Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 5 First Sister

Du Mansion, in the elegant back garden, Du Long leaned on a recliner and basked in the sun comfortably. There were various snacks and fruits on the stone table beside him for him to enjoy. The servant Agui stood aside respectfully.

With his eyes slightly squinted, the index finger of his right hand gently picks a black coiled snake ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and various thoughts flash through his mind...

Everything that happened recently was too bizarre, and finally he was free, and he began to carefully sort out the memories in his mind, trying to find out what happened to him, otherwise, he would feel uneasy!

In order not to miss anything, he dug out the trajectory of his life and thought about it carefully, wanting to find out whether there is a causal connection between before and after!

In my memory, the self before the age of five was not only a waste of cultivation, but also a genius in martial arts. At the age of three, he sensed the existence of Haotian Gangqi, and at the age of five, he cultivated to the fifth level of energy accumulation!

And all this changed at the age of five...

I remember that it was a stormy night in the summer of 995 in the astronomical calendar. That night, the entire capital of the Haotian Empire was thundered and thundered, and the thunder shook the capital. I was really scared when I was only five years old, and because of this, I still have a vivid memory of that night. profound!

After that terrifying stormy night, Lingyun Mountain in the northwest suburb of the imperial capital split in two, forming a thousand-foot cliff!

You know, Lingyun Mountain has no cliffs and abyss. After that stormy night, the whole Lingyun Mountain was split into two like a knife and an axe. Half of it collapsed and disappeared without a trace, while the other half still stands There, a steep cliff is formed!

That is, not long after that night, one day, when I was playing in the back garden of Du Mansion, I accidentally picked up this black coiled snake ring in my hand. Seeing the hunting heart, I put it on my left ring finger. The ring that was too big instantly shrank, and it was tightly glued to his ring finger!

From now on, no matter what I do, I can no longer take it off my ring finger!

"That's right! From then on, not only was my dantian unable to absorb and store the Haotian Gangqi, but even the Haotian Gangqi group that had reached the fifth level of energy accumulation in the dantian and was finally absorbed and refined gradually disappeared..." Du Longmeng patted his forehead.

As the so-called fan of the authorities, after so many years, I have been struggling to find the reason why the dantian cannot store the Haotian Gangqi. How could I have thought that it would have something to do with the ring on my finger?

What he didn't know was that there was a ripple on this ring that no one could see all the time, completely enveloping him. Completely isolated, this is also the reason why outsiders cannot see through that he has reached the first level of energy accumulation!

"Ten years ago..." Like a flash of lightning in his mind, Du Long suddenly remembered something, and quickly stretched out his hand to pat the drowsy little golden snake on his right arm.

"Little Jinjing! Remember you said that I stayed in that valley for about ten years?" Du Long asked Little Golden Snake excitedly.

Nodding his head lightly, the little golden snake obviously hadn't fully woken up yet, so he replied in a daze: "Well! About ten years or so! What's the matter? Why bother people sleeping and ask this?"

"Look at this ring! Do you recognize it?" Du Long stretched out his left ring finger, shaking the black snake ring in front of it.

The little golden snake shook his head in confusion and said, "Isn't it just a black ring?"

Rolling his eyes, Du Long knew that it had misunderstood him, and hurriedly explained: "I mean, have you ever seen this ring before you saw me? Do you have any impression of it?"

The little golden snake stared quietly at the coiled snake ring, and replied after a long silence: "Although I haven't seen it in my memory, I can feel a very familiar aura. I was also attracted by this aura back then. In addition to ten years of staying alone in the valley, I decided to establish a closer relationship with you, and then I bit you according to the method I remembered..."

Although he didn't get a definite answer, Du Long felt that he was one step closer to the truth, and he could basically determine why he turned from a practicing genius to a useless material back then!

As for why he went back to five years ago, he can't figure out this question for the time being, so he can only wait for a chance to investigate it later!

"Hey! Who am I talking about? So good at enjoying yourself, you actually have the time to lie in a picturesque garden to waste your time? So it's the good-for-nothing old nine who just got divorced by Zhao Lin'er! Hahaha..." Right next to Du Long While thinking about it on the recliner, a sharp mocking sound woke him up.

You don't need to look to know who is coming, except for the self-righteous boy Dewey from Liutang's family?

Du Long's tiger's eyes flashed away, and he didn't answer. He stretched out his hand to pick up the tea and took a sip. He didn't even bother to take a look at De Wei who was wandering over with his two attendants. The servant Agui who was standing beside him lowered his head. How dare you care about the conflicts between the Du family's children!

In the third generation of the Du family, Du Long is the ninth eldest, and he is the ninth eldest of Dulong in the capital!

That Du Wei is the seventh eldest, one and a half years older than Du Long, because his father and Du Long's father are at odds, this kid always likes to trouble Du Long on weekdays.

In the second generation of the Du family, the third eldest, Du Zhentian, the second-rank general Zhongwu, and the sixth Du Zhennan, the second-rank general Zhenwei, are the two flagpoles of the Du family in the army, and also represent the two leading figures of the Du family.

Therefore, the Du family is divided into two factions, one is the patriarch Du Zhentian, and the other is Du Laoliu Du Zhennan!

It's a pity that Du Long didn't live up to his expectations, and he became a useless one after practicing. Not only did his father's prestige in the Du family suffer, but Du Long himself didn't have any prestige among the three generations of the Du family. Most people stood on the side of the old seven Dewey!

Being directly ignored by Du Long was an unprecedented phenomenon. You know, in recent years, whenever Du Long saw De Wei, he would take a detour. Did he take the wrong medicine today?

Dewey, who was originally thinking of ridiculing the matter, started to freeze the smile on his face, and led his two followers to walk towards Du Long at a faster pace. He wanted to see if this kid dared to ignore Own!

"Hey, hey! Is the sun coming out from the west today? There is someone who is not open, and he is here to pretend to be a uncle with me?" When he came close, Dewey stared at Du Long on the recliner with disdain. Said sarcastically.

"Hahaha..." The two clan brothers beside him laughed in unison, and one of them, named Du Kang, pointed at Du Long arrogantly and said: "The trash who was divorced by the Zhao family is also worthy Here's the master! Hmph, it's okay to embarrass yourself, but also implicate our Du family, you really need to clean up the bastard!"

Du Long raised his head lightly, his eyes were like cold knives, and he swept towards the flamboyant Du Kang, just when he couldn't help but want to make a move, a soft voice suddenly came from the northwest corner of the garden.

"Dewey! What's the matter? You guys are going to bully Du Long again?" The attention of several young people at the scene, including Du Long, was attracted by the owner of the voice, and they saw a tall and tall Tsing Yi who could be described as hot The beauty strode here.

The two boys next to Dewey wilted on the spot and swallowed fiercely. They seemed to be in awe of this beauty in Tsing Yi. Even the corners of Dewey's mouth couldn't help twitching. The beauty in Tsing Yi was very afraid.

"Hey, Sister Cai Ni! How could we bully Du Long? I just heard that his engagement with Zhao Lin'er is broken, and we just happened to meet each other today, so we just came over to say hello! Nothing else, let's go practice! "Dewey laughed dryly, explained to Du Caini, turned around and gave Du Long a sneaky look, and snorted softly: "Huh! You are lucky, the guy who only hides behind women, you just wait and see!"

Du Long didn't even bother to roll his eyelids, and ignored De Wei again. When dealing with this disgusting fly, don't take him too seriously, so as not to stain your eyes.

"What? Do you still want to stay and look for trouble?" Du Caini came to the front now, seeing that Dewey hadn't left yet, her beautiful eyes glared at him with displeasure.

"Let's go!" Dewey could only wave his hands and lead the two attendants away. From the steady look in his eyes, it could be seen that if there was a chance, he would definitely trouble Du Long again.

"Hey! Boy, why do you always provoke this guy?" Du Caini turned to look at Du Long after sneering at Du Wei's leaving back and said with concern.

Leaning on the recliner, Du Long stared quietly at the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi in front of him. She is the eldest daughter of Du Zhendong, the second generation boss of the Du family, and the only being in the third generation of the Du family who is willing to treat him well!

She is also the No. 1 Martial Academy of the Haotian Empire, a second-year student of the Haotian Royal Academy, and her martial arts strength has reached the second level of cyclone. She has a straightforward and hot temper, let alone Dewey. A person of the same age dares to provoke!

Among the three generations of the Du family's grandchildren, Du Caini, who is the most powerful and the oldest, has become the veritable first sister of the Du family!

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