Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 395 Conflict breaks out again

Blue Moon Capital City, the main camp in the west of the city!

This is the main camp of the Zhenhai Regiment. The main commander, General Zhenhai, often comes here from Prince Yu's Mansion to work here and handle some important military matters!

Today, General Zhenhai is obviously having a headache. There are more than a dozen corpses of patrol soldiers placed on the campus. The entire campus is surrounded by officers and soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment. The crowd is excited!

"General! You want to avenge your brothers who died innocently! The Guards and other legions are really bullying people too much!"

"General! We have been tolerant over and over again, but the other side is getting more and more excessive. Now they even dare to shoot friendly soldiers in the street. Is this okay? If you don't seek justice for our brothers, we will go to the Guards ourselves to ask for justice." Let’s get justice!”

"That's right! If we don't get this justice, it will only chill the hearts of our brothers. Who will be willing to sacrifice their lives and blood for the Zhenhai Regiment in the future? Die on the battlefield for the country?!"


On the school grounds, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan had a dark face, listening to countless soldiers complaining loudly there. After a long silence, he glanced at the many soldiers beside him.

"Comrades of the Zhenhai Regiment!" Jin Yanhuan finally spoke loudly. After the soldiers calmed down, he continued: "Our brothers cannot die tragically for no reason! Therefore, I will definitely find the Imperial Guards personally to ask for help. They find the real culprit and give everyone justice!"

"Until this general handles this matter! I hope everyone will not be too excited, nor can they act rashly, and don't fall for the tricks of some well-intentioned people to sow discord! After all, we all belong to the Blue Moon Empire camp. Once there is an internal chaos, then We can only take advantage of those Haotian Empire people outside the city!"

"I estimate that this matter is definitely not simple, and there must be some people behind it with ulterior motives. Therefore, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, I announce that from today on, the first and second armies of Zhenhai will close their camps and there is no need to go out again. Patrol! To prevent bigger conflicts from happening again!"


Regarding Jin Yanhuan's last decision, countless soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment were immediately in an uproar. Many people could not accept this result. Their own side suffered, and then they actually had to close the camp like a tortoise? !

You know, when several other legions insulted the officers of the Zhenhai Regiment on weekdays, they did so very unpleasantly. Most of the people present had the experience of patrolling out of the camp, so they can all relate to it!

Once the Zhenhai Regiment closes its camp and cannot leave, how will it be able to raise its head in front of the soldiers of other legions in the future?

"General! Our people were innocently killed, and now you are asking for the camp to be closed? Then how will the officers and men of our navy regiment hold their heads high in front of the officers and men of other regiments in the future?!"

"That's right! General, although your worry is reasonable, you should also consider the feelings of the brothers! Our people were killed by others. If we can't leave the camp now! What will happen to the brothers? At home?!"


One after another, soldiers stood up to speak, and for a while, the entire camp was once again in a commotion!

"Brothers!" Jin Yanhuan spoke again: "It's just that the general didn't think it through properly, that's fine! Our patrol team will continue to go out for patrols, but the number of outgoing batches will be reduced accordingly. Each team will try to have one person with Qihai level or above. The general will lead the team!"

Although many soldiers did not agree with General Zhenhai's compromise approach, they were able to accept it. At this point, the Zhenhai Regiment began to implement this approach!

Jin Yanhuan, the leader of the Zhenhai Regiment, also began a journey to ask other legions to kill his patrol brethren. According to the patrol soldier who did not die, in the Changsheng Tavern at that time, except for the Zhenhai Regiment, almost all other major legions There are people there.

As a result, General Zhenhai's process of seeking justice has become extremely difficult!

In front of him, the generals of the major legions repeatedly promised to strictly investigate the murderers involved in this matter. However, as soon as they left, they all snorted. They did not take this matter to heart and did not bother to send anyone to investigate the matter. !

According to the wishes of the generals of several major legions, soldiers from so many legions are present. Why are you messing with them when your legion has nothing to do? Now that we've been involved and we didn't catch the murderer on the spot, how can we trace it now? !

How easy is it to identify a few soldiers who committed crimes among hundreds of thousands of soldiers? !

In short, as time went by, the tragic deaths of more than a dozen patrol soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment made no progress at all. Regarding this, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan also had a headache.

It's not like he hasn't approached the emperor or the military department. Unfortunately, each of them said in front of him that they wanted to investigate the murderer strictly, but then they did nothing in a hurry!

Soon, the news spread to the Zhenhai Regiment through thoughtful people. All the officers of the Zhenhai Regiment were disappointed with the incompetence of General Jin Yanhuan.

When they met him in the past, they would still have expressions of admiration on their faces. Now when they see him, everyone has expressions of disappointment. Jin Yanhuan sees these changes in his eyes and suffers in his heart. There is no good way to solve this matter. matter!

Without the support of the other high-level corps, it would be almost impossible to track down the murderer with his own strength. If he went to find him after a few days, the other party would often say that he had conducted an internal investigation and that absolutely no one was involved in the matter. , you’d better go check out other legions!

In just one sentence, the world-famous General Zhenhai was dismissed, leaving him no place to vent his anger, so he could only hold it in his chest, almost vomiting blood!

Just when General Jin Yanhuan of Zhenhai was suffering from the inability to redress his grievances for his subordinates, another similar incident broke out!

The conflict broke out between the patrol team of the Zhen Hai Regiment and other legions. At that time, a patrol team of the Zhen Hai Regiment passed by another tavern. As a result, the officers of other legions in the tavern scolded them too harshly, so a fight broke out with them. Violent conflict!

During the conflict, the two sides did not use long-range weapons such as crossbows this time, but directly used knives!

Since there were Qihai level masters in the patrol team of the Zhenhai Regiment, they killed more than a dozen troublemakers in just a few strokes. Afterwards, they immediately fled the scene and disappeared without a trace!

At that time, there were more than a dozen people in the tavern who did not stir up trouble. They witnessed the entire murder process with their own eyes. They can be regarded as having more witnesses!

The patrol team of the Zhenhai Regiment killed more than a dozen people at once this time. Among these dozen people, almost included soldiers from all major legions except the Zhenhai Regiment.

Since the patrol soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment were killed, and the generals of the major legions were passive and unwilling to pursue the murderers with all their efforts, the soldiers of the other major legions have become more and more wanton in provoking the Zhenhai Regiment.

So, the previous scene happened!

I never thought that the patrol soldiers of the Zhenhai Regiment would be so cruel. They would kill people as soon as they came up. Moreover, they were very powerful. They killed more than a dozen people who were provoking troubles in just a few strokes!

As a result, the Zhenhai Corps has stirred a hornet's nest this time!

Under the angry demands of many soldiers below, the generals of the major legions rushed to the Zhenhai Regiment and demanded that the Zhenhai Regiment hand over the murderer!

Faced with the presence of almost all major army generals, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan was even more troubled. He could only say that he would do his best to bring the murderer to justice!

It's a pity that the other generals of the army did not agree with him. They said on the spot that there were more than a dozen witnesses present this time who could recognize the appearance of the patrol team on the spot, and requested that the team patrolling that area should be transferred immediately. Gather together to identify the culprit!

Jin Yanhuan simply could not refuse this very reasonable request. He was not willing to easily offend the generals of all the legions under unreasonable circumstances. In that case, it might be very detrimental to him in the future!

As a result, Jin Yanhuan began to send people to call all the teams responsible for patrolling that block that day, and the generals of the other legions asked the dozen witnesses to begin to identify on the spot whether any of these patrol teams had committed the crime today. Patrol team!

"It's this team! They were the ones who killed people in the tavern!" At this time, a witness pointed at a patrol team and shouted angrily.

All the members of the patrol team he identified were dumbfounded. For a moment, they didn't understand what was going on, and their faces looked a little stunned!

"That's right! That's right! It was them, they were the ones who killed those dozen brothers in just two strokes!"

"It's them..."

As one witness identified them on the spot, other witnesses also pointed at them and shouted loudly. Each one of them identified these people loudly and with a very certain tone as the murderers!

"Hmph! Was it your team that committed the murder?! Could it be that just for a few words of verbal abuse, you had to be so ruthless?!" General Zhenhai looked at the dozen patrol soldiers under him with a gloomy expression. shouted angrily.

More than a dozen patrol soldiers knelt on the ground, and the captain of the Qihai class shouted in panic: "General! We are wronged! Although we patrolled that neighborhood today, we did not I haven’t had any conflicts with anyone!”

"That's right! General, please redress our grievances on our behalf! They are clearly framing us!"

"What an injustice..."

For a moment, more than a dozen soldiers from the patrol team of the Zhenhai Regiment started shouting injustice!

"Haha! You guys are so thick-skinned! With so many witnesses identifying you, you still dare to claim that you were wronged?! Could it be that these dozen eyewitnesses from various major legions all have presbyopia?!"

"That's right! Killing friendly troops in the street is an unforgivable crime! General Zhenhai, don't you want to protect your subordinates?"

"The evidence for this matter is conclusive. If the verdict is not pronounced on the spot, we will never leave this place! We must seek justice for the dozen brothers who died in vain!"


Many generals at the scene asked General Zhenhai to severely punish the murderer on the spot. In response, General Zhenhai pondered over and over again and could only loudly announce: "In view of the extremely serious nature of the crimes committed by your team, this general! I sentence you to execution! Let us serve as a warning to others!"

In the handsome tent, the dozen or so patrol members were dumbfounded on the spot. They all looked at their highly respected general with disbelief. They could not believe that he would order them to be killed on the spot so rashly. !

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