Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 384 Finally arrived at the capital

In the Blue Moon Empire, news of the death of General Arilon soon spread. The Blue Moon Emperor named him the Blue Moon Sacred Martial and Loyal General on the spot and held a state funeral for him!

In the court, General Ai, without fear of personal life or death, bluntly recommended the return of General Zhenhai, which immediately spread throughout the Blue Moon Empire and the entire Star Continent!

And the letter written by the Emperor of the Blue Moon Empire, Jin Yanzhen, reached the hands of Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan as quickly as possible!

In the handwritten letter, he deeply regretted his past actions and stated that as long as Jin Yanhuan was willing to stand up and take charge of the army, it would be okay even if he had to give up the throne. The survival of the empire was the most important thing!

Emperor Jin Yanzhen's words of weakness moved Jin Yanhuan on the spot. He immediately led his nearly 100,000 troops straight to the imperial capital. Not only that, Jin Yanhuan also announced the emperor's personal letter to the outside world along the way, and wrote a summons in his own hand. make.

In the name of General Zhenhai, he summoned all the former members of the Blue Moon Empire to fight against the Haotian invaders together!

In addition to summoning his former troops, Jin Yanhuan also issued an announcement to recruit volunteers throughout the Blue Moon Empire and posted it throughout the Blue Moon Empire!

For a time, the news of General Zhenhai's comeback spread throughout the Blue Moon Empire. Countless young men rushed to the capital from all over the country, preparing to join forces with the world-famous General Zhenhai to resist the invasion of the Haotian Empire!

So, General Zhenhai set out from the southeast coast. When he crossed the two states and arrived at the capital of the Blue Moon Empire, the number of his subordinates who were originally less than 100,000 instantly increased to 500,000!

Of course, except for the 100,000 regular troops, the rest are all miscellaneous troops dressed as ordinary people. Each of them does not even have regular uniforms and weapons. Some are carrying swords, and some are holding harpoons. In short, it is a mess!

At this time, Du Long happened to lead his army to the acropolis northwest of Blue Moon Capital City, Blue Light City!

Blue Light City, as the acropolis of the Blue Moon Empire, has 100,000 regular defense troops stationed there. No matter how serious the war is in various places, the acropolis guards are absolutely not allowed to be used!

The reason is very simple. Unlike the several main acropolis in the north of Blue Moon Capital City, there is only one acropolis in the northwest, so the defense forces cannot be mobilized at will!

After shouting to persuade him to surrender, Du Long decisively issued a siege order. This time he didn't even bother to use siege rockets. He directly sent Sun Yuan to let him enter the city and open the city gate directly!

First of all, the first city gate facing the northwest was opened by Sun Yuan. Du Long issued the general attack order almost at the same time, and hundreds of thousands of troops poured into Blue Light City like a tide!

The one rushing in front is still Du Long's ace, the Demonic Beast Cavalry Regiment. Although there are only 50,000 Demonic Beast Cavalry Regiment, they are definitely no worse than a human legion of 200,000 to 300,000 people. It can only be said that they are even worse. !

It was still the armored water rhinoceros heavy armored cavalry that cleared the way. After experiencing several previous casualties, Du Long also learned the lesson and directly sent the spirit-level Xiao Lie to be responsible for dismantling the siege crossbows on the city wall!

The crossbow arrows fired by this large-scale siege crossbow are two meters long and thicker than ordinary war guns. The inertial force of the shots is extremely large. Once shot at a group of armored water rhinoceros cavalry, it will definitely cause extreme damage. Fatal injury!

This kind of weapon, which is very powerful against the armored water rhinoceros, is nothing to Xiao Lie, who has perfect strength in the spiritual level. It is completely able to dodge the crossbow before it hits him, and then rush over at high speed, while the opponent is trying hard to wind the bow. Kung Fu, quickly break it into pieces!

For such a large siege crossbow, each city would only be equipped with a small part on the city wall command tower at most, so Xiaolie could quickly dismantle it!

During this period, it can also help the siege army clear out the archer corps defending the city. Although these archer corps have no lethality against the heavy armored monster cavalry, they can still cause considerable damage to ordinary siege corps!

So, with the help of two fifth-level perfection spiritual beasts, hundreds of thousands of troops poured into Blue Light City like a tide, and fierce street battles broke out with hundreds of thousands of defenders in the city!

This is the first time that the main force led by Du Long has encountered such decent resistance since he went south from the Hansi River. He also changed from being casual at the beginning to becoming serious!

With the help of the super abnormal long-distance scanning of the Ringwraith beauty, Du Long accurately conveyed the general orders to the ears of the siege generals. These siege generals had long been accustomed to the mysterious long-distance sound transmission ability of their coach. , all carried out his general orders meticulously.

It can be said that the admiration of the Haotian army for this legendary commander has reached an unprecedented level!

Each of his instructions seems simple, but in fact it goes straight to the key points, allowing one's side to continuously gain more advantages and making the enemy more passive and uncomfortable!

As time passed, some of the 100,000 defenders fled from the southeast gate to the direction of the Blue Moon Empire capital. A small part surrendered, and the rest were all annihilated!

With Sun Yuan and Xiao Lie, the two fifth-level perfect spirit beasts, the masters in the Blue Moon defenders did not dare to take the lead. Once they took the lead, the two spirit beasts would receive the instructions from the ring spirit beauty and kill them as quickly as possible. Go over and kill them!

Soon, Du Long was sitting in the Blue Light City Lord's Mansion. Seeing that it was getting late, he did not order the army to continue to advance. For almost half a month, there were high-intensity battles every day. It was time to give the army a break!

"I really didn't expect it! Ariron actually used his life force to recommend General Zhenhai out! It seems that Emperor Lan Yue really had no choice but to finally agree to his death recommendation?!" After listening to the messenger's report After coming over, the corners of Du Long's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a slightly unexpected smile.

"That's right! Emperor Lan Yue didn't know he took the wrong medicine. Not only did he admit that he had made big mistakes in the past, he was willing to hand over the throne to him at any time, but he also wanted to hold a state funeral for the old general Aerilon?!" In the Blue Light City Lord's Mansion, the Prairie King Some couldn't believe it.

"Haha! He didn't take the wrong medicine, but he became smarter!" Du Long shook his head and smiled.

"Oh?! How do you say this?!" The Prairie King's eyes lit up. He was now very interested in anything Du Long said.

"It's very simple! He has no way to save himself. Holding a state funeral for General Ai can inspire more people of the Blue Moon Empire to sacrifice themselves for the empire. He knows General Zhenhai very well, so he actively asks to give up the throne at any time. In fact, he was retreating to advance. He knew that the more he gave in to General Zhenhai, the more embarrassed he would be to ascend the throne of God!

Moreover, even if General Zhenhai is willing to sit on the throne, he has nothing to lose. The king of a subjugated country will definitely die. Without the identity of the Blue Moon Emperor, he can leave the Blue Moon Empire confidently and run to a city like Ziyun City. In a place like this, living a wealthy life is not a big problem! "Du Long shook his head and explained.

"Holy crap! Isn't this emperor too cunning?!" the Prairie King said rudely on the spot.

"Haha! What's the point?! Some people don't become emperors just to enjoy the glory and wealth. Since the throne has become a hot potato, it's better to give it up and save yourself from a lifetime of infamy!" Behind Du Long, a man in military uniform looked heroic. The sassy Fire Phoenix Princess interjected with a smile.

"Huo Feng is right! For a wiser king, enjoying material desires is nothing!" Du Long added with a smile, so as not to beat all the emperors to death with a stick. After all, his future father-in-law, the Emperor, is also an emperor. pieces!

"Since the Blue Moon Empire has arranged it this way, what should we do next?!" This time it was Kang Tuo's turn to ask.

"Haha! Whatever he does, if General Zhenhai leads an army of three million to the Qingyun Grassland, I will still be afraid of him! Nowadays, the entire Blue Moon Empire's regular army does not add up to much, relying on those who cobble together The die-hards who came out are just a bunch of rabble at best! What's there to be afraid of?!" Du Long smiled with a slight disdain.

"Oh?! Does Marshal Du have any good strategies to defeat the enemy?!" Kang Tuo asked again.

"Destroy all methods with one force! After resting for the night in Blue Light City, tomorrow we will march eastward and head straight to the capital of the Blue Moon Empire! By then, we will have a showdown with him in the Blue Moon Capital!" Du Long said with confidence.

"Tch!" Huo Feng immediately said disdainfully: "People thought there was some kind of conspiracy!"

"Hahaha! No, no! When the difference in strength reaches a certain level, any tricks will be like floating clouds and not worth mentioning at all!" Du Long immediately laughed.

It was night, and from time to time in Blue Light City, soldiers from the Haotian Army would rush into some large and small courtyards and clear out all the Blue Moon soldiers hiding in them.

It would be best if the other party is willing to surrender, otherwise, they will be killed directly without leaving any one behind!

These people originally wanted to stay in the city to cause trouble, but they never figured out how they were found. The soldiers of the Haotian Empire seemed to have known their hiding place for a long time, and did not harass the residents nearby at all. Rush into the target location!

And all of this is naturally due to the beauty of the Ring Spirit. With her here, no trace of any clue in the entire Blue Light City can escape her scanning and detection!

In order to have no worries in Blue Moon Capital tomorrow, it is doubly important to clean up the remnants of the enemy forces in Blue Light City tonight!

Early the next morning, in addition to some of the soldiers who were responsible for cleaning up the remnants of the enemy's army last night, hundreds of thousands of other troops set out again, heading straight for the Blue Moon Empire capital more than a hundred miles away!

After traveling more than a hundred miles and only half a day's effort, the vast army arrived at the target location in a mighty manner. At this moment, all four gates of the Blue Moon Capital City were closed tightly. This once extremely prosperous capital city, before the war came, , many people fled this place of right and wrong with their families and families.

Most people chose to go south, either to seek refuge in the Dongyang Kingdom, or to flee to live temporarily with relatives and friends in the southern part of the empire. Naturally, some also ended up on the streets, homeless, and became war refugees, to name a few!

Outside the Blue Moon Capital City, Haotian's hundreds of thousands of troops did not surround the entire capital city. Instead, they were strangely stationed outside the west gate of the Blue Moon Capital City and stood still!

On the Blue Moon Capital City, General Zhenhai Jin Yanhuan heard that Haotian's army was coming, and immediately came to the city wall to observe. He happened to see this strange scene. For a while, the world-famous General Zhenhai could not figure it out. Du Long, the youngest cunning commander in Star Continent, what kind of medicine is sold in that gourd!

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