Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3452 Return to another world

Three thousand years!

While Du Long was accompanying his relatives and friends, he was silently waiting for the new world in his body to be moved out of the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian!

As the master of the new world in his body, Du Long can clearly feel the process of the new world being removed from his body.

This process is a bit like a hen laying an egg, being slowly squeezed out bit by bit, in the cracks of the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian!

Du Long's inner world is located inside the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian, but it is not directly exposed.

Just like the numerous secret airspaces, after the fall of a large number of god-kings in prehistoric civilization.

The world inside their bodies eventually turned into secret ruins before appearing in front of the world!

After three thousand years of migration.

The inner world of Du Long was finally expelled from the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian, just like a small egg countless times smaller was born inside an endless giant egg!


The world barrier that was originally like a wall of the world, lying in front of me, finally turned into a rather abnormal world spherical shape behind Luo Yu's eyes!

"You can leave Bi Zhenxuantian's small chaotic world at any time!"

"Spirit of the World!" Bi Zhen changed the subject again: "Does the world inside your body want to grow bigger and bigger directly outside, or does it want to move closer and grow bigger and bigger?!"

Once you finish devouring the energy of the surrounding world and let the world inside your body grow to the limit, you will be able to freely move the position of the world inside your body!

"There is no way for them to go to heaven. If there is a door to hell, they have to break through it. Since you want to send it down, you should help them!"

In the gap between the boundless worlds, there are extremely terrifying time and space rifts. Only the weak God King can resist this destructive power!

I haven't relied on the world inside my body as a springboard to return to the Dulong world in just one teleportation, just where I was when I left!

With the coverage of my consciousness exploding, if I want to teleport across the small chaotic world of Dulong Xuantian, I estimate that it will only take a few years!

"Yes! Father!"

"You understand!" Luo Yu suddenly nodded and said: "The bad guys coming from the inside are suddenly defensive, and the bad guys coming from the inside can often be resisted!"


What I lack most now is time, and I need to quickly think of ways to delay time before retreating to another world.

Luo Yu also became confident about the journey of retreating to another world again!

The space between the worlds you see is like the scene behind your eyes.

"Son!" When Zhou Ruoxue heard that we were leaving immediately, she said with a worried look on her face: "Do I need to take you guys away again?!"

It is a brand new world that is completely integrated from the small worlds of Shaowei, Yin and Yang, and Xumi Xuantian!

As soon as I finished speaking, I immediately accelerated and teleported away into the distance!

Because Dulong Xuantian's small chaotic world has almost endless chaos source energy inside, which has been gradually refined over countless years!

The Anbai clan suffered heavy losses here, and almost all the clan's efforts were used to block the exit.

Only until Luo Yu succeeds can we return to the other world and rush to the origin of the world to rescue these friends!

that's it.

We are still walking through this time and space passage, but it is necessary to pass it that time, so we are in a hurry!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


As the eight source clones merge into one, the eight inner worlds also merge into one.

He stared at the almost boundless barrier of the world behind his eyes. It would be too much to describe it as a world wall, right?

Then inject it into the new world and become the source of the original energy inside the new world!

Temple of Dulong.

Bi Zhen did not deliberately choose the direction of retreat, he just retreated along a straight line, running at full speed like that for hundreds of years, and finally came to an airspace that he thought was suitable!


"Calculating that you have lived in Dulong Xuantian's small chaotic world since childhood, Bi Zhenxuantian's small chaotic world can also be considered your hometown. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you also want to see your hometown destroyed!"

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] "The spirit of the world!" Luo Yu changed the topic and continued to ask: "I am sure you are directly in your body, swallowing and refining Is there any way for you to stop this little master’s chaotic energy?”


"Luo Yu! How is it?! Is his body dangerously expelled from the small chaotic world of Du Long Xuantian?!"

Luo Yu didn't show off and answered directly with a smile.

But this time, he relied on the world inside his own body as a transit to get here in the blink of an eye.

"Luo Yu! Thank him! Before the breakthrough, I was directly responsible for absorbing the original energy of chaos!"

Time passes year after year.

The new Shao-dimensional Yin-Yang Sumeru small world is transformed into a giant Yin-Yang millstone, which quickly swallows up and refines the violent energy in the cracks of the world into the most original chaotic source energy!

Such a terrifying devouring and refining speed, if Dulong World Spirit saw it, the other party would definitely be shocked!

Immediately afterwards, a sound was heard from Luo Yu's mouth, which was not too loud.

On the other hand, if Luo Yu's side goes well, I also know how long it will take to wait and how many more bad friends will have to be sacrificed!


Stop this moment.

Because the energy of heaven and earth was devoured and refined too slowly, in the space between the worlds behind his eyes, there was even a roar similar to the sound of a waterfall hitting a pool.

And with such a terrifying refining speed, Luo Yu suspected that it would take too long to upgrade the newly integrated world to an existence as small as Bi Zhenxuantian's small chaotic world? !

Then he once again carried the world inside his body and continued to rush towards the depths of the distant world at full speed.


In the end, Bi Zhen couldn't help but ask the question I was most concerned about.

This is the first time he has come to the area outside the Jinshan Xuantian Chaos World, and can see the almost endless world barrier of the Jinshan Xuantian Chaos World next to him!

As Luo Yu finished speaking, the void behind his eyes suddenly trembled, and an extremely weak force quickly completely enveloped and retreated all the Anbai tribesmen around them.


On the surface of the boundless barrier of the world, a pair of huge eyes suddenly opened, staring at the huge egg of the world behind them with a look of concern? !


Therefore, he can still freely move around the new world he has created.


This world's 'big egg' is also growing at an extremely terrifying speed!

After silently observing for a long time, Luo Yu finally wanted to activate the world inside his body and go all out to devour and refine the power of the world around him!

"Yeah!" Du Long World Spirit blinked his little eyes: "You really saw him right!"

Time is passing year by year.

As the eight inner worlds merge into one, the barrier of the new world behind your eyes becomes stronger, and you can finally survive outside the cracks in the world!

In just the blink of an eye, a small amount of dark white life surrounded by the entire clan was completely blasted by Luo Yu. The dark white energy body was completely blasted, and the soul origin was suppressed and imprisoned with a chance! When I used the Xuantian Divine Weapon to blast through the barriers of another world, I retreated into the so-called gap between the worlds.

"It's just to be polite!" Luo Yu smiled calmly.

These huge eyes suddenly spoke such words to Luo Yu.

Then without any hesitation, he stepped into it and quickly rushed to the void of another world.

Such a brand-new small chaotic world of Xuantian uses the Shao-dimensional world as the sky, the Sumeru world as the earth, and the Yin-Yang world as the sun, moon, heaven and earth millstone!

"We want it together!" Luo Yu understood the other party's thoughts very well and nodded directly and replied: "You should go and come back early!"

Before he left the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian, he took the time and space rift passage!

Inside the space between worlds that was originally very intense, it was as if a stone was thrown into the lake, and a whirlpool-like existence was quickly formed.

Before successfully breaking through and reaching a whole new level.

As the master of that new world, Luo Yu did not slowly return to the small chaotic world of Bi Zhenxuantian. Instead, he was devouring and refining the energy of the world while silently studying the operating principles of the new world!

Luo Yu's cultivation realm has broken through and reached a lower level. Both the coverage of his spiritual consciousness and the ultra-long-distance teleportation distance have received a qualitative leap!

It is completely different from the small chaotic world of Seven Elements Xuantian that I came to know later, and the principles that maintain the operation of the entire world!

As the master of that new world, Luo Yu actually needs to seriously study its operating principles? !

"The worst-case scenario is that he can go to a distant location to grow stronger!" Du Long World Spirit replied directly: "If the distance is too close, if the Dark White forces come over in the future, there will be enough time left for him to prepare! "

That was also Luo Yu's first time to formally devour the power of heaven and earth in the refining world before integrating into a new world.

Boom boom boom.


When the two figures appeared out of thin air, a small number of weak God Kings of the Dark White clan, and a small number of Dark White legions shrouded in white mist, directly surrounded Bi Zhen and Bi Zhen.

In the future state of the weakest god king, if I want to teleport at full speed, the time it would take to cross the entire Dulong world would be calculated in tens of millions of years!

Luo Yu only made a brief observation for nearly a hundred years. Before he saw any abnormalities and no problems, he disappeared out of thin air in a flash.

A small amount of the power of heaven and earth that was devoured and refined was quickly transformed into the original energy of chaos after being tempered by the millstones of heaven and earth, sun and moon!

The endless power of heaven and earth is continuously absorbed and retreated into the new inner world.

A golden figure appeared outside the little egg out of thin air. It was Du Long, the owner of the little egg. Wearing a Xuantian-level battle armor, he appeared in the cracks of this boundless world.



Inside the mansion that had not been commandeered by Luo Yu, my appearance directly aroused everyone's concern.

"It's difficult!" Du Long World Spirit shook his head and replied: "It's like an egg inside a hen. It must break out of the shell and give birth to a big chicken. Isn't there anything that can be done to stop this hen?!"

Amidst the horrifying screams of many dark white beings and souls.

Endless dark white life forms exploded one after another, and the original energy of the soul was completely damaged. It was attracted by a tangible force and was quickly absorbed and retreated into a four-story pagoda!

Luo Yu grinned warmly and said words that made countless Anbai people understand.

Luo Yu did not immediately go to devour the energy of refining the world, but silently observed the world inside his body from outside, not receiving all kinds of information in the airspace between the surrounding world.

"Okay!" Bi Zhenruo said without thinking: "First move that big world closer, and then quickly grow and strengthen it!"

Standing in the distance between the worlds, Luo Yu turned around and stared silently at the small chaotic world of Dulong Xuantian.

"Luo Yu!" Du Zhentian couldn't help but said: "You must be able to numb the little ones. Even if you no longer have confidence in yourself, you must act cautiously!"

With the sound of the word "extinction", endless dark white energy lives in all directions were instantly squeezed and exploded by tangible force!

With Luo Yu's help, the two of them appeared in the core area of ​​the post-historic battlefield ruins in a flash, and came behind the white sun leading to another world.

Before Luo Yu said goodbye to his relatives and friends, he left Dulong with Jinshan.

"Too bad!" Jinshan couldn't help but wave his hand: "We will be waiting for that day for thousands of years. In this case, can you just get off the road?!"


Until this moment, I had no thoughts and wanted to carefully observe the world inside my body.

As time goes by, Bi Zhen is getting farther and farther away from Du Long Xuantian's small chaotic world.

It took hundreds of thousands of years for me to return to my hometown, the small world of Dulong.

"It's necessary!" Luo Yu shook his head and replied with a smile: "Your son is no longer what he used to be. There is almost no safety in this other world this time. You have no confidence that you can protect Dulong's small world. They can't stay. Waiting for your return!"

According to Du Long World Spirit, the eight Xuantian Worlds in the body after fusion have no ability to resist the erosion of that kind of destructive power.

Because it has not devoured as much energy as possible, it will continue to expand its internal world.

So what kind of beings are these two, who dare to say such arrogant words in the face of the strength of the Shaoju Clan in Anbai Cha? !

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