Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 441 Beautiful Mentor

These so-called formation levels are actually just a general term for the understanding of the formation. Beings who have reached the same level have different understandings of the formation. Some are biased towards offensive formations, some towards defensive formations, etc. , to name a few!

Just like Du Long was able to refine a low-grade magic weapon. Although he was considered to have reached the first-level formation level, in fact, he only knew two or three of the simplest formation patterns!

Without systematic study of formations, he felt like he was copying the same thing. He only knew what was happening but didn't know why it was happening!

An expert at the first level of the formation path should have mastered all the various formation patterns at the first level of the formation path. Otherwise, he can only be regarded as a user of some formation ways, not an expert!

While visiting the Zhendao Hidden Scrolls, I listened to Tian Xuan's introduction. Soon, the voice of the Ring Spirit beauty rang out: "Du Long! I have already figured out all the classifications of the Tibetan Scrolls here. As for the content inside, there is no need. Scanning and storing it again is a waste of time. My aunt already has all kinds of more advanced formation knowledge here! "Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up: "Then what should we do now? ! ''In the basic scroll area of ​​the Formation Dao, in the third grid on the sixth floor of Shelf No. 109, there is a basic overview of the Formation Dao, and then in the sixteenth grid on the fifth floor of the Third Shelf in this hidden volume area, there is To explore the origin of this formation, borrow these two hidden scrolls! ’ The Nazgul beauty explained directly.

Nodding secretly, Du Long didn't say anything. Seeing that he had almost walked around the Hidden Scroll Hall, he smiled and said: "Junior Brother Tian Xuan! Let's go to the basic Hidden Scroll Area! With my current formation level, These advanced formations are like a heavenly book, difficult to understand! Haha!"

So, the group returned to the basic Tibetan Scroll area. Du Long selected two Zhen Dao Zang Scrolls on the recommendation of Tian Xuan. According to him, the two Zhen Dao Zang Scrolls were introduced in a very simple and easy-to-understand manner, making them very worthy for newcomers to the Zhen Dao. One view.

Then, Du Long calmly walked to the third shelf and the 109th shelf mentioned by the beautiful ring spirit, and pretended to be interested in picking up the "Basic Overview of the Formation" and "The Secret of the Origin of the Formation" These two volumes are hidden volumes on the basic theory of formations.

"Huh?! Are you actually interested in these two Tibetan scrolls?! I have read them before, and they also touched me a lot. However, they are just theoretical knowledge about the research on formations, and have no practical significance. They can only Just learn from it!" After seeing the two Tibetan scrolls chosen by Du Long, Tian Xuan immediately said in surprise.

'whee! Unexpectedly, this kid's formation level is not very high, but his talent for the formation is quite good, and he has some future! ’ The Nazgul beauty’s sudden comment sounded in Du Long’s mind.

At the gate of the Hidden Scroll Hall, the old man in gray glanced at the four Zangjuan Scrolls in Du Long's hand seemingly casually. His pupils suddenly shrank, and then he looked up at him with a strange look.

"Okay! You can borrow these four Zangdao hidden scrolls! Remember, you must return the hidden scrolls within three months!" The old man in gray confessed calmly, then took out a jade slip and closed it. His eyes quickly recorded the information that Du Long had borrowed four Daozang scrolls.

"Yes! Disciple understands!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, but finally gave a polite salute and put away the hidden scroll.

"Senior Brother Du Long, let's go! I will take you to the Zhendao Lecture Hall, and I also need to go to the Zhendao Experimental Hall!" Tian Xuan immediately urged.

"Well! Here we are, Junior Brother Laotian!" Du Long nodded, then followed closely and left the Zhendao Hidden Scroll Hall!

On the way to the Formation Dao Lecture Hall, Du Long couldn't help but ask: "Junior Brother Tian Xuan! Do you know who the elders are on duty at the Formation Dao Hidden Scroll Hall?!"

Shaking his head, Tian Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "I have seen everyone respectful in front of these elders on duty. I remember that one time when the sect leader came to the Tibetan Scroll Hall to borrow the Tibetan Scroll of the Formation Dao, they were all like this! Therefore, come to the Formation The people in the Hall are very polite to the elders of the Hidden Scroll Hall!"

"Oh? Elders?! Could it be that there is more than one existence like this elder?!" Du Long asked in shock.

"That's right! According to what I have seen, there are only three elders on duty at the Hidden Scroll Hall. They seem to rotate every four months! In addition to the Zhentang Hidden Scroll Hall, these elders are also on duty at some other important halls! For example, the Alchemy Hall of the Alchemy Hall, the Armament Hall of the Qi Hall, etc.!" Tian Xuan nodded.

"Then do you know how many elders there are in total?!" Du Long asked again.

"I'm afraid senior brother will have to ask the sect leader himself to know this! I really don't know the detailed figures!" Tian Xuan could only scratch his head and smile bitterly.

"Look! That's the ninth level lecture hall of Formation Dao! Of course, it's just the ninth level lecture hall of Formation Dao. Although the courses here are charged, the fees charged are very low. Each class only requires one Ziyun Just get the badges! I heard that these Ziyun badges will become part of the instructor’s income, and the instructors also need these badges to enjoy the various resources of the sect!”

Following the direction of Tian Xuan's finger, one can see nine palaces standing among the quiet shades of trees. Waves of spiritual mist are lingering. From time to time, the figures of fairy birds flash in the forest. You can faintly hear the voices of instructors coming from some palaces. The voice explaining the array gives people the feeling of an immortal preaching.

"Let's go! Take us to the Formation Dao Level 1 lecture hall. If there is an instructor explaining the Formation Dao course, we will go and listen!" Du Long nodded and made a decision.

So, a group of people came outside the first-level lecture hall of the Formation Dao, and happened to see an instructor teaching inside. Tian Xuan and Du Long quietly entered through the back door of the lecture hall, and then found four seats in the back row to sit down. Come down.

It seems that they are accustomed to this kind of joining in halfway. Their arrival did not attract the attention of many disciples in the lecture hall. They all continued to listen to the instructor's explanation with full concentration.

On the podium, there is a slender and beautiful instructor with a clear and melodious voice. She is explaining the basic knowledge of the first level of the formation. After all, this is a first-level lecture hall, and the disciples with too advanced knowledge of the formation will not be able to understand.

Therefore, this beautiful instructor uses as simple and easy-to-understand vocabulary as possible to explain the abstract formation knowledge. This makes it easier for people to understand and also makes the formation course from abstract and difficult to somewhat interesting. stand up.

It's no wonder that many disciples gathered in the first-level formation lecture hall. It seems that many people came to support this beautiful teacher's reputation!

Du Long and the other four joined them midway. The beautiful instructor was facing their direction and naturally saw the arrival of the four of them at a glance. Her originally indifferent eyes suddenly lit up, but she immediately restrained herself.

Then, as she continued teaching, she glanced at Du Long and the others intentionally or unintentionally, with a hint of meaningful light in her eyes.

In this regard, Du Long did not know that his identity had been discovered by this beautiful instructor, but he sat there and began to listen carefully!

Originally a one-hour course, this beautiful instructor actually extended it by nearly half an hour and taught a lot more about the first-level formations. In this regard, many people did not notice that it had timed out and were immersed in her. Among the extensive knowledge of formations!

"Okay! Today's first-level formation course is over. Now I give everyone a moment to ask questions. If you have any questions, you can ask!" The beautiful instructor finally ended the first-level formation course and turned to ask questions. time.

Soon, people stood up and raised their doubts, and the beautiful instructor also answered them one by one. Although Du Long, who was sitting in the back row, also had many questions, he did not stand up to ask questions. For him, there were The Nazgul beauty is here, so he can ask anytime he wants.

Seeing that it had been a long time since Du Long had asked questions, and time had almost passed, the beautiful instructor finally couldn't help but announce that the question time was over, and asked everyone to go back and study more, and ask any questions until tomorrow's class.

Just when Du Long stood up and was about to go out the back door, Tian Xuan hurriedly grabbed him and lowered his voice: "Brother! You can enter through any door before class, but after class is over, you can only use the front door! Look! Have you reached the box at the door? A Ziyun badge for each person!"

Only then did Du Long suddenly remember that there was such a thing. He tapped his forehead and then followed Tian Xuan and the other disciples to line up and slowly walk towards the main entrance. He could see that every disciple would put a box at the door before going out. Put a Ziyun badge in it!

"A rough calculation shows that there are at least two to three hundred disciples who came to listen to the beauty instructor's class today. In other words, her income from teaching a class is two to three hundred?! Isn't this money so profitable?!" While waiting in line to pay, Du Long couldn't help but lower his voice and smiled at Tian Xuan.

"Haha! There is no way! She is beautiful, and the courses are simple and easy to understand. There are more disciples coming to praise her!" Tian Xuan responded with a smile.

After finally queuing up, Du Long and his party finally arrived at the gate. However, Huofeng was the first to take out four Ziyun badges and threw them into the box at the door and said, "I'll hand them in together!"

"You four, wait a moment!" Before Du Long and the others could leave, the beautiful instructor spoke to persuade them to stay.

Just when Du Long and others were wondering what the beautiful instructor wanted to do with them, she was not polite and went directly to the box where the Ziyun badges were stored. She waved her hand and put all the Ziyun badges in the box. Inside the space ring.

"Du Long is ranked second on the Ziyun List, Xia Qinglian is fifth, and Qin Huofeng is eighth! I never expected that you would come to attend the first-level course on the Formation Dao?!" Collecting all the Ziyun badges in the box, the beauty The instructor then spoke leisurely, and then looked at them with great interest.

"I've met instructor Gong Yuyan!" Tian Xuan hurriedly raised his hands and saluted.

"Are you Tian Xuan?! Haven't you already entered the third level of the Formation Dao? Why did you come to the first level of the Formation Dao lecture hall to join in the fun?!" The beautiful instructor Gong Yuyan actually knows Tian Xuan.

"Hey, the three senior brothers and sisters came to the formation hall for the first time. They didn't know the rules here, so I happened to bump into them, so I took them around!" Tian Xuan immediately responded with a smile.

"This is your first time coming to the formation hall?!" Gong Yuyan looked at Du Long in astonishment: "Du Long! It's been three months since you came to Ziyun Sect, right?! Why are you coming to the formation hall now? What a nonsense!"

"This...Teacher Gong..." Unexpectedly, he would be reprimanded by the beautiful instructor. Du Long touched his nose in embarrassment and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What instructor Gong?! Do you know that you will call me aunt when you see me in the future?!" The beautiful instructor Gong Yuyan interrupted Du Long on the spot and said: "My father is your grandma's third brother Gong Qingsong! Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you calling me aunt." Right?! I couldn’t go to the family dinner that day because I had something to do, so I happened to see the three of you today, so I stopped by to get acquainted with you!”

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