Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3355 Play hard to get

"Golden Chan!"

"Is your body the golden cicada, a golden chaotic creature?!"

"Can you tell us why your body eventually turned into a golden cicada?!"

Seeing that Jin Chan had gradually integrated into his team, Du Long immediately continued to ask while the iron was hot.

"I don't know why I was finally born as a golden cicada!"

"Perhaps, before I was born with memories, a powerful golden cicada passed by me?!"

"Perhaps, there was once a cicada-like creature who practiced beside me, and then the other person's aura was memorized by me?!"

"In short, most of the Five Elements Chaos creatures like us were born into the different forms they have today due to various different reasons!"

Jin Chan answered Du Long's question thoughtfully.

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded: "Brother Jin Chan! You can solidify the metal blood in the bodies of the Earth Spirit Tribe people. What is the status of this ability?!"

"This ability should be an innate ability, right?!" Jin Chan explained very cooperatively: "As for how it is achieved, it is probably difficult to explain clearly!"

"I once heard that there is a snake monster called Medusa. If ordinary people are stared at by it, they will immediately turn into stone statues!"

"Who can really understand how they achieve the ability to petrify ordinary people?!"

"It makes sense!" Du Long nodded in agreement: "Brother Jin Chan's innate ability to solidify metal blood, what level of earth spirit tribe can it solidify the most?!"

"It depends on the situation!" Jin Chan replied in a deep voice: "As long as a certain requirement can be met, even the most powerful God King of the Earth Spirit Clan cannot stop the fate of my solidified metal blood!"

"Specific requirements?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "What specific requirements are they?!"

"This can't be said!" Jin Chan refused to answer the question very simply: "If the Tuling people find out, they will be able to come up with various ways to deal with it!"

"Okay!" Du Long would not force anyone to do anything difficult: "Weaknesses like this kind of innate ability cannot be leaked easily!"

"Actually, the so-called specific requirements are easy to understand. For example, if Medusa wants to turn people to stone as you just gave an example, she needs the other party to dare to look into her eyes in order to achieve a greater effect!"


Jin Chan did not respond, seemingly acquiescing to Du Long's guess.

"Brother Jin Chan!" Du Long saw that the conversation was almost done before he continued: "Are you willing to leave this place with me like Wulin and the other three?!"

"I can guarantee that one day in the future when I return to the Xuantian Chaos World where I grew up, I will definitely take you into the new Xuantian Chaos World with me!"

"When you get there, you can absorb the energy of the source of chaos to your heart's content, and you no longer have to worry about being like in this world, where you don't dare to leave your territory easily!"

"Although I really want to leave with you!" Jin Chan's voice sounded again: "But I will not easily believe your promise. This kind of promise is not worth believing at all!"

"I can understand your distrust!" Du Long replied with a nonchalant smile.

"After all, we have only known each other for a short time. It is simply unrealistic to gain your trust just by chatting a few words!"

"As long as you understand!" Jin Chan responded with a smile: "I just feel a little strange. Ulin and the others are not stupid, but why can they trust you, a foreigner, and be willing to follow you to leave their territory?! "

"Aren't they worried that they will be taken to some world by you, and they won't know what will happen if they are sold by you?"

"Brother Jin Chan is worrying too much!" Du Long immediately explained: "The trusting relationship between us is actually maintained by making soul oaths to each other!"

"As a powerful God King, I don't dare to make a false soul oath to deceive you chaotic creatures!"

"Soul oath?!" Jin Chan replied in a deep voice: "This is a pretty good method, but I don't know what kind of oath agreement you have made for each other?!"

Under Du Long's explanation, Jin Chan quickly learned about the soul oath agreement between them.

"That's it!" Jin Chan smiled in relief and said, "No wonder they are willing to leave with you. Is it because the terms of your soul agreement are too loose?!"

"I don't like to do things that benefit myself at the expense of others!" Du Long said with a smile: "But I hope to develop a friendship with you chaotic creatures on the basis of mutual benefit!"

"Your kind of character is very rare!" Jin Chan said with emotion: "Most of the countless creatures I have seen are extremely egoistic existences!"

"That kind of extremely egoistic guy makes me feel sick just looking at him. I don't even bother to be with him!"

"That's right!" Du Long immediately followed the other person's words and nodded solemnly: "I don't even bother to be with those people. I prefer to be friends with powerful beings. It's normal for friends to help each other!"


The two of them started chatting around this topic again, and the three major chaotic creatures in Du Long's inner world would occasionally chime in with some sweet words.


Du Long also knew enough about Jin Chan that he knew in his heart that no matter how much we talked, it would be difficult to convince him.

In this case, why not play hard to get? !

Now that you think of it, just do it, Du Long said at a suitable opportunity.

"Brother Jin Chan! Since you are not willing to leave with us, then we will not stay here too much!"

"We still need to rush to a very important place to do something. After finishing that thing, I will take Ulin and the three plant-type chaotic creatures to my own Xuantian Chaos World!"

"Farewell. I hope I can have another chat with Brother Jin Chan if I have the opportunity in the future. See you soon!"

After saying these words, Du Long saluted towards the core area of ​​Jin Chan's restricted area, then turned around and flew out!

He did not fly very fast this time, but put his hands behind his back in a leisurely and contented manner.

‘Du Long! Have you decided to give up on Jin Chan? ! Isn't this quite like your character? ! ’ World Tree Wulin asked curiously in the inner world.

'yes! ’ Green Ball’s voice followed closely and said: ‘Shouldn’t you be racking your brains and relying on your sharp tongue to try your best to persuade Jin Chan? ! ’

‘That’s right! ’ Mo Man couldn’t help but say in the end: ‘Just like you did to convince me, you have to use all your skills! ’

Perhaps it was because Du Long retreated so simply this time that the three major plant-type chaotic creatures felt a little surprised.

They had seen Du Long's persuasion ability before, and it took a long time to convince him. It was not like they just chatted for a few words and then backed away this time, right? !

‘Many things require a fate! ’ Although Du Long was secretly cursing Maimaipi in his heart, he replied calmly on the surface: ‘If Jin Chan is unwilling to leave with me, it only means that I have no connection with it! ’

‘After witnessing the great changes in this world, I finally understand that the so-called Xuantian Chaos World, the nearly endless chaotic source energy, is actually not truly infinite! ’

‘That is to say, in the Xuantian chaotic world where I live, the original energy of chaos will one day be exhausted! ’

‘Therefore, every place that enters Xuantian Chaos World will be extremely precious! ’

‘If the other party is willing to believe in us, then we can be friends together and enjoy the chaotic source energy of the new world. ’

‘Otherwise, it can only be regarded as having no connection with each other, or Jin Chan has no connection with the chaotic world of Xuantian where I live! ’

Du Long said it righteously, but he was counting silently in his heart, hoping that Jin Chan could change his mind before he flew out of this restricted area!

to be honest.

When he learned that Jin Chan had the ability to solidify the metal blood in the Earth Spirit Tribe's body, Du Long was particularly interested in its ability!

Compared to Mo Man's method of dealing with the Earth Spirit Tribe, which involves directly decomposing the opponent's body, a large amount of decomposing spores are required.

Then when Jin Chan deals with the Tuling people, he only uses a method of coagulating the opponent's blood, which will save more time and effort!

Relatively speaking, Jin Chan's natural ability to restrain the Earth Spirit Tribe is much better than Mo Man's natural ability!

Whoosh whoosh!

Du Long just flew out "carefully", which was many times slower than when he flew in!

Of course, in order not to arouse Jin Chan's suspicion, he still chose to fly at a speed that was not too slow.

He just kept approaching the edge of Jin Chan's restricted area. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the edge, Jin Chan's voice never sounded again.

This also made Du Long feel a cold feeling in his heart. Could it be that he was too eager to achieve success, and that he was too clever to be clever? !

Or maybe it was because I didn't care about Jin Chan's face and suddenly chose to leave, leaving the other party with no way to borrow money? !

Seeing the edge of Jin Chan's restricted area getting closer and closer, Du Long could only sigh secretly in his heart.

‘That’s all! Although I can occasionally be very thick-faced, at this point, I can only leave here first! ’

‘The worst thing is, after solving the task of the end point coordinates marked on the animal skin paper, we can go back. ’

‘If I have the chance to pass by here again, maybe Jin Chan will change his mind by then? ! ’

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Now that I'm ready to give up.

Du Long subconsciously accelerated his flight speed, preparing to leave the restricted area directly and continue his unfinished journey!

"Du Long! Wait!"

Perhaps because he was stimulated by Du Long's sudden acceleration and his determination to leave, Jin Chan's voice suddenly rang in his mind again.

Du Long's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned his head to look at the core of the penalty area with a surprised look on his face. There was no trace of performance in his expression this time!

The reason is very simple. He was really ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, just when he completely chose to give up, the other party would regret it? !

"Jin, is there anything else going on with Brother Chan?!"

Du Long, who finally reacted, suppressed his inner excitement and asked in as calm a tone as possible.

"Well, after careful consideration, I decided to make a soul oath with you!"

"I hope to get the same loose agreement from Wulin and the others, and follow you to the New Xuantian Chaos World!"

The golden cicada's voice sounded again, and it could be heard that it was acting extremely difficult!

Indeed, it would be very difficult for chaotic creatures like them to make such a decision!

The reason is very simple, that is, once a decision is made, its life and death from now on will be tied to the soul oath guarantee of Du Long, a strange alien race.

"Very good!" Du Long nodded and agreed with a bright smile: "I believe that Wu Lin and the three of them will be very happy, because from now on, they will be able to have one more friend, a powerful gold-type chaotic creature! "

"I'm very happy too!" Jin Chan was provoked by Du Long's flattery again: "It is also an honor for Jin Chan to be able to associate with powerful beings like you!"

Jin Chan, who was originally very arrogant, now that he decided to leave with Du Long and his party, his tone of voice suddenly became very polite!

It has to be said that he, a gold-type chaotic creature, is smarter, since he has chosen to put his own safety in the hands of the other party.

Then he must face reality and establish a good relationship with Du Long, Wulin and others, only in this way can he gain the real recognition of this team!

The subsequent process of making a soul-promising oath, as well as the process of Jin Chan entering the world inside Du Long's body, I won't waste any time describing them one by one.

After successfully fooling Jin Chan away, Du Long teleported away from the star field in front of him with an excited smile!

Because of the experience of being discovered before, he now doesn't dare to wander around this star field arrogantly after taking away the restricted area of ​​Jin Chan!

He needs to stay away from this star field at full speed. At least he must find the problem at the top of the Earth Spirit Clan and send people over to investigate before staying away from this place!

One day not too long after he left, the news of Jin Chan's restricted area disappearing out of thin air finally reached the ears of the top leaders of the Tuling Tribe once again.

This matter reached the ears of the Eight King Kong Teams from the top of the Earth Spirit Tribe, and the Eight King Kong Teams were immediately ordered to rush to this star field to investigate!

to be honest.

The Eight Great King Kongs have been waiting in the star field surrounding Du Long for a long time, but there has been no news of tracking down the target.

When they heard that another metal restricted area disappeared out of thin air, and the top leaders of the Earth Spirit Tribe also analyzed that it was most likely the mysterious person who did it, all the members of the Eight Great Vajras were shocked!

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