Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 437 Breaking through the Spiritual Level

But under this situation, Du Long continued to use Fengxing footwork while swinging the knife. Of course, the speed of both footwork and knife skills was constantly decreasing!

After practicing for about an hour and a half, when the strength reaches this level, it is difficult to feel the feeling of breaking through the limit again, and it spreads through the limbs and bones throughout the body.

A sour and numb feeling, a feeling of comfort and exhaustion, made Du Long feel pain and happiness!

With the support of this strength, he successfully completed this hard training under a gravity of 20,000 pounds!

"Two hours are up, would you like to continue practicing?!" the formation spirit reminded him dutifully and on time.

"No need! Please remove the gravity!" Du Long raised his sword to the ground. Even standing up seemed a little difficult.

"Understood! Remove the 20,000 kilograms of gravity. Please stay in the disk for a while and don't come out!" After the array spirit responded, it began to slowly remove the 20,000 kilograms of gravity.

This step is very dangerous. If gravity is completely removed in an instant, the internal organs in the human body will definitely explode due to sudden pressure changes!

It is precisely because of this that the formation spirit specially reminded Du Long not to step out of the disc!

"Gravity has returned to normal, please leave the gravity room as soon as possible!" After the formation spirit removed all the gravity in the secret room, it began to drive people away mercilessly. The gravity room is one of the most popular cultivation resources, and it can only To describe it as demand exceeds supply, there are disciples waiting in line every day!

Of course, as core disciples and among the top ten, Du Long and the others do not have to queue and enjoy priority.

After leaving the Gravity Room, the two girls Huofeng and Qinglian also came out. It could be seen that they were also dripping with sweat. After the three of them greeted each other, they rushed to the location of the Juling and Jugang rooms. !

As the name suggests, the Spirit Gathering Room is a room where spiritual energy is gathered through formations, and the Gathering Gang Room is a room where a large amount of Gang Qi is gathered!

Du Long, who has reached the full strength of the Gangdan level, the most important thing now is to find a way to break through to reach the spiritual level. However, after three months, he still cannot sense the existence of spiritual energy. Therefore, he has not been able to break through to the spiritual level yet!

According to the beauty of the Ring Spirit, if you want to sense the existence of spiritual energy, there is no shortcut. You can only work hard, consolidate your cultivation, and try your best to reach the true perfect state of the Gangdan level. Only in this way can you sense the existence of spiritual energy faster!

Many people may not be able to sense spiritual energy after spending decades, but some people can do it very quickly!

After the three of them separated at the intersection of the two secret rooms, Du Long found a soul gathering room alone and started preparing to practice!

The Soul Gathering Room is not popular in Ziyun Sect. You have to pay five Ziyun badges once you enter. Although the number is not much, it comes with money. Unless there is a breakthrough, many people will not come here to practice.

In the Spirit Gathering Room, Du Long sat cross-legged on the disc. He was not in a hurry to sense the presence of spiritual energy immediately. Instead, he was running the Xuantian Art there, trying to restore the energy consumed in his body.

In such a secret room filled with a large amount of spiritual energy, if you want to absorb the Gang Qi and restore energy, the speed can be imagined, it is very slow!

But Du Long was not in a hurry to restore all the energy in his body. During the absorption and recovery process, he gradually entered a state of emptiness and darkness, and began to subconsciously sense the existence of spiritual energy around his body.

This kind of mist-like energy condensed into lavender can be seen with the naked eye. After closing your eyes and relying on your soul to sense its existence, you can no longer sense it.

After three full months, from the initial impatience, to numbness, to now the habit has become natural. Du Long doesn't want to force anything anymore, just let everything take its course!

At this moment, small lavender light spots slowly appeared in the originally very thin Gang Qi energy around him. These small light spots were few at first, but as time went by, there were more and more small light spots... …

Forced to suppress the surprise in his heart, Du Long knew that after three months of hard training, he finally sensed the existence of spiritual energy with the help of the Spirit Gathering Room!

This first step of sensing the existence of spiritual energy was finally accomplished. It seemed like a simple step, but it made me worry and panic for three months!

'very good! Du Long, you can now start operating the Xuantian Jueling level technique! ’ The Nazgul beauty understood everything instantly and urged excitedly.

'Um! clear! ’ Du Long responded excitedly, and then began to use the Xuantian Jueling level technique he had learned long ago. The technique was performed in the eight extraordinary meridians, trying to attract those lovely lavender light spots to come closer to him.

As expected, it was Xuantian Jue. After others sensed the presence of spiritual energy, it would take a long time to attract the spiritual energy to come closer. Du Long, who was running the Xuantian Jue technique, soon felt lavender light spots constantly approaching his body. , and then inhaled into the body.

I can feel that more and more lavender light spots begin to appear in the eight extraordinary meridians in my body. Along with the Gang Qi energy, it circulates along the route of Xuantian Jue Technique, and slowly injects into the Dantian space. Inside!

Time passed slowly, and Du Long found with some depression that the process of absorbing and refining spiritual energy was extremely slow. If he followed this speed, it would probably take several months to convert the Gang Dan in his Dantian into a spiritual pill!

At this moment, the beauty of the ring spirit said: "I will give you a spirit-gathering pill, take it! Don't waste time slowly absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!" This is about Du Long's cultivation and growth, the beauty of the ring spirit Without any hesitation, he directly gave him a Spirit Gathering Pill. Du Long immediately sensed that there was a Spirit Gathering Pill suddenly appearing in the ring space. He took it out without thinking, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it!

As the Spirit Gathering Pill slowly sank into his belly, he could feel a large number of lavender light spots flashing in his belly, spreading quickly like a spring!

Speeding up the Xuantian Jue technique again, greedily absorbing a large number of lavender light points emerging from the body. More and more light points fill the eight extraordinary meridians. After running for a long time, they quickly pour into the Dantian space!

He was so excited that he felt that the speed at which he was absorbing spiritual energy had increased by an order of magnitude. As time went by, in the Dantian space, after absorbing a large amount of lavender spiritual energy, the Jiuwei Gangdan was also undergoing obvious transformation.

On the surface of the golden Gang Dan, one of the nine fine lines slowly disappeared, followed closely by the second one began to disappear, and the third one disappeared...

The area where the pill pattern disappeared began to be replaced by lavender. The originally golden Gangdan became half purple and half yellow. And as time went by, the purple coverage area became larger and larger, and the golden coverage area became smaller and smaller!

I don't know how much time has passed, but when the energy contained in the Spirit Gathering Pill was consumed, there was still a trace of the Gang Dan that had not been eliminated. Obviously, one Spirit Gathering Pill was not enough!

‘Take another spirit-gathering pill! ’ The voice of the ring spirit beauty sounded again. She grasped the changes in Du Long’s body in real time, and threw out another spirit-gathering pill without thinking.

Without saying a word, Du Long directly swallowed another Spirit Gathering Pill, and once again used all his strength to run the Xuantian Jueling Level Cultivation Technique, absorbing and refining more spiritual energy and injecting it into the Dantian space!


In the Dantian space, with the continuous influx of a large amount of spiritual energy, the entire Dantian space was faintly trembling. In the middle of the Dantian, the Fire Cloud Cauldron sat in it. On the surface of the Gangdan suspended above the mouth of the tripod, the last Dan pattern finally disappeared. No trace!

Immediately afterwards, the entire golden Gang Dan was completely replaced by lavender, and the lavender aura was lingering, looking beautiful and magical under the reflection of the golden flame Gang Fire!


At the moment when the entire golden Gang Dan was completely replaced by the lavender spiritual energy, Du Long felt a tremor in the space of his Dantian. It seemed that a long time had passed, and it seemed that it only passed in an instant!

This seemingly boundless Dantian space is actually only a small part that can be used. At the moment of breakthrough, the Dantian space is still boundless. However, as the master of this space, Du Long can still feel that he The area that can be controlled has increased many times!

A wonderful feeling came to my heart. As the area controlled by the dantian space became larger, I could feel that the whole person's soul was constantly sublimating and began to undergo qualitative changes!

This process was very fast and was completed in just an instant. Du Long knew that he had successfully broken through and reached spiritual level strength!

However, he did not stand up immediately and feel the huge changes in his body, but chose to continue to absorb the huge energy of the refining spirit-gathering pill!

According to the beauty of the Ring Spirit, if the energy of the Spirit Gathering Pill is not absorbed and refined quickly, it will evaporate and be wasted. This is a good thing worth over ten million, and Du Long will naturally not be so wasteful!

After successfully breaking through and reaching the spiritual level, Du Long's induction of spiritual energy has reached its optimal state. Although there was a large amount of spiritual energy lingering outside his body, he could only sense a small part, but now he can sense all the fluctuations of spiritual energy outside his body. .

The Xuantian Jueling Level Skill is running at full speed, not only attracting the spiritual energy emitted by the Spirit Gathering Pill, but also inhaling a large amount of spiritual energy from outside the body into the eight extraordinary meridians in the body, running a great Zhou Tianhou, continuously pouring into the Dantian space!

Above the Fire Cloud Cauldron, the surface of the elixir emitting lavender light began to be covered by a thick layer of spiritual energy. With a thought, these spiritual energy began to move along a mysterious trajectory.

As a result, such a beautiful scene appeared in the space of Du Long's dantian. The Fire Cloud Cauldron guarded the middle of the dantian. There was a golden flame suspended on the cauldron, and a spiritual elixir emitting a faint purple light was suspended above the flame. With the three In the center, a lavender spiritual energy vortex began to appear.

After successfully breaking through and reaching the spiritual level, the spiritual energy absorbed into the dantian space could no longer be absorbed by the lavender elixir. They gathered around the elixir, and then under the control of Du Long's Xuantian Jue technique, they began to move along the path. Rotating in a mysterious trajectory.

As more and more spiritual energy pours into the Dantian space, the lavender spiritual energy vortex surrounding the elixir becomes more and more dense and its volume becomes larger and larger!

When the last energy of the Spirit Gathering Pill was absorbed into the Dantian space, Du Long turned his full attention to the Dantian space. He could feel that the lavender spiritual energy vortex swirling around the Spirit Pill had not yet reached its most perfect state.

‘When you broke through to the spiritual level, Gang Dan absorbed a little more spiritual energy. Therefore, you are still only at the peak of the first level of spiritual energy. In the future, as long as you absorb more spiritual energy, you can break through to the second level of spiritual energy! ’ The beauty of the Nazgul opened her mouth to introduce it at the right time.

Nodding, Du Long didn't talk nonsense, exhaled lightly, and then slowly opened his eyes!

‘Linger! It feels so amazing now. I feel like I can fly freely in the air as long as I want. My soul feeling is also extremely sharp, many times sharper than the feeling I had during my second transformation! ’ Du Long whispered excitedly to the Nazgul beauty.

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