Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3397 See you later

This is another place where the origin of the metal system is revealed.

This place is also known as the clan land of the Golden Light Giant Clan!

A large number of golden giants gathered into big balls, like the sun, moon and stars, surrounding the space-time rift of the origin of the metal system.

When Du Long finally arrived at the home of the Golden Light Giant Clan, he immediately saw such a very familiar scene.

Immediately, his eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the cracks in time and space, wanting to see if there were any traces of the Xuantian Divine Weapons inside.

It's a pity that the probability of encountering the Xuantian Divine Weapon is too low.

After searching hard, I was unable to find any Xuantian Divine Weapon.

"Strong man from outside, may I ask why you came to our clan?!"

Just as Du Long looked away with a disappointed look on his face, a low and hoarse voice resounded in his mind.

Du Long turned his head and looked at the square body where the sound came from with a smile. There was the largest golden sphere there, and it was the other party that was transmitting the sound to him just now.

He was not in a hurry to answer, and waved directly towards the void in front of him, and an equally huge golden ball appeared out of thin air!

"Haha! No! Long time no see!"

As soon as the big golden ball appeared, bursts of hearty laughter erupted from the scene. It was Du Long who released the giant golden ball!

"鏾?! How come you, an old guy, have time to come to my territory?! Why do you come together with this alien?!"

The big golden ball that had just asked Du Long about his visit did not expect that Huo would suddenly appear in front of him.

"Haha! This is no ordinary alien! Our entire clan has chosen to follow this Lord Du!"

The loud laughter rang out again, and the words he suddenly spoke surprised the countless golden giants around him.

"There's nothing wrong with you, right?! Why are you leading the entire tribe to follow this alien?!"

The puzzled voice sounded again.

No matter what, I can't figure out what is the reason that would make this old guy make such a crazy choice? !

"There's nothing wrong with me!" Jue shook his head and sighed: "No! Have you forgotten the prophecy of the prophet of our golden giant clan?!"

"Prophecy?!" Nuo looked shocked: "Could it be that this foreign race in front of you, sir, is the legendary savior?!"

"That's right!" Zhuo solemnly replied: "This is the gentleman who successfully obtained the Overlord's Divine Halberd in the place where our clan originates from the metal system!"


The golden giant Nuo fell silent immediately after hearing this. He must have been shocked by the information Nuo said.

"锘! The reason why we came here is to take a look at your clan. Do you have the intention to follow Lord Du and leave this place?!" Seeing that the other party did not continue to speak for a long time, Nuan could only take the initiative to ask again. .

Things like this can only be done consensually, and there is no way to force the other party to do something.

Of course, Hui doesn't care too much about whether the other party agrees. Whether he agrees or not has little to do with something like this.

If the other party is willing to follow the legendary savior, they may be able to preserve the bloodline of the clan and pass it on.

On the other hand, if the other party is unwilling to accept it, you will not lose anything on your side. At most, it can only be regarded as a lack of help!

"It's a matter of great importance!" Nuo replied in a deep voice: "I will not decide this matter for other tribesmen casually. A meeting with the participation of the whole tribe must be held to decide the final choice of this tribe!"

"It's understandable!" Zhuo nodded and replied with a smile: "I believe Mr. Du should be willing to give you some time to discuss this matter, so let's just wait here quietly for a while!"

"Thank you both for your understanding. I will start preparing to hold a clan meeting right now!"

Nuo's voice sounded again, and then he didn't say anything more. It seemed that the senior people with the right to speak in the Liaison Clan were there, right? !

Du Long didn't know how long the other party's meeting would last, so he waved his hand and released a magnificent palace-like flying magic weapon.

Then he entered it in a flash, preparing to meditate and practice inside while waiting for the final reply from this golden giant clan.

As for Hui, he will not take back the world inside his body for the time being. He still needs to stay outside and negotiate with the golden giants here at any time.

Time is passing slowly.

The way the Golden Light Giants hold their conferences is rather unique.

They don't need to bring all the tribesmen together, they can directly get in real-time contact with all the tribesmen through the ubiquitous metal source energy!

Compared to foreign creatures like Du Long, the original energy of the Five Elements is a resistance that hinders the coverage of their spiritual consciousness.

But compared to the golden light giant clan, the original energy of the metal system is a super conductor that they can contact all clan members instantly!

The original energy of the metal system can cause some unique metal energy fluctuations released by them to spread rapidly within this space and time in a form similar to radio waves.

The golden light giants can rely on this energy fluctuation to instantly contact the tribesmen everywhere in this golden origin time and space!

"All the members of the Golden Light Giant Clan! The above is the content of the prophecy left by the prophet of our clan!"

"Now, the prophecy has finally come true. The Overlord Divine Weapon left in the origin of the gold system has indeed been obtained by an outsider!"

"Now Hui has led all his tribesmen to seek refuge with the alien savior, and we are now facing a similar choice!"

"Are we going to join the legendary savior's banner like the golden giants led by Zhuo?!"

"Or should I refuse to join the other party's banner and choose to face the crisis of destruction alone that may come at any time?!"

The voice of Nuo resounded in the minds of countless golden giants.

He first told all the people of his tribe the prophecy of his prophet, and then threw out the right to choose, allowing countless people of the tribe to make their own choices!

"Only relying on a prophecy that you don't know if it can come true, do you want to put the lives of the entire clan in the hands of a foreign race?!"

"That's right! Why do I feel that doing this is so unreliable?!"

"Our Golden Light Giant Clan is so powerful, but why do we need to devote ourselves to a mysterious alien race whose true origin is unknown?!"

"No matter how powerful the prophets of our clan are, can they still predict what will happen after endless years?!"

"We have no intention of doubting our prophet's intentions. The main reason is that we don't want to see our clan make an unclear decision!"





As Nuo threw out such an option, various discussions immediately erupted on the scene.

Most of those tribesmen who loudly objected were relatively young Eternal God Kings.

None of the older God-Kings were in a hurry to speak, and seemed to be silently thinking about this very serious issue.

These older god-kings are not as impulsive as young people, and at the same time they have great respect for the prophet of the golden light giant clan.

Naturally, disrespectful remarks against the Prophet will not be easily made.

"All the clan elders should express their opinions!"

After the various voices in the clan gradually subsided, Nuo then asked questions to the highly respected elders in the clan.

"Let me talk about it first!" A clan elder stood up first and said: "First of all, regarding the prophecy of our clan's prophet, everyone must not take any chances!"

"In order to obtain this most important prophecy through divination, our prophet suffered extremely serious backlash, which eventually led to the gradual collapse of the world inside the prophet's body, causing the body of the prophet who originally had an eternal and endless lifespan to disappear!"

"Therefore, the powerful prophet of our clan used his own life to achieve such an important prophecy!"

"Under such circumstances, do you still think that the prophet's predictions are irrelevant?!"

"If this alien foreigner in front of us is really the future savior of this world, who can bear the terrible consequences of opposing and following him, which will eventually lead to the annihilation of the entire race?!"

It can be seen that as the clan leader finished speaking, the clansmen who were still desperately opposing this matter all became mute!

They never expected that there would be such a story behind the legendary prophet's death? !

In this case, they have to take this matter seriously!

"What the elders of the three tribes said is true!" Another tribe elder took over and said: "The prophecies of our prophets must be taken seriously, but the eggs cannot be put in the same basket, lest all the eggs will be thrown away if something goes wrong. broken!"

"My opinion is to let the tribesmen choose for themselves. If they are willing to follow the savior predicted by the prophet, then they can follow him and leave this place!"

"On the other hand, if the tribesmen are unwilling to follow the savior and leave, they can still stay in this tribe and live in it!"

"Lao Wu is right!" The third clan elder also stood up and agreed: "I support the decision of everyone's final stay according to the clan members' free choice!"






One after another, the highly respected clan elders nodded and expressed their opinions.

It can be seen that the vast majority of people agree with the proposal of allowing the tribesmen to choose freely.

As long as it is the path you choose, no matter whether you live or die in the future, you will have your destiny, and you will not be able to blame others!

After the clan elders made their decision, the meeting chaired by Nuo quickly came to an end, and they began to initiate free-choice voting registration.

Which people choose to follow the savior, which tribesmen choose to stay in their homeland where they have lived for endless years, etc.


Just when many golden giants didn't know what choice to make, the crack in the void of the origin of the metal suddenly erupted, and a violent leak of the origin of the metal was revealed!

"Did everyone see it?!" Nuo's voice sounded again at the right time: "In recent years, the original energy of the metal system has exploded more and more frequently!"

"The prophet of our race has long predicted that when the original energy of the metal system explodes more and more frequently, a savior who can get the Overlord's Divine Halberd will appear!"

"All of this shows that the predictions of our prophets are becoming a reality!"

"When making a choice, all clan members must have the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrist, and never make the wrong choice just because he is reluctant to leave his hometown!"

Nuo is clearly using this explosion of metal energy to persuade the hesitant tribesmen.

It is not difficult to see from this that this Nuo himself should be inclined to support and leave with the savior Du Long.

As his words fell, many tribesmen at the scene who were still hesitant turned to follow the savior and left.

Although my hometown is good, if I know that this hometown is very likely to be destroyed, and there is a life-saving Noah's Ark to ride on, I believe that most people will make the most correct choice!

In this way, with a large number of hesitant tribesmen making their final decisions.

This golden giant clan was quickly determined, and eventually about two-thirds of the clan members would choose to leave with the savior predicted by the prophet!

Du Long was in a very good mood after getting the result.

Being able to gain the support of two-thirds of this golden giant clan was far beyond his innermost expectations!

He did not rush to take the golden giants away, but gave them some time to say their final goodbyes.

The entire Golden Light Giant clan has a relationship of relatives and friends. They have known each other for endless years. If they suddenly want to separate, they must give them time to say goodbye.

Du Long was generous and gave the Golden Light Giant Clan a year to say goodbye.

For a practitioner, one year is not much different from one day for ordinary people.

Du Long just closed and opened his eyes, and it was time to leave.

The entire golden giant clan was filled with an atmosphere of sadness. They vaguely understood in their hearts that this separation was probably a farewell forever!

Neither the tribesmen who left with the savior nor the tribesmen who stayed behind can guarantee that they can safely survive this crisis of annihilation!

"See you all later!"

“See you later!


Amidst bursts of mournful cries, those golden giants who chose to leave rushed into the space-time channel released by Du Long and directly introduced a large number of golden giants into their inner world.

In the blink of an eye, all the golden giants that should be taken away were taken away, except for the golden giant who was unwilling to leave.

Only the two clan leaders of the golden giant clan, Hui and Nuo, were left.

"My fellow clan members! We say goodbye today, but I don't know when we will see each other again!"

"I can only wish that everyone is safe and well, and hope that we can meet again one day in the future!"

"Goodbye, see you later!"

"Chief Nuo! See you later!


After Nu also formally bid farewell to his clan members, the two golden giant clan leaders finally entered Du Long's inner world.

Du Long looked at the remaining golden giants on the scene with piercing eyes. Then he smiled at them and nodded, then turned around and flew away in a certain direction!

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