Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 61 Sand table deduction 1

"Although what the young master said is reasonable, but...but can't you see it?" Xia Qinglian continued hesitantly.

"What can't be seen?" Du Long asked with some doubts.

"Can't you see Princess Huofeng's... affection for Young Master?"

In the end, Xia Qinglian almost gritted her teeth and said this, no matter what, her feelings for Du Long were sincere, and asking her to match up with other women for Du Long, this kind of thing really needs a big heart.

Because of her background, it is impossible to become the main wife of the grandson of the Du family, and Princess Huofeng has a great favor for her, and she lives in the same room these days, treating her like a sister, Xia Qinglian naturally hopes that Du Long will When you marry a wife in the future, you must also marry a woman who will treat you better!

Out of comprehensive consideration of many aspects, she also hesitated for a long time, and then she became ruthless and expressed Princess Huofeng's intentions. After observing for a long time, she knew that Du Long probably didn't know that Her Highness the Princess had feelings for him.

"Princess Huofeng is in love with me?" Sure enough, as Xia Qinglian guessed, Du Long pointed at the tip of his nose and laughed in disbelief: "Haha, how is it possible! She is a majestic imperial princess, What am I? I’m just the notorious second ancestor of the capital city of the empire, what can I do? Impossible, absolutely impossible! She should just treat me like a little brother!”

"That's right! She doesn't have affection for me, she just treats me as a younger brother, at best it's just a family affection with pity!"

Staring fixedly at Du Long who couldn't believe it, and kept looking for excuses to justify his arguments, Xia Qinglian sighed softly: "Oh! Young Master, you must be the son of the second-rank general of the empire, and the grandson of the Du family! Sixteen years old If you become a student of the Martial Arts Department of Haotian Royal Academy, your future achievements will be limitless, why should you belittle yourself?"

"When you were young, you were despised by others because of your physical problems. Now, who dares to despise your son? Now go to the street and see who dares to disrespect you like before. ?”

Like a blow to the head, Du Long was dumbfounded. What Xia Qinglian said was right, she had been blindly living in the inferiority complex of the past ten years. Although after being reborn, this inferiority complex had weakened a lot, but deep down, it was still hidden deep in her heart. Have an inferiority complex.

It is also because of this that on weekdays, Princess Huofeng's kindness to her is regarded as her elder sister's care for her younger brother. In fact, is this really the case?

Shaking his head violently, Du Long showed a wry smile: "Qinglian, maybe, what you said is right! But, after all, Princess Huofeng is the princess of the empire, and she can't even decide who she will marry in the future. Dare to dream, besides, when I reach the age where I must marry, can I just marry you and come in? Ha ha!"

"Who is going to marry you?" After giving him a coquettish look, Xia Qinglian lowered her head shyly and muttered, she rarely showed such a charming appearance in front of Du Long, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.

It seemed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Xia Qinglian raised her head just in time to see the young master she had admired for a long time was staring at her with burning eyes, and she did not conceal the strange emotion in her eyes. eyes are intertwined.

At such a close distance, and at the age of first love, Du Long couldn't bear it, as if attracted by a huge magnet, his head slowly poked his head towards the beautiful face that was close at hand.

Xia Qinglian stood there as if she had been frightened, her beautiful face was flushed, her beautiful eyes were looking at the handsome face that was getting closer and closer, she could feel a masculine breath getting closer, and in the end she could only feel ashamed Forbiddenly closed his eyes!

The moment the two lips touched, an electric current seemed to flow through the two of them suddenly. At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the young couple could not feel its passage at all.

As if feeling a little embarrassing in this scene, the little golden snake on Du Long's arm hurriedly buried the snake's head in his sleeve, looking so cute that I couldn't see it.

"Hmm! Kid, it's getting late, it's time to go back to have lunch! There's a military training class in the afternoon that you need to study in person!" Just as Du Long was entering a happy state, he couldn't help stretching out his arms to hug Xia Qinglian, The voice of the ring spirit beauty suddenly resounded in his mind.

Secretly rolled his eyes, Du Long could only let go of the beautiful woman in his arms depressedly, and said embarrassingly with his old face flushed, "Qing... Lian! Hehe, it's time to go down the mountain, and there is a military training class in the afternoon!"

At this moment, Xia Qinglian still kept her eyes tightly closed, and when she heard Du Long's voice, she immediately lowered her head and replied shyly: "Yes! Then let's go down the mountain!"

After she finished speaking, she was embarrassed to look up at Du Long, and slowly got up from the grass, looking extremely shy!

Standing up, he stretched out his hand to hug her thin willow waist lovingly, Du Long didn't say much, and expressed his heart directly with his actions, just walking down the mountain with his arms around the beauty.

This area is inaccessible, mainly because there is no mountain road leading directly to this place. These are nothing to Du Long and Xia Qinglian who have practiced Fengxingbu. They hugged the soft and boneless beauty lightly and moved forward with ease. Soon came to a mountain road, along the mountain road towards the direction of the college quickly.

The Royal Academy, the Department of Military Training has a public military training hall. This military training hall is a public place where all military training courses can be learned. Since there is only one military training hall in the academy, there are many classes in the college that can use it, like Du The class of Long can only arrange to use at most three classes per month.

It is also because of this that this class is designated as a compulsory course by the ring spirit beauty. If Du Long wants to develop in the military in the future, this kind of practical course is very important!

He had attended a class in the military training hall before, and he was quite familiar with it here. After a quick lunch, he led Xia Qinglian and rushed over here.

It seems that they have long been used to the two of them being so elusive, and Princess Huofeng and others didn't say much. Of course, a polite meal is inevitable. Be polite!

The military training hall, as the name suggests, is a place where troops are arranged on the sand table for a simulated confrontation between the two armies!

This thing sounds a bit like talking about war on paper, but in practice, it is really very similar to leading the army to fight, and it is much more fun than those chess games.

As first-year freshmen, Du Long and others have not yet had the opportunity to lead their own troops to show off their skills in the simulated sand table. What they are learning now is only the elementary knowledge of the sand table simulation drill, in fact, they are learning the various rules of the sand table formation!

Whether it is playing chess or actually leading troops to fight, this sand table simulates the formation of troops, and then of course there are rules for the confrontation between the two armies. It can only be done according to the rules, and the final outcome will also be judged according to the rules. Never mess around!

The military trainer stood in front of a huge sand table. At this moment, the sand table was simulated as the terrain of a certain location on the border of the Haotian Empire, including hills, narrow valleys, grasslands, etc. It was a sand table where various terrains blended together.

On the sand table, red and blue flags are fully inserted at both ends of the sand table. The patterns on the red and blue flags are different, including infantry, cavalry, archers and so on.

In fact, as early as the first grade classroom of the martial arts department, there was a general explanation of this kind of sand table military promotion rules. Now I just review it in front of the real sand table. Everyone learns very quickly. After the military training instructor gave a general introduction, Start pointing at the sand table to solve it!

"The sand table terrain you see now is the Chilong Gorge where the Haotian Empire, the Blue Moon Empire, and the Chishui Kingdom meet. Today I will mainly tell you about the famous battle—the Battle of the Chilong Gorge!"

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