Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 398 Provoking Sun Yuan

In the Haotian camp, while waiting for the army to assemble, Du Long continued to issue the latest instructions one after another, including the orders transmitted remotely to Dou Hong, the capital of Blue Moon!

Everyone must have guessed that the idea of ​​sending hundreds of cavalry to provoke the Zhenhai regiment this time was naturally done by Du Long and asked Dou Hong to do it. Moreover, it was he who detected that all the major generals of General Zhenhai were in Prince Yu's Mansion. During the discussion, the order to launch a provocation was issued!

If not for this, once a few major generals were inside the Zhenhai camp and restrained by them on the spot, it would be impossible to achieve such good results!

"You brat! I just received the information! There is chaos inside the Blue Moon Capital. Could it be that all this is your work?!" In the handsome tent, seeing that Du Long was finally free, Mr. Du finally couldn't help but ask.

Apart from Du Long, there are only three spiritual-level old men left in the handsome tent, plus Huofeng and Qinglian, two female generals who are nominally Du Long's personal bodyguards!

"That's right! My grandson would rather spend more than half a month and let the two million troops waste food here for a long time. The purpose is for today. Now, the civil strife in Blue Moon Capital City continues and the morale of the army is weakened! It is no longer what it was before. We are working together to defend against foreign enemies!" Du Long showed a confident smile.

"Haha! Old Man Du! Your grandson is really as cunning as a fox!" Mr. Wei Xuan laughed heartily.

"That's right! It seems that even the world-famous General Zhenhai was tricked by him. Alas! How did this child's head grow? Not only the strength of the martial arts cultivator has improved rapidly, but also the military cultivator The talent also makes us old men sigh in admiration!" The old emperor said with emotion.

"Three old men have won the prize!" Du Long said humbly: "The main reason is that General Zhenhai is better at mountain warfare, naval warfare, etc. He is relatively good at taking the initiative rather than defending a city. This also leads to his many battlefield experiences. I couldn't use it, so I could kill him so easily!"

"Haha! I don't think so. Apart from water battles, I dare not say anything about so-called mountain battles. General Zhenhai may not be your opponent!" Wei Xuan shook his head and denied.

"That's right! I agree with Old Man Wei. General Zhenhai has fought for the Blue Moon Empire in many countries for many years, and also created a prosperous situation for the Blue Moon Empire. Unfortunately, he has never met a truly powerful opponent. At first, he casually If you were here in this country, I am afraid that General Zhenhai would not have such a prestigious reputation!" The old emperor stroked his beard and nodded.

Just when Du Long couldn't stand the praise from the three old men, in the Haotian camp, the belated war drums sounded loudly, and more than two million troops came from the east, north, and west directions of the Blue Moon Empire. Launch a general attack at the same time!

Du Long also rode Xiao Lie with the two girls Huo Feng, accompanied by the snow-white Sun Yuan, and three old men who flew over to the scene of the battle and began to watch this crucial battle live.

This battle will determine the life and death of the Blue Moon Empire!

The capital of the Blue Moon Empire was in chaos at the moment. The chaos inside the city was still unsolved. The vast army outside the city took advantage of the chaos to attack. For a moment, the faces of the few defenders on the city wall looked particularly ugly!

"Haha! Sun Yuan, you have been complaining all day long and have been busy lately. Now you have important work to do. Did you see that?! You go to the suspension bridge on the moat and the corresponding city gate now. Lower the suspension bridge and open the city gate!" Du Long looked at Sun Yuan beside him with a smile, and pointed at the Blue Moon North City Gate below.

"Haha! My old grandson is leaving. Don't worry, Master. I will definitely handle this matter as quickly as possible!" After responding excitedly, the monkey, who had been bored in the camp for a long time, turned towards him. The north gate shot away!

"Hee hee, this monkey head!" Huo Feng, who was sitting in front of Du Long, shook his head and cursed with a smile.

On the city wall of the north gate of Blue Moon Capital City, those who are still staying to defend the city are almost all veterans of the Zhenhai Second Legion. Those recruits have already gone to the east of the city to cause trouble, and only tens of thousands of veterans are left to continue. Stay on the north wall.

Seeing Sun Yuan's white figure approaching with lightning, he had long known that the Haotian Empire had a fifth-level snow ape demon who was responsible for opening the city gate. Even if there were a large number of siege crossbows aimed at it, and they would fire a series of terrifying missiles. Siege crossbow!

Looking at the pitch-black color on the siege crossbow arrows, you can tell that in order to deal with the fifth-level spirit beasts, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan also spent a lot of money, and all the siege crossbow arrows were made of hard black black iron!

"Wow! Good time!" He turned over his hand and took out the Red Flame Slash. After a triumphant laugh, Sun Yuan advanced instead of retreating, running towards the siege crossbow arrows that were fired at them!

This monkey head has been suppressed for more than half a month. This is a rare opportunity to show off. How can he be polite? He has already cut the red flame in his hand like a wind wheel, and chopped off the siege crossbow arrows one after another. Down!

The siege crossbow arrows struck by the red flames in its hands, whether they were wooden arrow handles or huge arrowheads made of black black iron, were all cut into two pieces by its sword without exception!

After cutting down all the first wave of siege arrows, the monkey would not stupidly wait for someone to re-wind the string. He swung his sword several times, and saw several flaming blades hundreds of meters long flashing out of thin air, heading straight for those with siege crossbows. The electricity shot away in the direction!

It also knows to save energy, so the flame blades are all driven by the formations built into the Red Flame Slash, so there is no need to expend too much of its power!

After shooting out several flaming blades, it did not stop, dodged and continued to shoot towards the city gate. As it got closer and closer to the city wall, several flaming blades also struck the siege crossbows one after another. On the city wall, more than 60% of the siege crossbow positions were instantly destroyed on the spot, and a large number of Zhenhai regiment defenders protecting the positions nearby were blown to pieces.

Faced with such a terrifying attack from the fifth-level spirit beast, the defenders in the north of the city, who had insufficient defense power, only made matters worse. They could only use all their strength to shoot the crossbow arrows in their hands at the snow ape demon that was shot at high speed!

Unfortunately, apart from the siege crossbow and the giant crossbow made of black black iron, which threatened it, it couldn't even dodge the crossbow arrows fired by these ordinary soldiers, and it just flew into the north gate despite the rain of arrows!

"Block it! Block it no matter what! Don't let this beast open the city gate!" Inside the north gate, many soldiers responsible for guarding the city gate shouted loudly.

It's a pity that without a spiritual master to restrain Sun Yuan, how can these ordinary soldiers resist its attack? !

After just three strikes, a large area of ​​the densely packed defenders in the city gate cave was cleared. The flame blade attack triggered by the Red Flame Slash was not fatal to spiritual masters, but it was extremely deadly to ordinary soldiers!

Facing such a ferocious monkey, the soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment guarding the city were all terrified. This was not something that ordinary people could match. How should they, flesh and blood, deal with it? !

"Holy crap! Is this okay?!" Sun Yuan dodged past a large number of corpse fragments and appeared inside the city gate hole. His eyes flashed, and he stared at the five huge iron bolts made of black black iron on the city gate in astonishment!

Jin Yanhuan was indeed worthy of being a world-famous general. He had already ordered people to seal the west and north city gates, and directly ordered craftsmen to burn the black black iron nearby, and then cast the black black iron bars into the thick Above the iron gate!

‘Sun Yuan! Could it be that you can't even handle these few black iron bars? ! ’ Du Long, who had been paying attention to Sun Yuan’s progress, spoke directly to the general.

Sure enough, this monkey couldn't stand the provocation the most, and he got mad on the spot and said: "Master, don't worry! Look how I, the old man, can cut off these broken iron bars!"

As soon as it finished speaking, it began to transform. From the initial height of two to three meters, it more than doubled in an instant. Unfortunately, this is a city gate, and the total height is only a dozen meters. It cannot be used if it grows too tall.

Then, the Red Flame Slash in Sun Yuan's hand also exploded, turning into a giant sword with a length of five meters. When Sun Yuan held it in his hand, it began to burn with terrifying flames!


After raising his energy and speaking out, Sun Yuan used all his strength to slash out the giant sword several meters long and hit one of the black black iron bars with all his strength!

There was only a crisp click sound, and the black iron bar that was half a meter square broke in response. The huge vibration force made the defenders above the city gate unsteady, and they all knelt down.

After cutting off a black black iron bar, Sun Yuan was not in a hurry to be proud, but quickly picked up the precious Red Flame Slash in his hand and examined it carefully. This guy was obviously afraid of accidentally knocking it off and breaking the edge!

"Wow...what a sword! It is indeed worthy of being called the ultimate weapon of Red Flame Slash!" Sun Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that there was no chip in the sword under such a heavy blow, and he raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly. .

‘Monkey head! Don't be complacent, get to work quickly! The army is about to attack you. If you don't open the city gate, I'll put you in confinement for a month! ’ Seeing from a distance that this guy actually had time to get carried away, Du Long immediately warned him.

As soon as he heard that he would be imprisoned for a month, Sun Yuan dared not hesitate at all. He hurriedly swung his knife again and cut off several other black black iron bars one after another!

Losing the lock of the door bolt, Sun Yuan pushed the city gate with both hands, and soon pushed the heavy door open from the inside out!

After pushing open the city gate, it couldn't be idle at all, and rushed to the suspension bridge under the rain of arrows. It saw that even the suspension bridge mechanism was damaged and a large amount of black black iron was poured into it!

This guy wasn't stupid at all. He also knew how to cut off the sling with his sword with all his strength. The metal suspension bridge weighing hundreds of tons suddenly fell down and was erected on the moat with a loud bang.

At this moment, the Haotian army, which happened to rush to the moat, all excitedly rushed along the suspension bridge into the north gate of Blue Moon Capital City!

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