Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 545 Palace Building Ceremony

It can be said that during this whole month, Du Long was the one who worked the hardest. He hardly even had time to say a few words to Xia Qinglian and others!

However, it's fine now. Looking at the Chifeng Palace that appeared like a miracle, the satisfaction in his heart has long since dispelled a whole month of hard work. At this moment, all he has in his heart is incomparable satisfaction and excitement!

In the pitch-black seabed, countless little sea monsters emit light like stars, making the seabed as bright as the starry sky. It is these little "stars" that make the underwater world less silent and add a breath of life!


Thousands of powerful and brightly-armored sea monsters cut through the waves and instantly crossed the sea area, heading northwest at lightning speed. Along the way, countless small sea monsters were frightened and fled in all directions.

"Third brother!" Surrounded by many powerful sea monsters, the dragon girl's red scales blinked her beautiful big eyes, and whispered to the third prince beside her with expectation: "In just a few more hours, we will be there. Is it Chifeng Palace?!"

"Haha! Ninth sister, why do I feel like you are looking forward to getting to Chifeng Palace as soon as possible?! Could it be said that you have fallen in love with the Chifeng Palace Master?! She is a married woman!" Just because he was on the road and bored, the third prince Then he looked at the little beauty in red clothes and armor next to him with a teasing smile and teased.

"Tch! I've never seen him before. Maybe that golden dragon is an extremely ugly guy! It's too early to talk about what you're interested in him now! As for a married man, it's not a big deal at all. Look at how many wives our father has. As long as he is a strong man, three wives and four concubines are normal!" Dragon Girl Honglin's answer made the third prince ashamed.

"Hehe, what are you going to do if the Lord of the Golden Dragon Palace looks pretty good then?!" The Third Prince teased again.

"So what if it looks good? It's a small Chifeng cave, located in the corner of the northwest. So what if the area is expanded hundreds of times?! It is estimated that when we get there, most of the area will still be a wilderness! This princess will not Marrying into such a remote country!" Although she spoke forcefully, the color of her red-scaled cheeks was not much different from the color of the scales on her body, and was already completely red.

"Wow!" Hong Lin, the dragon girl, was stunned for a long time. Then she let out a sweet cry and flew towards Chifeng Palace, which was like an undersea garden. When a woman was so excited, she would not care about anything else. Not far away was the east gate of Chifeng Palace, but she He just flew towards the golden bubble-like energy shield.

"Who is coming?! Why don't you tell me your name quickly!" At the east gate of Chifeng Palace, a siren commander who had reached the level of god transformation saw a woman in red armor rushing towards the energy barrier of the palace guarding array instead of going through the main entrance. Go, then he shouted and shouted angrily.

"Nine sisters! It's not too late to follow me through the main entrance and slowly enjoy the beautiful scenery in Chifeng Palace! Don't lose due etiquette when you arrive at someone else's territory!" The third prince hurriedly stepped forward to grab the dragon girl Hong Lin, and then led him Thousands of Dragon Palace Imperial Guards flew towards the east gate together.

"I am the third prince of Dragon Palace, Ao Tian! On my father's order, I came to Chifeng Palace to congratulate you on the palace building ceremony!" The third prince did not put on any airs and directly revealed his identity!

"It turns out that His Highness the Third Prince of Dragon Palace is here. I'm disrespectful! Open the gate quickly and let the envoys led by the Third Prince in!" The leader of the Transformation God class who was responsible for guarding the east gate of Chifeng Palace did not dare to neglect and hurriedly ordered someone to open the east gate.

Then I saw the newly built east gate slowly opening, revealing an energy curtain for people to enter and exit. This energy curtain is very mysterious and happens to be intertwined with the energy shield of the palace protection array. When it is closed, no one is allowed to enter. Once it is opened, , people and equipment can come in and out at will, but the sea water will be separated and unable to enter!

Naturally, the Third Prince and others were not polite and began to pass through the energy curtain in an orderly manner and entered the Chifeng Palace Palace Protection Formation!

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince! Guests have been arriving these days, so I won't personally escort you in. Please follow this team into Chifeng Palace!" The Transformation God-level commander who was responsible for guarding the east gate immediately made arrangements politely. A capable team, let them lead the Dragon Palace envoys into the core area of ​​Chifeng Palace!

"Thank you for your work!" The third prince didn't mind. These were the usual practices.

Just like when someone visits the Dragon Palace, a small team is usually arranged to lead the way. The general guarding the gate cannot easily leave his post without permission!

Entering from the east gate of Chifeng Palace, there are still four to five hundred miles to reach the core area. Naturally, the group cannot proceed on foot, but directly fly in the air to get there.

Along the way, the Dragon Girl and the Ninth Princess looked east and west, never stopping for a moment!

There were almost no buildings in the entire peripheral area of ​​Chifeng Cave. Du Long just followed the plans of the Ringling Beauty to create prototypes of gardens and set aside some flat land for building houses in the future!

Therefore, in addition to the sea of ​​flowers that make people's eyes brighten, there are many other things that have not been built, but even so, it has made the Dragon Palace envoys feel more novel!

There are countless undersea landscapes, coral reefs, seagrass meadows, trenches and mountains, surrounded by countless flowers and plants that are only found on land. The undersea landscape is perfectly combined with terrestrial flowers, plants and trees. Although it is only a prototype, it has already shown the design and constructor. Unique craftsmanship!

"Wow! What a beautiful landscape! Compared with the tacky decoration of our Dragon Palace that only uses rare treasures, everything here is more natural and refined. I just learned today that the combination of land landscape and sea view can actually produce such a unique beauty! Wuwu..." Flying hundreds of meters in the air, looking down at the countless beautiful scenery below with her hands clasped in fists, the Ninth Princess Honglin exclaimed in a sweet voice.

"Haha! That's natural! All of this is the work of His Majesty the Golden Dragon King. The countless flowers and plants in the entire Chifeng Palace were all brought by His Majesty himself!" the team leader who led the way replied with a proud smile.

These members of the Siren Guard Team of Chifeng Palace were full of awe towards the visitors from the Dragon Palace at first. After all, they were once subordinates of the Dragon Palace, and their deep-seated awe for the Dragon Clan was deep-rooted!

However, after some small talk, we were talking and laughing.

Chifeng Palace, the main hall is backed by the mountain peak where the main cave hall was originally located. The gate of the palace is facing a square paved with white jade, and a white jade main road leads directly to the original gate of Chifeng Cave in the distance!

In the main hall, Du Long and Xia Qinglian, who was masked in a white scarf, sat high on a golden throne. Below and to the left sat a large number of Chifeng Palace senior officials with strength above the deity level, and to the right sat representatives of envoys from all parties!

Of course, among the envoys from all sides who come to exert their influence, only one or two persons with status leading the team are qualified to sit in the main hall. The rest are all arranged to sit in the square outside the main hall!

There are still some days before the Chifeng Palace Building Ceremony, but as usual, during the period before the Palace Building Ceremony, banquets will continue in the palace until the day of the Palace Building!

The humans or sea monsters who can come to Chifeng Palace must not be weaker than the spiritual level. Otherwise, the sea water thousands of meters deep can crush ordinary humans into meat cakes!

For masters from all forces, it is not a problem to have banquets for many days. For those whose strength exceeds the spiritual level, they will not starve to death if they do not eat or drink for more than half a year, and they will not be starved to death if they continue to have banquets for many days. !

"Ao Tian, ​​the Third Prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the Ninth Princess Honglin have arrived!" Just as Du Long was having a banquet with countless guests and friends, a message came from the direction of the gate of Chifeng Palace.

Countless guests at the scene were stunned and looked at Du Long on the main seat with wide eyes. They saw him standing up with a smile, directly leading Xia Qinglian, who was wearing a green dress and a white scarf, to the outside of the palace door to personally greet the envoys from the Dragon Palace. !

"Haha! The Third Prince and the Ninth Princess of the Dragon Palace are here. I'm sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar!" Du Long saw two figures, one gold and one red, appearing in the main passage of the square in front of the palace from a distance, so he cupped his hands and smiled apologetically.

"Haha, it's understandable that the Golden Dragon King has been busy lately. That's really polite!" The Third Prince also responded politely. At this time, Golden Dragon's willingness to welcome the Dragon Palace out of the palace has already given the Dragon Palace a lot of face. He is also sensible.

You know, these days, various forces have been coming to congratulate him. Du Long rarely takes the initiative to welcome him out of the hall. Most of them are the envoys of those forces who enter the hall to congratulate him on their own.

The first ones to come to congratulate them were mostly sent by some nearby Sea Clan Dongtian and Dongfu. Although they were affiliated with the East China Sea Dragon Palace, they had some autonomy. They did not need permission from the Dragon King to have good relations with the forces nearby!

Unless the Dragon Emperor objects in advance, they have the right to do what they think is right.

Outside the main hall, Du Long began to introduce Xia Qinglian to the third prince, brother and sister. Looking at the lady of the Golden Dragon King who was covered in a white scarf, the third prince wondered: "It is said that Madam Ling is as beautiful as a fairy, why is she covered in a white scarf? !”

"Haha! My wife is relatively introverted, and I hope the Third Prince will forgive me for my rudeness!" Du Long could only find an excuse to excuse her.

"Oh! That's it!" The third prince responded suddenly, and then took his sister and introduced him: "Your Majesty the Golden Dragon King, this is my ninth sister Hong Lin! This girl has heard of the name of the Golden Dragon King a long time ago, and this time she heard I want to go on a mission to Chifeng Palace, so I will immediately ask my father to come with me! Haha."

"Are you the Golden Dragon King?!" Before Du Long could speak, Hong Lin looked Du Long up and down, wrinkled his nose and said softly: "Sure enough, as my father said, you look like a descendant of my Dragon Clan. They are not the same, but they are very similar. May I ask if you are a descendant of a certain dragon clan in the fairy world?!"

"Well...it's not convenient to reveal it for the time being. When the opportunity comes in the future, Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess will naturally know the whole story!" Du Long was stared at by this red-scaled beauty, so he touched his nose with some embarrassment and laughed. : "You two have come all the way from the Dragon Palace. This is not the place to talk. Please follow me into the palace and sit down for a slow chat."

"Tch!" Ninth Princess Hong Ling said disdainfully: "Aren't they just dragon people from the fairy world?! What's so mysterious..."

"Ninth sister! Don't be rude!" The third prince rolled his eyes and scolded. This sister of his was talking nicely to his father to keep him from being stupid. But the result was good. She was clearly here to do a disservice. !

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