Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 355 Military Plane Meeting

‘That’s right! That iron gate was covered by a layer of strange formation energy, and even my aunt couldn't penetrate it. You know, even the Immortal Alliance formation was useless in front of me! ’ The Nazgûl beauty continued to add gloomily.

'What? ! Can you even crack the Immortal Alliance Formation? ! But can't break the formation under the Blue Moon Empire? ! ’ Du Long said in shock.

‘That’s right! During the Immortal Alliance, when people had nothing to do, they destroyed their formation. Let me tell you a secret! Hee hee, once you are trapped in the Immortal Alliance in the future, the Immortal Alliance Formation will never attack you, because the formation spirits of the Immortal Alliance Formation now call me sister! ’ The beauty of the Ring Spirit continued without giving up.

puff! Cough, cough. . .

Du Long couldn't help but choked on his own saliva, and started coughing violently in front of the two beauties. Huofeng said worriedly: "Husband! What's wrong with you?!"

"Cough... cough... I'm... okay! Don't worry! Don't disturb me for now, I'm thinking about some important things!" Du Long coughed and found an excuse to prevaricate, and then pretended to think about the problem again. Close your eyes again.

'that. . . Linger! Let’s not talk about the Immortal Alliance Formation Spirits for now, let’s get down to business! Since this secret location in the Blue Moon Palace cannot be cracked, what should we do? ! Do you want me to sneak into the palace and then go to the secret location to crack it? ! ’ After Du Long collected his thoughts, he asked again.

‘That’s not necessary! I guess the Blue Moon Empire’s secret war plan shouldn’t be placed there either! Because I found that the secret passage seemed to have been filled with dust since no one had walked through it for many years! ’ The beauty of the Ring Spirit pondered: ‘Furthermore, I think this secret location was not built by the Blue Moon Empire. They don’t have that ability at all! ’

‘Isn’t it built by the Blue Moon Empire? ! ’ Du Long said in astonishment.

‘That’s right! With the strength of the Blue Moon Empire, it is impossible to build a formation that is more advanced than the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance! Therefore, I suspect that this secret underground space may have been left by the predecessors, and it is very likely that even the royal family of the Blue Moon Empire does not know that there is such a place underground under their own palace! ’ The Nazgul beauty analyzed in a deep voice.

'oh? ! So, is it possible that there is an undiscovered treasure there? ! ’ Du Long guessed excitedly.

'Huh! This is really a possibility! The beauty of the Ring Spirit's eyes lit up, and she somewhat agreed with Du Long's point of view: "According to the data I stored, the capital of the Blue Moon Empire was originally the capital of another great empire. Later, this great empire was destroyed because it offended the Immortal Alliance. As a result, the Qin and Jin clans took the opportunity to carve up the entire empire! ’

'Subsequently, the Blue Moon Empire occupied the capital of the original great empire and built its capital here. Even the palace was directly occupied. There were basically no changes. At most, it was only repaired a few times! ’

‘Therefore, it is very possible that the royal family of the Blue Moon Empire does not know that there is such a secret location under their own palace! ’

Du Long nodded, and he agreed very much with the analysis of the Nazgul beauty. After thinking about it for a while, he said in deep thought: 'Ling'er! Regardless of whether this is a treasure or not, after all, it is a forbidden area of ​​the palace of our hostile country, and the entrance is located in the emperor's palace, where the defense is the most stringent! Therefore, let’s not discuss this suspected treasure yet! ’

‘No one cares! There is actually a large formation in this secret location that even I can't decipher. The things inside are absolutely very tempting. Therefore, you have to promise this aunt that I will do my best to help you defeat the Blue Moon Empire. You will command the army south with all your strength. You must give me My aunt has captured the capital of the Blue Moon Empire! I must find out what kind of place is underneath! ' The Nazgûl beauty said half coquettishly and half threateningly.

'OK! I promise you, as long as this battle is won, I will definitely send my army south and attack the capital of the Blue Moon Empire! ’ Du Long agreed to her request without hesitation, and then asked: ‘Okay! Enough of the bad news, now it’s time for the good news, right? ! ’

'whee! The good news is that the emperor of the Blue Moon Empire has just issued a decree for the five chief officers of the Imperial Machinery Department to appear in court immediately! They must be discussing some major military aircraft issue! It just so happens that we can be loyal bystanders when the time comes! ’ The Nazgûl beauty responded with a sweet smile.

Her words made Du Long jump up with excitement and shouted: "Great!"

His somewhat exaggerated performance shocked Huofeng and Qinglian on the spot, but the two beauties had smiles on their faces, obviously knowing that Du Long must have thought of some good solution.

"Husband! Have you thought of any good ideas?!" Huofeng asked quickly.

"Hehe! I've thought of a good idea! Come on, have a drink to celebrate!" Du Long held up the cup proudly, and then clinked a drink with the two girls.

Gently wiping the wine stains from the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, Princess Fire Phoenix curiously asked again: "Husband! What else has your clever mind thought of? Isn't it another secret that cannot be told?!"

"Well... I really can't talk about it for the time being..." Du Long replied with a little embarrassment. All the methods he suggested were bullshit. It was basically the Ringwraith beauty operating behind the scenes. He really didn't know what to say. .

"Oh... okay then!" Huo Feng muttered cutely with her cherry lips. Xia Qinglian looked at it and smiled, obviously amused by her cute appearance.

Time passed, and Du Long chatted with his two sweethearts. About half an hour later, the Nazgul beauty suddenly shouted: 'Everyone is here! You can watch the live broadcast! ’

"Huofeng, Qinglian! I'm going back to my room to rest first. If you have nothing to do, you can go back to your room to practice and sleep early!" Du Long stood up directly, said hello to the two girls, and then returned to his own room. Went to the room.

After closing the door and lying on the bed, he closed his eyes and watched the scene in his mind!

In the picture, there are actually three figures that I am familiar with, including Boss Jin, who has perfect spiritual strength, Park Sang-ryong, and the eunuch Kishigai Saburo!

In addition to these three people he knew, there were five or six others who were probably from the Military Aircraft Department, and then there was the chubby Emperor of the Blue Moon Empire. This was the first time Du Long saw the Emperor of the Blue Moon Empire, and he couldn't help but think... Glanced.

This is definitely a guy who has been exhausted by drinking and sex. Although he is very fat, he is obviously puffy. He is still sweating while sitting there. However, he is the emperor of a country after all. Sitting there at the moment is majestic and somewhat majestic. The aura of being an emperor!

Then, Du Long turned his attention to Boss Jin, who was sitting next to the emperor. Boss Jin seemed to be aware of something. He was sitting there with his eyes closed, and suddenly opened his eyes, then glanced around in confusion, and finally led He closed his eyes again with a look of confusion on his face.

'I go! As expected of a being with perfect spiritual level strength, his senses are so sensitive that he seems to be able to feel someone spying on him? ! ’ Du Long was startled by the two glances that Boss Jin suddenly shot towards him.

'After all, he is a spiritually perfect being, so it is normal to feel like he is being spied on. However, with his strength, it is impossible to know that we are spying on him. At most, we are just a little suspicious! ’ The Nazgûl beauty explained in due course.

At this time, the emperor of the Blue Moon Empire spoke in the screen: "Today we are honored to invite the emperor and Mr. Park Xianglong to discuss the war with the Haotian Empire! The reason is that everyone understands that this war is related to the life and death of the empire! The other party still has There are masters with spiritual level strength, so we must find a way to deal with them, and then we can safely arrange our troops and compete with them!"

The group of people at the military aircraft office swept the floor with bright eyes, and could see a sense of lack of confidence in their eyes. The emperor understood what they were worried about, and continued to speak: "I know what you are worried about! It is because you are afraid that our spiritual power will not be able to Are you going to fight against the Haotian Empire?! Don’t worry, I have found a solution to this problem!

In short, you don’t need to consider the existence of the spiritual strength of the Haotian Empire. There will be people specially coming to deal with them. You just need to figure out how to arrange your troops and defeat the Haotian Empire! "

The faces of the core personnel of the Military Aircraft Department below looked much better. Since there is no threat from the spiritual level, everything depends on their own true abilities. In terms of military cultivation, these people still have some confidence!

The emperor then forced out a smile and looked at one of the officials and said: "Doulun! You have always been in charge of the navy. It is up to you to introduce the combat power of our navy and compare it with the Haotian Empire. Bar!"

Doulun, who was wearing a navy armor, gave a respectful salute and began to introduce with a slightly proud smile on his face: "Speaking of the navy! As we all know, our Blue Moon Empire navy is the most powerful existence in the Star Continent. There are nearly 800 large warships and nearly 3,000 small warships in total!

However, the Haotian Empire does not pay enough attention to its navy. It only has less than fifty large warships and two to three hundred small warships. Its naval strength is less than 10% of ours! "

"In recent years, the Haotian Empire navy has neglected training. If they dare to appear on the sea, they will eventually be confident that they can be wiped out without any effort! Our navy can completely control the Hansi River, Make it absolutely impossible for the opponent’s boat to cross the river!”

Navy coach Dou Lun's words made the atmosphere at the scene noticeably more relaxed. I dared the fat emperor to let him introduce the situation first, just to cheer everyone up!

"Haha! Very good. As long as our powerful navy is here, the entire Hansi River will be under our control. We can advance when we want and retreat when we want. We can continuously attack the territory of the Haotian Empire, but they can only I am so excited to look at the river!" The emperor added excitedly at the right time.

For a time, the atmosphere at the meeting became much more relaxed, and many officials who originally seemed a little serious began to smile on their faces.

Nodding with satisfaction, the emperor continued to ask: "Doulun! If we mobilize all our forces and let our warships transport soldiers across the river, how many troops can be transported across the river at one time?!"

"Reply to the Emperor! The navy is fully committed to transporting soldiers. Large warships can transport 300 cavalry and 600 infantry at one time. Small warships can transport 30 cavalry or 60 infantry at one time! If calculated in total, we can transport 300 cavalry and 600 infantry at one time. Send 330,000 cavalry or 660,000 infantry!" Doulun replied respectfully.

"If we want to transport the soldiers to the other side as quickly as possible, do you have any good suggestions?!" The Fat Emperor asked at the right time.

"If you want to deliver soldiers to the other side as quickly as possible, there must be large deep-water docks on both sides of the river! Otherwise, our large warships will not be able to dock at all! Therefore, the best place to cross the river is to have Hansi City, which has a longer deep-water dock! Apart from that, only Haohai City, which is close to the sea outlet, can quickly land!" Doulun analyzed in a deep voice.

His analysis caused many people to fall into silence temporarily, thinking about where is the best place to land, including Du Long and the Nazgul Beauty, who were also thinking about future countermeasures!

Chapter three today. . .

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