Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 46 Spiritual Liquid Prescription

600 gold coins, 1% also has an income of 6 gold coins. Although the things in Zhenbaozhai are good, they are not so easy to sell. After all, there are very few people in the entire capital who are really capable of spending here!

After paying the money and completing the formalities to accept the small tripod, Du Long and his party did not leave the Zhenbaozhai, but continued to go to the second floor. Since they came, it would be good to have a look at what good things are sold here.

"Boy! For 600 gold coins, is it worth buying a piece of junk to go back? These junks have been scoured countless times by many tasters in Zhenbaozhai. If they are good things, they won't sell them cheaply!" Du Caini obviously didn't understand Du Cai. Why did Long spend so many gold coins to buy a junk, he asked in a low voice when he went up to the second floor.

"Hey, I feel that this tripod is destined, so I just bought it to play with and appreciate it. If you like something, you don't necessarily have to be valuable!" Du Long laughed, not wanting to reveal the secret at all.

Regarding this, Du Caini and Princess Huofeng could only helplessly shake their heads and smile wryly, and squandered hundreds of gold coins to buy junk to play with. Du Long, the son of the second-rank Zhongwu General, still has the qualifications!

When he went up to the second floor of Zhenbao Zhai, Du Long's eyes lit up on the spot. It really is that you get what you pay for, and the things sold here are obviously higher than those on the first floor.

All kinds of rare treasures were dazzling, and Du Long was dazzled by seeing them on the spot. Among the people present, only Princess Huofeng could look at these treasures with a normal heart. After all, this is just a head office of Zhenbaozhai, and it is not at the same level as the palace treasure house. !

"One thousand gold coins per bottle for first-grade spiritual liquid, five thousand gold coins per bottle for second-grade spiritual liquid? Isn't the gap too big?" Looking at the price of the spiritual liquid displayed on the counter, Du Long muttered with some heartache.

"Hehe, my lord doesn't know that each bottle of the first-grade spiritual liquid can only increase the strength of the Qi accumulation level by about one level, but the second-grade spiritual liquid can increase the strength of the cyclone level by one level. It is normal for it to be several times more expensive!" A female waiter beside him said. He covered his mouth and laughed.

"Oh...so that's how it is!" Du Long couldn't help thinking: "A second-grade spiritual liquid costs five thousand gold coins, and each person can only use one or two copies at most in each major level so as not to damage the foundation. If I want to take the spiritual liquid, I need 10,000 gold coins...'10,000 gold coins is no different from an astronomical figure for him now. As the third generation descendant of the Du family, he can get 200 gold coins from his family every month. The gold coin pocket money is only 2,400 gold coins for a year without eating or drinking, and the New Year's gift money is nearly 1,000 gold coins and it is only more than 3,000 gold coins.

For things like money, rich people have their own way of spending money, and poor people have their own way of spending money. For example, a poor person can spend a few silver coins on a piece of clothing, but sometimes a rich person may spend tens or even hundreds of gold coins to buy it. A high-end garment.

With an annual income of more than 3,000, Du Long spent almost all of it before he was reborn. Sometimes he had to ask his mother to subsidize it if it wasn't enough. There is only less than two thousand gold coins left, and just this little money has cost six hundred gold coins!

It is really difficult to collect enough 10,000 gold coins to buy two copies of the second-grade spiritual liquid. With such a large amount, it is really impossible for him to ask his parents or grandpa for help.

Ten years of useless physique, the family has paid a huge price for this, which has already caused the strength of his direct line to be inferior to other collateral lines of the Du family. Du Long really has no face to ask his family for such a huge sum of money to buy spiritual liquid!

"It seems that we have to find a way to make money..." Du Long sighed inwardly.

Continue to walk around on the second floor of Zhenbaozhai. Although the number of various rare treasures is not as much as that on the first floor, they are all treasures. Du Long, who is shy in the pancake, can only enjoy his eyes.

"Huh! There are still prescriptions here?" Du Long said in surprise, his eyes lit up when he came to a prescription counter.

"That's right! These are all prescriptions for refining various elixirs! The prices are absolutely fair!" the waitress of Zhenbaozhai replied with a smile.

Looking at the rolls of golden prescription scrolls, Du Long saw at a glance the three cheapest prescription scrolls: 100 gold coins for the first-grade spiritual liquid prescription, 200 gold coins for the second-grade spiritual liquid prescription, and 300 gold coins for the third-grade spiritual liquid prescription !

Compared with the nearby prescriptions costing thousands of gold coins, these three spiritual liquid prescriptions can be described as extremely cheap. Du Long couldn't help wondering, "Why are the spiritual liquid prescriptions so cheap?"

"Hehe, the psychic liquid prescription is the most widely circulated prescription in the Star Continent. There are almost no secrets at all, so its price is relatively cheaper. This kind of prescription is cheap, but if you want to refine psychic liquids of various grades It's not easy!" The clever waitress explained tirelessly.

Princess Huofeng added in a charming voice: "To refine pills, at least one needs to reach the strength of Gang Dan level, and also needs a fire attribute physique. Only practitioners with pill fire in their bodies have the opportunity to learn the art of refining pills. , if you want to become a pharmacist, you need to be guided by a famous teacher, and you must also have the talent to become a pharmacist, all kinds of reasons make pharmacists extremely rare!"

"Cut! Who said that it must be at the Gang Dan level to condense the pill fire? It's just the view of a frog at the bottom of the well..." As soon as Princess Huofeng finished speaking, there was a disdainful rebuttal from the ring spirit beauty in Du Long's mind. I can't see people pretending to understand when they don't understand.

In fact, what Princess Huofeng is talking about is the common cognition of human beings in this world, and it is incomparable with the existence of the ring spirit beauty who does not know which advanced world she came from!

"Could it be that what Princess Huofeng said is wrong?" Du Long obviously grasped the deep meaning hidden in the words of the ring spirit beauty.

"Nonsense! Let's not talk about it, just say you brat! Now you have only reached the cyclone level, right? Didn't you find that there is a flame burning in the center of the cyclone eye in your dantian space?"

"I know that there is a flame burning there. Isn't it true that when everyone reaches the cyclone stage, there will be a flame burning at the eye of the cyclone?"


The ring spirit beauty was so amused by Du Long's ignorance on the spot, she held her stomach for a long time before she straightened up and said out of breath: "Hahaha... my aunt really convinced you! Unless Xuanyang body, otherwise, it would be impossible to condense the fire at the cyclone level!"

"So it's like this..." Du Long finally understood that after everyone reached the cyclone level, flames could appear at the eye of the cyclone in the dantian!

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense with you! Boy, the recipes for refining elixir are different in each world. After all, the elixir grown in each world is also different. Therefore, you should spend some money to purify the third-grade elixir. Buy the prescription!"

"Buy a prescription?" Du Long's heart skipped a beat.

"Nonsense, I bought it, and my aunt will help you think of a way to make money. Otherwise, if you want to practice step by step, I really don't know that the year of the monkey will allow you to improve your strength to the level of your former master!"

"Give me a copy of all the prescriptions from the first grade to the third grade of spiritual liquid!" After communicating with the ring spirit beauty, Du Long naturally knew that the benefits would come again, so he hurriedly said loudly to the waitress beside him.

"Yes, my lord, the three prescriptions total 600 gold coins!" The clever waitress calculated the result with a quick brain, and stretched out her hand to Du Long with a smile.

He reached into his bosom, but secretly took out six Haotian money notes from the space of the Coiled Snake Ring, each with a face value of 100 gold coins, and handed them directly to the smiling waitress.

When the waitress happily ran to go through the formalities, Du Caini couldn't help but reached out and touched Du Long's forehead and said, "Boy, don't you have a fever? Did you spend so much money to buy this prescription and eat it back? Don't you still Do you have a hobby of playing with prescriptions?"

Pulling away the jade hand of the first sister, Du Long casually found an excuse and replied: "With the prescription, if you come across some kind of elixir that can refine psychic liquid when you go out to practice in the future, you won't miss it! You can make a lot of money in the future by spending a small amount of money, do you understand?"

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