Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 554 Ten times compensation

"Haha..." Du Long didn't bother to answer the one-horned sea dragon. He just laughed and rushed over. Since the real owner was here, he didn't want to waste any more time.

The three siren leaders never expected that he would take action as soon as he came up. They hurriedly picked up their weapons and roared to greet him!

Under the stunned gaze of many sea monsters, Du Long suddenly accelerated after approaching the three sea monster leaders. The speed was so fast that he didn't even give the three sea monster leaders time to react!

Peng, Peng, Peng...

Even the three most powerful siren leaders were unable to react at such a speed. To the countless sea monsters below, Du Long's golden figure flashed three times in succession, and the three siren leaders suddenly fell to the sea below. Then he lay there like a dead dog, unable to move!

In just one encounter, Du Long punched each of the three siren leaders, hitting the vital parts of their Dantian. Although they didn't kill them, their cultivation was crippled on the spot!

Obviously, Du Long had no mercy at all for these three pirate leaders who massacred a village, and had already secretly sentenced them to death!

His basic combat power has reached the perfect level of spiritual elixir. Under the ultimate transformation, his ordinary attacks are equivalent to the perfect combat power of the spiritual elixir level. The existence of three levels of spiritual elixir is no threat to him at all!

Not far away, thousands of gilded cave sirens who were still excitedly destroying the sea fields were all frozen in place. The three leaders who were looking at them stupidly were beaten to the ground in an instant.

At the entrance of Biluo Cave, a group of mermaid warriors stood there surrounded by clan leaders Yu Liang and Xia Qinglian, looking at the three sea monster leaders lying on the ground in disbelief!

These are three spiritual elixir level powerhouses, two of whom are perfect spiritual elixir level beings. Just like this, they were knocked to the ground without any chance of fighting back after just one encounter? !

"Uh..." Mermaid Clan Leader Yu Liang made a strange sound in his throat, and after a while he said: "Jin... Mrs. Jin! Dare you ask Brother Jin... No, no! What kind of strength does Senior Jin have achieved?!"

At this moment, Yu Liang began to regard himself as a junior, and his attitude became extremely respectful!

No matter what world you are in, when the gap in strength is too large, a generational gap will naturally form. The weaker party can only call the strong one a senior!

Smiling indifferently, Xia Qinglian casually found an excuse and said perfunctorily: "My husband doesn't like to have his true strength exposed in front of outsiders. Therefore, please forgive me, Chief Yuliang. I can't tell you, little girl!"

Since Yu Liang could become the leader of a clan, he naturally understood that people were unwilling to say more, and of course he did not dare to ask more questions. Instead, he turned his attention to the golden figure at home and abroad again.

Standing on the water, Du Long glanced coldly at the Gilded Cave pirates who were frozen in place and didn't know what to do. With the help of the Ring Spirit beauty's scan, he learned that among the thousands of sea monsters, there were about a dozen beings who had reached the spiritual sea level. I guess they are the little leaders of these pirates!

'snort! These guys are so disgusting, they are probably the ones who started the massacre of the villages! Don’t let anyone go today! ’ With a groan in his heart, Du Long made a decision.

Under the astonished gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the golden figure suddenly moved again, turning into a golden stream of light, and instantly shot away in the sea towards a sea monster with a perfect spiritual sea level!

"Ah... no..." The sea monster with perfect spiritual sea level could not figure out why this golden dragon man suddenly rushed towards him, and immediately screamed in panic, before he could shout out a complete sentence. , then a strange sword light flashed, and instantly his head was in another place!

After waving his hand to collect this guy's space ring, Du Long dodged and shot towards the next target. After being succeeded by him two or three times in succession, the pirates finally figured out that his target was the small leaders of the Linghai level!

Without the restraint of the three major leaders, the pirates who had long lost their will to fight shouted out loud, dispersed, and fled in all directions.

In this regard, Du Long could only pursue with all his strength, and in the end he only hunted down six small Linghai-level pirate leaders. Although if he continued to hunt, he would still have the opportunity to kill a few more, but he was obviously unwilling to waste more energy chasing after them. killed!

In this way, under the attention of many mermaid warriors, Du Long, a golden dragon man, single-handedly captured three Lingdan-level pirate leaders, killed six high-level Linghai small bosses, and killed thousands of pirates. Drive away from Biluo Cave!

It may seem like one is fighting against thousands, but in fact, in the spiritual world, once the gap in strength is too big, it is really impossible to win by relying on numerical superiority!

Just imagine, back in the Star Continent, a single spirit-level person could make tens of thousands of enemy soldiers lose their fighting spirit. What's more, the strength Du Long displayed at this moment was definitely above the God Transformation level. For those who were different For a few high-level pirates, the rush of thousands of people is not much different from the death penalty!

At the entrance of Biluo Cave, many mermaid warriors began to rush out of the cave one after another under the command of Yu Liang. Yu Liang led a dozen mermaid warriors, surrounded by Xia Qinglian, and rushed towards Du Long.

"Haha, Brother Jin...Senior...I didn't expect! The pirate leaders of the three great spiritual pill levels are so vulnerable in your hands! Yu Liang is really impressed!" Yu Liang squeezed out a flattering look on his face. He said with a smile.

"Clan Chief Yuliang, you're welcome! It's better to continue calling me Brother Jin to make it easier for you! By the way! I have destroyed the Dantian of these three gangster leaders. Now they are nothing more than useless people. I ordered your men to take them into Bi In the snail cave, I’ll have to interrogate him in person later!” Du Long waved his hand casually.

"Brother Jin! Do you want to interrogate these three pirate leaders personally?!" Yu Liang said in shock.

"What?! Is there anything wrong?!" Du Long obviously didn't understand what he meant, so he asked.

"Well..." Yu Liang said with some confusion: "There are more than 700 tribesmen in Biluodong, only less than 50% are young adults, and the rest are mostly old, weak, women and children. I really can't afford to offend those murderous people. The pirate forces, if the news that you are here to interrogate their leader is leaked, I am afraid...I am afraid that it will bring disaster to Biluodong..."

Du Long finally understood why Yu Liang, the leader of the mermaid clan, was hesitant. Although he didn't like what he did, it was human nature. No wonder!

Before he could answer, Yu Guang, the captain of the mermaid team on the side, interjected: "The patriarch's words are wrong! This group of pirates from the Gilded Cave collected a huge amount of protection tax and slaughtered several disobedient villages. Such behavior, Even the Ninghai Cave Mansion is unwilling to take care of it. Now, finally, there is a Jin brother who dares to take care of this matter. We should do our best to help him. How can we be afraid of wolves in front and tigers in the back?!"

"Yu Guang! What do you know?! Brother Jin is a very brave man. Besides, he is a maritime businessman. He killed the three leaders of the Gilded Cave and took them away. How will we, Biluo Cave, deal with those who come to seek revenge?" Guy?!" Yu Liang, the leader of the mermaid clan, obviously did not agree with Yu Guang's impulsive statement.

"Haha! You all should be at ease!" Du Long glanced at the corner of his eyes with relief, and then said with a smile: "Chief Yuliang! I won't leave for the time being. The reason why I keep those three people here is I want to save each leader's life just to see what other culprits are behind them! I want to find them all together, so that they can be settled once and for all. Otherwise, if these three leaders are eliminated, they will soon cultivate new leaders to collect the so-called Protection tax, then wasn’t my half-day work in vain?!”

Yu Liang stared at Du Long with wide eyes in astonishment. After a long while, he asked in confusion: "Brother Jin... can you honestly tell me who you are?!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows. It seemed that his behavior was indeed a bit incompatible with a maritime trader. He could only shake his head and smile bitterly: "Haha, Patriarch Yuliang, just think that I am a sea trader who collects sea goods, and I also like to fight against injustices. That's just right. When it comes to Guidong, naturally we can’t just ignore it!”

"That's it, that's it! That's it. The hatred between Biluo Cave and Gilded Cave has been settled anyway. I hope that Brother Jin will do his best to protect my whole family!" After pondering for a long time, Yu Liang finally made a decision: "Come here! Take those three pirate leaders back!"

"Haha, Chief Yuliang! You are right to think so..." Du Long laughed, and then followed the mermaid warriors from Biluo Cave, escorting the three pirate leaders to Biluo Cave.

Biluo Cave, in the main cave hall were kneeling three Kraken leaders who had lost all their cultivation and looked ashen!

"Tell me! Who ordered you guys from the Gilded Cave to collect protection taxes from the Bikonongtian and Ninghai Cave sites, and to slaughter villages and caves at will in broad daylight?!" Du Long sat aside. , Leng Ran asked the three siren leaders in the hall.

"Hahaha..." The one-horned sea dragon laughed suddenly, and then his eyes shot out angry flames, glaring at Du Long and roaring: "You, a maritime businessman, don't do your job well, how dare you take care of it?" Are you meddling?! Do you think you can meddle in our meddling when you reach the level of God Transformation?! Someone will avenge us for destroying our cultivation! If you have the guts, just wait here to die! "

"Hmph! For you gangsters who slaughter villages at will, execution by Lingchi is not too much. What does it mean to just lose your cultivation?!" Du Long grinned, pretending to be disdainful and said: "Hehe, You don’t even dare to say who instigated you to collect protection taxes, how dare you speak so brazenly?!”

"Hmph! It's okay to tell you that only 20% of the protection tax we collected belongs to the daily expenses of Gilded Cave, another 30% goes to Ninghai Cave Mansion, and the last 50% goes to a few big shots in Bi Kongtian. In short, You damn sea merchant is dead, you are simply going against Bi Kongtian!" It's the one-horned sea dragon, after this guy's cultivation was abolished, he obviously didn't care about anything.

What this guy said made the many mermaids watching panic. He didn't look like he was lying at all. So, the guy he was interrogating in Biluo Cave had a terrifying background!

Rolling his eyes fiercely, Du Long sneered disdainfully: "You are just a few thieves, are you worthy of representing Bi Kongtian?! Isn't it just that you have colluded with several presidential leaders from Bi Kongtian, plus the lousy guy from Ninghai Cave Mansion? Lord of the Palace, apart from pretending to be powerful in this area, what else can you do?!"

"You... how did you learn about this?!" The one-horned sea dragon looked a little unbelievable.

In Biluo Cave, in the main cave hall, Yu Liang, the mermaid clan leader, once again had a feast to entertain Du Long and his wife!

On several stone pillars outside the main cave hall, two pirate leaders were tied, namely the one-horned sea dragon monster and the octopus monster. The other one, Crab Laosan, whose arm was cut off by Du Long, was sitting nearby. , and there are a lot of fine wines and food in front of you!

"Crab Brother! You actually dared to betray the commanders of Bi Kongtian, and also cooperated with the unknown dragon sea merchant to publish false information to the Lord of Ninghai Palace, Pang Zhuo. Did you know that these commanders Consequences?!" The one-horned sea dragon demon tied to the stone pillar angrily yelled at Crab Laosan who was sitting aside.

"What other consequences could there be?! The three of us brothers have now lost all their cultivation and are not even as good as an ordinary sea clan. How is it different from death?! No matter how serious the consequences are, the worst is death!" He took a sip of the wine in the cup. After pouring it into his belly, Crab Laosan sighed helplessly.

"Since you are not even afraid of death, why do you still bow to that damn dragon sea merchant?! We three brothers must die with dignity!" the one-horned sea dragon angrily rebuked.

"Dignity?!" Crab Laosan put down the cup in his hand and said disdainfully: "After losing all our cultivation, how can we get dignity in the future?! No matter life or death, as long as we can suffer less punishment now!"

"You..." The one-horned sea dragon was speechless on the spot, and the octopus monster on the side answered: "Boss Jiao! Leave him alone, wait for several generals and the army of Ninghai Palace Master to arrive here, and then kill that damn dragon After Renhaishang has been cut into pieces, it’s not too late to teach this third child who cheated on everyone else!”

Outside the main cave hall, the three pirate leaders of the Gilded Cave, who were once extremely prosperous, can now only become prisoners, or take their lives on the knees in order to survive!

When Du Long was interrogating the three pirate leaders, he deliberately told them that if they didn't confess honestly, they would all be executed immediately. Only those who were willing to confess would have a chance to survive!

Because of this, Crab Laosan, who has the least willpower, finally gave in and confessed the origins of the Gilded Cave pirate gang!

It turns out that the pirates in Gilded Cave were actually established by several high-ranking commanders from Bi Kongtian. It was Lan Yan and several other high-ranking commanders who were close to him!

Since the Chifeng Palace was built, Lan Yan felt that there was no hope of revenge, so he encouraged several other commanders to join forces with Pang Zhuo, the master of Ninghai Palace who had a good relationship with them, to set up a gilded cave in Ninghai Palace, and rape people in the name of pirates. Collect private taxes and line your own pockets!

According to his opinion, it is no longer possible to seek revenge from the Golden Dragon King. If he can cause some trouble under his jurisdiction and make Chifeng Palace feel disappointed with this Golden Dragon King in the eyes of the Donghai people in the lower village, it can be regarded as regaining some interest. !

Don't underestimate the jurisdiction of this mere cave in Ninghai. Ninghai Cave has jurisdiction over tens of thousands of miles and has countless villages. In one year, it can collect an astonishing amount of wealth!

At first, the other commanders were still uneasy about this, but after receiving a large amount of money, they finally put aside all their distractions and fully cooperated with Lan Yan in the big fight.

In order to make more money, these guys have begun to set their sights on several other caves that they are responsible for. Just when they were about to show off their talents, they never expected that such a small thing would be taken care of by Du Long. Come across!

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