Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 588 Dragon Palace Feast

Dragon Palace, above the main hall!

The Dragon Emperor held a grand banquet to entertain all the distinguished guests. In addition to fish and meat, everyone's wine table was filled with all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, and all kinds of undersea specialties, fairy fruits, were dazzling.

In the hall, the extremely enchanting sea dancers danced gracefully, accompanied by various musicians on both sides. Du Long and others enjoyed a formal luxury banquet in the main hall of the Dragon Palace for the first time!

During the dinner, Du Long could clearly feel that the Dragon King already regarded him as a prospective son-in-law. He often said that he should treat Hong Lin well in the future. He also said that it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, as long as he treated Hong Lin well. Well, other titles are not important!

In response to this, Du Long had no way to refute except to secretly smile bitterly. This was in front of the Holy Lin Emperor and Queen Xuanyuan. Once he refuted, where would the Dragon Emperor's face be put? !

Seeing him sitting there on pins and needles, Qin Huofeng, the girl, was winking at him from the side, and from time to time she would have a hearty drink with Xiao Longnu, Hong Lin and others, without even the slightest hint of jealousy.

Obviously, this girl has long accepted Honglin. She has always felt that Qinglian is too gentle and quiet, and there are too few topics to talk about together. Naturally, she will be happy to have one more sister with whom she can talk!

Moreover, she was born in the royal family and was used to the luxurious life of the emperor's three palaces and six courtyards. On the contrary, Du Long repeatedly rejected other women, and even refused to have Qinglian's bridal chamber with her after marriage, which made her feel that it was very abnormal. Phenomenon!

"Golden Dragon King! This time you refused everyone's persuasion and forced your way into Mingshui Yantian Pavilion. To be honest! At the beginning, we didn't expect you to successfully find the Suzaku Key! We thought it would be good if you all came out alive. ! Unexpectedly..." After drinking for three times and talking a lot of polite words, the Dragon King finally got down to the topic.

The initially seemingly casual Emperor Sheng Lin and Queen Xuan Wa raised their eyebrows and secretly pricked up their ears. It seemed that these two emperors had been waiting for the Dragon Emperor to mention this matter.

In fact, Du Long had long seen that the reason why Shenglin Emperor and Queen Xuanyuan accepted the Dragon Emperor's invitation so readily and came to the Dragon Palace for a banquet was because they wanted to find out why they could survive in the Mingshui Yantian Pavilion. retreat.

"To be honest with you three majesties, if you only rely on the power of the golden dragon, you will never be able to safely enter and leave the Mingshui Yantian Pavilion. It is precisely with the help of the master's power secretly that you can successfully find the man with the Suzaku Key in such a dangerous situation. The maritime merchants lurking among them!" Du Long could only blame everything on the mysterious master, which would make it difficult for the Three Emperors to investigate further.

After all, it is related to the secrets of his master's sect, and it would not be appropriate to ask too many questions!

The three emperors looked at each other, and then the Holy Scale Emperor continued to ask: "Brother Jinlong! I don't have much to ask about the secrets of your master's sect. I wonder if you can tell us about the situation inside the Mingshui Yantian Pavilion. And where is that sea merchant hiding with the Suzaku Key? Why did we send thousands of troops in but not even a shadow was seen?!"

Regarding this issue, Du Long had nothing to hide, so he began to introduce the various dangers inside Mingshui Yantian Pavilion. At the end, he added with emotion: "To be honest! That damn merchant made a mess all the way without making any mistakes. It's really a blessing to fall into the Netherwater Lake! Otherwise, once the Suzaku Key falls into the Netherwater Jedi Land, no one will be able to open the Qinglang Cave!"

"There is a destiny somewhere in the world!" Queen Xuanwa nodded and continued: "This means that Qinglang Cave Heaven is destined to be opened!"

"Golden Dragon King!" Because there was a high possibility of him becoming a son-in-law in the future, the Dragon King did not call Du Long his Golden Dragon brother like the other two emperors did: "Why did you agree to sell the spot in the Cave Sky Key this time?! You If you don't want to, I believe no one will dare to do anything to you! At least the three of us will definitely stand by your side!"

"Hehe, if I didn't sell it voluntarily, who could force me?!" Du Long had a domineering sneer on his face: "What a pity! The Zhan brothers, Emperor Haechi, Liu Chen and others all have Those guys who are thief-hearted and have no thief-courage, otherwise, we can take them to the sword this time!"

The three emperors looked at each other again. It can be seen from Du Long's confident expression that he should have a way to deal with the crisis at that time. No wonder that in addition to the Suzaku Key, he actually dared to take out the Xuanwu Key!

The Third Prince of Lianhua and the Honglin brother and sister looked at the domineering Golden Dragon King with great admiration, especially the little dragon girl Honglin. Stars were already flying in her eyes at this moment, and her heart was even more determined to follow suit in the future. The determination of the Golden Dragon King!

"I wonder how Brother Jinlong plans to sell the quota to enter the Qinglang Cave?! Is there any detailed plan?!" Empress Xuan Wa was more attentive and asked again.

"There is no detailed plan yet. When I think about it, I will inform you as soon as possible!" Du Long responded with a smile: "One thing is for sure, that is, it will definitely not be cheaper than the price sold to the three! "

"Hahaha!" The three emperors all laughed heartily.

In this way, after asking the secret of Du Long's entry into Mingshui Yantian Pavilion, everyone stopped talking about this topic and began to enjoy the banquet and chatted in the vast sky.

"Three Your Majesties... I see that all forces seem to be very concerned about the Qinglang Cave Heaven, and they are willing to risk their lives to explore the way to the Mingshui Yantian Pavilion for the Cave Heaven Key. They seem to be particularly looking forward to the Qinglang Cave Heaven. What is the reason for this? !" During the chat, Du Long asked the doubts in his heart.

It stands to reason that there are a large number of cave worlds all over the world, and there are many unexplored areas inside many cave worlds. These cave worlds can be freely entered and exited at any time. Why do people care so much about Qinglang Cave World?

This is also a question that has troubled Du Long for a long time. Today, he happened to ask it with the presence of three emperors. If even they don't know the reason, then asking other people will have no effect.

"This question is actually very simple!" Shenglin Emperor was the first to explain: "First of all, any cave has the greatest chance of getting treasures when it is opened for the first time! Qinglang Cave has never been opened since the Cave Key appeared!

Secondly, we only know the names of many caves, and many times we don’t even understand the origins of the owners of the caves. However, the original owner of the Qinglang Cave is the most famous Daluo True Immortal in the immortal world! He has appeared in this world before, and Brother Dragon Emperor knows it best, haha! "

Having said this, the Holy Scale Emperor looked at the Dragon Emperor with a smile, obviously leaving the next words to him!

The Dragon King grinned bitterly and said: "Speaking of this Qing Lang Da Luo True Immortal, it is my Dragon Clan's unlucky one! Before me, a Dragon Emperor ancestor met this Da Luo True Immortal by chance, but he was ignorant of Mount Tai and offended him! As a result...senior Qinglang didn't take his life, he just deprived him of the dragon clan's inherited treasures and left a message behind!"

"Oh? What kind of passage is it?!" Du Long suddenly became interested and looked at the Dragon King with bright eyes and asked.

"Senior Qinglang said this back then: Your dragon clan has no rivals in this world with its inherited treasures. This seems to be beneficial to you, but in fact it is a huge crisis!

If you don't meet me, Qinglang, this time, but meet a murderer who is determined to kill you, then there is a possibility that you will be exterminated! I put this treasure away today just so that the world can maintain balance!

One day in the future, if you can collect the four Qinglang Cave Heaven Keys and enter my Qinglang Cave Heaven, then your Dragon Clan will have the opportunity to obtain this treasure again. I hope that from now on, the Dragon Clan emperors of all generations will remember the lesson and not be afraid of owning this. Bao can do whatever he wants! "The Dragon King looked dimly towards the palace door, and in a deep voice said the words passed down from the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace word by word!

'whee! That Qing Lang Da Luo True Immortal is quite interesting, and what he said makes some sense! ’ The ring spirit Ling’er’s sweet laughter sounded in Du Long’s mind.

Du Long did not talk nonsense to her, but looked at the Dragon Emperor with a smile and said: "I see! No wonder His Majesty the Dragon Emperor attaches so much importance to the quota to enter the Qinglang Cave! The words of the Qinglang Great Luo True Immortal also make sense!"

"That's right! Because of this, all my Dragon King ancestors will warn the next generation of Dragon King successors to be humble and cautious, and never be arrogant because of their great power!" The Dragon King nodded with emotion.

"Other than that, I wonder what else your majesties know about the True Immortal Qinglang Daluo..." Du Long continued to ask about the True Immortal Qinglang Daluo. Unfortunately, the three emperors' understanding of him was very limited.

I only know that this True Immortal of Qinglang Daluo is a powerful person in the upper immortal world. As for why Qinglang Cave was set up in this world, how many treasures are hidden in it, etc., I don’t know much about it!

"If there are no particularly valuable treasures in Qinglang Cave, then you spent a lot of money to buy a place to enter it. Isn't this a loss-making deal?!" Du Long raised this question.

"Hahaha..." The three emperors looked at each other and then laughed, which made Du Long feel a little confused and didn't know where he said something wrong.

"Brother Jinlong! Do you know why there are many powerful people in this world who have reached the stage of returning to the void, but there are only a handful of people who can truly be called the top powerful people?!" The Holy Scale Emperor looked at Du with a smile. dragon.

"Brother Shenglin, please tell me, Jin Long really doesn't know the reason!" Du Long suddenly remembered that he had never considered this issue.

"The reason is very simple! As long as you are lucky enough to obtain a treasure that can double your combat power from those newly opened caves, and with the perfect existence of this treasure's Void Return stage, you can be considered a top powerhouse!" Holy Scales The emperor told the result without hesitation.

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