Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 608 Resurrection

"Oh my god! Then... isn't that Princess Fire Phoenix, and the consort, Marshal Du Long, and his family?! Actually... they can all fly in the air?!"

"Marshal Du Long is back, Marshal Du Long is back! Now it's better, our Haotian Empire is saved!"


On the walls of the Haotian Capital City, countless soldiers finally saw the identity of the visitor, and they were all talking excitedly. What happened in the past two years made the soldiers of the Haotian Empire, who were almost in despair, finally see a glimmer of hope. !

"General Du! Marshal Du Long! You are back. If you don't come back, our Haotian Empire may be in danger!" On the city wall, Yue Zhongxiong faced a group of people flying towards him with red eyes.

"What the hell is going on?!" Mr. Du Fengzhong stood out from the crowd and asked in a deep voice: "We have only left the Star Continent for two years, and what happened to the Haotian Empire?!"

"General Du! Something big has happened! This is not the place to talk. Let's go! It's not too late for us to rush to the palace to discuss this matter! I believe that the new and old emperors will be very happy to see you!" Third-grade city defense army Huaihua General Zhou Xiantong said quickly.

"What General Huaihua said is true!" Yue Cuxiong, the bearded Qianniu General, immediately confessed to the golden-armored deputy general beside him: "Hurry up and gather five hundred elite cavalry to escort General Du and others into the palace. Holy!"

"I obey!" The golden-armored deputy general excitedly took the order and rushed to the bottom of the city wall. He quickly ordered five hundred elite cavalry, and specially prepared war horses for Du Long and his group of ten people!

Du Long naturally doesn't know how to ride a war horse. This time he also released Xiao Lie and Sun Yuan, so he can just ride Xiao Lie!

Huofeng and Qinglian were used to riding with him in their early years, so they rode on Xiaolie with Du Long in tandem. As for Feng'er and Honglin, they were particularly interested in the war horses in the human world, and they called out sweetly. After a shout, they each chose a beautiful war horse and rode on it!

Huaihua General Zhou Xiantong still wanted to stay at the south gate of Haotian Capital City. Therefore, only Qianniu General Yue Zhongxiong led 500 elite imperial guards to escort Du Long and his group of ten people, and rushed majestically towards the palace!

Wherever they passed along the way, passers-by ducked aside amid the shouts of the Guardsmen who were clearing the way. The Guardsmen leading the way repeatedly shouted: "The Prince Consort, Marshal Du Long, and his family are back. The rest of the people are waiting for us." avoid!"

This sentence was specially shouted by the Jinjia deputy general to the officers of the Imperial Guard who were leading the way. Many things have happened recently, causing people in Haotian City to panic, and people were asked to release the news that Marshal Du Long and his family had returned from the overseas fairy island. It also has the purpose of calming people’s hearts!

Sure enough, the news about the return of the consort, Marshal Du Long and his family, spread like a gust of wind throughout the capital in an instant. The news was spread in the streets and alleys of the entire capital!

Outside the gate of Haotian Palace, Du Long and his party finally arrived here under the escort of hundreds of elite Imperial Guard soldiers. In peacetime, the palace gate usually remains open and is closely guarded by a large number of elite Imperial Guard soldiers!

However, when Du Long and others arrived outside the palace gate, they saw that the entire palace gate was tightly closed, and a large number of elite imperial guardsmen were heavily defended on the palace wall, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy!

The sharp arrows on countless powerful crossbows flashed with black light, all aimed at Du Long and his party escorted by hundreds of guards below, ready to fight at any time!

Seeing this posture, Du Long and others frowned deeply. They all knew that the Haotian Empire must have encountered an extremely critical event, otherwise it would never be so abnormal. This is definitely a state of first-level combat readiness and ready to fight at any time!

"I am Qianniu General Yue Zhongxiong. I am escorting Princess Fire Phoenix and the consort Marshal Du Long and their family back! Why don't you open the palace gate quickly?!" Yue Zhongxiong deserves to be Yue Xiaoshan's biological father, and his voice is like a bell that shakes people's hearts. .

On the palace wall, a Royal Forest Army general looked at Du Long and others carefully, and soon he recognized Du Fengzhong, his grandson, and Princess Huofeng in the team, and he hurriedly shouted: "Great! Sure enough, General Du and his family are back, come here! Open the palace door quickly and let General Du and his family enter the palace! Report this to the emperor quickly!"

The officers and soldiers of the Royal Guards, who were originally facing a formidable enemy, breathed a sigh of relief and put away their crossbows. These Royal Guardsmen were uniformly issued with powerful repeating crossbows produced by the Dulong Territory Military Factory in Fengli County, and their whole bodies were extremely well-equipped!

Amidst the sounds of machine gunfire, the heavy door of the palace slowly opened. The commander of the Royal Forest Army who was originally standing on the palace wall had already respectfully greeted him out of the palace door: "General Zhang Chen, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, comes to see Her Royal Highness Princess Huofeng! Meet Du. Old General, Marshal Du Long’s Consort!”

"General Zhang, there is no need to be polite! Take us into the palace to meet our father as soon as possible! It has only been a few years, but this princess is very curious about what kind of crisis has befallen our Haotian Empire!" Returning to the Haotian Empire, Princess Fire Phoenix Her status was re-established, so she naturally took the lead in dealing with it.

"Princess Prince Consort, please follow the general into the palace. I believe His Majesty the Emperor has almost received the news of your return!" Zhang Wei politely began to prepare to lead Du Long and his party into the palace, while Qianniu General Yue Zhongxiong on the side said with a cup of his hand. : "Everyone! I, Lao Yue, have to rush back to the south gate to defend the city with General Huaihua, so I won't follow you into the palace to meet the saint. You must visit my Yue Mansion when you have time in the future!"

"General Yue, go slowly. When things get done here, we will definitely come to the house to make trouble. I haven't seen Xiaoshan for several years!" Du Long responded politely, cupping his hands, and then watched Yue Zhongxiong lead hundreds of elite imperial guards. Riding a war horse and galloping towards the south gate of the capital!

"Let's go! We should also enter the palace to meet the emperor. What kind of crisis can actually shake the foundation of our Haotian Kingdom?! Du Long is really curious!" Du Long then turned around and said, and then Under the leadership of Zhang Chen himself, the people went straight to the main hall of the palace.

Outside the main hall of the palace, the emperor personally led a group of core officials to welcome them out of the main hall. Everyone could see excited smiles on their faces. They were obviously particularly surprised by the return of the Du Long family!

"Father!" Seeing the emperor's slightly haggard figure from a distance, Qin Huofeng couldn't wait to fly past, and then flew into the emperor's open arms.

"Haha, I haven't seen you in a few years! My Princess Xiaofeng has grown into a big girl!" The emperor hugged his baby daughter lovingly, and a teasing smile appeared on the emperor's face.

Obviously, the return of the Du Long family made the originally anxious emperor secretly relieved, and the smile that had not been seen for a long time recently returned to his face.

"The humble ministers are here to see the emperor!" Du Fengzhong led Du Zhentian and Du Long to the emperor and bowed respectfully. There was no need for the others to salute. No matter who they were, they were no less than the kings of this mortal world.

"Haha! Okay, great! It's so urgent that the three beloved ladies are back! God has really helped our Haotian Empire and sent the three pillars of the country back to me in this critical moment!" The emperor let go of the treasure in his arms. Daughter, she quickly stretched out her hands to support the arms of the three grandfathers and grandsons of the Du family and said with emotion.

"Your Majesty! What happened?! Logically speaking, our Haotian Empire should have no rivals in the Star Continent!" Du Fengzhong asked with confusion on his face.

"Don't be anxious, General Du. This matter is a long story! It's not too late for us to go into the palace and talk about it slowly and in detail!" The emperor did not tell the story of what happened outside the palace, but began to invite everyone into the palace to talk about it in detail. It’s not too late to talk.

In the main hall of the palace, the emperor sat on the dragon throne and began to tell the story of the incident with a sad and angry look. . .

It turns out that nearly two years ago, not long after Du Fengzhong and his wife, Du Zhentian and his wife, left the Star Continent and went to overseas fairy islands, a mysterious force appeared on the Star Continent!

This force openly aims to oppose the Haotian Empire and support the restoration of the Blue Moon Empire. It supports Jin Shencheng, the second prince of the original Blue Moon Empire who has been missing for a long time. It has attracted a large number of people in the southern region of the Blue Moon Empire who are still obsessed with the Blue Moon Empire to form Raise a sizable army!

Naturally, the Haotian Empire could not allow the Blue Moon Empire to resurrect, so it sent troops to conquer, but the result was unexpectedly unsatisfactory. There were actually many masters of spiritual power in the opponent's camp, and they aimed to assassinate the generals of the Haotian army. , leaving Haotian's army leaderless, and finally defeated like a mountain!

Seeing that the opponent sent out spirit-level experts, Haotian Empire naturally wanted to find a way to deal with it, so it also sent spirit-level experts to deal with it. Unexpectedly, the several spirit-level experts sent by Haotian were like meat buns beating dogs. Come back!

All the spirit-level beings, including the spiritual-level strongman Liu Xuan, died on the battlefield. According to the analysis of the intelligence received, Liu Xuan and others had almost no resistance and were instantly killed by the opponent's spiritual-level strongman. !

After that battle, the old emperor was the only spiritual being left in the entire Haotian Empire. But not long ago, a group of masked men in black openly rushed into the Haotian Palace and kidnapped the old emperor in broad daylight. Got it!

Those people are still making harsh words in the sky above the capital, asking all military groups of the Haotian Empire in the Blue Moon Empire to withdraw to the north side of the Chilong Gorge, Yulin Pass, and Tonghaiguan lines. They will not retreat within a time limit and will be in the Haotian Palace. Go on a killing spree and massacre the entire Haotian royal family!

"Damn it! Why didn't you send people to the overseas fairy islands to inform us when such a serious thing happened?!" Mr. Du Fengzhong has always been loyal to the Haotian Empire, and has an irreconcilable relationship with Liu Xuan and the old emperor. When he first heard about Liu Xuan, Old friend Xuan died on the battlefield, and the old emperor was captured in broad daylight. He was furious on the spot.

The emperor sighed: "Alas! We naturally tried our best to send messages to overseas fairy islands to the trustees, but what a pity! According to reliable intelligence, all letters sent to overseas fairy islands were intercepted by Elder Liu of the Immortal Alliance.

Later, I had no choice but to think of the irreconcilable relationship between Prince Consort Du Long and Su Jinbao from the Baolong Chamber of Commerce! He was asked to find a way to send the letter to the overseas fairy island. What he never expected was that the person sent by the Su family to deliver the letter was intercepted and killed. The Great Elder Liu Changfeng of the Immortal Alliance even used his power in the Immortal Alliance to try his best to To deal with the Su family, the Su family was expelled from the Baolong Chamber of Commerce in the end! "

"This Immortal Alliance does not belong to Liu Changfeng alone. Where are the elders from other sects? And where are the elders from Ziyun Sect stationed here?! They are all just decorations?! Why don't you ask them for help?!" Du Long said with a sullen face and angrily. asked.

He was already furious when he heard that Liu Xuan died in the battle, but when he heard that the Su family had been squeezed out of the Baolong Chamber of Commerce because of the Haotian Empire, the anger in Du Long's chest burst out uncontrollably.

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