Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3368 Ancient Relics

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Du Long didn't know what conspiracy the Tuling tribe was arranging to deal with him!

Although he was rushing to the origin of the world in a straight line, he did not stop exploring some restricted areas along the way.

Every time he passes through some star fields where the Earth Spirit people live, he will always stop and investigate carefully, and then decide whether to enter certain restricted areas to investigate!

He always felt a little uneasy. If he didn't find a new method, he might not be so lucky to defeat his opponent next time just with the methods he had now.

After all, the Earth Spirit Tribe has stood tall in this alien world for endless years, and is also the most powerful existence among the dozen or so super powers in this alien world!

If a powerful group like theirs only has the means of the Eight Vajra Warriors, then even if they kill him, they won't believe it!

It's just that before, the other party might not be willing to use some secret methods directly.

After he made such a big fuss, some of the mysterious methods hidden within the Earth Spirit Tribe may very well be used against him!

It was precisely out of this consideration that he fancied that he could find some new opportunities along the way, which would be of critical help to him when he encountered a subsequent battle.

This road is getting deeper and deeper into the core area of ​​​​the Earth Spirit Tribe, and the number of star areas where the Earth Spirit Tribe people live is becoming more and more.

He has also continuously explored many restricted areas, but unfortunately he has never been able to obtain useful chance treasures!

Time continues to pass like this year after year.


On this day, Du Long went through an ultra-long-distance teleportation and once again came to a star field inhabited by the Earth Spirit tribe!

The number of sun, moon and stars in this star field is obviously countless times denser than in the outer Earth Spirit Clan star field.

He was not in a hurry to continue on his way, but instead released his powerful spiritual consciousness, directly covering an extremely wide area.

Then he began to explore various information inside this star field, including exploring which restricted areas were worth visiting!

Soon, he obtained the locations of the five restricted areas he wanted to explore, and he could scan those five restricted airspaces through his spiritual consciousness!

Du Long didn't waste any time and rushed to one of the restricted areas in an instant. This was an airspace shrouded in blue energy.

According to the legends of many Tuling people in this star field, as long as the Tuling people dare to step even half a step into this blue restricted airspace, they will immediately be mercilessly strangled!

As for the specific kind of power, there are only very few rumors about the complete strangulation of the Tuling tribe.

The reason is that most of the Tuling people who broke in have died, and only a few can bring out the news, and the words are unclear!


Du Long didn't stay outside the restricted area for too long. After just looking around, he immediately dodged and rushed into the blue airspace.

Due to the great suppression of his spiritual exploration, he was unable to move forward by teleportation. He could only obediently rush into the core of the restricted area as he usually did when exploring the airspace of the restricted area.

The restricted area in front of him occupies tens of thousands of light-years, and it wouldn't take long for Du Long to reach the core area even if he was flying at full speed.

But before he could rush in too far, a large amount of blue energy began to condense and form, turning into blue ice beasts and rushing straight towards him.

It is not uncommon to be attacked just after entering the penalty area, and Du Long will not choose to exit immediately just because he is attacked!

Many times, if you don't have strong strength, the owner inside the penalty area may not be willing to communicate with you!

Only by showing enough strength will the other party be willing to communicate with you on an equal footing!

"Water element, chaotic creature?!"

Du Long frowned and looked at the ice beasts rushing towards him from all directions. He muttered to himself and transformed into a fighting form with three heads and a thousand arms!

Then he did not use his close combat skills, but waved the Miaomiao heavy water ball in his hand and released a heavy ice cone storm to deal with it!

A heavy ice storm was born directly in an extremely wide area around Du Long, and then continuously bombarded those ice beasts.

Boom boom boom. . .

Ever since, in the surrounding void.

Like a hailstorm, a large number of heavy ice cones bombarded the ice beasts one after another.

The ice beasts that were bombarded seemed to be breaking apart one after another even though the damage they suffered was not particularly serious at first, but they could not withstand the large number.

And this was still a head-on collision between the heavy ice cone and the ice beast. Du Long ignored the collisions around him and continued to accelerate towards the inside of the restricted area!

That’s right!

He didn't want to have a slow conversation with the owner of the restricted area in front of him. He had to wait until the other party came to him when he was at his wits' end, so that he could get the most beneficial result by talking to him again.

As the time goes.

As Du Long went deeper and deeper into the restricted area, the strength of those ice beasts also became more and more powerful.

It was already difficult to destroy the ice beasts with just the heavy ice cone storm. Du Long had to change his response method. He took out the Nala space-time storm ball and released the space-time concussion storm in all directions!


A large number of space-time storms poured out from countless holes on the surface of the Nala ball, rushing crazily in all directions!

I saw heavy ice picks and ice beasts from all directions, after being eroded by this time and space storm, they were shocked and exploded!

It is not difficult to see from this that the Nala Space-Time Storm Ball, a space-time magic weapon, is really a super treasure that can restrain ice-based substances!

As soon as the Nala space-time storm ball was released, it was basically difficult to stop Du Long's progress.

He just held the Nala Space-Time Storm Ball and flew towards the core of the restricted area at full speed.

The counterattacks in this restricted area seemed to have gradually disappeared due to the appearance of Nala Storm Ball!

This result made Du Long secretly feel a little disappointed. He had encountered similar situations before, which often meant that there was no super chance treasure in the restricted area in front of him!

For a strong man like him, whose cultivation has reached the realm of the eternal and powerful God King, he really doesn't like them if they are just some relatively ordinary treasures!

Of course, if it were just some ordinary treasures, they would have been taken away by the Earthlings long ago.

A restricted area can exist for endless years without disappearing within the territory of the Earth Spirit Tribe, which has so many masters.

This itself also shows that they should have a way to make the Earth Spirit Tribe unable to do anything!

And this was the main reason why Du Long was willing to spend some time rushing in and searching hard.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

As time went by, the inside of this restricted area seemed to have given up resistance, allowing Du Long to rush in as quickly as possible.

Until one day, he finally came to the core area of ​​​​the restricted area and saw this existence that made the Tuling tribe helpless!

It was a pale blue vase that reached five or six light-years away, shining brightly in the void. There were a large number of ice beasts entrenched at the mouth of the bottle. It seemed that these beasts were the ones that attacked Du Long before!

When he saw this vase, Du Long's face did not look happy, but instead showed a hint of disgust.

A treasure bottle like this may have some effect, but if it is used to deal with the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Tribe, or the Eight Great Vajra Battle Formations, it will be powerless!

Of course, this is just a guess in his heart, and he has no idea what the facts are!

"This powerful being!"

"I wonder why you tried so hard to get here?!"

Perhaps sensing the disgust in his eyes, a woman's voice finally sounded in Du Long's mind.

"I'm just a monk passing by!" Du Long heard that the other party was finally willing to communicate with him, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "I heard that this place is a forbidden area to restrain the earth spirit tribe, so I came in to take a look out of curiosity. !”

"Why is this powerful monk interested in the restricted area that restrains the Earth Spirit Tribe?!" the woman's voice asked curiously.

"Because I have some issues with the Tuling tribe!" Du Long didn't hide it: "So I want to find some good treasures that can restrain the Tuling tribe, and then kill more powerful ones from the Tuling tribe!"

"Oh?!" The originally cold voice suddenly became louder: "I wonder what kind of feud this powerful monk has with the Tuling people?!"

"It's very simple!" Du Long replied coldly: "I just passed by their territory, but the other party sent strong men one after another to chase and intercept me!"

"So it's just a small festival like this?!" The cold female voice sounded a little disappointed.

"Originally it was really just a small festival!" Du Long shook his head and added: "But after I killed dozens of God Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe one after another, the festival between us has become irreconcilable!"

"What?!" This time, the cold female voice almost screamed: "You relied on your own strength to kill dozens of God-Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe?! How is this possible?!"

The other party's tone at the end was obviously becoming more and more unbelievable, and he was vaguely questioning Du Long's bragging.

"Haha!" Du Long understood that the other party didn't want to believe it, so he smiled and took out the nine-story pagoda.

"I'm not lying. Inside this nine-story pagoda, the soul origins of dozens of earth spirit god kings are suppressed!"

"This, does this allow me to explore and see if it is true that the soul origins of dozens of earth spirit god kings are imprisoned?!" A cold voice asked with some anxiety.

"Okay!" Du Long's original intention of taking out the nine-story pagoda was to prove that he was not lying. Hearing this, he immediately agreed: "You can just explore it with your spiritual consciousness!"


As the master of the nine-story pagoda, Du Long directly lifted the restriction between the pagoda and the outside world, allowing a spiritual consciousness to enter it.

The appearance of this divine consciousness probe made Du Long secretly thump in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, beings such as ordinary magic weapon array spirits do not exist with soul source energy.

But just when the other party's spiritual consciousness probed in, he actually discovered that it should be a living creature, not the weapon spirit in the magic weapon!

Du Long looked up at the huge vase in front of him in surprise. Could it be that this guy was not a water-based magic weapon, but a water-based chaotic creature? !


Just when he was surprised in his heart, a woman's slightly crazy laughter rang out.

"You executioners! I didn't expect you to be here today! Hahaha..."

Just when Du Long felt confused, the woman's voice sounded again, and it was finally accompanied by bursts of slightly sad laughter!

Du Long was not in a hurry to speak, but allowed the other party to vent his emotions, vaguely guessing some possibility in his heart.

Could it be that a group of water-type chaotic creatures was completely destroyed by the powerful Earth Spirit Clan, and the other party was the only powerful water-type chaotic creature left in that group? !

"Let this powerful monk laugh!"

"It's true that the tribe behind the little girl was almost completely destroyed by the bloodbath of the Tu Ling clan, so deep down in my heart I am filled with resentment towards the entire Tu Ling clan!"

After the cold female voice stopped laughing, she finally gathered her thoughts and spoke to Du Long.

"It doesn't matter!"

"In this different world of yours, apart from the remaining dozen or so superpowers, there are only fish like you left who have slipped through the net and are called restricted areas in various places!"

"I can understand your feelings after being exterminated by the enemy. If I had such an experience, it would definitely not be much better!"

Du Long replied very generously.

"Thank you for your understanding, this powerful monk!" the cold female voice responded gratefully, and then suddenly remembered something: "Did you just say that this is a different world?! Are you from a different world?!"

"I can't say that yet!" Du Long shook his head and refused to answer the question: "Unless we can cooperate!"

"Cooperate with each other?!" the cold female voice asked in a deep voice: "As you said at the beginning, do you want to find a treasure that can restrain the Earth Spirit tribe?!"

"That's right!" Du Long nodded sincerely and agreed: "Can you tell me the story of how the tribe behind you was completely destroyed by the Earth Spirit Tribe?!"

"Of course, it may not be appropriate for you to mention this tragedy again. If you don't want to mention it again, I won't force it!"

"Things have happened for endless years, but there's nothing we can't say!" The cold female voice sighed and finally told the story of the cause and effect.

Only then did Du Long understand that the opponent he dared to love was not a group of chaotic creatures, but a powerful group that originally lived in this world.

But in the end, like many ethnic groups in this world, they all became the food of more than a dozen superpowers and became the source of energy for the energy life groups to improve their cultivation!

Only relying on this clan treasure in front of her, she was able to lead a small group of clan members and survive to this day!

It is precisely because of her anger towards the Earth Spirit Tribe that she kills all the Earth Spirit Tribe people who enter, so that ordinary Earth Spirit Tribe people in the surrounding star field do not dare to step foot here easily!

Talk to Du Long The owner of this cold female voice can only be regarded as an ancient remnant from another world!

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