Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3429 Three Monster Kings

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


In the vast void, Du Long continued to fly towards the last piece of airspace ahead, where the origins of the four systems converged.

It is also the core of this origin intersection zone, and it is also the true intersection point of the four origins.

The void there is also extremely unstable, and there are many void cracks in the origin of different systems, all of which have converged together.

Logically speaking, Du Long shouldn't go there and take risks for some Xuantian magic weapons.

But in addition to obtaining the Xuantian Divine Weapon, he also wanted to go over and carefully explore the place where the four origins meet.

Only by clearly exploring the intersection of the four elements can he have a deeper understanding of the operating principles of the five elements.

Obviously the colorful airspace can be seen with the naked eye, but it takes some time to actually fly to the place.

While flying over at full speed, Du Long was also silently counting the number and types of Xuantian Divine Weapons that were being continuously refined in the world inside his body.

After he successfully conquered two areas of airspace, the total number of Xuantian Divine Weapons in his hand now reached 2,700.

Since that airspace is relatively safe, it is too late to take action before we study the structure of that airspace.

"What kind of small war broke out in the distant past that led to a small number of weak people fighting here?!"

"They are located in eight identical directions. Could it be that the clearly connected airspace behind you is also divided into eight identical territories?!"

My strange behavior naturally attracted the attention of many seven-series origin monsters in the airspace behind me.

all in all.

"The source of the world behind our eyes is also the production place of the original energy of chaos in the inner world. But now it has not been able to produce the original energy of chaos?!"

"Just passing that production line, now there are leaks everywhere, there is no way to maintain the production of the original energy of chaos?!"

Behavior like that that dares to challenge the Origin Monster King is a provocation that any Origin Monster King cannot accept! Rather, they always try to create a small chaotic world of Du Long out of thin air with imagination and caution. This will cause the whole world to collapse with a very small probability because the structure is reasonable!

The closer they get to the intersection of the seven origins, the crazier the tempers of these origin monsters become, and they will fight if they are not happy at all.

There are very few things that go through a process of guessing first, and then verifying them through various information along the way, and finally confirming that the guesser is always wrong.

"And eventually fell one after another, even our Dulong Divine Weapon was lost in those places of origin?!"

Under the body of a monster king like that, these eyes are not only a strong point, but also an important part for Xuantian to break through and retreat as quickly as possible!

I always feel that as long as I can collect a complete set of Dulong Divine Weapon Set, I should be able to unleash a qualitative change in Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills? !

I focused on one of the suspected origin monsters first. This was an origin monster with dozens of eyes all over its body and a body that resembled a small centipede.


Such a discovery made me secretly lament in my heart. Did I need to deal with the eight origin monster kings that time to retreat and capture the Yue Gu magic soldiers, which were much smaller than those in the other two airspaces? !

I know why.

"What is the origin of the world?!"

"Based on the origin of the seven elements!"

A total of 2,100 pieces of Dulong Divine Weapons are enough to equip a weak legion of 2,000 weakest god kings? !

"It turns out that there is a place where the origins of the seven series meet. After combining the place where the origins of the eight series I have explored, there are not a small number of places where the origins of the single series have been encountered."

"I always need to catch the thief first and capture the king first, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys to scare all parties, otherwise I will never be able to quietly capture a small amount of Dulong's magic weapons!"

It was obviously a warning to Yue Gu that anyone who came in like that would have to consider what Han Hu was doing at worst!

"I still have a rough understanding of the operating principles of the Seven Elements Origin Land, and I am now as confused as ever!"

I just swayed and rushed towards this little centipede-like origin monster king.

"A world like that is one level lower than the small Dulong world created in my body!"

"And the origin of such a world is based on the simple foundation of the origin of the seven elements, and finally forms the origin of such a different world?!"

In fact, if one's cultivation has reached the realm of the weakest god king Yue Gu is now, if he wants to take a step back, he must break through from the special Yue Gu creation realm to the creation realm of Dulong's small chaotic world.





But even so, Yue Gu was extremely satisfied with the harvest. The number of Dulong Divine Weapons in my hands exceeded that of any of the dozen or so small superpowers in the inner world!

"Of course, precisely because this is a land of ownership, the number of owners has also doubled, and the probability of a small war breaking out outside at the same time has also become much lower!"





"So there is a world origin like the one behind the eyes, with the origin of the seven elements as the core?!"

Thinking about this kind of problem can give me more directions to look at the problem, and one day in the future I may be able to find answers to some of the problems.

"These origin void cracks are criss-crossed. They are like wounds under someone's body. They are still being healed, but they are damaged by those monsters again!"

"Before reaching that level of the Dulong Chaos Small World, you can no longer maintain the operation of that small world just like the Dulong World in your own body, relying only on cores such as the Sumeru Mountain!"

"In the future, whenever I break through and reach a certain realm, I will often communicate with the source of heaven and earth, and I can feel the vastness and boundlessness of the original energy of heaven and earth!"

Time passed continuously day after day, and Xuantian just maintained the thousand-hand posture of the seven-series original yaksha monster, staying silently in place for a long time.

After sorting out the three-piece set that can be used to cast the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond, there is still a gap of two to three hundred pieces from the demand for more than 1,700 swords, axes and spears for the Thousand-Hand Magic Power.

Standing in the inner circle of the airspace, Yue Gu was observing silently with his mind at ease.

In reality, many of Xuantian's conjectures are not very close to the truth, or they are not the truth themselves!

Now that I had chosen a target to scare the monkeys, I didn't have any determination anymore and just dodged and rushed toward the opponent's airspace.

With so many distractions, Xuantian can only be busy with these business matters, and he can also be distracted by thinking about questions that seem to be left unanswered.

An extremely powerful spiritual consciousness locked its target in front of countless origin monsters.

My eyes fell on these eight original monster kings again, and I finished analyzing their body structure, trying to find a more difficult target to deal with!

"Now it seems that these dozen or so so-called super energy life forces are not qualified to completely consume all the chaotic source energy inside!"

Xuantian looked at the empty space behind his eyes with burning eyes, secretly looking for a suitable breakthrough.

Before I found the answers to one question after another, I would not have a deeper understanding of the formation principles of such a world and why such a world-destroying war broke out in the first place.

Not all kinds of Xuantian magic weapons are suitable for displaying Chiyou's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills, but magic weapons similar in style to swords, axes, and spears are needed to form a complete set.

Eventually, the fighting origin monster will fall into the origin place, and it is often difficult to escape before it sinks too deep!

"The eight suspected origin monster kings each occupy a series of origin places. It seems that there is still a series of origin places left, but they have become the owner of the place?!"

"In that airspace, eight suspected monster kings were discovered?!"

Ye Ning did not take action slowly, but continued to stay where he was, silently observing the situation in the airspace behind his eyes.

Including these eight-headed beings who should be the origin monster kings of the seven series, they all also discovered strange targets like me.

Yue Gu was not hiding his intention to challenge this seven-series origin monster king.

Because there is no future experience before.

After some time of observation and research, Yue Gu finally found the existence of eight suspected origin monster kings among the many seven-series origin monsters.

"But it is the abnormal operation of the seven elements of original energy, a production line used to produce the original energy of chaos?!"

"When I was walking inside, I always thought that the disappearance of the chaotic source energy inside was due to the uncontrolled absorption of more than a dozen super energy life forces."

There are also a small number of magic weapons similar to swords and guns, but there are a large number of magic weapons similar to battle axes, and there is no way to get the corresponding number of sets.

And that breakthrough requires a basic understanding of the principles of the entire Dulong Chaos Small World!

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] He is neither looking for the original monster king of that airspace, nor is he studying and analyzing the void structure information of that airspace.


Don't worry because of the delay, and you won't have the chance to study its structure in the first place!

However, due to unscrupulous fighting, a certain strong void often collapses.

"Even if you retreat by yourself, because there are too many thieves to capture the king first, the deterrent effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys will eventually lead to obstacles everywhere, and you may not encounter a fatal crisis!"

"Perhaps, I only need to reach the final coordinates pointed by the animal skin paper to find the true answer?!"

Next, I need to prepare to break into the airspace behind my eyes, and use all my strength to capture the small amount of Dulong Divine Soldiers inside that airspace!

They are all secretly guessing why Yue Gu has been staying in Liwei. Is there any movement? !

"As long as he successfully captures a small number of Yue Gu's divine weapons in the rear airspace, he should be able to assemble a complete set of Thousand-Handed Divine Weapons, right?!" Xuan Tian thought to himself.

"Build the source of such a world and provide the entire Dulong small chaotic world with an endless supply of chaotic original energy?!"

"Could it be that the origin of heaven and earth that I am communicating with at this time is not actually similar to the origin of the world?!"

"It should belong to the same level as the Yuegu small chaotic world where I live, the Dulong small chaotic world."

Xuantian's premonition was very wrong. I risked my life and went deep into the intersection of the origins of the minor systems to seriously study the composition principles of that world's origin. It was really not necessary!

"It's true that injuries are added to injuries, which ultimately leads to obstacles in the process of self-repair, and those wounds become more difficult to heal!"

Anyway, as far as I know, there are no relatively powerful energy life groups inside, and there are not even one or two pieces of Dulong Divine Weapon.

As Xuantian's research on the place where the seven series origins meet becomes more and more in-depth, I also obtained some very important conjectures.

But the opponent is not short of a weak God King who has reached the peak level. What is short of a lot is the Yue Gu magic weapon!

Feeling the hostility conveyed by Xuantian, this little centipede-like original monster king opened its mouth and let out bursts of warning screams.

"The place of origin of the Seven Elements is not the origin of the entire world behind us, it should be the core of the operation of that other world!"

A small number of void fissures crisscrossed the area, small collapsed voids could be seen everywhere, and there were many scenes of seven-series origin monsters fighting in melee.

A piece of Dulong Divine Weapon can give a peak-level God-King the title of the Weakest God-King.

"And the origin of the world behind the eyes has suffered heavy damage and cannot be repaired, so that is why the situation behind the eyes is like this?!"

"The place of origin of the Seven Elements will have a small outbreak every once in a while. Its outbreak does not seem to be a bleeding wound?!"

I need to carefully study the operating principles of the origin of the Seven Elements of Hanhu, but I don’t have a better understanding of the origin of the world. Maybe I can use that information one day in the future? !

The other two nearby monster kings, who were suspected to be the origin, were all silently watching the changes happening there, but they did not show any signs of rejoicing in the misfortune.

"The real main reason for the disappearance of the chaos source energy should be that the source of the world was slightly damaged and was unable to maintain a healthy production channel for the chaos source energy."

Don’t think that the truth is of little use. Even if you find the truth, it will be of no use. !

That kind of collapse often means death. Whether it is the creator or the eternal beings inside, one of them will survive!

"Yes! You must rush back from this airspace like that, if you will be attacked by these origin monsters inside!"

In the midst of muttering, Xuantian finally completed the exploration and research of the origin land of the seven series behind his eyes.

"It can be found that outside the many origins in that airspace, there are an extremely shocking number of Dulong Divine Soldiers."

As time passed, I finally flew quickly to the airspace behind me. The rear was not the intersection of the seven systems.

"That shouldn't be the real operating principle of a small world of that level, right?!"

After being distracted for a long time, Yue Gu quickly determined his method of action. Apart from showing weak strength to frighten all parties, other methods had no permanent effect.

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