Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3404 The intersection of three systems

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

. Lan

In the colorful void, a figure continued to rush towards the core area where the three systems originate.

After Du Long successfully killed a king of void beasts, he did not continue to look for trouble in the other's clan.

According to his idea, the king of the void beasts has been killed by himself. If he rushes in again, he will have to face more than twenty powerful void beasts. By then, it will not be worthwhile to collapse the unstable void on that side!

You still can't go too far as a human being, and you have to be merciful and merciful!

He has already received such huge benefits, but he can no longer push the Void Behemoth clan to death!

Along the way, he only needs to rush towards the square body where the energy of the three systems is as rich as possible.

Don't worry about losing your way. Lan

The richer the energy of the three systems, the closer it is to the intersection of the origins of the three systems!

He has not released Shishi recently to relieve his boredom. The other party must have never been to such a place of origin of the three systems.

Since letting him go would not help, many secrets would be leaked to him.

It's better to keep him locked up and wait until the right time to release him!

Time keeps passing day by day.

As Du Long went deeper and deeper into the core area of ​​the origin of the three series, the number of void fissures around him became more and more.

The greater the number of void fissures, the more unstable the void here becomes. Lan

Before, it took about three powerful void behemoths to break out into an all-out battle with him to tear the void apart again, causing both combatants to fall into the origin of the void rift.

But now it only takes two or so powerful void behemoths, and an all-out battle with him might tear the void apart!

In this kind of area, Du Long doesn't want to break out into a war with any giant beasts of the void, lest he be trapped inside the place of origin, and he won't even know how he will die!


Suddenly, a powerful source energy fluctuation suddenly appeared, and strong source energy fluctuations erupted one after another inside the three void cracks that Du Long could see.

This also means that the source energy of this system has exploded again. Three closely adjacent places of the same source source naturally have a major explosion of source energy at the same time!

Since venturing into the origin of the world, this is the first time he has witnessed the spectacular scene of three origins erupting at the same time. Lan

The figure who was still flying at high speed paused, subconsciously stopped and watched silently, the scene of the explosion of the three origin places!

Du Long was also silently observing and studying the principle of similar origins of the same origin erupting at the same time.

Are the source energy tides erupting at the same time in several adjacent places of the same origin, or are the source energy tides erupting in extremely distant places of the same origin at the same time? !

Of course, without the cooperation of outsiders, it is almost impossible to find out this matter by himself.

As the explosions of the three void rifts of the same system gradually subsided, Du Long dodged and flew towards the established target again!

Time passed quickly, and after several months of flying at full speed, he finally arrived at an airspace occupied by a large number of giant void beasts.

Even if there are a large number of giant void beasts occupying this airspace, there is still a very wide gap that allows him to clearly see the scene inside this airspace. Lan

This is indeed the intersection of the three origins!

Three different origin places intersect with each other, presenting a prismatic triangular layout similar to a honeycomb!

At the intersection, three straight lines with the same angle extend in three different directions.

In the different directions of these three straight lines, there are three different void cracks of the Five Elements Origin, which are continuously leaking out the Origin Energy of the Three Elements!

The reason why a large number of void behemoths gather in the airspace where the intersection is located in front of us is because they can absorb a large amount of the source energy of the three systems here at the same time!

There is no need to live in an area that is too far away and have to migrate to another source of energy after absorbing enough energy from one source.

That's why. Lan

On his way in, Du Long encountered very few monsters from the void.

Many void rifts are in a state of ownerlessness, because most of the void behemoths look down on the origins of those single systems.

Most of the giant void beasts will stay in the airspace in front of them because they can absorb the source energy of three systems at the same time.

There is no need to move frequently to find suitable pasture like some nomads do!

Oh ho!

Suddenly, a roar erupted from the giant void beast that was still quietly absorbing the source energy of the three systems.

Du Long was secretly alarmed, thinking that the arrival of his alien race had made some giant void beasts unhappy. Was he planning to take action against him? ! Lan

Before he could think too much, in the area where the roar erupted, two giant void beasts suddenly began to fight with all their might.

Is it not that those giant void beasts were unhappy with Du Long, but that a conflict broke out within him? !

This also made Du Long secretly relieved. He couldn't stand in such a far distance to observe, it would really give people a headache!

Oh ho!

Hot tempers may be contagious, because a battle broke out between two giant void beasts, and soon another giant void beast couldn't help but take action.

Du Long stood quietly in the void in the distance, silently watching the scene where every now and then, there would be a battle between the giant beasts in the void.

From time to time, a giant beast of the void will be killed, and then become food in the mouth of the winner, allowing the opponent's strength to explode to the next level. Lan

The three series of source energy not only increase the strength of the giant void beasts very quickly, but also make their temper extremely hot.

A war will break out at the slightest displeasure, and then it will be a life-and-death battle. The winner can not only devour the opponent's power, but also occupy the territory left behind after the opponent's death!

It is not difficult to see from this that the intersection of the origins of the three systems in front of us looks like a holy land where giant void beasts practice.

In fact, it is also an airspace full of endless dangers. If you are not careful, you will end up with no body left!

No wonder, even though they know the benefits here, there are still some groups of giant void beasts who would rather choose to live in a nomadic way than squeeze into this intersection of the three systems.

Oh ho!

A huge void beast successfully defeated its opponent and was roaring proudly to the sky, but Du Long saw that it had also suffered heavy injuries, and its aura had also dropped to an extreme. Lan

Another giant void beast not far away finally couldn't help but rushed over and directly attacked the seriously injured giant beast in the void.

In just a moment, the giant beast in the void that had just won a victory was risking its own life because other giant beasts took advantage of it!

Situations like this abound. Those who can survive in this area where the three origins meet are mostly strong men who have reached the stronger God King realm.

The stronger you are, the deeper you can go to the intersection point and enjoy the most abundant source energy environment of the three systems.

The weaker ones can only occupy the more peripheral areas.

Otherwise, you will suffer a fatal attack. In the end, let alone absorbing energy, you may not even be able to save your life!

Just the intersection of the origin of the three systems naturally formed a hierarchical relationship similar to a pyramid. Lan

Du Long just stood and watched from a distance for a moment, and then he had a clearer understanding of this relationship.

Among these void behemoths, there are also a few powerful behemoths.

But basically they will no longer absorb the original energy of the three systems, but will protect their descendants so that they will not be in danger in this airspace.

The way a hen protects her chicks is also a way of survival in this area where the three origins meet!

In Du Long's sight, around the intersection point of the three origins, there are void cracks in the origins of the three elements of gold, wood, and fire.

A large amount of the original energy of these three systems is continuously pouring out of the void cracks, and then becomes food for a large number of surrounding void behemoths.

Du Long was also carefully observing the void cracks around him. Lan

Want to see if there are any traces of the Xuantian Divine Weapons in this void rift at the intersection of the three systems? !

"Huh?! There really is something good in that void rift!"

Under Du Long's full observation, he finally discovered two or three rays of light that were different from the original energy in a void crack.

To find out what good stuff that is.

Du Long directly used his Brilliant Thunder Eyes, and two lightning fires shot out from his eyes as if they were real.

With the blessing of the Eye of Brilliant Thunder, he finally saw the truth of those three rays of light. It was the scene of three Xuantian divine weapons floating in the fire element energy inside the void rift.

Among the three Xuantian magic weapons, there is a magic weapon stick with a dark golden color. The style looks like one of the Overlord's magic weapons! Lan

Could it be that another Overlord's divine weapon appeared here? !

There was light shining in Du Long's eyes. If there were only two or three ordinary Xuantian magic weapons, he would not be willing to take the risk to get them.

But if there is an Overlord Divine Weapon, then you have to take the risk and try it anyway to get it!

After all, he has already obtained seven of the nine Overlord Divine Weapons, and only the last two are left to collect all nine.

If you miss this one today, you will most likely never be able to get all nine of the Overlord's Divine Weapons in the future!

Because the Xuantian Divine Weapons inside the origin land will not stay in place forever. It is very likely that with the explosion of origin energy, they will be transported to a similar origin place that no one knows!

"No! I need to find a way to get this Overlord's Divine Staff as soon as possible. Otherwise, if there is a big explosion of original energy, I will probably never find this Overlord's Divine Staff again!" Lan

In a flash of thought, Du Long immediately made such a decision.

Then he directly dodged and retreated from the airspace. His departure naturally fell into the eyes of some powerful void beasts, but no void beast was willing to bother with this alien race.

Unless someone dares to seize the territory in this airspace, no one is willing to waste time and energy dealing with an unknown and powerful alien.

Even if you defeat those alien races, you can't devour their bodies to make up for the energy loss, which is definitely a thankless thing.

Du Long retreated a long distance all the way, until there was no void beast in the intersection of the three systems. Only after he could see him again did he suddenly transform into the king of the void beast that he had killed!

That’s right!

The best way he could think of was to use the false identity of the giant beast of the void to sneak into the airspace. Lan

Only in this way can we do it without provoking the siege of all the giant beasts.

Successfully sneaked into the void rift that he needed to get close to!

Only after successfully getting close could he use various means to obtain the Overlord's Divine Stick inside the void rift!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After successfully transforming into the king of the void beast, Du Long once again dodged and rushed towards the intersection of the three systems.

His sudden appearance immediately caused a commotion among some giant void beasts in the intersection area. Those giant void beasts seemed to be able to recognize this king of giant beasts? !

Du Long didn't have time to think too much and flew directly to the void rift opposite the three Xuantian magic weapons. Lan

Then he flew straight in in a swaggering manner, passing the outermost void beast along the way.

They all backed away with fear on their faces, and no giant void beast dared to stop them!

And Du Long just flew forward all the way, and the scene of those giant void beasts taking the initiative to give way finally made him feel relieved.

But he didn't dare to be careless because of this. In the process of flying to the target void rift, he tried his best to choose a route that would not get too close to the most powerful God King realm beast.

His knowledge also makes the most powerful beasts not prepared to compete with him, but just protect their descendants.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of many giant void beasts, Du Long flew fearfully all the way to the target void rift.

There are no powerful behemoths around this fire element void rift. Most of them are gathered at the center point where the three elements meet. Lan

In full view of everyone, Du Long feigned curiosity and flew to the void rift, then peered at the three Xuantian divine weapons inside the rift.

In addition to the Overlord Divine Staff, there is also a Xuantian Battle Sword and Xuantian Battle Ax!

These three styles of magic weapons are all very suitable for Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, which also makes Du Long's mood become even more intense.

'no! We can't wait any longer. An energy surge may erupt in the original land at any time. Even if other giant beasts of the void notice something abnormal, we have to fight for it! ’

Standing outside the void rift, Du Long made such a decision without hesitating for long.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished gaze of all the giant void beasts, he opened his bloody mouth and spit out a long thin stick!

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