Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 378 Food and grass were robbed

In the middle of the Hexi Corridor, a large camp is stationed here, cutting off the east and west sides!

In order to prevent the east and west sides from being attacked, in the past few days, the 600,000 main army soldiers in the southeast theater of the Blue Moon Empire have worked hard to build a defense line and built traps covering several miles in depth on both the east and west sides of the camp!

The miracles that 600,000 soldiers can create when they work together are absolutely breathtaking!

In just a few days, the east and west sides of the entire camp were covered with various traps, deep pits, and even an artificial river more than ten meters wide!

After digging a longitudinal tunnel that is more than ten meters wide and several meters deep, the Hansi River water is introduced into the tunnel to form such a temporary camp river!

Of course, in order to facilitate entry and exit, the entire camp is located close to the northern mountains, leaving an entrance and exit more than 100 meters wide for the entry and exit of army supplies!

According to Eliuk, the head coach of the 600,000-strong Blue Moon Empire army, their main duty in this battle is to prevent the Haotian Empire army on the eastern front from passing through the Hexi Corridor and rush to the Qingyun Grassland in the west to support the battle there!

As long as he can guard the Hexi Corridor and prevent enemy troops from coming from the east and west sides, General Eliuk's mission will be successfully completed and it can be considered a great achievement!

In the commander's tent of the camp, General Elioch boasted to the generals with a slightly proud look: "In such a short period of time, such an amazing large-scale project was built on the Hexi Corridor. From now on, we can attack when we advance, and we can defend when we retreat! That's right!" Our Blue Moon Empire has immeasurable strategic significance!"

"General Ai is right. The general had the foresight to choose this narrowest area to set up camp, so that we can build such an amazing line of defense in the shortest time!"

"That's right! Instead of having to defend an area more than ten miles wide, we now only need to focus on guarding the narrow passage more than a hundred meters wide. In this way, even if the Haotian Empire sends millions more troops, Don’t even think about capturing our camp!”

As soon as Eliok finished speaking, there were waves of compliments from below, all of whom were amazed by his wise and mighty decision!

At this time, an untimely voice sounded a bit stiff, and a middle-aged general with a beard who looked a little shabby in armor said in a deep voice: "If you just stick to the camp, there is no problem with this plan, but once the battle in Qingyun Grassland fails, , the enemy army only needs to send a team of tens of thousands of people to block our west exit, and then we will not be able to go out for reinforcements!"

While the other generals were looking at this unsociable guy with ugly expressions, General Eliok looked somewhat magnanimous and laughed and said: "General Hu Gao, don't worry, I have already prepared these worst-case scenarios." I’ve thought about it! Regardless of whether our two-million-strong army wins or loses on the grassland! It actually doesn’t have any impact on us!”

"If our main army wins, there will naturally be nothing to say. It will be a great achievement for us to defend the Hexi Corridor!"

"If they are defeated, then we will not be able to go west for reinforcements, because we are also responsible for defending the millions of Haotian troops in the Haoyue Kingdom in the east. It is impossible not to guard the Hexi Corridor and let more Haotian troops Can reinforcements be sent westward without any hindrance?!"

"In short, if our two million main army can't defeat the one million enemy troops on the grassland, then it's no wonder we are!"

"At that time, even if we are besieged by the vast army, we can still transfer small warships from the Hans River in the south, and we can slowly withdraw to the south of the Hans River!"

After listening to Eliuk's confident speech, the generals all spoke up and slapped him with flattery. They all said that he was far-sighted, used his troops like a god, and even thought of his retreat!

"How is it?! General Hu Gao, do you have any different opinions or suggestions?!" An Ran accepted the compliments from the generals, and then Eliuk turned his attention to the bearded general Hu Gao again.

I originally thought that he would be speechless, but Hu Gao actually expressed his opinion: "General Ai's words are very reasonable. Therefore, the general believes that one of our biggest problems currently is that although the food and grass in the camp are... After supplementation, I could only hold on for another half month!

We must urge Hansi City in the rear to ask them to transport more grain and grass. Otherwise, if the worst situation occurs, we may not be able to hold on until the south bank sends a ship to pick it up! "

"Hahaha! General Hu Gao is worrying too much. I have thought of this a long time ago and sent a food reminder to Hans City two days in advance. It is estimated that a large amount of food and grass will be delivered within these two days!" Eliot Ke laughed triumphantly.

"The general is wise!"

All the generals spoke again to praise this general who liked to show off in front of his subordinates. Only the bearded general remained silent and sat there as if thinking about something.

Elliot had already lost his patience for such a disrespectful guy. Just when he was about to lower his face and prepare to ask him what he had to say, an urgent report suddenly came from outside the handsome tent: "Report! Urgent military information!"

Soon, a messenger rushed into the commander's tent, knelt down on one knee in a panic and said: "Report to General Ai! Our grain transport army was robbed by tens of thousands of demonic beasts!"

"What?!" As soon as he heard that the food and grass had been robbed, Eliok jumped up in shock and anger, and then he seemed to suddenly react and said in shock: "What did you just say? Our food and grass were robbed by some army of monsters? !”

"General! According to the soldiers who escaped, a monster elite cavalry with tens of thousands of horses suddenly appeared, and then effortlessly defeated an army of 100,000 grain transporters. Our grain was stolen by the opponent. La!"

"Tens of thousands of monster beast elite cavalry?! Are you kidding me?! How can there be a monster beast cavalry legion exceeding ten thousand in this world? And there are tens of thousands of them at once?!" Eliok said in shock.

"General Ai! I think the soldier who transported the grain must have found such an unreliable excuse in order to avoid the responsibility of the grain being robbed!" A general immediately reminded him.

"That's right! That must be the case!" Eliok's eyes lit up and he immediately said angrily: "Come here! Bring me the generals responsible for transporting food. I want to interrogate it myself!"

Soon the commander's bodyguards came to take the order. Not long after, they entered the commander's tent with three generals who were in a terrible state. The three generals who were guarding the grain fell to their knees and worshiped on the ground with a plop.

With a gloomy face, Eliuk looked at the three grain transport generals kneeling on the ground and said, "You three, please tell me the truth. Which legion is it that robbed your grain this time?! Remember, if you dare If there is even the slightest bit of falsehood, I will definitely kill him!"

"Report to General Ai! The three generals led one hundred thousand soldiers from Hansi City to transport grain and grass eastward along the Hansi River. On the way, tens of thousands of elite monster cavalry suddenly appeared! They are extremely well-equipped. Although we resisted desperately, But they were still defeated and defeated, and the generals lost their rations, so they are willing to take the blame from General Ai!" Among the three ration transport generals, a general with the highest military rank responded.

"You bastards! How dare you tell such a big lie in front of this general?! Do you all want to die?!" Eliuk immediately became furious and said: "Come here! Pull all three bastards who are afraid of crime and lied about military information. Go down and chop it!"

"It's unfair, it's unfair! General Ai, we didn't lie about the military situation! Please tell me, General Ai!"

"General Ai is aware that General Mo and others did not lie about any military information!"

The three grain transport generals who were kneeling on the ground shouted that they were wronged and said that they had not lied about the military situation. At this time, the general Hu Gao spoke again: "General Ai! Can you let the last general ask them a few questions? If it is proven later that they He is indeed lying about the military situation, and it will not be too late to execute him then!"

"That's right, that's right! The generals are willing to answer any questions from General Hu, and they will never dare to tell lies!"

In the general position, Eliok saw that Hu Gao had opened his mouth to block his decision again. Although he was dissatisfied, he still waved his hand and said: "Then General Hu, feel free to ask!"

Hu Gao nodded, then looked at the three generals kneeling on the ground and asked in a deep voice: "You just said that tens of thousands of demonic beast cavalry legions suddenly rushed out to rob the food and grass. Can you see clearly that the other side is all caused by What kind of cavalry is made up of monsters?!"

"Replying to General Hu, the opponent has thousands of flaming tiger cavalry, thousands of armored water rhinoceros cavalry, thousands of wind wolf cavalry, and the largest number is the water pattern horse demon cavalry, the total number is tens of thousands!" The grain transporter replied hurriedly.

"Hahaha, not counting thousands of flaming tigers, iron-armored water rhinos, and wind wolf cavalry, there are actually tens of thousands of water-marked horse demon cavalry?! Oh my God, you must know that the second prince of our empire managed to get one or two Three thousand flaming horse cavalry are already quite impressive!"

"That's right! This lie is too outrageous, it's simply ridiculous!"

As soon as the grain transporter general finished speaking, many generals in the commander's tent laughed and taunted, obviously not believing what the grain transporter general said. According to their understanding, this was simply impossible!

If there was such a terrifying monster army in all the countries in the Star Continent, it would have been spread throughout the Star Continent. How could it appear out of thin air? There was no news from the countries beforehand? !

In the entire commander's tent, I am afraid that only the general Hu Gao believed these words a little bit. Just when General Eliuk was about to have these nonsense guys pulled out, Hu Gao asked again at the right time: " Then can you clearly see the other side's flag? Where does the army come from?!"

"They are holding high the flag of Du Zi and the Cross of Valiant Cavalry. They should be the Cavalry Legion of Haotian Empire's coach Du Long!" The grain transport general hurriedly explained that for them, there is a danger of having their heads chopped off at any time. It’s weird if you’re not nervous!

"Du Long's Cavalry Legion?! This is somewhat possible!" Hu Gao nodded and murmured to himself.

"General Hu! Didn't you have water in your head?! Is this still possible?!" A deputy general mocked with disdain. Obviously, Hu Gao's status in the army is not high, otherwise he would not be able to do it. How dare you be so insulting in public.

"That's right! This is also possible. Why not say that all the navy of our Blue Moon Empire were robbed by the demonic beast army of the Haotian Empire? Hahaha..."


For a moment, the generals burst into unbridled laughter. They laughed as if they had heard a funny fantasy, including the general Eliok.

Obviously, he couldn't believe that there would be tens of thousands of monster cavalry legions in this world. Even if Du Long was a monster, he had only been the lord of Fengli County for three or more years, how could he possibly cultivate such an amazing number? The monster army.

You know, all the countries in the mainland have more or less secretly cultivated monster legions, but rarely the number exceeds a thousand. This is why the second prince Jin Shencheng trained a 3,000-strong flame horse cavalry and directly squeezed it. Become the second of the three wizards!

This shows how difficult it is to establish a monster army!

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