Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 542 Witness the Miracle 1

In Chifeng Cave, the huge crisis that was originally as dark as the black clouds was easily eliminated by the appearance of Gui Bo!

Long before asking Uncle Turtle to take action, Du Long had taken the opportunity to have a banquet with the leaders of the sea monsters and discussed it with the beautiful Ringwraith Ling'er. In this crisis, only asking Uncle Turtle to take action can the greatest possible solution be achieved. Effects and benefits!

According to the beauties of the Ring Spirit, in the entire Xuanyu Cave, not to mention other monsters, at most they only have the strength to return to the Void level. Only this Turtle Uncle is quite extraordinary!

He followed Princess Xuanyu countless years ago and is not from this world. His strength is shown by the scan results of the Nazgul Beauty. It is simply a piece of cake for him to deal with the Dragon King and his countless sea monsters!

It is precisely because of the guarantee of the beautiful ring spirit girl that Du Long was confident from the beginning to the end and dared to rush out of the Chifeng Cave alone and face the top powerhouses from all sides!

Carrying it with one hand, Du Long looked at the Dragon Emperor and Liu Chen with their men, and their figures disappeared into the dark background of the dark seabed!

"Hehe! Lord Golden Dragon! Then I'll say goodbye! Remember, if you have time to go to Xihai, you must visit my Black Snake Palace! As long as you send a message in advance, I, Xuan Wa, will definitely come out in person Welcome!" Xuan Wa's triangular eyes had already narrowed into a straight line with a smile.

"Haha! There is also my Shenglin Palace in the South China Sea! Brother Jinlong must appreciate it when he has the opportunity! Let's say goodbye!" Emperor Shenglin also extended his invitation again.

Just now, Du Long, the Three Emperors, and Liu Chen all left the soul marks of their respective message formation stones. Whether they were enemies or friends, it was not a bad thing to be able to contact each other quickly if there was anything.

"Definitely, definitely!" Du Long had a good impression of these two emperors, and answered more sincerely, and then watched the two of them slowly fly away from the Chifeng Cave.

"All those who hold positions of leadership or above in the three caves of Bi Kong, Yulan and Alum, follow me into the Chifeng Cave!" After the last two sea emperors left, Du Long turned his attention to the millions of sirens. body, and ordered loudly.

The Dragon King only left with a group of Dragon Palace Imperial Guards, including the masters of the three caves. As for the millions of sirens in the three caves, they all stayed behind.

"Yes!" Nearly a thousand respectful responses came from the army of millions of sirens, and then nearly a thousand masters who had reached the high level of spiritual elixir and god transformation level escaped from the army and gathered behind Du Long. .

Chifeng Cave Mansion, inside the main cave hall!

At this moment, thousands of people are crowded in, which seems a bit crowded. Fortunately, the main cave hall is large enough to accommodate all the sirens with positions above the commander level!

On Du Long's high seat, on his left stood Xia Qinglian, who was masked in a white scarf, and on his right stood Sun Qian, a tortoise shell. As for Gu Bo, he had already returned to the Xuanyu Cave!

Below, the highest-level beings from the three caves stood up to introduce the situation of their respective caves!

After such an introduction for a long time, he finished introducing the situation of the three caves. During this period, Du Long also asked several key questions according to the wishes of the Nazgul beauty. This deeply surprised the senior executives of the caves. They did not expect that this The Lord of the Golden Dragon Palace seems to have some experience in managing the cave, and the questions he asks always get to the key points!

After such an introduction, Du Long finally had a clear understanding of the internal conditions of the three caves, and also figured out where the millions of sirens surrounding the Chifeng Cave came from!

There are one hundred and fifty-seven caves under the jurisdiction of the three caves of Bikong, Yulan, and Alum. If you include Chifeng Cave, there will be a total of one hundred and fifty-eight caves!

This time, after receiving the Dragon King's order, the three cave masters did not dare to neglect at all. Especially after learning that the Dragon King was coming in person, they went all out to show off in front of him!

Therefore, the three masters of the caves immediately dispatched all the most elite troops in their respective caves. In order to rush for time, they did not mobilize the armies of all the caves under their jurisdiction. They only asked the caves near the Chifeng cave to each send an army of 100,000 to come at full speed. support!

As a result, dozens of palace masters who originally had the same status as Du Long were standing in the main cave hall!

Normally, the strength of the master of a palace usually reaches the level of God Transformation. That is to say, only a remote small cave like Chifeng Cave Mansion will be led by the master of the palace who has reached the first level of Spiritual Pill Level!

The strength of a Lord of Cave Heaven usually reaches the Void Return level, otherwise it may be difficult to convince the public. The reason is that in addition to the ordinary commander position, there is also the position of great commander within Cave Heaven!

Those who reach the high level of God Transformation will have the opportunity to become the general commander of an army of five to one hundred thousand sea monsters. Many of the great commanders of Dongtian have reached the level of God Transformation!

"Okay! I also have a certain understanding of the situation of the three caves. Each cave cannot be guarded by its owner for a day. Therefore, I will arrange for three void-returning-level sea monsters to refine the cave array stones. By then, the three caves will be They will be responsible, and you must obey the orders of the three cave masters!" After understanding the basic situation of the three caves under his jurisdiction, Du Long made a decision.

"Starting from today, I will start to transform Chifeng Cave. By then, within the scope of my Golden Dragon's influence, Chifeng Cave will be the main one, and the three major caves will be supplemented. Do you all understand this?!"

"I obey!" In response to Du Long's order, all the senior officials of the Siren below obeyed Du Long's order, and they all bowed down to accept the order!

"Okay! You all retreat! Return to your respective armies and hold your troops for the time being. After I have finalized the selection of the three cave masters, you can follow your respective cave masters back!" Du Long began to let the three cave masters go back. After the senior management stepped down, these people naturally obeyed the order and exited the Chifeng Cave Mansion one after another.

"Sun Qian, Hao Kun!" After seeing that only the original team of Chifeng Cave Mansion was left in the main cave hall, Du Long called out to his two confidants.

"My subordinate is here!" Sun Qian hurriedly walked down the hall and greeted Hao Kun respectfully.

Do, do, do...

Du Long was not in a hurry to arrange the task, but his eyes fell on the two of them faintly, and then he glanced at the nearly a hundred Siren Commanders of Chifeng Mansion below, tapping the middle finger of his right hand regularly on the desk.

"Everyone has seen what happened today, right?!" After a long silence, Du Long finally said leisurely: "After successfully taking over the three major caves, the level of our Chifeng cave has also been raised. What is the requirement for strength? …”

Everyone looked at Du Long a little nervously. They all understood that Chifeng Cave Mansion has now been promoted to a higher position than the cave sky, so naturally this configuration cannot be lowered!

"Master of the Palace! The radius of our Chifeng Cave is only twenty or thirty miles. Why..." Sun Qian pointed out the shortcomings of Chifeng Cave on the spot: "Why don't you choose a cave as your headquarters?!"

"Didn't I just say that?! Our Chifeng Cave Mansion is going to be expanded, and naturally the palace-protecting array will be expanded as well! By then, the original site of Chifeng Cave Mansion will become the core area of ​​Chifeng Cave Mansion, and an area will be expanded around it. A waterless living area with a radius of hundreds of miles!" Du Long replied proudly.


All the siren commanders at the scene were instantly in an uproar. This kind of underwater cave can usually only be expanded by strong people from the upper-level fairy world. It seems that the boss of the palace, who is a bit like a butler, must have extremely amazing attainments in formations, right? !

"I have decided! Sun Qian will continue to serve as the general manager of Chifeng Cave. From now on, the corresponding matters of the three caves and the one hundred and fifty-eight caves will also be supervised by you. Do you have the confidence to take on this important task?!" Du Long announced his decision loudly.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for trusting me. I have the confidence to supervise matters related to Dongtian Cave Palace! If there are any mistakes, I am willing to let the Palace Master handle it!" Sun Qian was so excited that his voice trembled slightly.

He probably never dreamed that one day he would become the general manager of three caves and more than 150 caves!

"Very good! If you have too much to do, small problems are inevitable. I will not hold you responsible. As long as you do your duty and don't make any big mistakes, it will be fine! Work hard and don't let me down for all my hard work!" Du Long nodded. Encouraged.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for your trust! Thank you, Palace Master, for your trust..." Sun Qian's eyes were so grateful that his eyes were red at this moment, and there was a secret impulse in his heart to smear Du Long's liver and brains.

Du Long smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Hao Kun and said, "Hao Kun!"

"My subordinate is here!" Hao Kun's body trembled, he stood up straight and replied with great respect.

"You have always been responsible for the position of guarding the President. What a pity! Your position requires very high strength, otherwise it would be difficult to convince the public!" Du Long shook his head with regret and said with a bitter smile.

His face darkened, Hao Kun showed a bitter smile and nodded: "Hao Kun understands! Master, there is no need to be embarrassed. No matter what kind of position you arrange, Hao Kun can accept it!"

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded and made a decision: "I'm afraid you won't be able to control the other caves so much, so be it! I will still give you the position of president of Chifeng Cave, and you will continue to lead these ten caves in Chifeng. Tens of thousands of troops! You must keep up your efforts and raise your strength to the level of the God Transformation Class as soon as possible!"

"My subordinates obey! Thank you Palace Master for your trust!" Hao Kun never expected that Du Long would still arrange for him to sit in this old position. From this, it can be seen that the Palace Master looks decisive in killing, but in his heart he still misses the old feelings!

"Haha! As long as you are satisfied, that's it! This matter has been settled! Everyone else will perform their duties during the execution, and I won't arrange separate positions. Everything will be based on strength! Let's all be dismissed!"

After the siren commanders dispersed, Du Long and Xia Qinglian disappeared into the main cave hall and reappeared in the Xuanyu Cave. He had to select a few Void Return level beings among the monsters. So I can leave the three caves under my jurisdiction to them to take care of!

As the saying goes, good news should not go to outsiders. Moreover, the Cave Sky Formation Stone cannot be handed over to someone who cannot be trusted!

Otherwise, once someone rebels, once the gate to the cave is closed, he will be like the Dragon King, unable to do anything to him!

"Young Master! These three are Liu Qiong, Yin Ye and Meng Lang! Their strength has all reached the sixth level of returning to the void! They are enough to take on the position of the three cave masters!" In the Xuanyu Cave Mansion, after Gui Bo personally screened, the three were finally selected. A suitable choice for the Master of the Cave.

They are the one-horned black shark Liu Qiong, the blue mercury-threaded snake Yin Ye, and the green-armored sea lion beast Meng Lang!

They were all sirens. They had stayed in the Xuanyu Cave for a long time and had long wanted to go back to the underwater world. This time they had a rare opportunity to go out, and they were in charge of a cave for Du Long, so naturally they signed up Yongyue!

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