Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3382 Team up and go together


"This idiot, Shiki, actually took the initiative to deliver the goods to your door?!"

"On the one hand, I want to make friends with the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Tribe so that I can improve my status within the Wood Spirit Tribe!"

"On the other hand, it's also to show off to the other party that you have also broken through and become a powerful god king, right?!"

"I don't know, but the other party is a ruthless person who has even killed several of the most powerful God Kings!"

Inside the Towering Tree Tribe’s Holy Land.

Old Man Mu looked up at the sky, silently watching the two figures that were gradually receding.

Then he shook his head and said such ridiculous words.

The facts are just as it analyzed, except that Shishi had the intention to show off to Du Long.

Indeed, he still has the idea of ​​​​befriending him to improve his status in the Wood Spirit Tribe.

As everyone knows.

The Earth Spirit Tribe is the most powerful ethnic group in this different world!

If he could be on good terms with Hei, the most powerful god king of the Earth Spirit Tribe, it would indeed enhance Shiki's status within the Wood Spirit Tribe.

He never thought that the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Tribe was a fake!

Didn't expect it either.

The other party is still a super ruthless man who has killed several powerful god kings. If he takes the initiative to go with him, he is like a sheep in a tiger's mouth!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


The two of them flew at full speed, constantly flying towards the outside of the Towering Tree Clan.

When Du Long met Shi, the other person happened to be flying opposite him. At this time, the two of them were on the same path.

After leaving the Towering Tree Clan's territory, it's not too late to part ways, but Shiki may not be able to leave alive at that time!

"Hey brother!"

"I wonder where you want to go on this trip?!"

"Before, because I was not strong enough, I might not be able to help, but now I might be able to help!"

Shishi, who was constantly asking various questions along the way, actually asked Du Long this question again.

After his cultivation breakthrough reached the realm of the most powerful God King, he became much more confident.

As he said, it was because of his insufficient cultivation.

Hey, the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Tribe, maybe he really doesn’t want to talk nonsense to me!

Now that my cultivation level has caught up, maybe the other party is willing to form a team with me and explore a certain location inside the origin of the world?

A place that allows the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Clan to go alone not hundreds of millions of light years away must contain some kind of secret that he doesn't know about? !

If you can follow the other party to gain glory, maybe you can get one more item, maybe a Xuantian-level magic weapon!


"I am planning to go to the Zijihan Realm where the world originates. I heard that there has been a precious light shining there recently, and there seems to be some sign that the most powerful Xuantian Divine Weapon will be born!"

"At that time, it is estimated that many powerful god kings will rush over after hearing the news. It would be good to team up with you and go on adventures together!"

Du Long nodded slightly and directly said such an answer that made Shiki's eyes gleam.

The so-called Zi Jihan Realm was not a place name that he made up out of thin air.

It is a place name recorded in the star map that was exchanged for three copies of the soul origin of the God King Realm.

That place was in the same direction as Du Long's real target, and it was just right to trick this fool into heading to the same square.

"Purple Extreme Cold Realm?!"

"There is a Xuantian-level treasure shining brightly. Is this a Xuantian-level treasure that is about to appear in the world?!"

"Hey brother! If I am willing to form a team with you, then if you find the Xuantian level treasure, how will you distribute the treasure?!"

Although Shishi acted extremely stupidly, he also knew how to discuss the treasure distribution with Du Long in advance.

"It's easy!"

"When facing foreign enemies competing for treasures, we must unite to deal with them!"

"When harvesting treasures, you have to decide how to distribute them based on the quantity of the treasures."

"If there are a large number of treasures, they will be distributed according to the method of half per person!"

"If there is only one treasure, then we can only rely on each other's strength. Whoever is stronger and grabs the treasure first will get it!"

Du Long directly stated such a common distribution plan, and did not say the stupid thing of giving it to the other party when there was only one treasure.

You can see Shishi nodding slightly, obviously approving his distribution plan.

"no problem!"

"Then let's distribute the treasures according to this plan!"

"From now on, I am willing to form a team with Brother Hei to advance and retreat together. I hope to find treasures with Brother Hei and make a fortune together!"

Shishi made his statement very simply, and Du Long followed the other person's words and agreed.

In this way, a temporarily formed adventure team was born very simply.

After the two people flew at full speed for a long time, they finally succeeded in flying out of the Towering Tree Clan's territory, and then began to speed up in a certain direction using ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Du Long led the team to teleport in front, and Shishi followed behind and kept running at full speed. The two of them were officially out of the sight of the giant tree clan.

Time keeps passing day by day.

Du Long did not immediately kill Shishi Pain after leaving the Towering Tree Clan's territory.

Since the other party is willing to follow you all the time, you might as well take him with you for the time being!

This way, you won't be so bored along the way, and you can also use Shishi's identity to hide the secret of your true identity!

Acting alone within the origin of the world, it would be easy to see through his true identity.

If there is a colleague with no problem with his identity, he can block a lot of unnecessary suspicion for him!

Whoosh whoosh.


The two figures, one behind the other, kept teleporting in a certain direction.

Du Long would leave a little margin every time he teleported, so that Shiki following him would not be lost.

The two can also communicate continuously through their spiritual consciousness and chat about various experiences related to the origin of the world.

Du Long usually plays cold characters who don't like to talk much.

But he is also a very good listener, willing to listen carefully to Shishi, a chatty person who keeps talking about topics related to the origin of the world.

Shishi was very happy to tell Du Long about his various experiences in the origin of the world.

Because this will make the relationship between the two parties continue to heat up, and cultivating a good relationship with Hei of the Earth Spirit Tribe is also the most important goal of his trip!

Form an adventure team that shares life and death together, and share all kinds of interesting things during the adventure.

Shishi just wants to enhance the relationship between himself and Hey through this method.

Only in this way can the two parties develop a close comrade-in-arms relationship like good brothers!

And Du Long never wanted to take this, a dozen superpowers from another world.

When you plan to become your best friend, sooner or later a life-and-death battle will break out between you and me!

Let Shishi brag and talk about his various experiences in the Origin of the World, but in the end he ran out of words and continued to let him talk about the internal affairs of the Wood Spirit Tribe.

In this way, Du Long not only obtained a lot of information about the origin of the world from the opponent's mouth.

He also gained additional information about the Wood Spirit Tribe from the other party's mouth.

The time spent on this journey must be calculated in hundreds and thousands of years.

As he kept talking along the way, Shiki almost didn't tell all the information about the Wood Spirit Tribe.

Of course, he would definitely not tell Du Long about some of the top secrets related to the Wood Spirit Tribe.


On this day, the two people teleported all the way to a golden sky.

After arriving in this airspace, they once again faced the only option of flying through this airspace!

The two people looked at each other, then dodged and flew towards this glittering airspace, preparing to fly at full speed through this special airspace.

This is an airspace filled with a large amount of metallic energy. A large number of metallic stars can be seen everywhere inside, shining brightly under the light of many huge stars!

"Hey brother!"

"Have you seen those shining golden stars?! They are all golden giants huddled together!"

"The larger the golden giants are, the more powerful they are. The largest ones are the golden giants who have reached the level of the most powerful god king!"

After entering the airspace filled with metal energy, Shishi continued to tell Du Long about the situation in the airspace in front of him.

He was trying his best to show off his knowledge and use this to enhance his important position in Du Long's heart.

"The bodies of these golden giants are very strong. For golden giants that have reached the realm of the most powerful god king, only the Xuantian-level divine soldiers can attack with all their strength to break through their physical defenses!"

"If they also have Xuantian-level magic weapons in their hands, then they should be more careful, because we may not even be able to break through the opponent's defense!"

Under Shishi's tireless narration, two figures flew all the way into the territory of the golden giant clan.

During this period, Du Long would also ask some questions about the Golden Light Giant Clan, showing Xiang Shi that he was listening to him carefully throughout the process.

This also greatly satisfied Shishi's vanity, and he became even more motivated when talking about the problems of the Golden Light Giant Clan.

In this way, the two of them continued to go deep into the territory of the Golden Light Giant Clan, preparing to cross this airspace directly and continue to rush to their goal of the trip, the Purple Cold Realm!


As the two of them continued to speed up, a golden light suddenly bloomed from the distance out of thin air.

"栻! Do you know what happened to that golden light that just appeared?!" Du Long, who saw the golden light suddenly appeared, immediately sent a message and asked.

"That should be because the golden light giant's cultivation level broke through to a certain level, which led to the sudden appearance of golden light!" Shishi replied immediately and experiencedly.

"Then can you tell what level the opponent has achieved through breakthrough?!" Du Long challenged the opponent again.

"It should be the peak of the Eternal God General, the strength that breaks through to the early stage of the Eternal God King!" Shiki replied again.

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled and replied: "Not long after we came in, we saw a golden giant who broke through from a god general to the god king realm!"

"It seems like the golden giants in front of us are breaking through very quickly!"

"Do you know how the members of the Golden Light Giant Clan use to quickly absorb energy and achieve breakthroughs in cultivation?!"

"I know!" Shishi immediately replied with a confident smile: "They mainly rely on devouring the gold energy between heaven and earth, as well as various gold ores to increase their strength!"

"Is the metal energy here inexhaustible?!" Du Long asked again.

"There are also endless golden light giants here. Aren't all the gold ores already consumed by them?!"

"Haha!" Shiki replied with a smile: "Brother, are you trying to test me on purpose?! Who doesn't know about questions like this? Who doesn't know?!"

"The reason why the Golden Light Giants gather here is mainly because the original energy of the gold system leaks out here. They can directly absorb the original energy of the refining gold system!"

"As for the gold-based ore they swallowed and refined, it is naturally gold-based ore that flew out from the origin of the world!"

"The reason why there are a large number of various Five Elements ethnic groups inside the so-called World Origin is simply because the World Origin will continuously leak out the Five Elements' original energy!"

"Every point where the original energy of the Five Elements leaks is a gathering place for the Five Elements ethnic group!"

"Haha!" Du Long said with a smile: "Brother Shi is indeed very knowledgeable!"

"Brother, you are serious!" Shiki shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Such basic information related to the origin of the world is basically known to most of the Eternal God Kings!"

The two people continued to fly towards the depths of the Golden Light Giant Clan's territory while they were asking and answering questions.

After flying for hundreds of years, they finally arrived at an airspace with extremely dazzling golden light.


I saw a dazzling golden light suddenly shining in the core area of ​​the dazzling golden light. Even the two people of the most powerful god king could not help but narrow their eyes slightly.

"What was that dazzling golden light just now?!" Du Long asked again: "Then there shouldn't be a golden light giant breaking through, right?!"

"That's not a phenomenon where the golden light giant breaks through, but a phenomenon where a large amount of metal source energy leaks out from the origin of the world again!" Shiki replied in a deep voice.

After hearing his explanation, Du Long couldn't help but squint his eyes, and his understanding of the origin of the world increased to another level!

When I discussed the origin of the world with Queen Prado before, her knowledge of the origin of the world could only be described as very sparse.

The God King of the Wood Spirit Clan in front of him, Shi, obviously knows a lot more about the origin of the world than Queen Puduo!

It is not difficult to see from this that since Queen Purado was trapped in that airspace for endless years, the dozen or so super powers outside have a clearer understanding of the origin of the world than the ethnic group behind Purado!

Du Long was secretly glad in his heart that after leaving the Towering Tree Clan's territory, he did not directly kill the most powerful god king named Shi!

Otherwise, you will need to spend more time and energy to collect this seemingly basic and important information!

"No wonder!" Du Long sighed.

"The golden light giant clan breaks through its strength so frequently. The golden light giant clan in front of us should be very powerful, right?!"

"It's not bad!" Shishi shook his head and replied with a smile: "The deeper the world origin is, the faster the original energy of the Five Elements leaks, and the corresponding strength of the Five Elements ethnic group will be stronger!"

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