Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 120 Meeting in the underworld, reminded by ghosts

The underworld!

At the Entry and Exit Administration Office, there is a reception desk similar to a detention center, where you can temporarily meet the souls of the deceased.

Ye Ting's soul appeared at the reception desk out of thin air, and a ghost officer subconsciously looked up.

Guizhao, who seemed a little careless at first, immediately jumped up and said hello with a big smile after seeing the special mark on Ye Ting's head.

"Welcome to the underworld temporary entry and exit reception desk!"

"May I ask which dead soul this lady is going to meet this time?"

Ye Ting looked at the surroundings with a face full of astonishment. After seeing the ghost's smiling face, the fear in her heart immediately decreased a lot.

"My name is Ye Ting!"

"This time I went to the underworld to see my father who died in a car accident for the last time!"

Ye Ting was a little nervous as she stated her goal for this trip.

"Ms. Ye Ting! Please report your father's name immediately and his detailed address in the world of the underworld!"

"There is a time limit for each Yin trip, so please hurry up!"

The ghost boss asked again.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Ting agreed and hurriedly reported her father's name information: "My father's name is Ye Yuanshan, and his address in the Yangjian Realm is..."

"Found it!" Gui Cha operated his hands quickly in front of the computer for a moment, and immediately replied with a smile: "I have asked people to bring Ye Yuanshan's soul over. Please enter the temporary meeting room No. 1 and wait for a moment!"

"Remember to watch the time and never go overtime to avoid losing your soul..."

The ghost suddenly stopped in the middle of his words.

He obviously thought of Zhang Haotian's identity and knew that the other party was fully capable of personally traveling to the underworld to bring this woman's soul back to the earth!

Ye Ting thanked her and walked into a room marked Meeting Room No. 1.

Just a moment later, a figure was brought in by a ghost officer.

"Dad?!" The moment she saw a familiar figure, Ye Ting cried and rushed to him on the spot: "I'm here to see you!"

Seeing this, Guizhan on the side originally wanted to stop the other party's illegal behavior, but after a second thought, he shook his head and gave up.

He turned around and walked out of the temporary meeting room No. 1 very directly, obviously ready to let the father and daughter talk to each other inside!

"Tingting!" The hugged father was stunned and said with some worry: "You, how did you come here to find dad?!"

Ye Yuanshan, who had recovered his memory from his hazy state, naturally understood that only dead people could come in here. He thought something had happened to his daughter!

"Dad!" Ye Ting hurriedly explained: "I asked an expert to help me, so I was able to go undercover to see you for the last time!"

"Okay dad! Because the time to go to the underworld is limited, Tingting can't stay in the underworld for too long!"

"Don't dwell on this issue anymore, let's have a good chat about business!"

"Okay!" Ye Yuanshan then put aside his worries and looked at his baby daughter lovingly.

"Tingting! Is your mother okay?! Dad can no longer take care of her, so you must take good care of her on his behalf!"

"Mom is fine!" Ye Ting said with red eyes: "Mom just misses dad so much. Her appetite has not been very good these days, and she looks a lot more haggard!"

"Mom asked me to bring you a message, saying that I will be husband and wife with my father again in the next life!"

"I want you to have a good talk with King Yama. Don't be in a hurry to be reincarnated. You must wait for her to enter reincarnation together!"

"Okay!" Ye Yuanshan's eyes turned red: "Go back and tell your mother that I will definitely tell King Yama that I can wait in the underworld for her to enter reincarnation together in a hundred years!"

"Dad!" After talking about what her mother had told her, Ye Ting burst into tears again and said, "Tingting misses you so much!"

"Tingting regrets so much now. She shouldn't have gone to Shanghai to go to college in the first place. Even if she went there, she should have returned to the county to work after graduation, so that she could be by your side more!"

"Silly boy!" Ye Yuanshan sighed helplessly: "Everything is fate. Now that you have chosen, don't regret it!"

"No matter what choice you make, dad will always support you. Remember, dad always wants his baby daughter to live a happy life!"

"Dad!" Ye Ting hugged her father's deceased soul again and said, "Tingting just misses you so much. What should I do?"

"Alas!" Ye Yuanshan sighed again: "Dad misses you too!"

He misses you this time.

That’s not just something I think about after death, but something I miss every day during my lifetime.

It was precisely because while driving, he suddenly and inexplicably thought of his baby daughter that he had not seen for a long time that he accidentally got into a car accident!

Of course, Ye Yuanshan did not dare to tell his daughter about this, because that would only increase the guilt in his daughter's heart.

"Dad! What is your deepest wish?!"

"As long as Tingting can do it, she will definitely go all out to help you do it!"

Finally, Ye Ting said what she wanted to ask most.

What she has been thinking about all the time is that her father left her in such a hurry without even saying his last wish.

"Dad's wish?!" Ye Yuanshan muttered.

"Dad's wish is to see Tingting get married as soon as possible and form a happy family as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Ye Ting immediately nodded and promised, "Then Tingting will find a husband to marry as soon as possible, and then take him and his future children to his father's grave for you to take a look at!"

"Yeah!" Ye Yuanshan replied with a smile: "Tingting, don't be too anxious, you must keep your eyes open and find a good man who loves you!"

"As the saying goes, men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man!"

"Once a woman marries the wrong man, her life will be ruined!"

"Okay!" Ye Ting solemnly nodded her head again and agreed: "Tingting will definitely find a good man who truly loves her, and she will definitely not find those playboys who only have superficial appearances!"


The father and daughter were in the temporary meeting room. It felt like they had only chatted for a few words, and the time was almost at the end of the stick of incense.

In the Yang Realm, in the bedroom of the Ye family.

Seeing that less than one-fifth of the incense sticks were left, Zhang Haotian finally couldn't help but start urging!

"Ye Ting!"

"The time of a stick of incense is coming to an end, why don't you come back to your soul soon!"

The call containing mana rang directly in Ye Ting's ears in the bedroom.

You can see that Mother Ye's face in the room is a little nervous, as if she is afraid that her precious daughter will not wake up.

Then she would be left alone!

Underworld, outside the temporary meeting room.

The two ghost guards who were guarding outside had also heard Zhang Haotian's urging in the Yang Realm, and they opened the door and walked in.

"Both of you!"

"It's almost time for the meeting. Didn't you hear Master Zhang from the Yang Realm urging you to return to your soul?!"

The ghost officer who was responsible for helping find Ye Yuanshan just now urged the father and daughter in a somewhat unkind tone.

"Dad!" Ye Ting pulled her father's arm with a look of reluctance.

"Tingting!" Although Ye Yuanshan was also full of reluctance, he could not harm his daughter: "As long as you are good, dad will have no regrets!"

"Also, remember to take good care of your mother. If possible, you can take her to Magic City, or you can go back to the county to find a job!"

"Tingting will quit her job in Shanghai and come back to take care of her mother. After marrying someone from this county, she can come to the grave to visit her father at any time!" Ye Ting replied hurriedly.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Yuanshan said with tears streaming down his face: "Go back quickly and take good care of your mother!"

"Ye Ting!" Zhang Haotian's soul shouting in the world of the underworld resounded in the meeting room again: "Why don't you come back to your soul quickly!"


This time, Zhang Haotian was no longer polite. He directly raised the peach wood sword in his hand and slapped Ye Ting on the forehead with the blade of the sword!

Ye Ting's soul, which was still reluctant to leave her father, instantly turned into streams of light and dispersed, and was forcibly taken back to the underworld by Zhang Haotian!

A pillar of incense that attracts the soul!

It is a bridge connecting the two realms of Yin and Yang. Once the soul-inducing incense is extinguished, it means that this temporarily established channel is broken!

In that case, Ye Ting would definitely die under normal circumstances.

Only a master like Zhang Haotian, who can travel to the underworld at will, can personally go to the underworld to bring her back.

In a temporary meeting room.

Ye Yuanshan looked at the air with a look of reluctance. Just now he could vaguely see the familiar scene of the bedroom, but it was a pity that he could never go back!

"Let's go!" The ghost officer responsible for bringing him here said: "Ye Yuanshan! It will be your turn to be judged soon!"

"If you want your wish to be supported by the Lord Judge, you'd better mention the fact that my daughter went to meet in secret just now!"

"Especially the name of Master Zhang who sent her away. That might have a greater success rate!"

"Thank you, Master Gui Cha, for reminding me!" Ye Yuanshan was not stupid, and he instantly understood what the other party meant: "May I ask what Master Zhang's last name is?!"

"Zhang Haotian!"

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