Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3321 Flower Fairy Queen

Inside the eternal Xumi Xuantian world.

This is the inner world of Dulong Xumi's creation clone!

The world of Xumi, which can reach Xuantian's creation level, is definitely a vast and boundless existence.

In order to cope with the possibility of another civilization-destroying war, Du Long divided his relatives and friends into three parts, and each of the three creation clones took one part of them.

The so-called three parts are actually the result of each relative and friend transforming into the Three Pure Ones.

In other words, in the inner world of every creation avatar, there are original avatars of every relative and friend living.

Inside the eternal Xumi Xuantian world.

On the huge sacred mountain of Sumeru, most of these relatives and friends live at the moment.

There are also some relatives and friends who have gone to travel to different life planets in the world. Only those who don't like to travel will stay at the location of Mount Sumeru.

It is also on top of the Sumeru Mountain, and on the surface it looks like a combination of nine small golden mountains.

But the size of each small Jinshan Mountain is not much smaller than the outside world of Jinshan Mountain. There is no need to elaborate on the size of the Sumeru Mountain, which is composed of nine small Sumeru Mountains.

Looking from a distance, there are nine sacred mountains of Sumeru shining with golden light.

People living inside feel like they are living in an eternal divine realm. On the top of the center of the nine golden mountains is where many relatives and friends gather.

There is a city there that is similar to the Holy City of the Lord of Jinshan, and there is also a spectacular building similar to a temple inside. However, this is not a temple on Mount Sumeru, it is just one of the many palaces of Sumeru's creation clone!

At this moment, inside this palace that is as magnificent as the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, there lives a group of extremely beautiful special ethnic groups - the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan!

That's right!

They are the other palace where Hua Xiang'er lives among Du Long's many beauties.

In the other palace where she lives, in addition to a large number of flower fairies who have been able to transform into human forms, there are also many flower fairies who have not been able to transform.

Those flower fairies who have not been able to transform are actually flower seedlings planted in the ground, but these flower seedlings can speak and possess a certain amount of wisdom.

They grow in the soil, but they often like to laugh and chat there. Their only goal is to grow up and transform into human form as soon as possible, so that they can walk freely on the ground.


The growth rate of the people of the Flower Fairy Spirit Tribe is very slow. It takes endless years for each flower seedling to grow up.

Before they grow up, they will naturally become an extremely beautiful scenery in this land!

"Xiang'er!" Hua Xiang'er, who was living carefree in this palace, suddenly heard Du Long's voice: "I have prepared something good for you!"

"Good stuff?!" Hua Xiang'er's eyes lit up slightly, and she looked at Du Long's cell origin clone beside her and said, "Does your husband want to give Xiang'er an unexpected surprise?!"

"Well!" Du Long turned his hand and took out a green fruit and said, "Have you seen this fruit?! It can realize the dream you most want to realize!"

"What is the dream I most want to realize?!" Hua Xiang'er asked in confusion.

Obviously, even she herself didn't know what her dream was, which was enough to show how happy and comfortable her little life was under Du Long's perfect protection.

"Idiot!" Du Long couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch her nose and said with a smile: "Isn't your dream all along, not to go to bed after eating and drinking every day, and then to be able to quickly break through and reach the realm of the eternal true god? !”

"Do I have such a dream?!" Hua Xiang'er said still a little confused: "I never dared to think that I could break through and become the eternal true god, right?!"

"Is this the point?!" Du Long rolled his eyes and said, "The point is that now there is a similar opportunity in front of you. Aren't you happy and looking forward to it?!"

"If there is such an opportunity, let it be given to other sisters! If I am so lazy, I will only waste such a rare opportunity, right?!" Hua Xiang'er muttered with great self-knowledge.

"What a pity!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "This opportunity is only suitable for people like you who are born with the wood element. Other people with different physiques have no chance of this opportunity!"

"Xiang'er! Don't you want to create an eternal Xuantian world of pure wood by yourself?!"

"Then let the Flower Fairy Spirits thrive freely in that world?! Then you can become the god of countless Flower Fairy Spirits in that pure wood Xuantian world!"

Sensing Hua Xiang'er's lack of interest, Du Long could only helplessly tease her.

"But, don't I already have an eternal world provided by my husband, and countless life planets suitable for the growth of the Flower Fairy Spirit Tribe?!"

"Why should I create one myself?!" Hua Xiang'er still replied lazily.

"That's different!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "After all, my husband's three origin clones are not the pure wood Xuantian world in the true sense, and their help to the Huaxianling tribe is very limited!"

His words were half true and half false, mainly because he wanted to seduce Hua Xiang'er into accepting his suggestion.

Du Long felt very depressed in his heart. As long as he was willing to take advantage of such an opportunity that could quickly achieve eternity, countless forces would definitely fight over it.

But now that she was standing in front of Hua Xiang'er, she was still trying to push back and forth? !

"Stop hesitating!" Du Long saw that she was still hesitating, and immediately pushed the fruit into her arms and said: "My husband has a total of nine of these sacred trees in his hand. Anyway, your three You only need to take at least one of the Great Source Clone!"

"Okay then!" Only then did Hua Xiang'er accept the fruit and said, "Xiang'er, thank you husband!"

"What does the family say to say thank you?!" Du Long deliberately said with a straight face: "Hurry up and eat this sacred tree fruit. My husband wants to see if he has been deceived!"

"Ah?!" Hua Xiang'er screamed on the spot: "Husband, are you using me as a test subject?! Aren't you afraid that poison will harm Xiang'er?!"

"Poison won't do it!" Du Long shook his head and replied with a smile: "As a powerful and powerful person at the peak of the Eternal God King, if I can't even detect whether there is poison, it will be the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

In this way, under Du Long's face-to-face supervision, Hua Xiang'er finally ate up a sacred tree fruit.

Judging from the way she was eating a large piece of food, one could imagine that the taste of the Shenmu Dao Fruit was absolutely very good. Du Long even wanted to taste one of the Shenmu Dao Fruit himself.

Of course, he can still control this kind of verbal desire, and he can still withstand the temptation of a mere wood spiritual fruit.

"Husband!" After eating a whole sacred tree fruit into her stomach, Hua Xiang'er blinked her big beautiful eyes and said, "You must have been deceived, right?!"

"Although the Shenmu Dao Fruit just tastes very good, it's a pity that it has no effect at all after eating it!"

"It has no effect at all?!" At this time, Du Long also began to wonder if he had been deceived by the plant life: "Are there any special conditions needed to trigger it?!"

"Wait a minute!" Hua Xiang'er suddenly waved her hand and said, "I suddenly feel a little sleepy, I can't stand it anymore! I have to take a nap right away!"

As soon as she finished speaking, under Du Long's dumbfounded gaze, she lay down directly on the Xiangfei couch in the garden and fell asleep.

Du Long was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the effect of the Shenmu Dao Fruit should have appeared.

Looking at the lovely Hua Xiang'er who was sleeping soundly, he waved his hand and changed the flow of time in this palace, making the flow of time here reach the limit of a million times.

Immediately afterwards, he silently guarded Xiang Fei's bed, quietly exploring various subtle changes in Hua Xiang'er's body.

Hua Xiang'er's body gradually became hazy, and then an incredible scene appeared.

A cocoon gradually formed on Hua Xiang'er's body. Under the detection of Du Long's spiritual consciousness, the Hua Xiang'er inside the cocoon quickly transformed into a seed? !

That's right!

Hua Xiang'er, who had finally transformed into a human form for endless years, actually turned back into a seed like this? !

This scene made Du Long dumbfounded. Could it be that he was going to plant his confidante back into the ground so that she could continue to grow and thrive? !

Does Hua Xiang'er have to grow up from a small seedling all over again, like the countless flower fairy tribesmen in the garden? !

With so many thoughts on my mind, time keeps passing by.

Under the acceleration of time a million times, the seeds in the cocoon became more and more solid, until finally they broke out of the cocoon.

However, what emerged from the cocoon was not a butterfly, but a crystal clear seed.

Gradually, the seed began to germinate, and then began to grow roots. The roots spread from the Xiangfei couch to the surrounding garden soil.

After there is a supply of nutrients from the soil.

This flower seedling growing on Xiang Fei's couch finally sprouted from the ground and quickly grew into a flower-flavored king!

Countless flower fairies in the garden.

As if facing the real queen of her clan, she actually started to worship this flower fairy seedling continuously!

Du Long did not interfere with this change and allowed the flower seedlings to continue to thrive there, growing and growing into a huge flower seedling that stood tall on the sky and on the ground.

During this process, the giant flower seedling did not speak during the whole process, and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep and never woke up.

With time accelerating a million times, time continues to pass year after year.

Du Long, who was rushing in the outside world at full speed, naturally also knew the strange changes that his confidante Hua Xiang'er had after taking the sacred tree fruit, but he did not stop because of this.

Even if there is something wrong with this sacred tree Dao Fruit, he will go back to the plant life in the Soul-Eating Forbidden Zone to settle the score when he returns in the future!

Real time continues to pass for hundreds of years, and the huge flower fairy with time accelerating a million times, after growing to the size of a small golden mountain, finally stopped growing and became another magnificent scenery on Mount Sumeru. .

Many of Du Long's relatives and friends finally discovered this unusual situation, and they only found out what happened after asking Du Long.

Everyone was envious that Hua Xiang'er had such an opportunity, and they were also amazed by the terrifying effect of the sacred tree Tao Fruit.

"Husband!" Qin Huofeng asked Du Long beside him with some worry: "Why hasn't Sister Xiang'er woke up yet?! Will something happen to her if she continues to grow like this?!"

"Don't worry!" Du Long shook his head and replied with a smile: "From the time she took the sacred tree fruit to now, at least the whole thing is developing in a good direction!"

"I believe that as long as she is given long enough time, she should be able to grow into an eternal true god-level flower fragrance spirit!"

"At that time, she will be the true queen of the entire Flower Fairy Spirit Clan, and the entire bloodline of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan will also be improved and evolved because of her!"

Everyone else heard Du Long's explanation, and the worried expressions on their faces dissipated a lot.

"Husband!" One of the many confidants in the crowd, the goddess Athena, who is known for her wisdom, said: "The Sumeru Mountain can only provide sufficient body nutrients, but it is not suitable to enhance the soul energy of sister Xiang'er!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly. He had obviously understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Any intelligent life form, in addition to physical energy needs to be improved, soul energy is also indispensable.

He is now cultivating a plant-based intelligent life. As Athena said, there is absolutely no problem with body energy, but this soul energy can't be absorbed from himself, right? !

He immediately thought that there were two soul origin captives at the level of god kings, one was the Eternal God King Kuan of the Ice Tribe, and the other was Azuda, the God King of the Dark Tribe.

Now that he thought of it, he did it. Du Long's mind immediately sank into the nine-story pagoda, and he began to have a good talk about life and ideals with Kuan of the Ice Tribe.

After some friendly negotiations, both soft and hard, the other party finally obediently presented a ball of soul origin that had reached the early stage of the Eternal True God.

This is an extremely pure soul source, and there is absolutely no main consciousness of the other party inside, otherwise it would be easily detected by Du Long.

After getting this ball of divine soul energy, Du Long directly sent it to the roots of the huge flower seedling.

I only saw that the pure soul source had just touched the roots and was completely absorbed in an instant. It is not difficult to see from it that the floral fragrance of the sacred tree fruit has obviously possessed the characteristics of the other party's liking to eat the soul source energy? !

As the origin of the soul was swallowed up, the flower fairy seedlings that had stopped growing began to grow faster again.

But this time it was not Hua Miao's body that grew, but the soul aura in her body began to become more and more intense.

It's like Hua Xiang'er is slowly waking up from a deep sleep? !


"It was so comfortable to sleep this time!"

In front of everyone, Hua Xiang'er's familiar voice suddenly sounded, and the tightly closed flower bag on the top of the huge flower seedling could be seen slowly opening.

"Where is this?! Why did I sleep on the mountain?!"

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