Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3371 Determine where to go

In the main meeting hall of the Tuling Clan Royal Palace.

A recording crystal ball was quietly suspended in mid-air in the middle of the hall.

All the senior officials of the Tuling Tribe at the scene probed their own spiritual consciousness, and then compared it with the coordinate point where Du Long entered!

If this process were an ordinary person, I am afraid that even if it takes a lifetime, they would not be able to compare it clearly.

But there was no ordinary person present, at least they were all those who had reached the peak state of the Eternal God King, otherwise they would not be qualified to stand in this hall.

The brains of these eternal god-kings who have reached at least the peak level are definitely countless times faster than the fastest supercomputer on earth!

One by one, he quickly compared the points where Du Long entered with all the routes recorded in the crystal ball, and derived countless possibilities from them.

Prime Minister Shi did not stop after completing this comparison, but continued to compare with the world origin star map mastered by the Earth Spirit Tribe.

Then quickly find some of the biggest possibilities among countless possibilities, and then continue to find the final goal through elimination!

"How is it?!" The Emperor of the Earth Spirit Tribe waited until everyone had finished their research, and then he asked in a deep voice: "Have you found out the location of the mysterious man's final destination?!"

As his voice sounded, many senior officials of the Tuling Tribe who were still calculating with their eyes closed opened their eyes and looked at the emperor of their tribe.

Only Old Prime Minister Shi was still calculating with his eyes closed, and had no intention of opening his eyes immediately.

"His Majesty!"

"From the coordinate point where the mysterious man entered, it can be seen that the other party is indeed taking the route that the Puladuo clan often takes to enter the origin of the world!"

"It is not difficult to see from this that the other party is indeed very likely to be cooperating with Puduo to enter the depths of the origin of the world!"

"As for the opponent's goal, it is nothing more than to find a treasure that can restrain our Earth Spirit Clan!"

The quiet atmosphere was broken by a senior member of the Earth Spirit Tribe, who directly told such very accurate information.

In fact, as he analyzed, the coordinate point where Du Long entered did belong to the Purado clan, which was one of the most common routes in the past!

It would be strange to say that this has nothing to do with Purado!

"It makes sense!" The Emperor of the Earth Spirit Tribe nodded in approval: "Then can you find out where the other party is planning to go from the coordinate route into the origin of the world?!"

"This..." The guy who had analyzed it succinctly just now suddenly got stuck: "I haven't analyzed this suitable target yet. After all, there are endless possible targets on the route from that coordinate point!"

Others nodded after hearing this. The fact is just as the other party said, there are billions of safe passages inside the world's origin, and the number of various dangerous restricted areas is endless!

It is simply impossible to calculate the final destination of the mysterious person based on the coordinates of the opponent's entry!

"Your Majesty!" Another high-ranking member of the Earth Spirit Tribe came out and said loudly: "It is almost impossible to determine where the mysterious person's final location is based on the coordinate point where the other party entered. thing!”

"I think we should find a range from it, and then send more people there to guard at certain key positions!"

"This way we have a chance to intercept the opponent!"

"That's right!" Another person stood up: "Only by first grasping the opponent's route forward can we lay traps at key locations and have a chance to trap the opponent!"


One after another, the senior officials of the Tuling Tribe began to speak, but their speeches were more general and they failed to come up with the most effective plan!

If they follow the plan they proposed, it goes without saying that it is extremely unlikely that the mysterious man can be intercepted within the origin of the world!

Just imagine.

If just ordinary tribesmen successfully find the mysterious person, what's the point? !

We can't let the ordinary god-kings in the clan rush forward and forcibly block the mysterious man's way, right? !

What's the difference between that and seeking death? !

Among the entire Tuling Tribe, only the three newly formed Vajra Battle Formation teams have a chance to successfully stop the mysterious man.

In this way, we must try our best to deduce the route of the mysterious man. Only if the route is correct can the three Vajra Battle Formation teams pass by!

"Old Prime Minister Shi!" The Emperor of the Earth Spirit Clan waited until everyone was chatting away, then looked at Prime Minister Shi with a smile: "You have been thinking about it for so long, don't you know if you have a good plan?! "

"Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Shi, who is also able to be distracted and multi-purpose, can completely allocate a small part of his mind to communicate with others: "I believe that there is a great possibility that the mysterious man will go to the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls in the Origin of the World. !”

"Sea of ​​Gathering Spirits?!" The Emperor of the Earth Spirit Clan raised his eyebrows slightly: "I wonder what basis the old prime minister has for making this inference?!"

"It's very simple!" Prime Minister Shi replied in a deep voice: "The biggest threat faced by the mysterious man is the Vajra Battle Formation of our Tuling clan!"

"And our Vajra Battle Formation has the strongest physical offensive and defensive capabilities, but the weakest soul offensive and defensive capabilities!"

"The only way to break through the Vajra Battle Formation is to use divine soul attacks that ignore physical defense!"

"But the only way to break through the soul defense of our most powerful God King is the legendary Xuantian-level soul weapon in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls!"


As Prime Minister Shi said these words, all the senior officials of the Tuling Tribe on the scene took a breath of cold air!

"Isn't that impossible?!" A senior member of the Earth Spirit Tribe said in disbelief: "If the Xuantian-level soul magic weapon in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls could be taken away so easily, it wouldn't It has stayed there for endless years!”

"Yes! Why can the mysterious man easily take away that Xuantian-level soul weapon?!"

"I don't believe that the other party has such ability..."

In the hall, more and more senior officials of the Tuling Tribe began to speak.

Most of them are unwilling to believe that the mysterious person has the ability to take away the Xuantian-level soul weapon!

"Haha!" After everyone had said the same thing, Prime Minister Shi smiled and said, "Do you still remember the magic stick that reaches the sky?!"

"After it was taken away by the mysterious man, who can believe that there is someone in this world who can get the Divine Staff?!"


Everyone in the hall was speechless. The facts were just as Old Prime Minister Shi said.

Many things that happened to the mysterious man were unbelievable. No one at the scene could really guarantee whether the other party would be able to successfully obtain the Xuantian-level soul weapon? !

"According to what Old Prime Minister Shi said, is it very likely that the other party will get the Xuantian-level soul weapon?!" A senior member of the Earth Spirit Tribe at the scene couldn't help but asked weakly.

"I'm not sure about this!" Old Prime Minister Shi shook his head and replied: "But one thing is very certain, that is, if the other party knows the secret of the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls, there is a high possibility that they will go there to try their luck!"

"It makes sense!" The Emperor of the Tuling Clan nodded in approval again: "Old Prime Minister Shi's analysis is very reasonable."

"And now we are not discussing whether the mysterious person can obtain the Xuantian-level soul weapon, but we are discussing where the other party will go!"

"Now that Prime Minister Shi has analyzed the most likely location where the opponent will appear, we will discuss this location and how to use the geographical environment around the Sea of ​​Gathering Spirits to ambush the mysterious strong man!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Another senior member of the Tuling tribe shouted loudly: "I wonder what Mr. Shi Laocheng has to say about this matter?!"

"I just carefully studied the situation around the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls!" Prime Minister Shi explained without politeness: "With the Sea of ​​Gathering Souls as the center, there is an extremely broad area that is completely sealed in time and space!"

"In other words, even if the mysterious man possesses the Xuantian Divine Weapon, he cannot break through that side of time and space, and cannot escape through ultra-long-distance teleportation!"

"This creates an opportunity for us to intercept him. We can definitely..."

Because I drafted the manuscript in advance.

Prime Minister Shi began to speak out his plan incessantly, and everyone at the scene nodded in agreement.

Obviously, although the plan drawn up by Prime Minister Shi has never succeeded, it still leaves people speechless every time.

After Prime Minister Shi explained the planned plan in detail, he glanced around with bright eyes.

"Everyone! This is the action plan I have drawn up, but I cannot guarantee whether there are any errors or omissions in the plan!"

"If you find any errors or omissions, please report them immediately for everyone to study together!"

"Don't wait until errors and omissions appear during the operation, causing the plan to fail, and then blame me later!"

Obviously, Prime Minister Shi was also afraid of many high-level personnel at the scene, and he was also taking precautions in advance.

You should either raise objections now instead of making second-guessing comments later!

Everyone at the scene could not understand the meaning behind his words, and everyone remained silent and had nothing to say.

to be honest.

Let alone drawing up a battle plan.

Even the judgment on the final whereabouts of the mysterious man that Prime Minister Shi just put forward so easily was not something they could do.

"Old Prime Minister Shi is right!" The Emperor of the Earth Spirit Clan immediately spoke for him.

"If you have any objections, please raise them on the spot, otherwise it will be regarded as a unanimous decision of all senior staff. No one party can be blamed for success or failure afterwards!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Prime Minister Shi bowed gratefully to the emperor.

If you try hard to find a solution for something like this, you will be blamed for not getting it right in the end.

Then the ghost will continue to make suggestions for the entire ethnic group in the future? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Inside the origin of the world.

Du Long didn't know his whereabouts, and had been predicted by the old fox of the Earth Spirit Tribe again!

He was still accelerating towards the target location at full speed, passing through some more dangerous areas along the way.

Being able to pose fatal danger to the most powerful god-king like him really made him feel a little curious.

"Everyone! What kind of place is this airspace in front of us that is named the Origin of the World?!"

"Why can some of the strange phenomena here threaten the life and safety of the most powerful God King?!"

During the fast journey, Du Long, who was slightly bored, could only distract himself from the chaotic creatures and Queen Prado asking.

"It's very simple!" Puduo's voice sounded first: "Because this world origin belongs to the Xuantian level world origin!"

"If it is a place similar to the source of the world inside your body, naturally it will not be able to harm an existence at the level of the most powerful god king!"

"Xuan Tian level, the origin of the world?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly.

I vaguely understood in my heart what kind of situation was behind this.

Very simple.

As Puduo said, the world inside his body can be divided into the big world of Xuantian and the small world of immortals.

But the so-called Xuantian Great World can only be regarded as a Xuantian Great World, not an existence similar to the Xuantian Chaos Great World!

The origin of the world in front of me is the origin of the Xuantian Chaos World, and it naturally possesses power that can threaten my own life!

"The great world of Xuantian, the great world of Xuantian Chaos?! I understand..."

Du Long murmured, finally understanding the difference between the two.

While carefully observing certain deadly areas along the way, he was rushing towards the target coordinates at full speed.

A source like this within the Xuantian Chaos World occupies an extremely vast and boundless area. It would take at least thousands of years to reach the sea of ​​gathering souls mentioned by Puduo!

In addition to the relatively large area of ​​​​the area here, it is also because even if you drive at full speed, you cannot reach the speed like outside.

There are many places where you need to be careful to avoid some dangerous places. If you are not careful, you will fall into an irreversible situation!

Facing such a crisis-ridden world, Du Long secretly felt a little uneasy. He didn't know what the coordinates recorded on the animal skin paper were. !

Could it be that it was not a clansman from the same world as him, but an ordinary treasure map? !

Anyway, Du Long always believed in his heart that the end point of the animal skin paper was most likely a place where the strong men from the same world camp were trapped.

Now I am beginning to be shaken by various information, and I have some doubts about the end coordinate of the animal skin paper. Maybe it is a treasure hiding place? !


Through another teleportation, Du Long appeared in an airspace filled with red light!

When I first arrived outside the origin of the world, I saw the colorful scene inside, which is a reflection of the scene in front of me!

In the sky filled with red light, Du Long began to become cautious.

Because according to the star map provided by Purado, this airspace will become very dangerous!

In order to adapt to the environment of the airspace in front of him, he directly transformed into the God King Liejun of the Fire Spirit Tribe!

As long as it was an identity that he had encountered before, he could now use it at will.

And in this world where strong men of all races are spread, there is no need to worry about your identity being discovered by outsiders!

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