Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 567 Would rather die than surrender

Looking in astonishment at the pale and bloodless face in his arms and the bright red lips, Du Long let out a horrified and angry roar on the spot!


Fire Phoenix Feng'er, who was walking a few meters behind with Qin Huofeng, had reached twenty-seven times the combat power of the God Transformation Consummation. After all, she had already reached the mid-to-late stage strength of the first level of Void Return!

After discovering that two seemingly ordinary intruders suddenly launched an attack, especially after Xia Qinglian blocked Du Long's fatal blow with her body, Feng'er let out an angry roar on the spot, ducked and rushed forward!


Xiao Leng, who was responsible for blocking all foreign aid, snorted and swung his sword towards Feng'er, who was extremely fast. Amidst the sound of gold and iron clashing, Feng'er's sharp claws collided heavily with his top-grade magic weapon.

The huge force instantly shook the hot little beauty Feng'er, who had transformed into a fire phoenix, and flew backwards. She was held up by Qin Huofeng who reacted later!

But Xiao Leng just shook his figure and then froze. His strength reached the second level of returning to the void, and his combat power was at least thirty-two times that of the God Transformation Perfection, which was much stronger than Feng'er!

All this is a long story, but it actually happened in an instant. The sound of fighting and the huge surge of energy immediately attracted the attention of many people in the direction of Fengwu Palace. Many people rushed over to see what happened!

"Qinglian, Qinglian!" Du Long, who was knocked back by the huge force, gently held Xia Qinglian's waist with one hand, and caressed her cheek with the other hand in panic.

Then he saw Xia Qinglian trying to open her eyes and revealing a sad and beautiful smile. That pale and bloodless face, combined with the sad and beautiful smile, made Du Long's heart hurt as if he had been wrung by a knife!

"Why, why are you so stupid?! Why are you risking your life to stand in front of me? Why..." At this moment, Du Long seemed a little incoherent. Except for Xia Qinglian's sad face in his eyes, he completely forgot that he was still in danger!


A purple figure flashed like a ghost, and instantly stretched out its sharp claws flashing with black light, and clawed at Du Long's head mercilessly. If he was caught, even a god would not be able to save him? !

"Husband, be careful!" Qin Huofeng, who was blocked by Xiao Leng, let out a frightened warning sound. Unfortunately, her voice was definitely not as fast as that sharp claw at this moment!


Xia Qinglian, who was in Du Long's arms, suddenly lit up with light blue light, and the ice shirt began to deform, turning into a light blue ice armor suit, instantly protecting her whole body!

The situation was so urgent that Du Long didn't even have time to use the defensive shield. She had to put on the Ice Ling Luo Shirt instantly, but she didn't even have time to activate the first layer of the Ice Ling Luo Shirt's armor-changing function!

At the same time, she also crushed a defensive talisman. Du Long obtained a large number of defensive talismans and random teleportation talismans. Naturally, she also had a lot of them on her body!

Golden light formations flashed, and an energy shield finally appeared, protecting the couple!

"Defense Talisman?!" After seeing clearly the properties of the energy shield, Dong Zixuan, the high-level purple flame beast responsible for killing the Golden Dragon King, was stunned, but he still swung his claws on the defensive energy shield without hesitation. !

Peng, Peng, Peng...

Claw after claw, the being with high-level strength returned to the void, using all his strength to deal with the energy shield produced by the defensive talisman. Although it could not be broken with one blow, it could still accelerate its energy consumption!

Under the energy shield, Xia Qinglian managed to speak: "Husband! Qinglian is protected by the Ice Ling Luo Shirt, but she just suffered some internal injuries because she didn't have time to activate the first armor change!"

Xia Qinglian's words, coupled with the violent energy impact waves coming from the defensive talisman, made Du Long, whose mind was blank, wake up instantly!

Everyone has reverse scales on their body, and the reverse scales on Du Long's body are those he loves. Anyone who dares to touch them is touching his reverse scales, which is absolutely unforgivable!

"Ah!!!" He looked up to the sky and roared angrily. Du Long pointed at the high-level Purple Flame Beast Dong Zixuan and roared: "Asshole! Go to hell!"


Almost at the same time, the defensive energy barrier dissipated. Just when Dong Zixuan showed a ferocious expression and mercilessly waved his black claws towards Du Long's neck, an unreasonable palpitation surged into his heart, but his claws The power of castration does not diminish, and continues to capture Du Long!

He didn't believe it. Could a mere dragon man who hadn't even reached the Void Return stage be able to cause harm to himself from the front? !

The golden light instantly converged into a solid golden needle, which was less than half a meter long. It shot at the head of the high-level Purple Flame Beast with lightning speed, instantly piercing it!

At this point, his black claws flashing with a faint cold light were only less than an inch away from the vital point of Du Long's neck, but he could no longer make an inch closer!

Dong Zixuan, who originally had a ferocious smile on his face, was now replaced by shock and disbelief. Until his death, he still didn't understand who killed him!

"Die, die, die..." Du Long, who hated this guy to the core, roared one after another. With each roar, a golden light appeared and shot at the purple flame beast Dong Zixuan one after another. It didn't take long for it to be shot like a sieve, with blood splattering everywhere.


Dong Zixuan's huge body finally fell to the ground with a muffled sound, which startled Xiao Leng, who was responsible for entangled Qin Huofeng and Feng'er. Although he had been paying attention to the situation here, the incident happened suddenly. He really didn't understand what was going on!

‘Even the high-level Purple Flame Beast Dong Zixuan was shot to death inexplicably, let alone myself? ’ When he thought of this, Xiao Leng still had the intention to stay and die, so he ducked and shot in the direction of the teleportation array, hoping to escape through the teleportation array!


How could Du Long let this guy go? At least he had to arrest him to find out who was so bold as to send someone to assassinate him. You must know that he is now the Golden Dragon King!

Arrays of golden light flashed out, instantly locking Xiao Leng, the second-level warrior who was fleeing quickly. He struggled desperately while being pinned in mid-air and screamed: "No, damn Golden Dragon King! You actually control it." The phoenix dances in the cave?!"

Xiao Leng, who was frozen, thought at first that he had met a strong man from the fairy world behind Du Long. However, he found that this was not the case!

If a strong man from the fairy world can stabilize himself, he definitely does not need to rely on the power of the golden light array, but his own perception and application of space power. But what can stabilize him now is definitely the golden light array, which can be controlled at will in Fengwu Cave. There is only one explanation for the existence of the Golden Light Formation, and that is that only those who control the Cave Heaven Formation have this ability!

Therefore, he instantly knew why he was trapped, and he also instantly understood how the Golden Dragon King killed Dong Zixuan, the high-level powerful purple flame beast that returned to the void!

As a controller of the cave, being able to use the array pattern attacks of a large formation is like trying to dodge those golden light attacks when breaking into a dodge room. Once these golden light attacks gather enough energy, killing someone will be as easy as picking something out of a bag!

This is also the main reason why many lords of caves and caves, as long as they hide in the caves and caves they control, no one dares to rush in to find him and cause trouble!

However, the sudden attack launched by Dong Zixuan just now was too sudden, and Du Long had no time to call on the power of Dongtian. Later, when he was prepared, let alone his high-level purple flame beast that returned to the void, even if it was If Liu Chen came in person, he would only be tortured and killed!

Not far away, in the direction of Fengwu Palace, many people witnessed all this with their own eyes and heard what Xiao Leng shouted. They all looked at the legendary existence with complicated eyes - the Golden Dragon King!

'Sure enough, he is worthy of being the Golden Dragon King who established a force under the sea. He actually came to Fengwu Cave for the first time and successfully broke through the ninth palace and took control of the cave. His combat power was at least twenty-seven times the basic combat power! 'At this moment, countless viewers had this thought in their hearts: "I'm afraid not everyone can enter Fengwu Palace from now on!" According to convention, as long as a cave is successfully controlled by someone, it will become someone's private cave. , usually the main entrance and exit gate of the cave will be moved away!

After successfully controlling Xiao Leng, Du Long had no time to pay attention to him. Instead, he searched through all the elixirs he had stored and finally found a seventh-grade elixir for healing, the Rejuvenation Pill!

He only knew that these elixirs were sent by various forces when the palace was built in Chifeng. He did not know who gave them to them unless he checked the gift list in the palace.

Without hesitation, Du Long stuffed the grass-green seventh-grade rejuvenation pill into Xia Qinglian's mouth and poured some healing liquid to help it take effect faster. Du Long was secretly relieved.

"Don't worry, husband! Qinglian is protected by the Ice Ling Luo Shirt. Although she failed to activate the first armor change, she still successfully blocked the fatal attack. I just need to use some energy to heal the injury for a few hours!" Xia Qinglian tried her best. After a word of comfort, with Du Long's support, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

At this time, Huofeng and Feng'er finally rushed forward. Seeing that Qinglian was able to sit cross-legged to heal her wounds, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Du Long said with a straight face: "You two protect Qinglian, no one is allowed to come near. Otherwise, shoot without mercy! I'm going to interrogate that guy to see who sent him to assassinate us!"

After explaining the two girls, Du Long raised his head and glanced coldly at the crowd in the direction of Fengwu Palace not far away. It was obvious that his last words were meant for these people.

"Until we find out who wants to harm me, no one is allowed to enter or leave Fengwu Cave at will. Otherwise, don't blame me, the Golden Dragon King, for being ruthless!" After Du Long issued a warning to the crowd, he turned towards Xiao Leng who was frozen in mid-air. Shot away!

"What's your name! Who sent you to assassinate this king?!" He ducked in front of the immobilized Xiao Leng, and Du Long began to interrogate this strange human being with a sullen face!

"Hehe..." After struggling for a while and knowing that there was no possibility of escape, Xiao Leng regained his former coldness, grinning with a slightly nervous sneer and said: "Kill if you want, don't even think of asking any questions from me. question!"

His eyes were slightly condensed, a cold light flashed in Du Long's eyes, and a long needle made of condensed golden light appeared out of thin air, then disappeared in an instant, and instantly shot into Xiao Leng's right shoulder, piercing it!

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