Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 403 Secret Cave

After watching the figures of the top four families disappear outside the main hall, Du Long turned to look at the three old men: "Well... Grandpa, you three don't need me to make arrangements, right?"

"I will immediately send people to relocate all the concubines, princes, princesses, etc. who live in each palace. As for the maids and eunuchs, they will continue to be retained for the time being, waiting for the new owner to move in! You can choose a palace to move in! Of course, the emperor's I can’t choose my bedroom! That will be my residence from now on!”

"You brat! Don't worry, you can go about your business! We three old guys don't need you to serve us anymore!" Mr. Du Fengzhong looked at Du Long with a strange expression and scolded with a smile.

"Hehe! Then you are free to do whatever you want..." Du Long then stood up from the dragon throne and led Huofeng and Xia Qinglian out of the main hall under the watch of the three old men. He jumped on Xiaolie's back and took Sun Yuan with him. Let’s go straight to the emperor’s palace together!

"Husband... Although I know that you are not interested in the throne, but..." Princess Huofeng, who had been silent for a long time, muttered as she hesitated to speak.

"Don't say anything! I know you want to ask me why I want to occupy this palace, no matter what! There is no need to hide this secret from you two. Come with me to a secret place later, and I will tell you then. Why do you want to occupy this palace!" Du Long interrupted Huofeng's words directly.

"Really? Husband, you are so kind! Wow!" Huofeng was so excited that he turned around and hugged Du Long and gave him a sweet kiss.

For a moment, Du Long's heart began to beat wildly, but unfortunately, he was surrounded by armored water rhinoceros cavalry with scorching eyes, and he did not dare to do anything untoward.

Fortunately, Xiao Lie was fast enough, and in a blink of an eye, they arrived outside the gate of the palace where the emperor lived!

"See you, general!" Immediately, a soldier guarding the gate of the emperor's palace saluted respectfully. These Du Long's knights and monster cavalry were still used to calling Du Long general. After all, in addition to being the commander-in-chief of Haotian's three armies, he was also the commander of the knights. Commander!

"No courtesy! Have all the people in the palace been cleared away?" Du Long waved his hand and asked with a smile. He had already informed the armored water rhinoceros cavalry responsible for guarding the palace to clear out everyone in the palace. .

"Back to the general! In accordance with your instructions, all the idle personnel in the palace have been rushed to the designated palace courtyard!" An armored water rhinoceros captain immediately replied respectfully.

"Very good! You continue to stay here. No one is allowed to enter without my order! Remember!" After Du Long confessed, he rode the big lion and entered the palace with Sun Yuan behind him!

There was no need to take any detours, Xiao Lie, under the guidance of the Nazgul beauty, rushed directly to the wing where the entrance to the secret passage of the palace was!

"Okay! Xiao Lie, you and Sun Yuan will stay outside the gate and guard. No one is allowed to step into the gate without permission!" When he arrived at the target gate, Du Long jumped down with the two girls, and then spoke Explained to the two spiritual beasts.

After receiving affirmative answers from the two spirit beasts, he strode into the bedroom with the two girls and closed the door tightly. As he was walking into the bedroom, he heard the conversation between Sun Yuan and Xiao Lie. .

"Gale wind! Do you think the master is too impatient? In the clear sky and white sun, he actually ran to the emperor's palace to do that?" Sun Yuan's voice was not loud, but it still reached the ears of the three people in the wing. It's obviously intentional!

Suddenly staggering, Du Long roared on the spot: "Sun Yuan! What's your size! You're just waiting for me. If I get the chance, I'll lock you up for a year and a half!"


The two beauties, who were originally blushing because of Sun Yuan's words, were amused by Du Long's hysterical roar on the spot, and their shyness disappeared instantly.

"Ah...Master! Did you hear that? I..." Sun Yuan outside the door was about to explain something, but Du Long yelled back: "Shut your mouth! If you keep nagging, I will deal with you now!"

Just when Sun Yuan finally shut up, Du Long and the others also came to the entrance of the secret passage. They saw that this was where the big bed of the palace was located. At the reminder of the beauty of the ring spirit, Du Long opened the bed with dragons and phoenixes. Revealing the solid golden sandalwood underneath!

Continue to lift the golden sandalwood, revealing a solid white jade bed underneath. You can see that there are nine squares on the top of the white jade bed, which seems to be a little loose.

Under the guidance of the ring spirit beauty, Du Long stretched out his hand and pressed on the nine squares in an orderly manner. Then, with a burst of mechanical sound, the originally tight white jade bed separated to both sides, revealing a dark hole. A musty smell hit my nose.

Obviously, this secret passage is just as the Nazgul Beauty said, no one has entered it for a long time!

"Let's go! I'll lead the way, you two should be careful to follow behind!" After Du Long told the two girls, he took the lead in entering the cave, and Huofeng and Qinglian naturally followed without hesitation.

After turning a corner in the cave, the originally dark passage began to show a faint white light, which was the faint light emitted by the luminous crystal at the top of the passage.

The three of them walked diagonally downward along the passage, turning a few corners along the way. Soon, they came to a circular cave. This was a circular cave with a radius of less than a hundred meters. The roof of the cave is in the shape of a bowl and is regularly inverted. The ground and cave walls are all covered with golden formations!

Just standing next to the entrance of the cave, he could feel the amazing power emanating from these golden formations. Du Long had stopped early in the morning under the warning of the Ringwraith beauty, and did not dare to enter this round cave*** I could only stand obediently at the entrance of the passage.

"Fire Phoenix, Qinglian! This cave is extremely dangerous. Don't walk in casually. Otherwise, you will definitely die!" For the sake of safety, Du Long still warned him about the beautiful ring spirit beauty with a serious face. If so, convey it to the second daughter.

"Isn't it? Why don't I think there is anything dangerous about this cave?" Huo Feng said with some confusion.

"If you don't believe it, just watch!" Du Long didn't waste any time. He turned over his hand and took out a giant shield, then threw the shield into the circular hole. The originally quiet circular cave suddenly lit up. There were golden lights, countless formations flashed, and even Du Long and the three people standing in the passage outside the cave could feel a terrifying aura coming towards their faces.

That thick giant shield didn't even have a chance to hit the ground. It was instantly hit by billions of golden rays of light and turned into metal sand that filled the sky and fell in layers!

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Huofeng and Qinglian both opened their eyes wide, looking at the place where the giant shield disappeared in horror. They were speechless for a long time. Even the extremely hard giant shield turned into a piece of sand. It is conceivable that And you know what would happen if humans entered it!

"You all saw it, right? Remember, stand here and don't move around, especially inside the cave. Don't go in! I'm going to start carefully observing the cave for any flaws!" Du Long confessed in a deep voice. .

"Oh! Don't worry, husband, we won't run around!"

In his mind, Du Long secretly asked: "Ling'er! This cave is clear at a glance. There is nothing inside at all, but there is such a terrifying formation in it. Do we need to crack it?"

"What your eyes can see is only what the formation allows you to see. In fact, there is a huge space hidden inside this formation. What is in that space is still difficult to say! "The Nazgûl beauty explained.

"Is there space inside?" Du Long thought to himself. After seeing various artifacts with space, it was not strange for him to use a large array to open up another space like this.

"Okay! I'm going to start breaking the formation! Just wait quietly and don't disturb me!" After the Nazgul Beauty confessed, she became quiet.

During this period, Du Long opened his eyes and began to carefully observe the dense formations at the bottom of the cave. These formations were like moving golden snakes, flashing golden light from time to time.

Those vivid formation patterns were extremely mysterious. Du Long couldn't see any clue after looking at them for a long time. At this moment, there was a squirming movement in his arms, and a small golden dragon crawled out and habitually entrenched itself in his arms. above the shoulders.

"Hey! Little Jinjing, why did you come out?" Du Long looked at the little guy on his shoulder in surprise. The two beauties behind him also blinked at it with big beautiful eyes and smiled.

"There was a terrible breath that woke me up just now! Brother Du Long, where is this place? Why is there such a terrifying breath?" Xiao Jinjing looked around in confusion.

"That aura came from that cave. It was very terrifying. It was even more terrifying than the full-force blow from the master who surpassed the spiritual level!" Du Long was also frightened.

"Such a terrifying formation, can Sister Ling'er break it?" Xiao Jinjing looked at the terrifying cave and secretly transmitted the message that Du Long had long told it not to tell Ling'er's existence, and it could not even tell the existence of Ling'er for the time being. The two sweethearts also have to keep their secrets secret.

Before Du Long could answer, the voice of the ring spirit beauty rang out: "Oh! I really can't break this formation! It's so annoying, it's actually a death formation!"

"Death formation?" Du Long asked doubtfully.

"The death formation does not leave any door for life. In addition to using force to break the spell, you can only enter by finding the key to this formation!" The Nazgul beauty replied a little depressed: "If the previous owner was still there, this She can definitely break the formation easily, but it's a pity! Your strength is still too weak now!"

Touching his nose in embarrassment, Du Long quickly changed the subject and said, "Since we can't break this formation, what should we do next?"

"We have no choice but to go out! Since this formation is located here, the key to unlock it should be in this world! Whether you can find it or not depends on your fate!" The beauty of the Nazgul said. Wu regretted: "What a pity! There must be a lot of good things in such an advanced formation!"

"Hey, no matter what! We are pretty lucky to be able to occupy this secret cave!" Du Long could only comfort him.

"Hmm! That's all I can think of!" The Nazgul beauty accepted her fate.

"That's right! How will I explain it to Huofeng and Qinglian later? Also, what will the old emperor say?" Du Long could only leave this troublesome problem to her to figure out a solution.

"This is simple, you only need to do this..." The Nazgul beauty immediately came up with an explanation.

Then, Du Long nodded, then turned around and smiled bitterly at the two girls: "Oh! Fire Phoenix, Qinglian! This formation is too complicated and dangerous, I can't break it yet!"

"Forget it if you can't break it! By the way, husband, is it because there is such a secret cave in the palace that you want to take over the entire palace?" Huo Feng is indeed most concerned about this issue, which will affect her future She couldn't help but care about the important issue of relationship with her natal family!

"That's right! The background of this formation is very big. Once it is leaked, it will probably lead to a large number of beings with amazing strength competing for it. Think about it, a large number of beings whose strength exceeds the spiritual level and even reaches the realm of ascension will come to fight for it. By then, I'm afraid that the entire people of Blue Moon Capital City will suffer a disaster!" Du Long's expression was extremely solemn.

"So! The less people know about this matter, the better?" Huofeng blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at her sweetheart with a smile. She was obviously moved.

"Exactly! It's best to only tell Grandpa Taishang. It's best not to tell anyone else, including your father and my father. In short, the fewer people who know about it, the better!" Du Long nodded and affirmed.

"Oh! I understand!" Huo Feng nodded with relief.

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