Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 400 The overall situation has been decided


"Forget it, forget it! Our Blue Moon Empire is no longer safe anyway, so what's the use of holding weapons?!" Zheng Kaiwei was the first to throw down the weapons, and then began to take off his armor.

With him as the general taking the lead, all the tens of thousands of soldiers could not disobey him. They threw away their weapons and took off their armor one after another!

After Yin Dongyao saw this scene, he also sighed and made the same choice. The Blue Moon Empire was almost gone, who could he fight for if he held weapons anymore? !

"Haha! The two generals are really wise. In fact, it doesn't matter who is the master of a country. What is important is how to benefit the people of Li." Dou Qing smiled brightly on the south gate command tower. The ground spoke.

"Stop talking nonsense! As the saying goes, people with different interests cannot work together! Dou, can we leave now?!" Yin Dongyao glared at Dou Qing on the control tower.

"Forget it, since General Yin thinks that he and Dou Qingdao are different and have nothing to do with each other, then please do it! I wish you both a safe journey!" On the command tower, Dou Qing didn't care at all, and actually had a faint smile on his face. .

With an angry groan, General Yin Zheng led over ten thousand soldiers out of the south gate and ran for their lives without looking back!

Similar scenes are constantly being staged at the south gate of Blue Moon Capital City. Some are not afraid of death and continue to set an example, while others are smart enough to throw away their helmets and armor and run away from the south gate!

High in the sky, Du Long looked at the fighting conditions below with piercing eyes. No matter how successful this battle was, there would always be some hard-to-gnaw bones in such a large-scale war!

Once a situation arises, the Ringwraith beauty will immediately notify him and tell him which forces should be sent for reinforcements. In this way, the casualties of Haotian's side on the entire battlefield are reduced to a minimum!

"General Xu Yin! There is a team of about 10,000 people fleeing in the direction of you. Among them are two generals, Yin Dongyao and Zheng Kaiwei, who are the chief and deputy generals! You need to keep them! As for their men, let them all go! "In the dense forest more than ten miles south of the city, thousands of Flame Tiger Legions were ambushing inside, and General Xu Yin once again received Du Long's order.

"General, I obey!" Xu Yin responded respectfully, waved his hand behind him and said, "Let's go! Follow me up!"

Thousands of flame tiger cavalry all followed Xu Yin excitedly, rushing to the official road not far away and intercepting a team of ten thousand people.

Seeing thousands of flame tiger cavalry blocking the way, the unarmed soldiers of the Second Legion of the Blue Moon Guards were all dumbfounded. They all looked at this majestic flame tiger cavalry in horror!

You know, even if these ten thousand people are fully armed, I am afraid they are no match for others, let alone now!

"Among you! Except for Yin Dongyao and Zheng Kaiwei who want to stay, everyone else can leave on their own! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!" Xu Yin didn't waste any words and directly named the people he wanted.


The tens of thousands of soldiers of the Second Army of the Guards all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They each looked at the two figures in the crowd. They were none other than the people who had just escaped from the south gate of Blue Moon Capital City, abandoning their helmets and armor. Second General Yin Zheng!

"I wonder what this general wants to do with these two people?!" In the crowd, although Yin Dongyao was frightened in his heart, he still showed a calm appearance on the surface.

"It's nothing! We received an order from the general to detain all the deputy generals who escaped from the south gate of Blue Moon Capital City. As for the others, they can return to their hometowns directly. After the destruction of the Blue Moon Empire, we will be We are a family! Haha!" Xu Yin actually laughed at the end.

This was not the first time that Xu Yin had done something like this. In the woods behind him, a large number of deputy general-level Blue Moon deserters had been detained. He did not even need to confirm the identity of the other party, because if something went wrong, the omnipotent deserter would be killed. Marshal Du Long, who didn't know it, would immediately notify him!

Over the Blue Moon Capital City, Du Long did not need to worry about confirming whether Xu Yin had arrested the wrong person. Once a mistake was made, the Nazgul beauty would pass through him as soon as possible. After going around in a circle, the most critical link was the Nazgul beauty. !

Even before the war began, the battle plan discussed by Du Long and the Nazgul Beauty had established an important purpose, that is, both the enemy and ourselves should minimize casualties as much as possible!

After all, the Blue Moon Empire will soon be merged into the Haotian Empire. The more you kill now, the more of your own people will die on the battlefield!

Therefore, for those with lower official positions or ordinary soldiers who have very limited impact on the overall situation, they can be released directly and allowed to return to their hometowns. This can also save a large amount of food for entertaining them!

As for the officers above deputy general, no one should be spared. Of course, Du Long has no intention of killing them all. The most he can do is to put them under house arrest. After the overall situation stabilizes, he can decide how to deal with them!

Of course, these generals at the level of deputy general or above had better not arrest people before disarming and leaving the city, so as not to misunderstand them and finally order an attack on the south gate defenders, causing unnecessary casualties!

All of this is the plan set by Du Long and the Ringwraith Beauty. The first regiment of the South Gate Guards of the Blue Moon Empire will be responsible for disarming, and then the Flame Tiger Cavalry outside the city will be responsible for capturing the generals hidden among the ordinary soldiers!

With the Nazgul beauties there constantly scanning and supervising, it’s really not easy for anything to slip through the net!

You know, during this period of waiting, the beauty of the Ring Spirit has not been idle. She has listened to the military meetings at the deputy general level of several major legions many times, and she has already made the other party's identity information clear!

In Prince Yu's Mansion, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan finally woke up leisurely under the treatment of doctors, and suddenly sat up from the bed. The first thing he said was: "Why am I here?! How is the battle outside?! "

"General! All the three gates in the east, west and north have fallen. A large number of defenders have fled from the south gate. The Blue Moon Capital is in danger! General, please escape from the capital together! As long as we escape, we will still have a chance to make a comeback!" There is a seat immediately! The deputy general persuaded in a deep voice.

Looking faintly at the generals on the scene, Jin Yanhuan sighed with tears in his tiger eyes: "Alas! This battle has been defeated. Our Blue Moon Empire has only one way to be destroyed from now on. How easy is it to make a comeback?! You'd better run away for your lives! That Du How can the dragon let me go so easily?! Therefore, if you follow me, you will probably die!"

"The last general will follow the general to the death. Even after death, he will follow the general and become the ghost hero in the underworld!"

A group of close subordinates who had followed General Zhenhai for many years knelt down one after another, choosing without hesitation to follow Jin Yanhuan through life and death!

Once again scanning the group of old subordinates who had followed him for many years, Jin Yanhuan finally couldn't help but burst into tears. After a long time, he wiped away the tears on his face and looked at the group of old subordinates with an extremely serious expression: "Pass me the last wave of shock to the sea. General! I order you all to flee from the south gate. From now on, you are no longer allowed to be enemies of the Haotian Empire. You may return to your hometown in seclusion or move to the Dongyang Kingdom. It’s up to you!”

"General, general! We will follow the general to the death!"


Jin Yanhuan's words once again caused the generals to cry out in sorrow, and they all rushed to follow him forever!

"Time is running out! Who knows when the Haotian Empire's army will completely block the south gate! Why don't you lead my generals and leave quickly?!" Jin Yanhuan shouted angrily at his group of veterans.

Seeing that the generals still had no intention of leaving, he could only sigh: "Oh! For so many years! You have followed me, an indecisive general, and you have suffered a lot! This time the Blue Moon Capital was destroyed because I was unwilling Seizing the throne with lightning speed was the only reason for today's disaster! Yan Huan thanks you for never giving up on me, a useless general, from the beginning to the end! Thank you for never giving up!"

"But! Please help Yanhuan, so that Yanhuan can do something for you at the last moment. Behind each of you are people with families, and each of you is the pillar of the family!"

"I know that for the sake of loyalty, you want to choose to die with Yan Huan! However, if you die, you will fulfill your loyalty, but it will be unfilial to the family, and to Yan Huan, you will fall into Yan Huan. Huanyu is disloyal and unjust?!"

"For this reason! I also ask you all good brothers to fulfill Yan Huan's last wish, escape from the capital as soon as possible, return to your hometown, and enjoy your family life with your family!"

"General! Wuwu..." In the wing room, many generals of the Zhenhai Regiment knelt on their knees and cried loudly. A group of iron-blooded men who were not even afraid of death knelt on the ground and cried bitterly!

This situation all fell into Du Long's mind, completely shocking him!

"Okay! You all go! Today, I finally understand why that kid Du Long kept the south gate open for a long time. Until the general attack was launched, he still left the south gate open, letting the soldiers of my Blue Moon Empire Fleeing from the south gate, it turns out that he has long treated the people of the Blue Moon Empire as the people of the future Haotian Empire!"

"This son has a kind heart and will definitely not hurt you. Go quickly! Try not to conflict with Haotian's army along the way. Otherwise, if he angers others, you may not be able to escape!" Jin Yanhuan finally confessed to his subordinates. .

"General, don't take care of yourself. Based on your relationship with General Zhongwu, Du Long will probably not hurt you. I hope that I will have the opportunity to meet the general again in the future!"

"General, take care!"

After successive persuasion, these loyal generals of the Zhenhai Regiment finally got up and left Prince Yu's Mansion with full of reluctance!

After intense discussions with the beauty of the Ring Spirit, Du Long was finally convinced by her and still sent Xu Yin to intercept the generals of the Zhenhai Regiment and detain them together with other generals of the corps.

As long as these generals don't go out to cause trouble, the deserters scattered by the Blue Moon Empire will be leaderless, and it will be impossible to gather a threatening army. On the contrary, everything is possible!

At this point, in the capital of the Blue Moon Empire, there are only tens of thousands of Royal Guards soldiers left in the Imperial Palace!

The leader of the 50,000 Royal Forest Army is the Lin family of the four major families. He has always been required to stay on hold and turn a blind eye to the war outside the palace on the grounds of sticking to the palace!

Seeing that the battle in the entire capital was almost over, a large number of Haotian legions began to surround the entire palace. While many of the Imperial Guard soldiers were nervous, a faint smile appeared on the face of the Imperial Guard commander!

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