Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3363 Harvesting Leeks

Double-layer closed airspace!

A ray of yellow light is chasing a ray of silver light, and the two are flying at full speed in the vast void!

As Du Long took out the silver-plate flying magic weapon, the head of the Eight Great Vajras also took out a flying magic weapon, and was still pursuing the target who was escaping on the silver-plate flying magic weapon at full speed!

Being able to see the speed of the yellow light was actually slightly better than the silver light in front, which made Du Long feel very depressed!

I originally hoped that with the flying speed of the silver plate, I could be faster than my opponent.

Then slowly taking advantage of the speed, he flew out of the fixed space area first. Now it seems that the plan can never keep up with the changes!

Du Long could only watch helplessly as the yellow light behind him kept getting closer.

The two sides are approaching each other very slowly, and they don't know that they will not meet until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse!

Time keeps passing day by day.

The two rays of silver and yellow light were getting closer and closer, but they were still chasing each other in this airspace. Even the area covered by Du Long's consciousness had not yet flown out!


In the airspace where they were chasing each other, there were many more figures of the Eternal True God, and many of them joined in the pursuit!

More and more Eternal God Kings of the Earth Spirit Clan began to approach the airspace where Du Long fled.

First teleport to the nearest location, and then try to get closer to the opponent by flying.

"Hmph! Do these god-kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe, who do not know how to live or die, think they can surround me with more people?!"

"In that case, let's help the god-kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe and see if they dare to truly confront us!"

Sitting on a silver platter, eating and drinking fine wine and delicacies leisurely while making such a decision.

Du Long adjusted his direction slightly and went straight to meet one of the teams of God Kings from the Earth Spirit Clan.

That's right!

He just doesn't want to easily fight against the eight great Vajra warriors of the Tu Ling Tribe. He is not really afraid of the other Eternal God Kings of the Tu Ling Tribe.

Do these groups of God Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe really regard themselves as drowned dogs that everyone wants to come over and step on? !

Zhen and Du Long of the Eight Great Vajras were chasing and escaping, and they approached each other very slowly.

But now he and one of the God King teams were moving towards each other, and their speed was many times faster than the sum of the two.

Du Long's slight adjustment of direction did not attract the attention of the Earth Spirit Clan God King team. The other party actually rushed towards the Silver Plate Flying Magical Artifact with some extravagance.

Time continues to pass.

The number of the God King team that the Tuling Tribe rushed over was increasing, and they began to surround Du Long from all directions.

Du Long was not worried at all about this, but continued to rush toward the target he had locked before at full speed!

Until one day.

Yinpan and the God King team of the Earth Spirit Clan finally got close to a suitable fighting range.

Du Long finally dodged out of the silver Frisbee, waved the silver Frisbee away, and then approached the opponent at full speed.

Three Overlord Divine Weapons, plus a Xuantian-level sword, were the weapons he used to deal with the Earth Spirit Clan God King's squad.

Du Long did not use the great killing weapon of the Tongtian Divine Stick.

Good steel must be used on the blade to achieve the best effect at critical moments.

Taking it out now feels a bit like overkill, and it can easily arouse the vigilance of the strongest members of the Eight King Kong Team!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Du Long transformed into a fighting form with three heads and a thousand arms. In addition to the four magic weapons that reached the Xuantian level, he also had a large number of ordinary eternal magic weapons in his hands!

He was fully armed and rushed towards the team of the Earth Spirit Clan God King in front!

It was a team of the Earth Spirit Tribe with six Eternal God Kings. The strongest one was a Supreme God King. That was why he dared to lead the team so excitedly to hunt down Du Long!

In the eyes of the vast majority of the God-Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe, no matter how powerful a single combatant is, it is nothing more than reaching the level of the most powerful God-King!

At most, the mysterious man in front of him has four pieces of Xuantian-level magic weapons.

The four Xuantian-level divine weapons are not only a deterrent, but they will also make countless Earth Spirit Clan’s most powerful God-Kings jealous!

The so-called most powerful god king refers to the peak god king who possesses Xuantian level magic weapons.

As long as they can successfully kill the mysterious man in front of them, they can snatch back all four Xuantian-level magic weapons in the opponent's hands.

With such a huge temptation, many of the elite God King teams of the Earth Spirit Clan did not take the fact that the Eight Vajra Warriors were defeated by the other party to heart!

As long as the benefits are large enough, many people will minimize the danger and eventually make extremely crazy and wrong decisions!


"I will be responsible for containing the opponent from the front. You guys will attack from one side and try to hit the opponent's body!"

"In this way, we have a chance to successfully capture it, and all the Xuantian-level divine weapons on the opponent's body will be our spoils!"

The most powerful god king of the Earth Spirit Tribe encouraged his teammates around him in a bewitching tone.

The God Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe, who were originally a little nervous and frightened, all showed excitement in their eyes.

As long as the captain of the most powerful God King is in front, they don't have to worry about being defeated quickly, and they really have a chance to achieve their goals!

From all directions, a large number of teams of Earth Spirit God Kings are approaching.

Everyone is silently watching the war that is about to break out on their side!

Whether it is for huge interests or for their respective face problems.

Their team of God Kings of the Earth Spirit Clan had to bite the bullet and join the battle!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Du Long, who was in combat form with three heads and a thousand arms, directly fought against the first Earth Spirit Clan God King team he encountered!

He did not use combat skills similar to Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond, but used the normal fighting method of three heads and a thousand arms to fight against the six God-Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe with his own strength!

The reason why he did not go all out as soon as the war started was because he wanted to paralyze the minds of many God King teams in the Earth Spirit Tribe.

Only by making them numb and careless can we deal with more of the God King team of the Earth Spirit Tribe in the later stage!

A battle fell into a stalemate. Du Long was fighting fiercely while silently observing the surrounding situation.

It will take a long time to catch up to the head of the Eight Great Vajras!

On the contrary, the other teams of God Kings that were chasing from the same direction as this God King team would be able to get close in a short time!

The main reason why Du Long didn't show off his power was because he wanted to wait for these teams to get closer and then deal with them together!

"Haha! This mysterious man's strength is also average?!"

“I really don’t understand why the eight once-invincible Vajra warriors continue to fail when intercepting their opponents?!”

After confronting Du Long for a while, the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Tribe in front of him immediately became a little distracted.

He actually said such words to his teammates that were obviously mocking the Eight Great Vajra Warriors.

The six earth spirit clan god kings who were fighting fiercely had smiles on their faces when they heard the captain's relaxed words.

Now they only feel that this guy with three heads and a thousand arms in front of them is very difficult to break through the opponent's defense no matter from which direction.

But they don't feel that the other party is very powerful. At least they don't feel too much pressure yet!

Zhen, who was flying over at full speed from a distance, was currently sitting inside the pale yellow flying magic weapon, frowning as he looked at the mysterious man who was surrounded by a team of earth spirit tribes.

He always felt that Du Long was not fighting with all his strength. The other party seemed to be brewing some kind of conspiracy? !

"Sulfur! Don't be careless!"

"This mysterious man has more than just this strength. Be careful, he is secretly harboring evil intentions!"

Zhen, the leader of the Eight Great Vajras, felt that something was wrong with Du Long, and immediately couldn't help shouting to the powerful God King who was fighting.

Faced with Zhen's reminder, the Supreme God King Su was unmoved. He did not want to shake the morale of the army.

"Don't listen to what you are saying. That guy has been the head of the Eight Great Vajras for many years and has long since lost his former vigor!"

"It is said that when he led the team to fight this mysterious man, he would immediately turn around and run away if there was anything wrong!"

"No matter how powerful the team is, if they are timid before fighting, it would be weird if they could win the battle!"

Su could ignore Zhen's reminder, but he had to appease the military morale of his teammates, so he could only secretly send messages to a few of them.

He dared to send messages to his teammates to taunt the eight Vajra warriors.

But he didn't dare to spread those sarcastic words to the other earth spirit tribesmen at the scene, let alone the ears of the head of the Eight Great Vajras.

Clang clang clang. . .

On the surface, the seemingly fierce battle is still going on. On the surface, the six earth spirit god kings seem to have the upper hand, but they have never been able to truly defeat the surrounded mysterious people.

"You guys, please work harder!"

"I'm holding the opponent back from the front. You can think of ways to break through the opponent's defense from the side!"

The strongest god Wang Su, who had been unable to attack for a long time, urged his teammates with some depression.

"Boss!" A teammate immediately complained: "This guy has three heads and thousands of arms. Are you sure you are fighting him head-on?!"

Du Long, who has three heads and six arms, places four Xuantian-level magic weapons in four different directions. No matter which direction he looks at, there is really no priority!

After hearing the complaints from his teammates, Su realized that his teammates were not talking nonsense.

Looking at the mysterious man in front of me from all directions, I really can’t tell where the front is!

"Then what should we do?!" Suan frowned and replied, "If we continue to be unable to attack like this for a long time, several more teams will rush over soon!"

"Do you want to share the loot with the other God King teams?!"

"Boss!" Another teammate said through a message: "You have to work harder to attract the opponent's firepower, and we will have a chance to take advantage of it!"

"That's right!" Another teammate nodded loudly and said, "Only the boss has the Xuantian-level magic weapon in his hand, and can fight against it without worrying about damage to the weapon!"

The members of the God King's team were all there talking to each other through voice transmissions, but there was always nothing they could do against Du Long.

As time went by, one of the relatively close teams of the God Kings of the Earth Spirit Tribe finally arrived first!

Just when Suan and other members of the six-person team showed somewhat complicated expressions on their faces.

Du Long, who had been holding back for so long, finally broke out!


The first thing to activate was the golden cicada in the world inside his body, which directly and indiscriminately activated the power of metal blood coagulation on the surrounding several earth spirit clan god kings!

This power is invisible and colorless, like a magnetic force that radiates in all directions, instantly causing the six eternal god kings surrounding Du Long to fall into a state of sluggishness!

This is a process in which the blood inside the body seems to solidify into ice in an instant!

The six God-Kings of the Earth Spirit Clan were unprepared and the distance between the two sides was extremely close. The impact they suffered was also very shocking!

Du Long, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly moved, and the four Xuantian-level divine weapons in his hands launched attacks one after another, attacking the four Earth Spirit Clan God Kings with all his strength!

Before the four earth spirit god kings could recover from their sluggish state, their earth spirit bodies were blasted by Xuantian-level divine soldiers!

After the successful blow, Du Long was not idle. He waved his hand to put away the four targets whose bodies were exploded, and continued to kill the remaining two targets!


This time he finally used the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, and his whole body instantly turned into a high-speed rotating dragon, heading straight towards the powerful God King who had just regained consciousness to attack!

The opponent had just forcibly recovered from the sluggish state, and his body's coordination had not yet returned to its peak state.

Facing the fatal blow coming from the lightning, he could only barely wave the Xuantian sword in his hand to block it.

It's a pity that he couldn't stop him even in his heyday, let alone in this situation now.

Chi You's poisonous dragon drill violently knocked the Xuantian sword away from the opponent's hand, and then struck hard on Su's earth spirit body.

Facing Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond, which is wielded by a Xuantian-level magic weapon, no matter how strong Su's earth spirit body is, it will only end up being exploded in an instant!


In full view of everyone, the earth spirit body of the mighty god King Su was exploded on the spot.

Then, no matter the body fragments or the soul essence, plus all kinds of trophies, all were taken away by Du Long.

All this is a long story, until the time when the strongest God King Su was exploded, another God King team finally arrived at the scene!

But they saw such a terrifying scene in front of them, with expressions of horror on their faces.

Du Long finally attracted this group of God King squads, so naturally he would not let them go easily and directly dodge and shoot into the crowd.


Jin Chan's special talent attack came again, and it was accompanied by Mo Man's pale green decomposing spores, which quickly spread in the void!

When Jin Chan's natural attack came, the group of earth spirit god kings were disturbed and unable to resist various fatal attacks.

Mo Man's pale green decomposing spores followed closely behind and landed very easily on the numerous Earth Spirit Tribe God-Kings present.

In an instant, the bodies of each Earth Spirit tribe member began to melt rapidly, as if a candle was being melted and decomposed when exposed to high temperatures!

This wasn't over yet, Du Long also used Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill and swept towards the impasse God King of the Earth Spirit Clan!

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