Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 526 Borrowing Essence and Blood

In the Xuanling Small Cave, Du Long and his two wives were sitting leisurely in a beautiful garden. Next to them were several mermaids and little sirens with spiritual level strength waiting on them!

These days, as long as he is not particularly busy, he will take time every day to sneak into the Xuanling Small Cave in the secret room to spend time with his two beautiful wives on the pretext of practicing.

After becoming the master of Chifeng Cave, Du Long had the right to select some smart and sensible little mermaids from the mansion and arrange them all in Xuanling Cave. In order to take care of their living habits, he specially arranged them in this place with waterfalls and In the palace of the water pool!

In Xuanling's small cave, there are mountains, flowing water, waterfalls and lakes, scattered with many beautiful palaces. This was the cave where senior Xuanling lived back then, so it was naturally decorated extremely beautifully. This was a great advantage for Dulong and his wife!

What the beautiful little cave has always lacked is popularity. Ever since Du Long brought these mermaid beauties in, the whole cave immediately became lively. The two hostesses Huofeng and Qinglian were naturally in a good mood!

Picking up the unique wine of the Sea Tribe that the mermaid beauty refilled, Du Long took a sip of it happily and sighed: "This unique wine of the Sea Tribe is really good! It's sweet in the mouth, mellow but not astringent, haha! Such a fairy-like day , what a joy it is!”

"Hehe! Husband, you said you would let us out as soon as possible. It has been several days, why are we still locked up in this small cave?! We are almost suffocated to death!" Qin Huofeng pulled Du Long's arm The elbow is just a coquettish way.

Her personality is completely opposite to Xia Qinglian's. She can't bear the feeling of being bored in one place all day long: "What is this underwater world like? Isn't this Chifeng Cave beautiful? These people are almost dying of curiosity!"

Smiling at his cute and beautiful wife with her cherry lips pouting, Du Long joked: "Haha! Curiosity will kill the cat! If you appear in the Chifeng Cave Mansion in human form, I'm afraid your husband will be the master of the cave. It’s going to be no guarantee!”

"Tch! Didn't you just rely on transformation to get through?! Remember many years ago, you promised to help me and Qinglian find the suitable essence and blood of the mythical beast, so that we can practice transformation techniques?! You guy who doesn't keep his words!" Qin Huofeng muttered dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. After listening to her words, Du Long suddenly slapped his head and jumped up and said: "Wow! How did I forget this?! Come on, let's go to Xuanyu now Cave!"

Then, without explaining to the two bewildered beautiful wives, he directly took their jade hands, and with a thought, he used the Xuanyu Cave Sky Formation Stone to teleport directly to the Xuanyu Cave Mansion suspended in countless spaces. On top of the stone peak where cracks kept flashing!

The appearance of Du Long and the others immediately attracted the attention of many monsters in Xuanyu Cave. For a moment, a large number of monsters gathered around and greeted Du Long very enthusiastically!

To this, Du Long naturally responded one by one, but the two wives standing beside him were dumbfounded. This was their first time coming to Xuanyu Cave Mansion, and it was also their first time seeing these terrifying monsters. , for a moment, they didn’t even know where Du Long had taken them.

"Master, Master! Wow, Gaga, you finally came to see us!" On the steps in the distance, Sun Yuan jumped up on the spot after seeing clearly that the target surrounded by the monsters was Du Long, and flew forward directly in the air.

"Haha, Sun Yuan!" Du Long laughed and punched him in the chest, and then said in shock: "You monkey head! We haven't seen each other for several months, and you have actually reached the perfect strength of the spiritual elixir level?!"

"Hehe! This is all thanks to the master..." Sun Yuan scratched his head and laughed dryly: "I fight on the steps every day, and with the help of the elixir, my strength has been rising!"

"Eh?! Where are Xiao Lie and Xiao Jin Jing?!" Du Long then remembered his other two spiritual beasts.

"The two of them are in seclusion! It will probably take some time before they can come out!" Sun Yuan waved his hand, and then said anxiously: "Master! My strength has reached a bottleneck now. Can you tell the master and ask him to let me out? Give it a try?!"

"This... we'll talk about it later! I have some business to do when I come here today!" Du Longman responded, and then turned his attention to the three figures that were slowly walking not far away. They were the mythical beasts Fu Zhu and Bai Yun. , Kui Niu!

"Haha! Du Long, you're here again?! You are really a rare visitor! Hey, these two people around you must be your two little wives, right? You are so embarrassed, it's the first time to bring them with you in such a long time Come in!" It's Baiyun again, this guy still talks so much.

"Haha! Baiyun, Brother Kui Niu, and Sister Husband!" Du Long politely bowed his hands to these three mythical beasts, then winked at the two lovely wives and said, "Fire Phoenix, Qinglian! These three are rare mythical beasts. !”

"Huofeng (Qinglian) has seen three eldest brothers and eldest sisters!" The two girls naturally bowed their hands in understanding, and their two pairs of beautiful eyes were spinning around the three-headed beasts. Finally, they all excitedly focused on the beautiful and eye-catching husband. On all the bodies.

It happened that Nafu Zhu transformed into a human form on the spot, with a pair of beautiful and small coral horns on his head, wearing a beige dress. He stepped forward and grabbed the two girls, and started chatting aside.

At this time, Gui Bo also walked out of the yard where he lived. He was obviously disturbed by the noise outside. When Du Long saw him, he immediately went up to him and greeted him politely.

Although Gui Bo usually calls himself Young Master, Du Long has no consciousness or airs about being a young master, and he still respects Gui Bo very much!

All the powerful monsters present showed great respect to Uncle Gui. Before they came to Xuanyu Cave, Uncle Gui had already lived here for countless years!

"Come! Let me introduce to you, these two are my wives Qin Huofeng and Xia Qinglian!" Leading Uncle Gui to the two lovely wives, Du Long began to introduce: "Qinglian, Huofeng! See you soon. Uncle Turtle!"

"Qinglian (Fire Phoenix) has met Uncle Gui!" the two girls said in a sweet voice, naturally and obediently.

"Okay, okay! Both girls have good qualifications, and they are a perfect match for the young master! Hahaha!" Uncle Gui stroked the small goatee on his chin, nodded with satisfaction and praised.

"Uncle Gui!" The three divine beasts Bai Yun and Husband on the side bowed their hands politely to Uncle Gui. The old man only nodded in response, but his eyes still fell on Du Long: "Young Master! Come here this time, There must be something going on, right?!”

"Hehe!" Du Long could only scratch his head and laugh dryly: "Uncle Gui has a vicious eye, that's right! I really have something to ask for when I come here this time!"

The three mythical beasts on the side raised their brows and looked at Du Long with curiosity as he waited for his next words. Gui Bo asked with a smile: "Haha, I know you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything! Tell me! Who do you want to help you this time? What are you doing?!"

"Haha! I want to ask the three of you for a big favor this time. Of course, if you think it's impossible, you can refuse. Du Long will never blame you. I will find another way!" Du Long fixed his gaze on the three-headed beast with a look on his face. Said sincerely.

"Look what you said, if you have anything to ask us for help, as long as we can do it, we will definitely help you with all our strength!" Bai Yun immediately patted his chest and promised.

"That's right! I, Kui Niu, am naturally obligated to do so!" Kui Niu followed closely and assured in a buzzing voice, and Nafu Zhu was no exception.

"Well... the three of you should listen to the whole story first, and then make your decision slowly!" After Du Long finished speaking, he began to transform under everyone's astonished gaze.

He was originally an ordinary human boy, but he instantly transformed into a golden dragon man, and his aura exploded!

"Did you see it?! I have a transformation technique that relies on the essence and blood of mythical beasts. The essence and blood of the mythical beast in me comes from the little holy dragon that just arrived here! Now, in order to develop in the underwater world, my The two wives also need to transform, so I would like to borrow your divine beast essence and blood for use! I wonder if the three of you can still agree to Du Long's unkind request?!" Du Long said in a deep voice while maintaining the golden dragon state. Speak out your request.

"This..." Baiyun and the three mythical beasts were dumbfounded on the spot. If they were allowed to come out to help or something, it wouldn't matter even if they shed some blood, but this clearly requires the essence and blood of the mythical beasts, which is the lifeblood of all mythical beasts!

"Don't worry! I only need a small part of the blood essence of the mythical beast. It will definitely not affect your future practice. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. After all, it is not ordinary blood..." Du Long added with great understanding. .

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little quiet. Sun Yuan on the side couldn't stand the atmosphere and said frantically on the spot: "Wow! I also have some of the essence and blood of the mythical beast, why don't you just take mine!"

"Tch! I don't want to look like a female monkey after the transformation, so ugly!" Huo Feng rolled his eyes in disgust on the spot.

"Uh..." Sun Yuan said dumbfounded on the spot: "You don't want it for free?!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone was amused by the conversation between the two of them. They laughed together. The three-headed beasts thought about it. As long as their cultivation level was not endangered, there was no harm in giving some blood, so they all expressed their willingness to donate blood.

"Sister Fuzhu is so beautiful, I want sister Fuzhu's essence and blood..." Huofeng immediately cheered excitedly, but unfortunately Du Long ruthlessly denied it: "No! Fuzhu's constitution is negative, and her essence and blood only I can give it to Qinglian!"

"Haha! My old Niu's constitution happens to be positive, why don't these younger siblings use mine?!" The mythical beast Kui Niu grinned at the fire phoenix with an expectant smile on his face.

"Ah... I don't want that! I don't want to be covered in black hair and grow two huge horns after I transform!" Qin Huofeng had long been frightened by Kui Niu's exaggerated appearance, so how could he still do it? With a little bit of interest, everyone was once again amused by her exaggerated expression.

"So it seems! I can only trouble Sister Fuzhu for the time being. I want to lend you some essence and blood so that I can help Qinglian!" Du Long smiled bitterly and shook his head. Then he looked expectantly at the mythical beast that had transformed into a beautiful woman. Husband Zhu.

"How much blood essence and blood is appropriate?!" Divine Beast Fuzhu asked a little nervously. She was afraid that too much blood essence and blood would affect her future cultivation.

"Not much! I only need half of the blood essence and blood in your body!" Du Long made the request based on the calculations of the Ring Spirit Beauty. Half a percent is equivalent to one-twentieth, which is indeed not much!

"Half-performed?! Okay!" Fu Zhu calculated at once that half-performed blood essence would have little effect on him, and immediately nodded and agreed to Du Long's request.

Therefore, the seemingly impossible matter of borrowing blood essence was accomplished in Xuanyu Cave. I wonder what Xia Qinglian will look like after she transforms? !

In Xuanyu Cave Mansion, in the courtyard where Guibo lives, after sending away the other monsters, there are only three Du Longs in the courtyard, plus the three-headed beasts, Sun Yuan and Guibo!

The others sat quietly aside, quietly watching the exquisite and graceful figure sitting cross-legged on the stone platform. It is not that easy to get the essence and blood. You can't just poke it with a knife!

At this moment, the mythical beast Fuzhu, who had transformed into a beautiful woman, was trying his best to gather part of the essence and blood in his body to the tip of his hand, just like when Du Long transformed, he wanted to focus the golden energy into the transformation area. This process is not dangerous. !

Soon, Fu Zhu, who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, then turned over his hand and took out a jade bottle, placed the mouth of the bottle under the fingertips of his right hand, and could see drops of bright red blood starting to drip into the bottle.


After successfully forcing a certain amount of blood essence out of the body, Fu Zhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately closed the jade bottle. Then he looked at Xia Qinglian and said softly: "Okay! Sister Qinglian, this bottle of blood essence is yours." Got it!"

Qinglian hurriedly stepped forward to take the jade bottle, and said with gratitude: "Qinglian thanks my husband and sisters for your great kindness! I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. From now on, if my husband and sisters have any use for Qinglian, Qinglian will definitely do her best." !”

"Haha, don't be polite! Don't worry, if I need help from Du Long for anything in the future, I won't be polite! By the way, if the transformation technique is not difficult to practice, I would like to see it with my own eyes Look, what will you look like after you transform!" Fu Zhu was not polite.

"It is not difficult to practice this kind of technique, but it will be a little painful when you practice it for the first time!" Du Long explained: "Qinglian! How about you start practicing according to the transformation technique I taught you now! I I’m also very curious about what you will look like after you transform!”

"Yes! Okay!" Xia Qinglian naturally would not object to any of Du Long's requests. She placed the jade bottle in front of her and began to practice with her eyes closed. The people around them did not leave, and they all watched curiously as to what this magical transformation technique was. How to practice.

Time passed slowly, after adjusting the breath in her body and making various preparations, Xia Qinglian finally started to take action!

She reached out to pick up the jade bottle, removed the cap, and poured all the blood essence into her mouth!

Then she continued to close her eyes and began to absorb the essence and blood energy for her own use according to the cultivation method Du Long taught her. After this process continued for a period of time, she felt that all the essence and blood energy had been absorbed and disappeared into her body. Only then did she begin the real transformation process!

The transformation process was absolutely painful, but Xia Qinglian, who was relatively introverted, gritted her teeth and kept from screaming. She seemed unwilling to show her fragile side in front of outsiders.

Du Long on the side was anxious, but he had no other solution. No one else could help with the transformation process, and he had experienced it himself, which was definitely not what ordinary people could imagine. Seeing Qinglian trembling in pain, Xiang Even though he was dripping with sweat, he still gritted his teeth and kept from screaming, which made him secretly feel distressed!

However, she finally survived three transformations. Qinglian, whose strength had already surpassed the spiritual level, was naturally able to practice to the ultimate transformation in one step!

Her exposed skin was covered with a layer of light blue scales, and a pair of milky white jade coral horns grew on her forehead, which was really beautiful!

At this moment, Xia Qinglian has a pair of cold and demonic silver eyes, which are very similar to Fu Zhu in human form. Both of them have gentle personalities. If they stand together, they really look like a pair of sisters!

"Wow! Qinglian, you look so beautiful now, wuwu... I want to transform too..." Qin Huofeng just cried when she saw Qinglian's painful transformation, and now there are still tears on her face, But she cheered excitedly. Her simple personality can be seen from the fact that she was happy and never tried to hide it!

Blinking her cold and demonic silver eyes, Xia Qinglian grinned at Huofeng, and then looked up and down at the changes in her body in confusion. She could feel a powerful force surging in her body. This feeling made her extremely happy.

She had always hoped that she could help Du Long, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she could never catch up with him. Therefore, the desire for power in her heart became extremely strong!

"This kind of transformation technique is really mysterious! I can feel the blood of the Fuzhu beasts in sister Qinglian. If I hadn't seen her transformed from a human with my own eyes, I would have mistakenly thought that she was from my Fuzhu clan. Where are the sisters!" The mythical beast Fu Zhu looked at the figure in front of him who looked very similar to himself with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Haha! Sister Fuzhu, I wonder what special skills your mythical beast Fuzhu clan has?!" Du Long asked with a smile. What he was most concerned about now was what kind of special abilities Qinglian could inherit.

"My husband's clan of divine beasts are water-based divine beasts. They prefer methods such as water control, such as the water curtain and Tianhua energy shield!" As the divine beast Fu Zhu said this, blue-white energy surged around her, and soon A light water curtain energy shield is formed to protect it.

"Another example is the Water Control Technique!" The subject changed, and the water curtain Tianhua energy cover surrounding Fu Zhu dissipated, turning into a ball of water, suspended beside her, and sometimes turning into a flower. Sometimes it turns into a sea fish and swims, which is so magical.

"This..." Du Long said slightly disappointed: "This little thing made of water energy probably doesn't have much attack power, right?!"

Raising his brows, the mythical beast husband Zhu was obviously dissatisfied with being underestimated. With a shout, he pushed the water polo in his hand towards Du Long, and then he did not forget to warn: "Since you underestimated the power of the water polo, then try another one." try!"

Du Long never expected that his words would cause such a violent backlash from his husband. For a moment, he waved his hands carelessly to push away the water polo. According to his thoughts, the holy dragon scale armor on his body would definitely Can easily handle a mere water polo!

"Humph!" Fu Zhu snorted coldly, and the water ball shot at Du Long turned into a sharp ice pick. The speed of the shot also accelerated instantly, and it could already make a screaming sound that broke through the air!

call out! Snapped!

The sharp ice pick instantly hit Du Long's scaly arm, smashing it into pieces with a snap. You could see two scales shattering at the location where it was hit!


Feeling the stinging pain in his arm, Du Long raised his hand in shock and looked at the location where the scales were broken, and murmured to himself: "The power is not small! Unfortunately, it always feels like it's not even close!"

After hearing what he muttered, the mythical beast Baiyun and Kui Niu looked at each other, and could see the meaningful smiles in each other's eyes. As expected, the usually gentle Fu Zhu glared at Du Long with an ugly expression. He shouted: "Hmph! Isn't that bad?! Do you want to feel their power?!"

"Ah..." Du Long was dumbfounded on the spot after seeing the scene in front of him clearly.

I saw dozens of water balls suddenly appearing next to Fu Zhu. These water balls instantly turned into sharp pointed cones. One of the pointed cones pointed directly at Du Long. The tips of the cones were shaking faintly. Apparently, as long as their owner gave an order. , the target will be pierced by thousands of arrows!

Just imagine, a sharp cone cracked Du Long's scale armor just now. If dozens or hundreds of blows were hit, even the hard scale armor would not be able to bear it, let alone his own body!

"Haha! Okay, Fu Zhu! It's time to put away your ice pick attack! Young Master should know how powerful you are!" Guibo, who had been smiling silently, finally said.

"Yes!" In response to Uncle Gui's words, the husbands did not dare to disobey, and after responding obediently, they waved their hands proudly, and saw the ice cones all over the sky melting into mist, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, just like It's like magic!

"Young Master!" Uncle Gui then looked at Du Long with a smile and said, "Actually, I was merciful just now. The ice cone I used was only of energy equivalent to your level of strength. Otherwise..."

"Haha! I understand, thank you Sister Fuzhu for showing mercy!" Du Long nodded and said, "Besides, what other special water control abilities are there?"

"That's a lot. It's a pity that this is not on the sea, otherwise I can demonstrate it a few more times!" Fuzhulue said with interest.

"That's easy to say!" Du Long said with a smile: "Whenever I have the opportunity, I will teleport Sister Fuzhu out and watch you perform again! Haha, but can you teach Qinglian the two moves you just demonstrated?!"

After working on it for a long time, Du Long was looking for a teacher for his beautiful wife! Daqing is just plotting other people's water control methods!

"No problem! I even gave her the essence and blood of the mythical beast. Now Sister Qinglian is like half of my tribe, so Fu Zhu will not be stingy!" At this point, Fu Zhu's expression suddenly became a little sad.

"Sister Fuzhu! What's wrong with you?!" Du Long saw at a glance that her expression became a little weird, so he asked: "If you can't teach me how to control water, don't teach me! Don't make it difficult!"

"Young Master! You misunderstood!" Gui Bo obviously understood that Du Long had misunderstood what Fu Zhu meant, and explained for her: "Back then, Fu Zhu's tribe suffered a disaster, and the master who arrived later only saved her. All other members of Fuzhu’s clan died in that disaster!”

"Ah..." Du Long's mistress obviously didn't expect this to be the reason, and they were all dumbfounded with their eyes wide open.

"Sister Fuzhu, I'm really sorry for accidentally touching your sad past!" Du Long hurriedly apologized, and Xia Qinglian took Fuzhu's jade hand with concern and said: "Sister Fuzhu! From now on, Qing Lian is your biological sister!"

"Haha! It's okay!" The mythical beast husband who transformed into a beautiful woman grinned and said: "Which one of us living in the Xuanyu Cave is not burdened with all kinds of tragic past?! We are all the masters of Xuanyu who travel everywhere. By chance, I saved him easily!"

"That's right! Kui Niu was also rescued by Master Xuanyu back then. The master has said that as long as we are strong enough and want to go out for revenge, she will not object!" The mythical beast Kui Niu interjected with a buzzing sound.

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