Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 447 Annual General Test

"That's right! This can't be a coincidence! That guy clearly doesn't want to give any face to Brother Tianhong!"

"That's really true!"


Behind the gloomy-looking Gong Tianhong, a group of followers were all criticizing Du Long. They had long forgotten what they had just said about Du Long being addicted to women and delaying his cultivation.

"By the way! Brother Tianhong? Now you want to spread the word that Du Long is addicted to women and is delaying his spiritual practice?!" A guy who doesn't know how to observe words and emotions actually thought of this.

"Are you an idiot?! It only took three months for me to advance from the first level to the second level of formation, and my body skills improved by fifty points. This is called delaying my practice..." Gong Tianhong, who had been furious for a long time, finally found The target of venting his anger pointed at the tip of this guy's nose and began to curse. Others on the side were silent, and they didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

In the War Soul Cave, Du Long led his two beauties towards the inside with a smile on his face. With the help of the Ring Spirit beauties, he had already seen the embarrassing behavior of Gong Tianhong and his party.

"Husband! Why...why are you just testing these two items?! Do you want to keep the secret of breaking through to the spiritual level?!" Huofeng looked at Du Long with a smile on his face in confusion.

"Hehe! Can't you tell? My husband doesn't want to perform too well in the test. Isn't it because he was provoked by others today..." Xia Qinglian on the side answered with a smile.

"Hehe! The one who knows me is Qinglian! That's right! I just felt unhappy with those guys today. In order to prevent them from spreading rumors and slandering me, I had to show my hand a little bit!" Du Long glanced at Xia Qinglian approvingly. , sneered triumphantly.

"That's it! Hehe, I guess if your cousin Hong saw that the second place changed hands again that day, he would be depressed to death?!" Huo Feng suddenly realized.

"Haha, husband! If you do this today, they will definitely hate you to the core of your being!" Xia Qinglian said with worry.

"I'll let him die!" Du Long narrowed his eyes and said rudely on the spot.

Looking at her husband in astonishment, Xia Qinglian never expected that his reaction would be so big: "Husband... your reaction today seems to be a little too much!"

"Hmph! You don't know how outrageous what those people said when they came out of the War Soul Cave, especially my cousin Tianhong, it's just that he didn't speak for my cousin, but... he still wanted to do that A few disgusting guys are spreading bad words about us everywhere!" Du Long snorted angrily.

"Isn't it?! This guy Gong Tianhong looks great on the outside, but he is so disgusting?!" Qin Huofeng said in shock.

Nodding, Du Long didn't bother to talk any more nonsense and said directly: "Forget it! Forget about these disgusting guys! After all, we are new here. As long as the other party doesn't go too far, don't pay attention to it! Let's go and continue practicing! Don't worry about it. People say we are addicted..."

"Disgusting!" Huo Feng rolled his eyes and became angry when he heard Du Long mention this again.

Time continued to pass while practicing. Du Long was angered by Gong Tianhong and others. Then he took the test and his total score increased by another hundred points. It was just a small episode within Ziyun Sect and did not cause much sensation!

After all, spending three months to increase one hundred points is not too outrageous!

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Xia Qinglian, who entered the War Soul Cave to practice, unexpectedly failed to meet at the scheduled location on time, so Du Long and Huo Feng found the secret room where she practiced - the Soul Gathering Room!

They waited outside the gathering room for a whole night. Although they were worried, Du Long and Huofeng both vaguely guessed a certain possibility, so they both seemed a little excited.

Sure enough, at noon the next day, when the door of the spirit-gathering room where Xia Qinglian practiced opened, Du Long immediately sensed the aura emanating from her body, and it was clear that she was a first-level spirit-level person!

"Qinglian! Congratulations! Haha!" Du Long opened his arms with a smile and directly embraced Xia Qinglian, who had broken through the spiritual level!

"Oh my god! Qinglian, you...you actually broke through and reached the spiritual level?!" Qin Huofeng came forward with excitement and envy.

"Haha, I kept my husband and princess sister waiting for a long time!" Xia Qinglian replied with an apologetic smile. Although she was older than Huofeng, her status in the family was unfortunately at the back, so she could only be called sister.

"Haha! If you can immediately break through and reach the Linghai level, don't let your husband wait for a night, just wait for a month or a year. Let's go! The three of us will celebrate together!" Du Long hugged him enthusiastically The two beautiful wives left the War Soul Cave and went to find a place to celebrate.

After packing several delicacies directly in the Qianyuan Dining Hall, the three of them plus the three spirit beasts left Ziyun Sect and went straight to their secret stronghold, Luohua Valley.

The so-called secret base of Luohua Valley was actually the place where Du Long practiced his ultimate transformation. It was located in a remote place and ordinary people could never get here. Only occasionally some masters with strength above the spiritual level would fly over here.

This valley was originally nameless. After Xia Qinglian saw the flowers floating in the stream from time to time, she specially named it the Valley of Falling Flowers!

A clean carpet was laid out on the grass next to the stream, and after putting food and wine on the table, the three people and the three spirit beasts began to chat while eating and drinking.

"Qinglian! You are indeed worthy of your innate Xuanyin physique. How can you break through and reach the spiritual level so quickly?! After I reached the Gangdan level, I practiced hard for several months before I could sense the existence of spiritual energy!" Du Long! After drinking a glass of wine, he looked at Xia Qinglian with a smile and praised.

"That's it! I tried my best to take the Golden Flame Beads and the fourth-grade spiritual fluid, and I was about to catch up with Qinglian, but... woo! What a spiritual level! I really want to reach it quickly..." Qin Huofeng, who finally reached the third level of Gangdan, said a little crazy.

"Hehe! In fact, Qinglian had already sensed the existence of spiritual energy when she had just reached the perfection of the Gangdan level. However, she had to endure it until today before deciding to break through!" Xia Qinglian looked at Qin Huofeng who was going crazy and covered her mouth with a smile. Laughing softly.

"Uh..." Du Long was dumbfounded on the spot, stretched out his thumb and said: "This innate Xuanyin physique is really awesome!"

"Alas! No matter how awesome you are, there is still a big gap between the strength after transformation and that of your husband! Therefore, Qinglian still needs to continue to work hard!" Xia Qinglian blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Du Longdao.

"You are all awesome, but the rest of you are the least awesome, okay?! Stop complimenting each other!" Qin Huofeng said frantically again.

"Hahaha..." Bursts of laughter echoed in the Luohua Valley, including the three-headed spiritual beasts.

"That...Master..." At this time, Sun Yuan, who never drafted his words, was acting coy for the first time, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"Huh?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows and responded with a smile: "Sun Yuan! You always speak straightforwardly, what's going on today?!"

"Hey! It's true! Look at it, it's actually blushing!" Qin Huofeng couldn't help but make a little joke, this monkey's face is actually red!

"Hehe! My old grandson has been doing nothing in Ziyun Sect recently, so he got to know a few other people's spirit beasts, and also got a general understanding of this overseas fairy island..."

"Haha! I understand!" Before Sun Yuan could finish speaking, Qin Huofeng interrupted again: "This monkey head must have met a beautiful female monkey spirit beast, and now she wants her husband to rub it together. La!"

"Hahaha!" After hearing this, all the humans and beasts burst into laughter.

"No, no, that's not the case!" Sun Yuan was a little embarrassed to speak at this moment, and could only deny with his hands waving fiercely: "Sun Yuan is not interested in other female spiritual beasts! I just heard that there are some in the southern part of the overseas fairy island. It is a forest of spiritual beasts that covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. Therefore, I want to go to the forest of spiritual beasts! Being bored in Ziyun Sect all day long is almost going to make me sick!"

This guy's words made Du Long and the others stunned. Then they remembered that they and others practiced hard every day and threw the three spiritual beasts there. The little Jin Jing was okay, Du Long could take it with him to practice in the War Soul Cave. , Xiaolie and Sun Yuan could only be thrown into Building No. 6 of Qianyuan.

"Sun Yuan! I, the master, am sorry for you! I only care about my own hard work, but I leave you there without caring!" Du Long pondered for a long time and finally said: "How about this! In two months, it will be Zi It’s the day of the annual general test of the Yun Sect, and then it’s the day of the Immortal Alliance Conference that takes place every ten years! After this period of time, our team has become stronger. It just so happens that there are many people within the sect who go out to practice and earn Ziyun badges. Mission, how about we go to the Forest of Spiritual Beasts together?!"

"Okay! Hey, as long as I don't let my old grandson be bored in Ziyun Sect all his life, I will listen to you, master!" Sun Yuan, who has always been restless, immediately nodded excitedly.

Perhaps stimulated by Xia Qinglian's breakthrough to reach the spiritual level, Qin Huofeng had been practicing extremely diligently recently. In short, he didn't even have time to say a few words to Du Long and the others.

With the help of Jin Yanzhu, he broke through the first level every ten days, and within two months, he successfully broke through and reached the perfect strength of the Gangdan level!

Du Long also successfully raised his strength to the fifth level of the spiritual level through the Spirit Gathering Pill within two months, and he did not dare to continue taking the Spirit Gathering Pill. He received a warning from the Ring Spirit Beauty, and if the Jin Yan Gang Fire does not improve, he will wait. level, you can no longer continue to take Spirit Gathering Pills to improve your strength!

Xia Qinglian, on the other hand, took the Spirit Gathering Pill once every ten days on average. In two months, she took it six times, which raised her strength to the seventh level of the spiritual level!

In other words, her basic combat power successfully surpassed Du Long for the first time!

However, the three of them all know that even without transformation, Du Long's combat power is no weaker than Xia Qinglian's due to the Xuanyang Four Waves. Coupled with the transformation, the result is self-evident!

In terms of formations, Du Long has also made rapid progress and has been able to quickly carve out the fourth-level attack formation pattern. In other words, he can now refine a mid-level lower-level magic weapon!

On the surface, it seems that his attainments in formations are similar to Gong Tianlong, who has been systematically studying for more than 20 years. In fact, he only knows formation patterns, but cannot arrange fourth-level formations. There is a big gap between him and others in formations. It’s here!

As for refining elixirs, they still stopped at the fifth-grade spirit-gathering elixir. He didn't have time to waste too much energy on refining elixirs for the time being!

Just as the strength of the three of them has grown by leaps and bounds, the day of the annual official ranking test for all the young disciples of Ziyun Sect has finally arrived!

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