Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 406 Return

After meeting Jin Yanhuan, Du Long was busy for several days. He had to arrange all the affairs of the Blue Moon Empire as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be able to leave at all!

First of all, it is impossible for all three armies to be transferred back at once. The Blue Moon Empire has just been conquered, so it is necessary to rely on the army to deter the forces on all sides that are ready to move, so that they do not dare to mess around.

As a result, Du Long quickly made a decision. Except for the Cavalry Legion, which had to withdraw 70% to 80% of the 2.3 million troops, the other major legions left half of their troops in the Blue Moon Empire, which meant that 1.1 million troops were left behind. Army!

Under the calculations of the beautiful ring spirit, more than one million troops were scientifically and rationally stationed in the five areas of the Blue Moon Empire, which were the locations of the original four theaters of the Blue Moon Empire, and the capital area of ​​the Blue Moon Empire!

Of course, in the future, Blue Moon Capital City will probably become the fiefdom of Du Long, a king with a different surname. Therefore, the task of garrisoning Blue Moon Capital City will be handed over to the Zhongwu Legion and the 20,000 Valiant Cavalry Monster Legion!

Du Long will transfer the army of 70,000 to 80,000 demonic beasts back to the territory of Fengli County. In peacetime, these demonic beasts will still have to return to live in the demonic beast swamp. Just do the rotation.

There are 20,000 monster beast legions stationed in Haotian Capital City, and their deterrent effect on those who still have dissatisfaction within the Blue Moon Empire is absolutely powerful, comparable to a regular legion!

After arranging the military deployment, Du Long still has to discuss it with the four major Lanyue families. He handed over several of his detailed plans to them more than a month ago. He doesn't know to what extent they will be implemented. .

I have been busy with military affairs in the past two months, so I have been a little distracted from the affairs of the Beilin Chamber of Commerce!

Du Long's plan for Dou Hong was written in great detail. In fact, it was not written by Du Long himself at all, but directly imprinted by the Nazgul Beauty!

According to the plan of the Nazgul Beauty, she gave a detailed introduction to the future business positioning of the Beilin Chamber of Commerce. For example, Baolong Chamber of Commerce takes a high-end route and specializes in high-end products, such as Zhenbaozhai and Tianlong Hotel. , Xingchen Bank and so on!

Since the Beilin Chamber of Commerce no longer engages in the slave business, prostitution business, and various semi-illegal businesses, it must find another way out!

The Nazgul Beauty’s suggestion is to take the mid- to low-end route and make money from all the mid- to low-end consumers in the continent. To this end, she specially provided the manufacturing processes for dozens of small commodities.

These small commodities include using a plant called stargrass to make toothbrushes, using several common medicinal materials to make toothpaste, and manufacturing various small daily necessities. I will not introduce them one by one here.

According to the Nazgul Beauty's plan, the Beilin Chamber of Commerce will establish a secret production base to specialize in the production of these small commodities, and then establish department store chains selling these extremely practical small commodities in various countries on the mainland.

Don't underestimate these small commodities. Some of the production techniques are carefully selected by the beauties of the Ring Spirit and are not easily copied. In other words, as long as the formula is well protected, it will be difficult for outsiders to imitate them. In this way, the small commodity stores in Star Continent will Only the Bellins!

This alone is enough to keep the four major families of Blue Moon busy for a long time. Moreover, the detailed plan provided by Du Long also includes several other big plans, including establishing spirit beast chain stores, spirit beast auction houses, etc. in various countries in the mainland. !

A particularly crucial point is that the Nazgul Beauty knew that things like Star Bank were simply the most primitive stage of banking, so she came up with the idea of ​​Beilin Bank, which was to pilot and promote Beilin Bank in the Haotian Empire. , and then promote it to the entire continent.

You know, there is no interest for depositing money at Xingchen Bank, but there is interest for depositing money at Beilin Bank. The beauty of the Ring Spirit also added that the bank can lend money to some people and charge interest differentials, and even more There are even more, such as you can pay in installments when buying things, you can get a loan to buy a house, etc.

In short, after seeing the detailed plan provided by Du Long, all the core executives of the four major families were dumbfounded, and they were all ecstatic. They, who have a certain business acumen, immediately realized that the Beilin Chamber of Commerce might be in Xingchen. The mainland has risen.

During the second meeting with the core members of the four major families, a few more people came to the meeting. These people were capable managers sent by Fu Bo from the Fengli County territory. Du Long took over the 40% share of the Beilin Chamber of Commerce. That was not a waste. What comes out of your mouth.

Long before handing over the detailed plan, he asked Fengli County to send experienced managers, mainly to conduct financial statistics on the Beilin Chamber of Commerce. In the future, Du Long must participate in the financial department of the Beilin Chamber of Commerce. As for other He can do nothing about daily management!

Soon, after learning in detail about the progress of the Beilin Chamber of Commerce in preparing the small commodity production base in the past two months, Du Long smiled and sent invitations to the four major families, which was his big wedding banquet at the end of the year!

After all the military, political, and commercial affairs in Blue Moon have been arranged, Du Long can finally embark on the journey back to Haotian Capital!

Since there was only more than a month before the New Year, preparations for the wedding, etc., there were still many things waiting for Du Long to come back to participate in. Therefore, he directly took several important people and flew towards Haotian Capital City on the Big Lion and Xiao Lie. go back.

As for the others, they can only hurry towards Haotian Capital City!

Over the Hansi River that stretches eastward, several figures shot from the south, and finally they all stayed hundreds of meters above the river!

He glanced at the Hansi River below, then raised his eyes to the Hexi Corridor not far away. He could see two artificial small canals there, cutting off the Hexi Corridor in the middle!

"That's the man-made river that was reclaimed by Blue Moon's 600,000-strong army, right?! Haha, it's really ridiculous. These two man-made rivers allowed Blue Moon's army to successfully intercept the reinforcements from Haoyue's direction, but in the end they turned into a cocoon! The army of 100,000 people finally ran out of food and fodder, and had to surrender to the legion of tens of thousands of brave knights and monsters!" Du Long sighed with a smile.

"Haha! Aren't you too cunning?! Not only did you block people's exits, but you also intercepted the Hans River water army. You also sent out armored water rhinoceros to block the waterway, so people couldn't swim across the south bank! " Du Zhentian, who was riding on Xiao Lie's back, responded with a bit of humor.

At this moment, Xiaolie had become quite big. In addition to Du Zhentian, there was actually another Jin Yanhuan. The boy then followed the large group of people northward, but he himself was forcefully pulled onto Xiaolie's back by Du Zhentian.

"Alas! There are no problems with the military deployment of our Blue Moon Army, but I still underestimated your son's wisdom and strength!" Jin Yanhuan on the side couldn't help but sigh.

After touching his nose, Du Long didn't say much. He could only continue to drive Xiao Lie, leading three spiritual masters to continue northward. After another day's work, he finally reached the sky above Haotian Capital City!

"Haha! Let's just say goodbye! Anyway, we are back safely. There will be many opportunities to meet in the future!" Wei Xuan, who was standing in the air, suggested with a smile.

"That's right! This year's New Year's celebration, because of Du Long's wedding and the birth of the new Haotian Empire, will definitely be very lively, and some people will be very busy! Hahaha!" the old emperor said with final restraint. He couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, old emperor! Old man Wei, I will meet you for a drink when I have time! Let's just say goodbye!" Mr. Du Fengzhong also interjected, so everyone divided into three groups and went back to their respective houses.

Du Long's side had the largest number of people. They were three young people, plus three spiritual beasts, as well as Du Zhentian, Mr. Du, and Jin Yanhuan. A group of people shot towards the direction of Du Mansion.

Du Mansion, East Wing!

When their group of people flew up in the sky, they were quickly spotted by the people below. For a while, bursts of surprise cheers came from all over the Du Mansion, and the Du clan members living in other compartments rushed over. .

In the east chamber, Zhou Ruoxue rushed out after hearing the news. She didn't even look at Du Zhentian, and hugged Du Long tightly in her arms. It took a long time to let go, with a smile on her face.

He looked up and down at the blushing Du Long: "My precious son, he seems to be much tanned and thinner after this trip! By the way, why did you come back suddenly?! You didn't even send anyone to notify you in advance! "

"That... mother! I've been busy recently, and I forgot about it for a while..." Du Long could only reply.

"Madam! Now you only have eyes for your precious son?! Are you ignoring me, a husband you haven't seen for months?!" Du Zhentian protested with a little dissatisfaction.

"Tch! How come you have become a little glib after you have been out fighting for a few months?! My dear son, tell me quickly, did your father do anything bad when he went out this time?!" Zhou Ruoxue rolled her eyes at her husband and turned around. And asked Du Long.

"You brat! Don't talk nonsense!" Du Zhentian immediately warned.

"Hey, mother! Daddy is so good outside and didn't do anything bad!" Du Long showed a weird smile. Just when Du Zhentian showed a relieved smile, Du Long suddenly changed his words: "It's just... "

"But what?!" Zhou Ruoxue's eyes narrowed slightly and she quickly asked.

"You brat! If you dare to spread rumors casually, I will break your legs!" Du Zhentian hurriedly threatened.

"Hmph! Whoever dares to break my precious son's legs, I must make him look good!" Zhou Ruoxue raised her eyebrows, and two sharp rays of light appeared from her phoenix eyes. Du Zhen, who dared to talk nonsense, lowered his head on the spot.

"Say it! With my mother supporting you, we are not afraid of anyone!" Zhou Ruoxue then continued to ask Du Long with satisfaction.

"Hehe! Actually, it's nothing! It's just that when dad was chatting with General Zhenhai alone, the child accidentally heard some embarrassing things about dad back then!"

I originally thought that Du Zhentian had made some mistake outside, but when he heard about this situation, Zhou Ruoxue lost interest on the spot: "Tsk! I thought it was some important news! I already knew about the mess he had with Jin Yanhuan in the past! "

"Cough, cough!" Jin Yanhuan in the crowd choked on his own saliva on the spot and kept coughing.

"Eh... why does this guy look familiar?!" Zhou Ruoxue's attention was attracted by Jin Yanhuan, and then she suddenly realized: "Wow! You are not the handsome Jin Yanhuan back then, are you?! Why have you become so old?!"

Jin Yanhuan probably never imagined that after so many years, when he saw the goddess in his mind again, the first words that came out of her mouth would be like this? !

Zhou Ruoxue dropped these words and left Jin Yanhuan who was standing there in astonishment, turned around and went to greet Huofeng and Qinglian: "Ah! My two future daughters-in-law are back too! Look at these military uniforms on them. , it’s so beautiful!”

"I've met my mother-in-law!"

"I've met my adoptive mother!" Huofeng and Qinglian hurriedly greeted her. Zhou Ruoxue's actions just now were too exaggerated, and they really couldn't get a word in!

"What kind of stepmother is not a stepmother! Qinglian, you should also imitate the fire phoenix and just call me mother-in-law! The emperor and empress have both agreed. This Du Long wedding will be held for the three of you at the same time! "Zhou Ruoxue said coquettishly to Qinglian with narrowed eyes and a smile.

"Qinglian... I've met my mother-in-law!" Xia Qinglian blushed for a long time and changed her name a little unaccustomed to her.

"Hehe! Qinglian's face is red to the root of her neck! Great, the three of us will get married together, so we don't have to worry about my husband marrying one after another!" After Princess Fire Phoenix finished teasing Qinglian, she unexpectedly Du Long was embarrassed to say such nonsensical words.

"That's right! Men have to be more careful! Otherwise, they will produce three wives and four concubines at any time! It doesn't matter that Du Long and Qinglian met early, but they can't be endless in the future!" Zhou Ruoxue nodded fiercely. , actually standing on the same front as Princess Fire Phoenix.

"Mother! I finally know why you chose daddy instead of General Zhenhai!" Du Long suddenly realized.

"Oh? What do you know? Let me tell you and see if you are right!" Zhou Ruoxue blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Du Long with a smile, waiting for his next words.

"You must think that dad is easier to control and will not marry three wives and four concubines in the future. General Zhenhai is a prince and will most likely become an emperor with a palace of three thousand. Therefore, you chose dad, right? !" Du Long directly stated his guess.

"You're thinking too much! Mom just thinks your dad is more manly! That's all!"

"Is it that simple?!" Du Long said unconvinced.

"What else do you want?!" Zhou Ruoxue asked.

The mother and son asked and answered questions, once again amusing everyone present. The two girls, Huo Feng Qing Lian, couldn't help but laugh, and their smiles were as bright as flowers!

Just as the family was laughing and joking in the yard, members of the Du clan arrived one after another. Then everyone walked into the reception hall in the east chamber and started chatting.

At this time, Du Long was sitting next to Mr. Du, sitting with the three remaining old men of the first generation of the Du family. This shows how high his status is in the Du family now!

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