Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 611 Life-saving straw

The capital of the Blue Moon Empire was besieged by millions of Blue Moon troops, completely sieging the entire Blue Moon Capital!

No matter how capable the second prince is, he can only pull together such a million-strong mob, which is nothing compared to a behemoth like the Haotian Empire!

Unfortunately, it is precisely because they have a large number of masters with strength above the spiritual level that the Haotian Empire has no choice but to resort to rat weapons. All armies have received orders to be on guard and on standby and cannot take the initiative to attack!

This created a strange situation. Millions of elite troops, including tens of thousands of elite Monster Beast Cavalry Corps soldiers, were surrounded by millions of mobs and were unable to move in the capital!

The west gate of the Capital Palace, where the Blue Moon Emperor's headquarters was originally located, has now become a temporary headquarters where the generals of the Haotian Army gather to discuss matters. The generals of the various legions gather here every day to discuss strategies to retreat from the enemy!

Although we know that in terms of military strength, we can completely defeat the enemy forces outside the city without relying on the support of other armies. The reason why we can't retreat is because the enemy has a large number of strong men with spiritual power and above, but the military meetings here are held every day. As long as the war does not end, the daily military aircraft meeting at this frontline headquarters cannot be interrupted. This is a routine!


"His grandma! This battle was so fucking useless! A mere million people surrounded us all in the Blue Moon Capital City. What kind of thing is this?! I, Tieniu, really miss the time I had with Martial King Du It was such a joy to fight together with Marshal Long on the battlefield!" Inside the temporary headquarters, there was an ear-splitting slap on the table, followed by the angry scolding of Tieniu, the deputy general of the Demonic Beast Cavalry Corps.

In the past few days, there have been continuous military meetings and talks, but in the end they can't get around the enemy's group of spiritual masters who appear out of nowhere. If these people are not dealt with, there will be no need to discuss anything else. That's it. Form a dead knot!

If this knot cannot be untied, not to mention that the war situation cannot be opened, even the Haotian royal family may be slaughtered, and everything will be over by then!

Although they were on the front line, the military commanders in the city still received news from the rear. The old emperor was captured alive by the enemy, and the Haotian royal family was threatened with genocide. Whether to advance or retreat, everything had to wait for the emperor's final decision!

In the temporary headquarters, the commanders of all the armies looked ugly. Not to mention the fiery-tempered Tieniu, even some of the calm-tempered generals couldn't calm down when faced with this deadlock!

"Could it be that! Under the leadership of Marshal Du Long, the King of Martial Arts, the country that we fought so hard to conquer must be so easily handed back to that bullshit second prince?! This second prince who eats people without spitting out their bones is Ruozhongzhanglan. With the power of the Moon Empire, won't we people be beaten back to our original form? Are we going to be slaves again?!" Kang Tuo, the leader of the former slaves who returned to Germany, also roared with grief and indignation.

"Report...report..." Just when the generals were feeling helpless and angry about the current situation, there was a burst of hurried shouting from outside the gate, and a herald rushed in quickly and kneeled directly. Kneeling down to report: "Report to all generals! A message arrow was just shot from outside the south gate, and the enemy sent a secret letter!"

"Send it up!" Xu Yin, the general in charge of the defense of the Blue Moon Empire's capital city, temporarily took over as the commander-in-chief. The generals of the various legions who came to support the Blue Moon Capital City had to listen to his orders for the time being.

After receiving a sealed letter from the herald, Xu Yin opened the envelope in front of everyone, and then began to read the secret letter. As time went by, his face became more and more ugly, and finally he raised his head and turned to the side. The grassland king Harujie looked at it.

According to the defense line of the New Haotian Empire, the capital of the Blue Moon Empire belongs to the area jointly defended by the Western Front Theater and the Middle Front Theater, and is a key defense area!

The grassland army and the slave army both belong to the Western Front War Zone, so they naturally need to send one or two legions each to assist in defense. The Middle War Zone also sends the Dunwu Legion commanded by General Fan of the Qin and Han Dynasties to support.

These legions who came to support the capital of the Blue Moon Empire were finally besieged and unable to move in the capital of the Blue Moon Empire!

"What?! Could it be that the matter mentioned in the secret letter has something to do with this king?!" Prairie King Harujie asked with a puzzled face. Not only him, but others also saw a clue in Xu Yin's eyes. This letter must have something to do with the Prairie King!

Nodding, Xu Yin stood up, personally delivered the secret letter to the Prairie King and said: "King Harujie! It would be better for you to check this secret letter in person!"

Frowning, Harujie was not polite. He directly reached out to take the secret letter and read it in front of everyone. The generals all focused their eyes on him and could see his face changing from dark to bright, and by the end he had turned livid. one slice!


"I'm fucking Jin Shencheng!" After snapping a few shots, the Prairie King unexpectedly shouted angrily: "This son of a bitch, as General Guide said, he is even more of a bastard than his father. A hundred times more sinister!"

"What's the matter?! What happened? Why is King Harujie so angry?!" Qin Hanfan, the leader of the New Dunwu Army, asked with confusion on his face.

"Alas..." With a long sigh, Harujie sat down again and pointed at Xu Yin: "It's better for General Xu to explain this to everyone! I'm really pissed off!"

Seeing that everyone was focusing their attention on him, Xu Yin shook his head and said: "This letter was sent in the name of the second prince Jin Shencheng. It said that they captured Yu wanted to rush to the overseas fairy island from the Immortal Alliance to find King Wu. Princess Qingling, whom Marshal Du Long moved to rescue, and Princess Ouyang Qingwen of the Chishui Kingdom also fell into their hands!"

"And use this to threaten the King of the Grassland, asking him to lead all the Hassan people in Qingyun Grassland to surrender as soon as possible, so that he can be forgiven for his sin of betraying the Blue Moon Empire. If he is willing to marry Princess Qingling to him, he will definitely grant her the title As the queen, I will have eternal friendship with the grassland tribe from now on!"

Wow. . .

After listening to Xu Yin's story, the generals at the scene were in an uproar. Tieniu, the deputy general of the Demonic Beast Cavalry Regiment, even muttered: "Wow! The conditions offered are really generous, even I was a little excited after hearing it! It's a pity that I don't have a daughter who looks like a fairy under my strong knees, hehe..."

"Hahaha..." Hearing Tieniu's half-joking words, the originally slightly depressing atmosphere immediately changed, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

"Based on my understanding of the second prince Jin Shencheng, he is a master who will tear down the bridge after crossing the river. Once he is allowed to regain control of the entire Blue Moon Empire, the life of the grassland people will probably be very difficult. Although in the early stage it will be difficult because of Qing Ling The princess gave him a little preferential treatment, but once this heartless and unrighteous man's novelty towards the princess disappears, disaster will follow for the prairie people!" With a cold smile, Kang Tuo, the commander of the Returned Army, reiterated his words. Analyzed with a face.

"What General Guide said is completely consistent with what I think in my heart! For the millions of people in my Qingyun Grassland, I will not hesitate to sacrifice my precious daughter, but... Now the royal family of the Haotian Empire is threatened by the enemy. This king is afraid... Haotian will give up on my Qingyun Grassland..." Prairie King Harujie's originally firm gaze became a little confused in the end.

Many of the leaders and deputy generals of Emperor Haotian's regiment were at the side, but they didn't know how to comfort him at this moment. After all, the possibility of what he said was very high. As generals of Haotian, you couldn't make sarcastic remarks here, right? !

For a moment, everyone at the scene fell into a horrifying depression again. Everyone's faces were ugly, and they were all thinking about the possibility mentioned by the Prairie King!

Once this possibility comes true, the strength of the Haotian Empire will be greatly reduced. It is also unknown how this open-minded prairie king will deal with himself in the future. Will he have to bow down to the insidious and cunning second prince? !

In addition to the dilemma that the Prairie King will find himself in, how will the two legions of Guide, including the former slave legions, and the many legions who returned to Haotian from the Blue Moon Empire deal with themselves? !

"Alas! Don't worry, everyone! There is absolutely no possibility of what the Prairie King said. As long as I, Du Long, am not dead, I will never let this happen!" At this moment, an extremely familiar voice spoke to everyone present. Ringing in the ears.

In the entire temporary headquarters, everyone stared in astonishment, looking east and west in disbelief. They all wondered if they were delusional due to too much pressure.

"Then...that...that...did you just...did you hear that?!" Prairie King Harujie opened his eyes wide and looked around, but did not see Du Long's figure. He stuttered and asked the generals on the side incoherently.

"Could it be that...you...you all heard it too?! That was...Marshal Du Long's voice just now?! Oh my god?! I thought I was dreaming?!" Tieniu interjected with a buzz, There was also an obvious vibrato in his voice.

"Yes, that's right! I heard it, I heard it too, it's definitely Marshal Du Long's voice... Marshal, Marshal! Are you back?!" Kang Tuo, the leader of the Guide Army, stood up tremblingly. Come on, due to being too excited, his legs were so weak that he couldn't control himself, and he couldn't stand firmly. He could only use his arms to tightly support himself on the armrests of the chair.

In the entire temporary command post, all the generals stood up at this moment, and each one was so excited that tears filled their eyes. They all looked outside the gate. They could have walked out of the gate directly, but none of them could move around normally.

Outside the gate of the temporary command post, three figures, one man and two women, appeared in the yard outside the gate as if teleporting. The leader was the Marshal Du Long whom everyone had longed for!

As for the two beauties following him, no one cares whether they are the marshal's wives at this moment. For everyone present, as long as Du Long comes back, they are like drowning people grabbing a life-saving straw. Generally speaking, I never want to let go!

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