Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3399 The Void Beast

In the vast void.

Du Long continued to rush in a certain direction at full speed.

Along the way, we passed several places of origin of the five elements, and there was even a place of origin of the metal element!

Inside the origin of the metal system.

Du Long tried again to see if he could continue to gain the other party's following and loyalty like he did the previous two times.

However, this time he ended in failure. Even if the two golden giants came forward, they could not persuade the other party to join the following!

as time flows.

Similar to the predictions made by the prophets of the Golden Light Giant Clan, there are not many leaders of the Golden Light Giant Clan who can truly be certain.

Even if some clan leaders believe this prophecy.

But he doesn’t want to lead the whole tribe to be loyal to a strange alien just by relying on a prophecy!

Du Long will not force this, and there is no point in forcing some things.

Since the other party is not willing to follow and be loyal to you, then let them go!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Continuously rushing towards the target location at full speed, Du Long came to an airspace called the Territory of Chaos on this day.

The so-called Territory of Chaos is actually an airspace similar to a nebula, which is covered by a layer of colorful energy.

That’s right!

Under normal circumstances, the origin of the five elements is usually a very pure color, and there will be no mixing of the five elements.

Each place where the five elements originate is separated by a long distance. It is rare for several kinds of energy to be mixed in an area at the same time!

Du Long stood in the air, looking curiously at the airspace in front of him, called the Territory of Chaos.

He was carefully observing the airspace in front of him, trying to find the true mystery of this chaotic territory while watching it from a distance.

"Hey, no! Do you know anything about the Territory of Chaos?!" While carefully observing the Territory of Chaos, he asked the two patriarchs of the Golden Light Giant Clan.

"The Territory of Chaos?!" Ju's voice sounded first: "This is a chaotic airspace. It is a place where a large number of sources of the Five Elements gather. It was also severely damaged in that war, which led to the emergence of a large number of sources. Time and space rift!"

"That's right!" Nuo followed closely and solemnly replied: "This airspace traverses three different origin places. Because the five elements' origin energy is mixed together, it directly leads to such an astonishing scene in front of you!"

"Yes!" Zhu continued to add: "This happens to be the intersection area of ​​the three sources of the Five Elements, and it happens that because of the large number of void cracks, there is a rare area where the energy of the three sources of the Five Elements is mixed!"

"After the three types of Five Elements original energy are mixed, this colorful airspace is formed in front of us, and many very strange creatures are born inside it!"





Under the narration of the two golden giant clan leaders, Du Long finally had a clearer understanding of the colorful airspace in front of him!

He was silently calculating in his heart, and he quickly calculated that the airspace in front of him was really the intersection of the three origins of the Five Elements.

It seems that the two golden giant clan leaders have a very good vision, and their understanding of this chaotic territory is very accurate.

"Breed many strange creatures?!" Du Long quickly grasped the key point: "What are the strengths of those strange creatures?! If I follow the route guided by the star map, will I encounter some fatal dangers?! "

"As long as you follow the directions of the star map, you will rarely encounter fatal dangers!" He smiled and replied.

"After all, you are a strong man who has reached the combat power of the most powerful God King. There are almost no creatures in this world that can threaten you!"

"However, just because you can easily deal with attacks from powerful individuals does not guarantee that you will not be attacked by a large number of powerful creatures!"

"Moreover, a powerful war breaking out within this chaotic territory is definitely a matter of great risk!"

"Because a powerful level war breaks out inside, there is a high possibility that it will cause the void to collapse. Once you fall into the place of origin of the Five Elements, in this period when the energy tide of the Origin of the Five Elements often breaks out, you will fall into the place of the origin of the Five Elements. Almost equal to death!"

Although Hui's expression seemed a little relaxed, he did not forget to remind Du Long to act with caution.

Within the origin of this world, many airspaces that appear to be safe on the surface are very likely to contain very deadly dangerous factors.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After asking for basic information about the Territory of Chaos, Du Long rushed in without hesitation.

If you want to rush to the target location and follow the route guided by the star map, you must cross the chaotic territory in front of you!

Du Long didn't want to take a detour. In the origin of this world, if he didn't follow the route guided by the star map, there was always the possibility of falling into a fatal dilemma at any time!

He dodged directly and rushed into the chaotic territory, flying at full speed in the direction guided by the star map.

With extremely powerful spiritual exploration, he can be distracted countless times to accurately determine the route, so that he can always keep rushing in the right direction.

Time continued to pass minute by minute, and Du Long gradually entered the depths of the Chaos Territory without realizing it.

Along the way, he finally felt how unstable this so-called void was!

This is like an empty space full of wounds, and cracks in the void similar to the origin of the Five Elements can be seen everywhere.

The large number of void cracks directly became a reference for him to calibrate his route at any time.

Don’t feel that as long as the void rifts are from the same origin, they all exist exactly the same!

These void cracks that can be seen everywhere, even if they are all of the same type, are each different!

Just like human fingerprints, there are billions of humans in the world, but everyone's fingerprints are different and have various fingerprint textures!

Within this territory of chaos, the best reference is the void cracks that can be seen everywhere.

They are like void crack fingerprints that look similar on the surface, but are actually different!

Du Long followed this void crack fingerprint as a reference, and kept rushing towards a certain direction along a twists and turns of the route!

Oh ho!

Just as he was driving at full speed, a crazy beast roar suddenly came from ahead.

Du Long stopped subconsciously, raised his eyes and looked into the distance and immediately saw that a fierce battle was breaking out in the extremely distant airspace!

Those were two colorful giant beasts in the void, fighting fiercely in that airspace, and from time to time they would make angry roars!

After Du Long hesitated for a moment, he finally couldn't help but rush over, wanting to get closer and watch their battle carefully.

By the way, you can also study carefully, what is special about these colorful giant beasts of the void, and how are they different from other five-element origin life forms? !

He has already combined characters like the Golden Light Giant, the Towering Tree Clan, etc.

These various races of life living within the origin of the world are collectively called the five elements of original life!

Although the IQ of the original life of the five elements is not too high, it still has a unique civilization system and a more humane wisdom.

The two colorful void beasts in front of them look like two colorful chameleons from a distance, and then it looks like two chameleons are fighting.

The eyes of these two colorful giant beasts in the void are glowing red, giving people an extremely violent feeling.

They don't look like beings with higher intelligence at all, but more like crazy ferocious beasts that only have their savage nature!

After approaching a certain distance, Du Long stopped moving forward and stopped silently, then silently observed the ongoing battle!

He quickly judged from the strength of both sides of the battle. The two giant beasts in front of him were clearly two giant void beasts with the combat power of the most powerful god king? !

Two giant void beasts appeared randomly, possessing the terrifying combat power of the most powerful god king. This also made Du Long's originally relaxed mood tense!

It is not difficult to see from this that in this colorful and chaotic territory in front of us, the living void beasts are generally relatively powerful? !

What is the reason why the giant void beasts in this airspace are generally stronger? !

With such a question, Du Long continued to observe the battle between the two giant void beasts, and at the same time was distracted by studying their power attributes.

That's right, it's the power attribute!

Du Long was very curious in his heart. What kind of original power did the giant void beasts living in the Territory of Chaos contain in their bodies? !

"Huh?! The giant void beast just opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of fiery flames. It seems to have three different attributes of metal, wood, and fire at the same time?!"

"It seems that the chaotic territory in front of us is composed of the three original energy sources of metal, wood, and fire, and most of the creatures living here also have three original attributes at the same time?!"

"It is precisely because they have three different attributes of source energy at the same time that the energy in their bodies is chaotic and complex, which ultimately affects their intellectual development?!"

"Because of a problem with your intelligence, you turned into a ferocious beast like this that only knows how to kill?!"





Du Long, who stood silently watching the battle, began to study and analyze while watching the battle.

And his analysis not only relied on the information seen with the naked eye, but also relied on some results obtained through spiritual exploration.

In the end, certain conclusions were reached one after another, and there is no need to question his analytical research ability!

Oh ho!

While Du Long was standing by the side unscrupulously, silently studying the battle between the two giant void beasts.

Along with another burst of angry roars, one of the giant void beasts successfully bit the opponent's neck, leaving two rows of fatal wounds on the opponent's neck on the spot.

A large amount of colorful blood began to spurt out from the wound of the giant void beast.

As a large amount of blood spurted out, the vitality of the void beast that was bitten on its vital parts was constantly drained away!

When Du Long saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

If a powerful god-king like him is bitten on the neck by an opponent, he can instantly decompose himself into billions of life cells, and then instantly break away from the bite and reorganize his physical body!

Only when being hit by a force far beyond the endurance range of the physical body, will a part of the cell's original energy be instantly destroyed, causing the physical body to suffer heavy damage!

This is not the case with the two giant void beasts in front of them. They seem to have returned to their most primitive beast fighting state.

In this state, biting the opponent's vital parts will cause the opponent to bleed continuously, thereby destroying the vitality balance in the opponent's body and eventually killing the opponent? !

Of course, the prerequisite for this seemingly simple method of killing the enemy is to be able to break through the opponent's defense, and then to be able to attack the vital parts!

If you can't even break through the defense, it will become a luxury to want to kill the opponent!

Oh ho!

Just as Du Long was secretly commenting on the battle between the two giant void beasts, another earth-shaking beast roar sounded.

The victorious giant beast of the void, with the loser lying limply beside him, looked up to the sky and let out a victor's cheer!

Then, as its roar gradually subsided, it finally looked at the alien creatures watching the battle not far away with threatening eyes!

As early as Du Long appeared, the two giant void beasts had seen his existence, but they didn't want to take the little guy in front of them seriously.

As the outcome of this fierce battle was determined, the victorious side finally had the intention to turn its attention to the foreign alien race.

Du Long faced the dangerous gaze of this giant beast in the void without any intention of backing down. Even if the opponent wanted to charge over now, it would be nothing more than a battle with it!

As the most powerful God King, if he doesn't even dare to face a ferocious beast at the level of the most powerful God King, then there is no need for him to continue venturing inside the origin of the world!

Oh ho!

The giant void beast failed to see a trace of panic in Du Long's eyes, and couldn't help but roared at him with some annoyance full of warning!

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that it felt unable to scare away this foreign race, so it simply didn't bother to pay attention to Du Long's existence, and directly opened its bloody mouth to bite the trophies around it.

This scene made a surprised look appear on Du Long's face. After reaching the level of the strongest god king, does he still need to devour the opponent's body to gain strength? !


I only saw that the giant beast of the void was like a giant lizard tearing off a piece of flesh and blood from an animal and then swallowing it directly into its belly. It chewed up a large piece of flesh and blood and swallowed it into its belly.

Under the full exploration of Du Long's spiritual consciousness, he could feel that the aura of the giant void beast, which had been greatly exhausted due to the battle, had directly recovered a small amount of energy!

"Sure enough! Is this devouring the opponent's body to quickly recover the lost physical strength?!"

In Du Long's murmur, the corpse of a huge void beast was quickly bitten to pieces by the winner.

You can feel the victorious giant beast in the void, and the power in your body has returned to its peak state!

Oh ho!

Just when Du Long finished watching the show and was about to leave this airspace.

The giant void beast that had regained its peak combat power roared directly in the direction of Du Long, then dodged and rushed towards him like crazy!

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