Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3386 The picture shows the poor dagger

In front of the void crack of the origin of the metal system.

The countless golden giants that were originally densely packed together have now disappeared without a trace!

Du Long was looking at the cracks in the void with some lingering interest, hoping to find some traces of Xuantian's divine weapons.

Shiki from the Wood Spirit Clan stood beside him, staring dumbfoundedly at the empty space!

to be honest.

What I encountered here today seems very fantasy. Could it be that the most powerful god king of the Earth Spirit Tribe next to me is really a legendary savior? !

"Hey, sir!"

"Are you really going to be the savior of this world as the Golden Light Giants say?!"

Originally, because he had achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and reached the level of the strongest god king, he changed his name to brother.

Now because he suspected that Du Long was the savior, he actually subconsciously used the more respectful title before? !

"I can't explain this clearly!" Du Long shook his head and replied with a smile: "Only after experiencing many things personally can we get the exact answer!"

"Perhaps even the prediction made by the senior of the Golden Light Giant Clan may not be accurate!"

Du Long is not being modest, but talking about a more realistic situation.

"Okay!" Seeing that Shishi was still stunned, Du Long couldn't help but waved his hand and said: "Since there is nothing to stop here, let's continue to rush towards the original goal!"

When he said these words, Du Long's mood seemed a little strange.

After getting along for a long time, he really couldn't bear to hurt the guy from the Wood Spirit Tribe in front of him!

To kill him just for a Xuantian-level magic weapon on his body, does it seem to be a little bit cruel? !

Let’s take a look at the shield situation then!

With Du Long's character, he really can't do such extreme things. After getting along for a long time, there will be some friendship, right? !

What's more, Shishi has really helped me solve a lot of confusion along the way!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


The two figures set off again and continued to fly in the designated direction.

They are still far away from the Yewhan Realm where they plan to go, so it would be nice to have a teammate to accompany them along the way!

Although this Shishi only knows a few superficial things about many core secrets of another world, it is better than knowing nothing at all, right? !

Shiki had no idea that the murderous god next to him had actually shown compassion, and his murderous intent towards him was being weakened invisibly!

The two of them flew out of the area covered by the original energy of the metal system without any accidents, as long as Shiki did not take the initiative to disclose the matter to the outside world.

It is estimated that it will take a long time for someone to discover that the land of the golden giant clan has been emptied of people, right? !

After flying out of the area covered by the original energy of the metal system.

Du Long stopped again, turned around and looked at the golden energy airspace that he finally crossed through with a complicated expression!

"滻! Do you know why it is impossible to teleport within the area covered by the five elements' original energy?!"

"This is very simple! The original energy of the five elements can stabilize time and space, and naturally it can produce effects similar to the forbidden air array!"

"Coupled with the fact that the time and space of the origin of the world is extremely stable, we simply cannot use the Xuantian Divine Weapon to penetrate it!"

"Even if we have the ability to penetrate it, you must have seen it behind this time and space."

"The back of this time and space is not a space like the gap between the worlds. It is clearly the boundless and dangerous Five Elements origin space!"

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly: "The origin of the world is originally extremely vast, but because it is covered with areas covered by the five elements' original energy, our progress is even slower!"

"Yes!" Shishiya shook his head and sighed: "There is nothing we can do about this!"

"I still have a question!" Du Long didn't seem to be in a hurry, but continued to ask: "Since the origin of this world is so stable, we can't break it even with the Xuantian Divine Armament!"

"Then, how did that great war in the ancient times lead to the origin of the world in front of us, where such leaks of the Five Elements' origins can be seen everywhere?!"


. "Shishi seemed to be puzzled by the question, and he pondered undecidedly: "Maybe there is some information about the war that year that we don't know? ! "

"For example, in that battle, will there be a powerful man similar to Xuantian Supreme?!"

Du Long suddenly raised his brows, wondering if there was a powerful person similar to Xuantian Supreme level participating in the battle.

Then it would not be a strange thing to bombard the origin of the world in front of us into this state.

"Let's go! Let's continue our unfinished team adventure!"

After chatting with these questions, Du Long turned around without talking nonsense, then took a step forward and teleported directly to an extremely remote airspace.

Shishi followed closely behind, and the two of them used ultra-long-distance teleportation again and continued to rush towards the coordinates of the Zijihan Realm!

While Du Long was distracted on his way, he was distracted by chatting with Shiki.

While he was distracted and silently observing the world inside his body, he saw the golden giants who had sworn allegiance to him!

I have to say that his trip to another world was very successful.

Just taking back this group of golden giants from the inner world is enough to prove that his trip was not in vain!

In his original plan, he only wanted to find the 80th Bai'er.

The seniors of the Eternal God Kings who were left behind in his own world can be regarded as a worthwhile trip!

But now he has only conquered one golden giant clan, and there are about four to five hundred strong men who have reached the realm of eternal god kings.

This is just a golden giant clan among the endless Five Elements creatures in the origin of the world!

If he had the ability to conquer a few more, he would be able to compete with the dozen or so superpowers outside!

"滻!" When this question came to his mind, Du Long couldn't help but send a voice message to 滻 again.

"Why do I feel that inside the origin of this world, the strength of the Five Elements Clan is many times more powerful than the dozen or so super forces outside you?!"

That’s right!

Du Long had just been too excited about conquering the golden giants, and only now did Du Long think of such an important issue.

If the Five Elements Giant Clan entrenched in the origin of this world will follow the dozen or so super powers outside to invade their own Xuantian World in the future.

Then there is no need to fight this battle at all, because your side will definitely lose!

No matter how powerful I am, I can't compete with the endless army of the eternal God King here with my own strength!

"Of course we have to be stronger!" Shiki shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If not, why don't we invade this place with our entire clan?!"

"After all, there are endless Five Elements crystals hidden inside, and they are all treasures that can improve your cultivation!"

"Before this, I always thought that the original chaotic energy of Xuantian in the outside world was completely absorbed by the dozen or so super energy groups outside!" Du Long shook his head and sighed.

"Now it seems that the original energy of Xuantian's chaos outside has been exhausted!"

"The endless Five Elements groups here are the big ones absorbing energy!"

Du Long finally figured out such a problem. He had been wondering about more than a dozen superpowers in the outside world before.

There are only so many eternal god kings in total. Logically speaking, it should not cause the entire alien world and Xuantian's chaotic original energy to be exhausted!

"That's natural!" Shiki shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "How easy is it to absorb and refine the original energy of the five elements inside the source of the world?!"

"Most of our external forces have soul realms higher than body energy, but the reverse is true here!"

"That's why I needed to use the soul source of an eternal god king to exchange wood crystals with the Towering Tree Clan!"

"It's like you successfully took away the entire golden light giant clan, and they voluntarily abandoned the golden origin land."

"It will soon be discovered by the metal energy tribe outside, and they will send tribesmen to rush in and occupy it as their own!"


Du Long nodded slightly, obviously not expecting this to happen again.

If I had known earlier, should I have left some golden light giants behind and continued to practice in that airspace? !

It was too late to regret now, Du Long immediately told his thoughts directly to the golden giant old man in the inner world.

The other party is the golden old giant who has been negotiating with them before!

"Sir!" Chu's voice sounded quickly: "On the surface, he looks like a member of his own tribe, but he absorbs the original energy of the refining gold system very quickly."

"In fact, it is very difficult for a golden giant to break through every realm. Even if some tribesmen are arranged to go there, they will not be able to improve their cultivation too much in a short period of time!"

"I understand!" Du Long instantly understood what the other party meant: "Are you saying that even if the world is destroyed, you won't be able to cultivate many strong people?!"

"Yes!" He replied in a deep voice: "As the original energy of the five elements of this world erupts faster and faster, the day when it will be destroyed will be closer and closer!"

"Okay then!" Du Long stopped talking nonsense: "In that case, then all of you can follow me!"

"By the way! If we continue to encounter the Five Elements Clan in the future, I wonder if you can convince them to leave with me?!"

Originally prepared to end the conversation, Du Long thought that he could use Luo to help win over more Five Elements ethnic groups.

"If it is a Five Elements ethnic group with little contact, then the possibility is not great!" Zhuan replied in a deep voice.

"But if it's those Five Elements ethnic groups that have a deeper relationship with our own clan, then the chance of success will be much greater!"

"Oh?!" Du Long originally just asked casually, but he didn't expect the other party's answer to be so powerful: "I wonder if you have any coordinates of the Five Elements Groups' star charts that are relatively close to each other?!"

Since the other party said that there was such a good thing, he naturally hoped to recruit more helpers.

When talking about this, Du Long glanced at Shi Shi, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, and the murderous intention that had gradually disappeared suddenly appeared again.

If I take away too many members of the Five Elements tribe along the way, I certainly don’t want this guy to leak it out!

As the most powerful God King, he is often quite sensitive. No matter how obscure Du Long's eyes are, he is still felt by Shi!


Immediately afterwards, the power of a space-time sealing array suddenly appeared, directly covering Du Long and Shi.

"Hey, hey, sir!"

"Why do you want to suddenly block the time and space in front of you?!"

Shishi, who originally felt something was wrong, found out that Du Long suddenly blocked the time and space in front of him, and his face turned pale with fear on the spot!

This is the most powerful god-king who has just gained the allegiance of the Golden Light Giant Clan. If the other party is determined to deal with him, he may really die here!

"栻!" Du Long replied in a deep voice: "For the sake of the two of us traveling together as a team, I don't want to kill them all!"

"I can give you a way to survive, but you need to agree to a few conditions!"

"You, what conditions do you have?!"

Shiki originally wanted to reason with the other party, but he was afraid of completely irritating Du Long, so he could only ask with anger.

"It's very simple!" Du Long said expressionlessly: "You can only continue to stay by my side as my soul slave!"

"Soul slave?!" Shiki changed his mind on the spot and said, "No! Hey! You can't treat your teammates like this!"

"Hurry up and make your choice!" Du Long didn't want to talk nonsense to the other party: "I might as well tell you the truth, in fact, I am not from the Earth Spirit Tribe!"


There was like a dull thunder exploding in Shiki's mind. He never expected that this would be the result? !

I was also secretly blaming myself in my heart, because I was too stupid to go with him just to show off to him? !

"Hey, no! Now I don't know what to call you either!"

"Excuse me, when you first started, were you planning to kill me?!"

Shishi asked with a deathly expression on his face.

"Yes!" Du Long replied simply: "It's a fluke that you can survive until now!"

"It's also because of our mutual friendship that I can't bear to kill you completely!"

"Is it because you took away the Golden Light Giants?!" Shiki asked again: "Are you worried that I would reveal that the Golden Light Giants surrendered to you?!"

"That's right!" Du Long nodded and replied: "In the subsequent adventure process, I may continue to take away more Five Elements ethnic groups, and I don't want the outside world to discover the truth about this matter prematurely!"

"I can swear a solemn oath with my soul that I will never reveal this matter!" Shiki continued to struggle.

"Only the dead and soul slaves are worthy of trust!" Du Long refused the other party's request without hesitation.


Shishi stood there with a dead look on his face, and you could see the expression on his face changing constantly. He seemed to be considering whether to turn around and run away? !

However, due to the sudden change in attitude, the Du Long in front of him gave him an extremely terrifying feeling.

It was as if an ancient ferocious beast had locked him, leaving the mighty god king Shiki without any confidence that he could escape!

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