When she said this, it was basically equivalent to acquiescing, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, eating and drinking with their chopsticks, but they knew that there would be challenges for a while, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressed.

"Haha, that's right! They only went to challenge the stage after they had eaten and drank enough, and we can't go there hungry, right? To be fair, I, the main force, have to eat and drink even more, and I will have strength after a while Right?" Seeing that everyone started to move their chopsticks, Du Long laughed and made a joke.

The originally depressing atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed because of his joke. Everyone was talking and laughing again, eating and drinking in a leisurely manner, not to mention that silly bird from the Blue Moon Empire was drinking at the challenge stage foolishly. With the northwest wind!

"What? That kid Du Long accepted Pu Junjie's challenge?" In the dean's office, the white-bearded old dean jumped up on the spot after hearing the assistant's report, and after walking around the office twice with his hands behind his back, he Then he scratched his head and smiled: "Hey, you brat, let's see how you hide your strength this time, let's go! Let's go to the challenge stage too!"

All over the Royal Academy, students who received the news continued to rush towards the challenge platform. Many veteran students of the academy also rushed to watch the challenge after hearing the news. After Du Long dared to accept the challenge of Pu Junjie, the cyclone rank, it also aroused the interest of many people.

On the challenge stage, Pu Junjie from the Blue Moon Empire was in charge of his hands, standing there pretending to be unrestrained, and the northwest wind blew, making him look like a master in his clothes.

He never expected that this challenge would attract such attention, not only the old dean, but also many mentors, new and old students from various departments also came!

"Why hasn't that guy come yet? Could it be that he retreated?" Standing on the challenge stage and drinking the Northwest Wind for half an hour, but Du Long and the others were still missing, Pu Junjie thought secretly in his heart.

"Everyone! My servant, Pu Junjie, is a member of the Blue Moon Empire, the only student of the Cyclone class among the freshmen of the Wu Xiu Department of the Royal Academy of the Haotian Empire!"

"Today, a freshman named Du Long actually insulted the Cyclone Rank of the Blue Moon Empire as bullshit. Therefore, I was so angry that I challenged him. I never thought that he would accept the challenge!"

"At first, I thought that this kid was a bit masculine and dared to accept the challenge, but after waiting for half an hour, he still disappeared. It seems that I was wrong! Haha, it turns out that he is just a shrinking turtle!"

"If you feel that your strength is not enough, it's fine if you don't dare to fight. After accepting the challenge, you don't dare to fight! This is a bit ridiculous. Is this the way of Haotian Empire people?"

On the challenge stage, waiting for Du Long to show up, Pu Junjie began to speak incessantly. In his opinion, Du Long must have shrunk in fear of the battle. He let himself drink the northwest wind for half an hour on the challenge stage. You can't let that kid play for nothing, can you?

Therefore, the purpose of his speech is to make Du Long unable to stay in the Royal Academy of Haotian Empire from now on. Can't you become a street rat in the future?


Many audience members scolded Du Long for being shameless. After all, it is the No. 1 Academy of Haotian Empire. Most of the teachers and students here are citizens of Haotian Empire. Now someone is discrediting Haotian Empire.

"Which dog eye of yours sees that I dare not fight?"

At this moment, a shout of anger resounded over the challenge platform, and dozens of figures appeared at the entrance of the challenge platform. Du Long, surrounded by his friends and beauties, strode towards the challenge platform.

In the auditorium, the one-sided voice scolding Du Long disappeared. Many people looked at Du Long striding forward to the challenge stage in astonishment. Princess Huofeng and others had already walked towards the auditorium.

"Du Long! You still have some courage. Although it took more than half an hour to muster up the courage, it is still very valuable!" On the challenge stage, Pu Junjie looked at Du Long who stepped onto the challenge stage with a sneer.

"Hey!" Du Long curled his lips in disdain and said, "Just because of your stinky shit, is it worthy for me to spend half an hour mustering up my courage?"

"You...you are the shit!" Pu Junjie never expected that the second-rank loyal general of the empire would dare to open his mouth to spout such vulgar words in front of countless audiences, and his face turned pale with anger Bai, couldn't help but sprayed swear words too, which was in huge contrast to him standing alone on the stage just now pretending to be chic!


The two people's swear words on the challenge stage immediately attracted bursts of laughter from the audience, and many people booed and booed below, making Pu Junjie's face green and pale for a while, and his eyes looking at Du Long almost burst out. General anger.

Grinning, Du Long knew how bad his reputation in the capital was, so he didn't care about that fake face at all, but Pu Junjie, a citizen of the Blue Moon Empire, was different. , is another manifestation of hypocrisy!

Looking at Park Junjie disdainfully: "Whoever loses later will naturally be that shit, let's not waste our time arguing! Since you challenged me, I will fight again! It's not interesting to just fight like this, let's do the following Let's bet! I don't know if Young Master Pu of the Blue Moon Empire dares to place a bet?"

"Hmph! Why don't you dare? You just place your bet, I, Pu Junjie, will take over!" Pu Junjie agreed on the spot almost without any hesitation.

Although he didn't have a close relationship, Du Long had already seen that this guy from the Blue Moon Empire was arrogant and could not stand the provocation. With such arrogance, he couldn't help but refuse Du Long's proposal!

"Very good! This is a ticket of 5,000 gold coins! I wonder if Mr. Park would dare to accept it?" Du Long flipped his hand and took out the money ticket that Su Jinbao had just borrowed, and shook it at Pu Junjie, pretending to look at him with disdain. with him.

Obviously, five thousand gold coins is not a small sum. Pu Junjie never thought that Du Long would bet so big with himself. This would be his living expenses in the Royal Academy for the next few years.

With some heartache, he took out a few 1,000 gold coin bills, there were only four in total, plus a few 100 denomination notes, and it was only 4,600 gold coins. This guy blushed and looked at Fan Wei and the others in the audience , and then walked to the edge of the challenge platform and waved to them.

After a few people communicated on the stage, Fan Wei and others lent him a few money tickets, and only then did they make up the amount of 5,000 gold coins. Then Pu Junjie came to the venue with the 5,000 gold coin tickets .

This process naturally fell into the eyes of everyone, but no one thought it was too embarrassing. There were really few students like Pu who carried thousands of gold coins with them.

Without the five thousand gold coins borrowed by Su Jinbao, Du Long wouldn't even be able to get out one thousand!

Soon, a mentor from the academy in charge of the challenge came to the stage and accepted all the tickets of 5,000 gold coins from each of the two. In this way, this challenge bet is not afraid of being repudiated by one party!

At this point, Du Long finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he really didn't like to challenge others in front of so many people in the academy, because it didn't fit his low-key personality!

Since you can earn 5,000 gold coins for one challenge, you can't miss this opportunity. This is the income of a second-grade spiritual liquid!

"Okay, this challenge has officially started! Let the two contestants start the competition!"

After collecting the money ticket and leaving the challenge stage, the mentor immediately announced the official start of the challenge, and the audience burst into cheers immediately. With the bet of tens of thousands of gold coins, the enthusiasm of the audience was also aroused!

Perhaps because of the bet, Park Junjie lost the ease he had at the beginning, and seemed a bit like an enemy. No matter how stupid he was, he found something was wrong. If his opponent had no confidence, he would not have proposed a challenge with huge bets !

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