Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3324 The Forbidden Land of Death?

Whoosh whoosh!

A powerful man in the late stage of the Undead God-King is constantly making ultra-long-distance teleportations in the gray void and rushing forward.

He is no one else.

Astonishingly, it was Du Long who had borrowed the false identity of a powerful person from the Undead Tribe and was moving at high speed in the territory of the Undead Tribe openly and openly.

While driving at full speed, he also continued to chat with World Tree secretly about various topics.

Through this exchange, he has a deeper understanding of the situation in the other world!

For example: they are plant-like chaotic life forms that are relatively restrained by the undead life forms, so they prefer to live in the undead tribe's territory.

Because of attribute restraint, if the undead tribe wants to deal with the plant-type chaotic life forms with all their strength, they will have to pay a more painful price!

It is precisely because of this that the undead tribe has not dared to make a decisive move to deal with these plant-type chaotic life forms!

Anyway, it's just a plant-based life form that occupies a very small area within the territory of its own ethnic group. Why not be happy if the two sides can maintain a state of peaceful coexistence? !

In addition, the undead people will not let other forces that restrain the plant-type chaotic life form enter their territory to deal with those plant-type chaotic life forms.

the reason is simple.

That is, since I cannot obtain the resource benefits of plant-type chaotic creatures, naturally I will not allow other forces to obtain them!

In this foreign world with only a dozen major forces left, any improvement in the strength of the foreign race may threaten the safety of our own race!

Unless the two parties reach some kind of resource sharing deal, other forces will never be allowed to go to their own territory to obtain resources. "Du Long!" After the World Tree chatted with Du Long for a long time, he finally said solemnly: "If you continue to move in this direction, you will inevitably encounter an interception from the Ice Tribe and the Undead Tribe!"

"Oh?!" Du Long said slightly puzzled: "Will the two groups still unite to deal with me?!"

"It's very possible!" World Tree agreed in a deep voice: "It's not that the relationship between them is that close, but because the Undead Tribe must give the Ice Tribe an explanation!"

"In contrast, handing you over to the Ice Tribe to prevent the death of several Ice Tribe Eternal God Kings in the Undead Tribe's territory is definitely the best choice!"

"I understand!" Du Long replied in a deep voice: "I wonder if Brother Wulin has any better way to deal with it?!"

"Do you have to move in that direction?!" World Tree asked solemnly: "Can't you change the direction and go somewhere else?!"

"What's the point of going somewhere else?!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "My main goal in venturing into this different world this time is to find the predecessors of my clan who entered this world, and the second is to find the right people in this world. Treasures with restraint effects for all races!”

"Is it a treasure like the Naraka Time and Space Storm Ball you obtained before?!" World Tree sighed helplessly: "But that kind of treasure is still too rare after all!"

During the chat along the way, Du Long also told the world tree the secret of how he obtained Naraka!

The other party has now entered the world inside his own body, and he is not worried that the other party will leak his secrets.

the reason is simple.

Now, they are like grasshoppers tied on the same rope. They are both prosperous and disadvantaged!

Unless World Tree wanted to seek death, he would never dare to assassinate Du Long behind his back!

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and said with a faint smile: "You can find the best one, but if you really can't find it, there is no loss!"

"What's more, haven't I successfully obtained the treasure to restrain the Ice Clan?! The final result of this trip to another world is already a sure win!"

"But!" The World Tree replied solemnly: "Are you going to know that a trap has been set in front of you, but you still want to plunge into it and die?!"

"What else can I do if I don't rush over?!" Du Long replied helplessly: "I have to rush to that target location. At most, I can take a long detour along the way!"

"Yes!" World Tree nodded and replied: "The detour is for sure. Before that, I will take you to two places where there are suspected super treasures to restrain the undead!"

"Really?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "As long as Brother Wulin can help find treasures to restrain the undead tribe, if there is a chance to seize the origin of the god-king soul again, I am willing to use some to make it. For reward!”

"make a deal!"

World Tree happily agreed, and immediately simulated a detailed star map of the undead tribe's territory into Du Long's inner world.

It has marked the two suspected points in the star map. One of them is relatively close, and the other needs to go around a longer distance.

Du Long directly found the direction and rushed towards the coordinate point that was relatively close.

At this point, his originally straight forward direction changed, and this was the main reason why Du Long was willing to spend so much time and energy convincing World Tree to follow him to the Xuantian Chaos World!

That's right!

There is only a chaotic creature who is familiar with the current world.

Only then can you avoid many detours during the subsequent adventures and avoid some dangers you don't know about!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Du Long changed direction midway, but the combined team of the Ice Clan and the Undead Clan had no idea and were still waiting silently in a war zone directly ahead.

Their action plan is very simple, that is, after discovering the target, immediately activate the forbidden air formation, so that the target will be trapped in a situation where it can only move forward by normal flight.

In that case, they can surround the target as quickly as possible through the cooperation of the forbidden air formation.

But the joint team of the two races.

One of them didn't know that Du Long possessed the Xuantian Mirror, which could help him break through the large-scale forbidden air formation and directly tear open the forbidden void to teleport away remotely.

Secondly, he didn't know that Du Long had already changed his direction in advance under the warning of the World Tree, and was not in a hurry to leave the Undead clan's territory. Instead, he wanted to find restraint treasures to restrain the clan in the Undead clan's territory? !


After decades of traveling, Du Long finally arrived at the first suspicious target, which was called the Forbidden Land of Death according to the mark of the World Tree!

That's right!

There are various restricted areas in the foreign world, but most of them have some more targeted names.

The forbidden area in front of us is simply called the death forbidden area. The meaning behind this is not simple at all!

All in all, there is definitely a certain reason why this place will be marked as a suspicious place by the World Tree.

"Is this the forbidden area of ​​death?!" Du Long looked at the pale green airspace in front of him, which was tens of thousands of light-years in diameter: "Why does it feel like another plant-based forbidden area?!"

"The plant system itself can restrain the undead, can't it be used to create a treasure weapon that can restrain the undead?!" The World Tree replied with a smile.

"That's true!"

Du Long agreed, immediately dodged and rushed into the dark green forbidden area of ​​death.

There is an airspace of tens of thousands of light-years, and he is not in a hurry to quickly travel to the deepest part. He can just fly in slowly.

"Brother Wulin!" Du Long asked the World Tree secretly as he flew inside: "You can also sense this kind of green energy. I wonder if you can find out what kind of material it is?!"

"Okay!" World Tree replied with a smile: "I have already begun to analyze this light green substance!"

As the saying goes, people of the same species understand each other best, so it would be best to let World Tree detect and explore this green substance.

"Brother Wulin!" While waiting for the test results, Du Long continued to ask: "Why do you suspect that there is a treasure inside this place that can restrain the undead?!"

"It's very simple!" The World Tree replied directly: "Because according to legend, there are no living plant-type chaotic creatures in this place. In this case, it should be a treasure!"

"After all, under normal circumstances, even a plant-type chaotic creature like me at its peak state cannot have a fatal restraint effect on the entire undead tribe. At most, it can only restrain part of the opponent's power!"

"Only a treasure like Naraka can be used by a powerful person like you, who is at the peak of the Eternal God King, to achieve an effect of 1+1 greater than 2!"

"It makes sense!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly, and then he said with some confusion: "The Ice Clan attaches great importance to Naraka, so they specially set up heavy defenses outside the Naraka restricted area!"

"If there is a treasure here that can restrain the undead tribe, why can't we see any powerful god king guarding the undead tribe outside?!"

While looking forward to it, Du Long also had new questions.

"It's very simple!" World Tree agreed again: "The key reason why Naraka attracted the attention of the Ice Tribe is because Naraka once caused great harm and destruction to the Ice Tribe!"

"If there is a treasure left here that can restrain the undead tribe, it has not been used against the undead tribe and has not caused fatal damage and harm to them!"

"Then why should the undead clan pay attention to what it is? And why should they send heavy troops to guard this place?!"

"It makes sense!" Du Long agreed again and replied: "There is another possibility, that is, the way the Ice Tribe guards the Naraka restricted area will make people feel that there is no silver in this place!"

"On the contrary, the Undead tribe's approach is smarter. There are endless restricted areas within the Undead tribe's territory. Even if there are foreign enemies who want to find treasures to restrain them, they are probably powerless, right?!"

"That's right!" World Tree replied with a smile: "I can't guarantee that there will be treasures to restrain the undead in this restricted area!"

"To be honest, the Undead Clan's approach of not sending powerful men to guard the restricted area is indeed much smarter than the Ice Clan's!"

In this way, Du Long and World Tree chatted and hurried on, constantly flying into the depths of the Death Forbidden Land.

Time keeps passing day after day.

According to Du Long's flying speed, it would take at least two or three months to fly to the center of this restricted area.

After a month of progress, the test results of World Tree finally came out.

"Du Long! Good news!" World Tree said excitedly.

"Through my recent full-scale testing, the green energy floating inside this forbidden area of ​​death is the most deadly poison to the undead people!"

"The deadliest toxin?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly: "Could it be that there is a treasure inside that will continuously emit toxins?!"

"But no matter how deadly this poison is, if a powerful person from the undead clan releases the power of the world, it will not be able to harm the opponent even if it is shielded from the body!"

"There are more than just gaseous toxins!" World Tree said with full experience.

"Deadly toxins can also be smeared on some weapons. The powerful undead people can shield the poisonous gas from outside, but they can't also shield the weapons that hit the body, right?!"

"It makes sense!" Du Long said with eyes widened in excitement: "As long as it is an extremely deadly poison compared to the undead tribe, it is not bad!"

When looking for a treasure to restrain a super powerful force.

Du Long never thought that he could easily completely destroy an entire super force through a certain treasure.

Just like the Naraka space-time storm ball, it also needs to be closer to the Ice Tribe people, the more lethal it will be. Once the opponent finds out that something is wrong and retreats far away, it may not be able to harm the powerful strong men of the Ice Tribe. They!

All in all, each thing has the nature of mutual restraint and also has certain methods of defense.

"Yes!" World Tree also said with some excitement: "No wonder the undead tribe has listed this place as a forbidden place of death!"

"The entire Death Forbidden Land and the tens of thousands of light-years are covered with this deadly toxin. If they accidentally get contaminated with just a little bit, it will be fatal!"

While the two were chatting excitedly.

Du Long flew at full speed and finally arrived at the center of the forbidden land, and then saw the origin of the entire forbidden land!

It was something like a green planet. Flowers, plants and trees were spread all over the surface of the planet, and a large number of birds and animals could be seen living freely on it.

After seeing this green living planet, Du Long and the World Tree were all dumbfounded.

Do you think the so-called forbidden land of death in the eyes of the undead is actually a living planet full of infinite vitality? !

With such a huge doubt in his heart, Du Long continued to fly towards the green life planet.

As early as after entering the forbidden area of ​​​​death, Du Long returned to his normal flesh and blood body and did not suffer any danger.

"Brother Wulin!" Du Long asked while flying towards the green life planet: "Can you detect where the green energy comes from on this planet?!"

Du Long didn't think that the reason why the undead tribe didn't dare to come in was just the green living planet in front of him.

Even if the undead tribe doesn't dare to come in, why don't other tribes like the Ice Tribe dare to come in? !

If the Ice Tribe and the like can enter this place safely, then the other party can easily destroy this green planet, or take it away!

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