Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3448 Begins Fusion

Jinshan World.

Only Du Long's multidimensional creation clone was left guarding.

His other two original creation clones were divided into many bodies.

Accompanying each confidante, as well as a group of relatives and friends, wandering around in the chaotic world of Xuantian outside.

No matter which clone is traveling around at the same time.

They will also be distracted countless times, deducing various problems when the three inner worlds merge while time is accelerating a million times.

The person who stays with the family is often just a small clone of the cell origin.

The body with the most cell origin clones will mostly stay in a space arranged to accelerate time a million times.

Du Long now needs to make use of every minute and every second.

Not only must he be able to spend more time with his relatives and friends, but he must also race against time to deduce the integration of the three inner worlds.

But there is an opportunity to deduce some problems that cannot be thought of when all the original clones gather together.

In the depths of the void of inheritance, no pair of eyes were watching silently, and the same pair of lights were still shining in their eyes.

"He must remember that even if you are in the same pair, you will all make money!"

The length of stay is still several times longer than the lifespan of a special ordinary person!

This feeling of being able to just watch from the sidelines is absolutely wonderful!

In fact, inside my body, eight small Jinshan worlds with the same attributes are degenerating into the same pair of fusions!

After all the origin clones are integrated into one in the future, we will focus on all the issues for the final deduction. I believe we should be able to get the best result!

"Even if he wins, he will only take one step first. When the end of the world truly comes, none of you will still be able to escape!"

Xuantian returned to this eight-line creation path again, in the void of inheritance that merged with each other.


In just a few tens of breaths, all of my origin clones merged into the remaining eight identical creation origin clones.

Every relative, friend, and friend seems to be smiling on the surface, but in reality they are all smiling weakly.

Xuan Tian didn't stop talking nonsense and nodded directly in agreement, and then looked at the many relatives and friends present at the scene again.

Inside the chaotic origin world of Xuantian, my hometown.

Before one or two people took the lead, a group of confidants, relatives, friends and bad friends followed closely behind and started speaking one after another.

Inside the core small hall of Dulong Temple, one after another Xuantian's origin clones were teleported to designated locations one after another by the spirit of the world.

Based on the world created by Shaowei, and using the two polar eyes of Yin and Yang creation as the millstone, put the sacred mountain of Sumeru into the millstone to grind!

"World Spirit!"

Everyone cherishes that trip with me because it is unlikely to be the first trip? !

"Yes! Master!"

It is said that it is enough for a person to have one confidant in his life!

Except for Qi Lan's eight little origin clones, there were only my relatives and friends. All of them looked at the eight Xuantians who looked exactly the same with simple expressions.

"The fire phoenix is ​​willing to follow her husband closely for eternity, until the day it is completely wiped out. The fire phoenix also has resentments and regrets!"

"on the contrary.

. "

The one who bears the brunt of the biggest crisis is naturally the same as the sacred mountain Sumeru that was thrown back from the millstone!

"Xuan Tian!" Luo Yu just showed up and immediately said without any hesitation: "Is he preparing to merge with the inner world of Ba Xiao?!"

"Only in this environment can you find the best way to integrate and successfully integrate the eight inner worlds with the lowest probability!"

And the real time of ten thousand years is also the time limit agreed upon by Xuantian's original clones. At that time, they need to return to Dulong World to gather!

"It is absolutely because of your existence that he will be distracted and ultimately affect the success rate of the breakthrough!"

"That's wrong!" Gong Xiaoxue, who was sitting next to me, followed closely: "Xuan Tian's fate is relatively hard, so I wouldn't die without such difficulty!"

"Do you know where Junior Luo Ding is now?! Could you please invite me over? You want to see me again after retreating to the Qilan Secret Realm!"

Qin Yu and Lin Lei bowed down to accept the order. They both admired the master Xuantian very much, and of course they were willing to accept the tasks assigned by me. This was also a kind of trust the master had in them!

Just like that, I stayed with my relatives and friends for ten thousand years in the small chaotic world of Qilan, my hometown.

Qi Lan always had a faint smile on his lips. When every relative, friend or friend spoke, I would respond with my own smile.

Qi Lan has already told the seven people that if the worst happens, we will need to take as many relatives and friends as possible to the most remote corner for refuge!

"Son!" The mother, Zhou Ruoxue, spoke very weakly even though her eyes were filled with tears: "He has protected that small family for such a long time."

When everyone at the scene saw that I was about to leave, they all said goodbye one after another, and the entire small hall seemed to be less noisy.

After spending a small amount of time communicating with relatives and friends, Xuantian finally shouted into the void.

And that is just an intuitive reflection of the energy flame formed on the surface of Xuantian's body.

And Xuantian didn't try to persuade everyone. Even if he encountered a similar situation, he would probably be much worse than us, right? !


. "


"You are not ready to immediately merge the eight inner worlds. Before the many clones can gather together, you still need to integrate the various information deduced from the outside world in the ten thousand years."

"Husband!" Qin Huofeng's voice sounded immediately before him: "Being able to be your wife in this life is a blessing that Huofeng will cultivate in his future generations!"

Xuan Tian nodded slightly, then looked faintly at the other people in the small hall.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Then he summarized all the deduction results and tried to find the best integration path, striving to dangerously integrate the eight worlds in his body into one.

Finally, he disappeared out of thin air in a flash, and directly rushed away from the formation gate leading to the Dulong Secret Realm inheritance space.

Since I haven't found the best way to fuse, I don't have any firmness and will directly retreat into the fusion and retreat of the eight small worlds in the body.

Time just keeps passing by day by day.

"Qin Yu, Lin Lei!"

What answered me was a figure flashing out of thin air. It was obviously not the weakest god king Luo Yu who had disappeared for so many years.

These are eight extremely huge Jinshan small worlds. Any accuracy in the fusion process will not cause a small domino-like collapse!





It seems that he is looking forward to it with anxiety, that Xuantian can successfully fuse the eight small Jinshan worlds in his body, but he is not worried that before the fusion is successful, he will become the target of being devoured and refined? !

Although Zhou Ruoxue had tears in her eyes, there was an extremely dark smile on her face, a smile of relief as she looked at Dan life and death.

"The eight soul crystal balls behind your eyes are weakened and upgraded versions of the soul source crystal balls. As long as they remain intact and damaged, it means that your eight source clones are still alive."

"Xuan Tian! You doubt that he will succeed!"

It is precisely because of this that the trip I accompanied people to seven places was also full of sadness.

"Yes!" Xuan Tian said with a faint smile: "You will continue to deduce for a while, when you find the fusion method that you think is the worst, you will completely fuse the eight Jinshan in the body with the world!"

"In order to be able to find the worst possible fusion path with peace of mind, you need to retreat into the Dulong Secret Realm for the time being."

The realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the realm of Hunyuan Taoism, the realm of demons, the realm of fire spirits, and the realm of wood fairy spirits.


It can be seen that the eight strands are energy flames of the same color, and the same pairs are constantly colliding and intersecting, and finally there are signs of energy fusion.

Inside the Dulong Secret Realm.

Time flies.

"The meeting is not scheduled!" Xuantian said those words beforehand.

"If the worst happens, my teacher's relatives and friends will need to worry less about protecting him!"

It seems like there are no words to say to myself, but at the end of the day, I can't even say them out? !

There is a hint of sadness hidden in our eyes, and we are all worried that Xuantian's breakthrough process will be unsafe!

“Son (husband, father).

. "

As he talked, Xuan Tian still held back at first and started talking to his partner.

The interior of the small meeting hall, which had not been noisy at first, felt as if someone had pressed the pause button, and it suddenly became so quiet that one could hear it.

But what kind of virtue and ability do I have to be able to gain so many close friends and have a family that is not so bad? !

The eight small origin clones all appeared, and then sat cross-legged in the void back to back, silently observing the fusion creation path around them.

Time is passing day by day.

Before each source avatar appears, they all merge silently into the corresponding avatar of the original creation.

Even if it is transparent and colored, it can still form energy fluctuations similar to cold waves, and it still cannot be observed by the naked eye.

"Thank you!"

"Although the two of them joined your sect relatively late, they are the disciples who have similar cultivation talents and were the first disciples to break through and reach the realm of the Eternal True God!"

The so-called arrogance soaring to the sky shouldn't refer to the kind of arrogance that continuously spurts out from under the body, right? !

As time goes by, the eight energy flames are like the surrounding void. These eight types are like the creation path, and they are rapidly merging into a whole.

Inside the core hall of the Dulong Temple.


"Break it!" Luo Yu sighed heavily: "You can only wish him that he can successfully integrate the eight small Jinshan worlds in his body into one!"

After a short period of silence, bursts of loud crying erupted from the scene. These were the cries of Qi Lan's confidante and several sons and daughters.

Speaking of whether Xuantian continued to go up at the beginning, everyone at the scene could understand what these spoken words meant.

Part of the mind is observing the bizarre inheritance void, and part of the mind is deducing the results of the next ten thousand years.

A tangible wave of energy suddenly erupted from under my eight original clones. My eight clones were like Super Saiyan transformations, with blazing energy flaming out from all over my body.

The so-called dangerous fusion path is not absolutely dangerous, but the most consistent route that Xuantian has been able to deduce so far.

"So what if we are completely wiped out from now on?! Your hearts will always be with each other!"

Divide the body into many parts and then perform deductions without interfering with each other.

What I want to do now is not to start from the inside out, let the eight places that are the origin of the same world, first retreat to the preliminary integration under the creation path, and then find a way to retreat into the complete integration in the true sense.

Although time was not accelerated a million times, Xuantian still spent tens of thousands of years of real time.

You can see that we are all completely concerned about life and death, and we all hope that Qi Lan will not have any burdens and worries, and just go all out to integrate the eight small Jinshan worlds in his body!

Du Long's many clones traveled around the so-called low-level civilized world, accompanying relatives and friends.

Finally, all the problems were deduced and calculated, and a relatively dangerous fusion path was found.

"If this day hadn't happened, maybe all of you would have been able to meet again in a whole new world?!"

Don't prepare for the best in everything. If you make a mistake, it will be too late if you can wait until problems arise!

The process of integrating the world of Baxiao Jinshan is not smooth. There are certain differences between theory and practice. It is not a complicated process to achieve integration.

Even if Xuantian has the law, he will stay in the small world of his hometown Jinshan for too long.

"No matter what, if you, who were just special ordinary people, have been able to survive for endless years, you have not earned anything yet!"

"Only until you have completely integrated them can you decide how to integrate the small world of Jinshan within the eight bodies!"

In the time and space of the world within its body.

"Everyone is worried!"

The lack of safety in Xumi Jinshan Mountain also means that the small world of Xumi Jinshan Mountain is in a state of safety that cannot be destroyed at any time! "Goodbye, everyone. I hope you can successfully integrate the eight worlds in your body, and that is only the first step towards solving the crisis!"

"It's all about crying!" The old man Du Fengzhong, who had never spoken a word, finally couldn't help but shouted loudly: "The bastard is still living a bad life, it's too early to cry now!"

Xuantian did not hide from his relatives and friends that he wanted to merge the eight inner worlds into one, and that this process would not lead to his complete demise. He told all his relatives and friends in detail.

It can be seen that the colors of the eight energy flames are the same, the golden color of the Xumi creation clone, the white color of the Yin and Yang creation clone, and the transparent color of the same pair of Shaowen creation clones!

You can see many people who are hesitant to speak.

It is too realistic to want the eight worlds to directly collide and merge, so there is a small chance that Xuantian will explode and die on the spot.

This may lead to overlapping results and waste valuable time.

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