Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3443: Closed door



Du Long transformed into a golden dragon that rotated at high speed.

Wherever they passed, the Dark God Kings were blasted away like moths flying into a flame.

Those dark god kings were like an egg hitting a stone. Almost no one could withstand Chi You's poisonous dragon drill's frontal attack.

Du Long's efficient killing method shocked many God-Kings of the Dark Clan on the spot, and also shocked Luo Yu, the old God-King of the Human Race who had lived for endless years.

He has long known that Du Long's combat power is extremely amazing, but this is the first time he has witnessed such an efficient method of killing enemies with his own eyes? !

They are also powerful men in the realm of the Eternal God King, and one side still has a large number of people.

In the end, it was like killing a chicken, Du Long rushed in and killed a large area? !

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Eternal God King Realm powerful men from the Dark Tribe were killed by Du Long.

Witnessing the death of a large number of god-kings of their own clan one after another, even the most powerful god-king using the Xuantian Divine Weapon was not immune to the disaster.

Hundreds of God-Kings of the Dark Tribe were frightened out of their wits by such a ferocious enemy!

"This is a ferocious devil, everyone, run away for your lives!


Among the many Dark God Kings, no one knew which one shouted, which frightened everyone so much that they started to run away!

Facing the Dark God King who wants to escape, especially when the time and space in front of him has not been sealed off, most people really have no way to deal with the many Dark God Kings.

But Du Long is no ordinary person now. After years of adventure in this different world, he has mastered the ability to annihilate most of the Dark God Kings!


An invisible energy radiated directly and instantly enveloped the fleeing Dark God King.

The void that was originally capable of teleporting seemed to freeze in an instant, causing most of the Dark God Kings to lose the chance to teleport away!


Immediately afterwards, Du Long, who was well prepared, dodged and came to one of the Dark God Kings who had the Xuantian Divine Weapon, and directly launched a fatal all-out attack.

Dang, Dang, Dang!


The opponent only had time to parry two of Du Long's bombardments before his body was blasted with thousands of arms.

Then naturally, the origin of his soul could not escape, and was directly captured alive by Du Long.


After witnessing with my own eyes that another Dark Supreme God-King was so easily blasted by Du Long and captured the source of his soul alive.

The last remaining Dark Power God-King no longer cares about the lives of other tribesmen.

He directly used the Xuantian Divine Weapon in his hand to draw open the void in front of him, and then stepped in with one step!

That’s right!

Du Long just sealed the void in front of him. He had no way to deal with those powerful god kings who had the Xuantian Divine Weapons, if they wanted to escape into the cracks of the world!

As for the other Dark God Kings, all of them are regretting it now!

There was a chance to teleport and escape, but they all foolishly escaped by flying? !

Now it's too late to escape through teleportation, and I can only watch the void in front of me, being completely blocked.

in the subsequent time.

Du Long left a small clone of his origin holding the magic weapon, and continued to focus on the void in front of him.

The true form of the deity blasted open the void, entered the cracks in the world, and then quickly rushed to the side of the Dark God King one after another.

All this is a long story. In fact, the time it took Du Long to enter and exit the world was just a matter of seconds.

One after another, the bodies of the Dark God Kings were blasted one after another, and then their souls were all captured alive and suppressed into the nine-story pagoda.

The Dark Clan majors in the source of their souls. Their combat power may seem average, but their soul sources are all very powerful.

This is why Du Long doesn't plan to let them go.

The main reason for completely blasting his body and capturing the origin of his soul alive.

These are all important soul-source powers that can be used in the future to extend the energy output time of the nine pyramids' destruction beams.

not far away.

Luo Yu stayed speechless in a certain void, watching silently as Du Long quickly harvested the soul origins of the Dark God King.

He now finally understood why Ye Ning was so confident that he assured Old Man Guo that he could obtain a large number of soul sources from the God King Realm!


With the last muffled sound, the void in front of him finally became quiet.

Du Long finished cleaning up the battlefield before lifting the blockade of the void in front of him, and then came to Luo Yu's side in a flash.

"Let's go, Senior Luo! In front of us is the space-time rift leading to our world. I hope our road back home can be smooth!"

He is still a little worried that the way home will not be smooth. After all, he has not traveled in the opposite direction from this time and space channel, and he does not know whether the original spirit of his home world will also hinder his return? !

"Du Long! It seems that I still underestimated your strength. I guess your combat effectiveness has reached the strongest level under Xuantian Supreme?!" Luo Yu followed Du Long towards the airspace where the time and space rift was located in front of him. There he shook his head and sighed.

"Those are not important anymore!" Du Long smiled bitterly: "Unless you can reach the Xuantian Supreme Realm, everything will be in vain!"

The two of them continued to chat as they drove at full speed.

It can be felt that the two people are very relaxed and do not take the owner of the airspace in front of them, the Dark Clan, into their eyes at all!

In contrast.

Not even the Earth Spirit Clan can do anything to Du Long, let alone the weak Dark Clan!

"Did you see the space-time rift in front of you?" Running at full speed, Du Long quickly pointed to the space-time rift in front of him: "That's the way home!"

"I saw it!" Luo Yudan said with a smile: "I didn't walk through this passage before. The distance here seems to be farther away!"

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly: "Then if we have a chance to take a look another day, should we take a new route and rush to this different world?!"

"no problem!"

In Luo Yu's agreement, the two people teleported again and came to the vicinity of the space-time rift.

"Before going home, clean up all these scum. They should pay a painful price for their evil deeds over the years!"

Du Long stood in the airspace near the space-time rift, looking coldly at the many lands shrouded in black mist in all directions.

There are also a large number of military camps of the Dark Clan hidden inside. They are the bridgehead for the invasion of their hometown, the chaotic world of Jinshan Xuantian!



In the three-headed and thousand-armed battle form, Du Long's thousands of arms continued to bombard the land shrouded in black mist from all directions.

Over the land shrouded in black mist, energy palm prints appeared one after another, fiercely bombarding the black mist and land.

From the land shrouded in black mist, there were constant screams that sounded like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Each piece of land shrouded in black mist far exceeds the total area of ​​the earth, and billions of dark creatures are gathered on it.

And just like this, because they lost the protection of the Dark God Kings, they turned into ants that were wantonly slaughtered by Du Long? !

When Du Long slaughtered these dark energy beings, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​mercy, and he was ruthless in his actions!

People who are not from our race must have different minds. If the opponent is strong enough, then it will definitely be our side that is slaughtered!


As the last piece of land was blasted, the void in front of him was filled with a large number of debris, as well as the remains of various items used by various dark energy beings.


"After cleaning up the garbage, we can now directly enter the space-time rift channel and see if we can successfully travel back to our hometown!"

Du Long clapped his hands easily, then greeted Luo Yu directly, and took the lead to rush into the space-time rift channel.

The moment he rushed in, he felt a powerful force acting on him, but this force was not too strong for him for the time being.

After glancing at Luo Yu who was rushing in, Du Long continued to dodge and rush in quickly, rushing towards his home world against the repulsive force.

Not long after the two people entered the rift in the time and space channel, a figure appeared in the airspace near the rift in the time and space channel from a distance.

The other party turned out to be the Dark God King who luckily escaped from Du Long just now. He was clearly back to investigate the situation.

Because he had the Xuantian Divine Weapon in his hand, he thought that he should be able to escape when he was being chased. How could he have thought that Du Long had a stronger magic weapon in his hand that could completely freeze the void.

Once used, even if he had the Xuantian Divine Weapon, he would not be able to blast away the void in front of him.

Of course, once Du Long uses that magic weapon.

He himself could not hunt down the most powerful Dark God King who possessed the Xuantian Divine Weapon by entering into the cracks and cracks in the world.

It was precisely because of this that Du Long did not choose to use the Xuantian-level space-fixing weapon.

Because that would take too much time and energy, and I don’t know if I can hunt down this Dark God King.

"Damn it! You actually destroyed all our bases?! Are these two mysterious strong men coming from nowhere?!"

The Dark God King couldn't help but cursed angrily on the spot after seeing the airspace that had been completely reduced to ruins.

But he had no choice but to send back the information he had detected, and then he could only wait quietly for instructions from the higher-ups!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


In the space-time rift spanning the two Xuantian chaotic worlds, Du Long and Luo Yu kept rushing towards the other end of the passage.

As they get closer to their home world on the other side.

The pressure on the two of them suddenly increased to an extremely frightening level.

"That's wrong!" Luo Yu finally couldn't help but said.

"When we returned to our home world before, we didn't suffer such huge suppression?!"

"Could it be that the spirit of our home world doesn't welcome us back to our home world?!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He had never dealt with the World Spirit, so he didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he could only guess like this.

"This is indeed a possibility!" Luo Yu nodded and replied: "Just like when you entered the forbidden airspace, we also have to conduct a comprehensive exploration and scan of you before finally determining whether to accept your joining."

"That's right!" Du Long nodded solemnly: "Then what should we do next?!"

"The spirit of the origin of the world is secretly stopping us. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to return to our home world?!"

"The Spirit of the Golden Mountain World!" After Luo Yu pondered for a while, he finally decided to use the simplest and most direct way to deal with the current predicament.

"We are all children who have lived in the Jinshan world since childhood. Are you going to use this method to refuse our return?!"


As Luo Yu's voice spread far and wide, there was no response in the end, and the huge pressure on the two people did not ease much.

"The Spirit of the Jinshan World!" Du Long followed closely and shouted loudly: "Are you worried that our bodies will be controlled by aliens and then enter the Jinshan World to pose a fatal threat to you?!"

"You can rest assured. We are not controlled by aliens. There is a way to determine the authenticity very quickly. You can ask my other two origin clones to come together to verify the identity!"

"Because the original clones can share each other's memories, they will definitely be able to find out whether I am controlled by a foreign race!"

Du Long said these words straight to the point, not bothering to talk too much useless nonsense to the spirit of the world where he grew up.


Even if he said this straight to the point, he still couldn't get any useful answer in the end? !

"The spirit of the origin of the Jinshan world!"

"You should know the reason why I left this world, right?!"

"We, the God-Kings, are willing to sacrifice everything in order to protect the endless creatures in our home world!"

"One by one, the powerful god-kings from the Jinshan world are willing to give up their own eternal lives like you."

"Is this how you welcome the child who sacrificed his life to protect you?!"

Luo Yu's voice sounded again, this time he played another kind of card.

"That's right!"

"Presumably the origin spirit of Jinshan World should know that I got a piece of animal skin paper, so I entered another world to find the end coordinate of the animal skin paper."

"I found a forbidden place there, and Senior Luo Yu and others did it.

. "

Du Long began a long speech, briefly recounting what he saw in the forbidden airspace.

He kept talking until the end before changing the subject.

"Dare to ask the origin spirit of Jinshan World!"

"Once Senior Luo Yu and others hundreds of epochs later, they will all sacrifice themselves to protect our world!"

"At that time, will you be able to be alone and continue to survive peacefully?!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the time left for you is running out. There are only the last few hundred epochs left!"

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