Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 533 Level 1 Alert

If Du Long killed Liu Jian, who was at the fifth level of the God Transformation, because he deceived him into the 10,000-meter-deep sea, then it definitely has nothing to do with it this time!

Three brothers, Gong Qiu, Gong Hu, and Gong Bao, who knew Du Long's secret, gathered together and discussed for a long time, but they couldn't figure out the reason. But one thing is for sure, that is, this boy should break through and reach the spiritual elixir level. !

‘Du Long was able to render three human masters of the ninth level of God Transformation unable to fight back despite his transformation, which shows that his strength is already invincible at the level of God Transformation! ’ The three Gong brothers quickly thought of this possibility. For a moment, they were a little unable to accept this result!

Just think about it, two years ago, he was still a young man on the Star Continent who had not even broken through to the spiritual level!

How long has passed since then? Not only has he become the chief disciple of the Ziyun Sect and the chief disciple of the Immortal Alliance, but now he has made breakthroughs one after another. Even the top masters with the strength of the gods have become the targets of chopping melons and vegetables in front of him. ? !

When Liu Chen led almost all the masters of the Liu clan to the East China Sea again, Gong Qiu understood very well that this time Du Long was in serious trouble, and he could only solve everything by himself!

The Ziyun Sect cannot come forward at this time. Even if they come forward, no one in the Ziyun Sect has a chance of winning when facing Liu Chen.

At the exit of Fengwu Cave, a group of sea monsters suddenly appeared, and it was Lan Yan and his party. Looking at their cheerful looks, it was obvious that they had gained a lot this time!

"Haha! Lan Yan, it's all thanks to you this time! Please contact Chifeng Cave to find out what's going on! I think you can't wait for a long time?!" The dragon-headed sea monster teased the absent-minded Lan Yan.

"Hahaha..." The other sea monsters burst into bursts of good-natured laughter.

Lan Yan didn't waste any time. He turned over his hand and took out something like a formation stone, then closed his eyes. Soon the formation stone lit up with golden light, and then sent out golden ripples at an extremely fast speed. In an instant Disappeared without a trace.

Everyone watched quietly as he was connecting with something. Soon after, the formation stone in his hand began to flash continuously, and the expression on Lan Yan's face began to become a little ugly.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, he finally opened his eyes, with a look of disbelief in his eyes!

"Lan Yan! What happened?! Why did two of your brothers die one after another? Also, do you know who the enemy is?!" The dragon-headed siren was the most enthusiastic and asked again.

Lan Yan recounted the information he had received with an ugly face. After hearing this, all the sirens at the scene showed the same shocked expressions as him, but they still had the confidence to avenge him in the first place.

"This... this remote Chifeng cave, actually... a dragon-man and sea-monster palace master with such amazing strength appeared?! Not only did he kill two of your brothers who were at the god level, he also... three... Have all the humans at the ninth level of God been killed?!" The dragon-headed sea monster couldn't even speak smoothly this time.

"Human beings with the ninth level of God Transformation don't even have the power to fight back. I guess only higher level beings can have that kind of strength, right?! If that's true, even if a few of us rush over, we're going to die. !" A siren immediately analyzed this.

"So, if Brother Lanyan wants to take revenge, it may not be that easy!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Before the other sea monsters could continue, Lan Yan interrupted on the spot: "According to the news, the three humans killed by the dragon man should be the core members of the Liu family of the Yuqing Sect. Now Liu Chen, the top master of Yuqing Sect, has led a large team of people to Chifeng Cave!"

"How did you determine this?! Didn't you say that those three humans had their faces covered all the time?!" The dragon-headed sea monster asked in confusion.

"Because the Chifeng Cave Siren Commander I contacted is a close confidant of Bluetooth. The Liu family of the Yuqing Sect has always been in contact with him. It was also his letter to the Yuqing Sect. Naturally, I knew that Liu Chen had rushed to Chifeng. Cave!" Lan Yan didn't need to hide anything from these companions.

"Oh?!" The dragon-headed sea monster's eyes lit up and he said, "In that case, we can just lurk aside and watch the golden dragon man fight with the Yuqing Sect men without taking action. It would be best if he died in Liu Chen's hands. , then we don’t have to take risks! The revenge of the Blue Flame brothers has been avenged!"

"That's right, that's right!" All the sea monsters nodded in agreement. It seems that Du Long's killing of three humans with the ninth level of god transformation has put a huge psychological pressure on these sea monsters. It would be best if they don't need to take risks. !

"Forget it! Just do what Brother Jiao wants! Let's lurk outside the Chifeng Cave, waiting for the opportunity!" Lan Yan also understood what the sea monsters were afraid of, so he could only answer according to their wishes.

Chifeng Cave Mansion held a grand banquet to celebrate the new palace master Jin Long's success in killing three high-level human god-turned-human beings who challenged Chifeng Cave Mansion. This achievement finally made all the sea monsters return to their hearts, and the prestige of Du Long, the master of the palace, reached its peak!

At the banquet, the leaders of the sea monsters naturally complimented Du Long in every possible way, and also asked him why he had to endure the humiliation for so long since he was able to kill those three humans.

In this regard, he could only simply tell the sea monsters that his strength was just on the verge of a breakthrough, so he repeatedly delayed the time and achieved a breakthrough at the critical moment, so that he did not need to bring in reinforcements to help.

After the banquet, Du Long took a break and ran to Xuanyu Cave again. While gathering with his two lovely wives, he also began to inspect the spoils!

Needless to say, there are quite a lot of various spiritual crystals, elixirs, and magical weapons!

"Hey! What is this stone?! It doesn't look like a spiritual crystal at all, nor is it a precious ore!" Qin Huofeng loved doing this kind of work of checking trophies, and spent a long time looking there for a space ring. , and finally uncovered a stone that had never been seen before.

"Haha! This is the communication formation stone. As long as you refine it, you can use it to communicate with another person who owns the communication formation stone. It is very convenient. Haven't you seen it before?!" Guibo explained with a smile. road.

"We have never seen this thing before! When I go out to travel, I often feel that it is inconvenient to contact someone, and I have to waste time running around. I never thought that there is such a magical communication array in this world. Stone?!" Du Long shook his head and asked curiously.

Patting his forehead lightly, Uncle Gui smiled bitterly and said: "Haha, look at my memory, I actually forgot that the communication formation stones are extremely rare in your world, and I guess only a few people can own them!"

"I also have a communication formation stone here!" At this time, a communication formation stone also appeared in the space ring that Xia Qinglian checked. Soon Du Long also found two. It seems that the three Yuqing Sect's god-level masters They all had a share, and Liu Jian, who had been killed before, also had one. In total, four communication formation stones were quickly sorted out!

The three members of the Du Long family each got one and refined it for use on the spot. Once refined, the soul imprint on the communication formation stone changed and possessed the special soul information of the new owner.

Then under the guidance of Uncle Gui, the three of them quickly learned how to use the communication formation stone and left soul contact marks on each other. In this way, as the owner of the communication formation stone, they only need to sink their minds into the formation stone. , you can easily find the contact imprints saved there.

"Haha! You must remember that the communication formation stone is not omnipotent, and the transmission distance is limited. For example, if you are in the Xuanyu Cave, you cannot contact the outside world. You can only contact each other if you are in the same space. !" After seeing the three young people finally figuring out how to use the message formation stone, Gui Bo immediately added a reminder.

"Understood!" Du Long replied with a smile: "If there is nothing else, then I will take Qinglian back to Chifeng Cave!"

Xia Qinglian learned the transformation technique, and her appearance after transformation was really similar to that of a female dragon. She also had horns that were not too different from dragon horns, plus those magical silver eyes. Du Longruo said she was My wife, no one will doubt her, right? !

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" As soon as she heard that she was going to be left alone in Xuanyu Cave, Qin Huofeng immediately pouted her cherry lips, pulled Du Long's elbow and acted coquettishly.

"Haha!" Looking at his beautiful wife with a smile, Du Long deliberately pretended to be serious and said: "Huofeng, your strength has only reached the spiritual level. Hurry up and find a way to break through and reach the spiritual sea level! In recent times, Stay here and practice with peace of mind, and strive to break through to the Linghai level as soon as possible. Qinglian’s basic combat power has reached the Linghai level for a long time! Maybe she will be able to break through the Lingdan level in a while!"

"Okay! But you have to promise that you will find a beautiful fire attribute beast as soon as possible!" Although Qin Huofeng felt sad, she also understood the reason. She just wanted Du Long to seize the time to help her find the beast.

"Yeah! That's natural!" Du Long couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch her nose.

"Young Master! This time you kill three powerful humans with ninth-level strength in becoming gods. The forces behind them will definitely not give up. If necessary, please ask us for help!" Seeing Du Long leaving the cave, Gui Bo said, Then he opened his mouth to remind.

"Understood! Thank you, Uncle Gui!" Du Long responded with cupped hands, then looked at Xia Qinglian and said: "Qinglian! Let's go back to Chifeng Cave together. Do you have anything to pack?!"

"No more!" Xia Qinglian shook her head, then looked at the transformed beauties of the mythical beast husband and said: "Sister husband! Qinglian went out of the house with her husband. I will come back to see you when I have time!"

"Haha! Go! The underwater world is full of dangers, remember to be careful in everything! Also, if you can find a deserted sea area and call me out again, my sister will teach you other methods of controlling water!" Fu Zhu smiled and waved his hand. .


Amidst everyone's farewells, Du Long and Xia Qinglian finally disappeared without a trace. Qin Huofeng, who was left behind in the Xuanyu Cave, gritted her teeth and flashed towards the steps. She also knew that her strength was too weak, and she You really need to practice the non-transformation technique more intensively!

In Chifeng Cave, Du Long and the transformed Xia Qinglian appeared in the passage behind the main cave hall. Not long after the battle, except for some siren guards, there was no siren commander present in the passage.

"See you, Master!" All the siren guards along the way bowed respectfully to Du Long. After successfully killing three high-level human beings who transformed into gods, he finally succeeded in establishing prestige in the Chifeng Cave and was recognized by all the sirens. and respect!

Facing the salutes of all the siren guards, Du Long would smile and nod in response, which showed that he was in a very good mood at the moment!

After Du Long led the beauty Xia Qinglian away, all the siren guards would whisper about who the beauty was brought by the master of the palace. It could be seen that he cared deeply for this beauty.

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