting straight towards the man in black at the Void Return level. Under the calculation of Ring Spirit Ling'er, just when he staggered, his old strength had exhausted his new strength. When it was fired, the terrifying crossbow arrow hit the body!

The man in black at the Void Return level instantly calculated that something was not going to happen and hurriedly crushed a teleportation talisman with energy. Golden light formations flashed and instantly enveloped his entire body. When he was about to teleport him away, he was as expected. Things went wrong again!

In this way, to outsiders, the blazing white meteor shot by Du Long instantly hit a golden energy ball. He once again staged a meteor shooting to countless people!

"No...how is this possible?!" This Void Return-level being instantly understood that the space he was in was locked, causing the teleportation talisman to suddenly fail. He finally understood what happened when Liu Yan was killed not long ago. .

The blazing white energy arrow instantly pierced his back, penetrated the ventricle, and shot out from the chest. The entire heart was shot directly through a huge gap, and the blood in the body lost its power source and scattered in all directions!

That Liu Yan didn't understand why the teleportation talisman failed until his death. Although this Void Return-level being knew the reason, he didn't know why the air-locking formation would be activated in his own territory?

Feeling the loss of blood supply to his head, he began to gradually fall into a coma. This Void Return-level being felt that his vision went dark and he knew nothing.

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