Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3315 Successfully recognized the master

Woo Peng! Woo Peng! Woo Peng!

Deep in the dark hole, bursts of whistle-like whistles kept coming from Du Long's ears.

Along with the screams of these whistles, energy containing space-time oscillations is constantly spurting out from the depths of the holes.

Fortunately, he possesses the cultivation level of the Eternal God King at the peak level, otherwise he would probably be ejected directly into outer space by the eruption power of this space-time shock!

If the physique of the Ice Clan was inside such a hole, it would definitely be shaken to the point where not even the dregs would be left!

In this way, Du Long forcibly resisted the terrifying oscillations of time and space, and flowed back toward the source of the power of time and space.

After going retrograde for who knows how long, he finally came to a corner inside the abyss of holes. He could see that the interior of these holes was not a straight line.

Du Long continued to turn the corner, going against the path of the space-time shock wave, and kept rushing forward in a retrograde direction.

Going all the way against the current, along a dark passage with twists and turns, rushing deep into the ground.

At this time, Du Long could no longer see the surrounding things clearly with his naked eyes, and could only detect a very small range of situations through his spiritual consciousness.

There is also the ability to sense the surge of the power of time and space, so he only needs to keep swimming against the current.

Going all the way against the current, I tried to remember the routes I took along the way, secretly studying the strange functions of these routes with numerous distractions.

He could feel that the oscillations of space and time ejected from the interior of the planet must be inseparable from the changes in the routes of these tunnels!

Maybe I can get some useful information from it, and maybe I can create such a space-time oscillation weapon in the future.

As the time goes.

He began to go deeper and deeper into the underground, and in Du Long's mind he also sketched a virtual 3D map of his advanced route!

That's right!

After his cultivation reached the peak of the Eternal God King, he was able to remember his advanced azimuth and angle route, and then simulate an identical 3D route map in his mind.

Such a simulation was very necessary. He found that he was already inside the planet, spiraling around the planet many times.

The circle he turns becomes smaller as he goes to the back, but it also means that he is getting closer and closer to the core of the planet!

No matter how long this spiral route was, he finally entered the core of the planet against the current and saw a point of light finally appearing at the end of the dark passage!

As he got closer and closer to the light spot, he finally discovered that it was an exit leading to a huge cave.

Du Long quickly arrived at the exit, and then he saw a picture that shocked him, a powerful person at the peak of the Eternal God King!

It was a huge round hole with a radius as large as the earth. There was a heart the size of the moon suspended out of thin air in the hole? !

That's right!

Du Long could only describe this behemoth as a heart, because the spherical object, which was as big as the moon, was beating regularly like a heart!

Every time it shrinks to the extreme, it will form a space-time shock storm after expanding, spurting out towards countless small holes in all directions of the huge cave.

And the cave entrance where Du Long was standing was also one of them!

Woo Peng! Woo Peng! Woo Peng!

The huge cave is like a perpetual motion machine, constantly repeating the same work!

The heart-like sphere was constantly creating space-time shock storms, making the entire underground cave feel particularly weird.

Du Long ducked into the huge cave and slowly approached the sphere that was the size of the moon.

He could feel that this huge sphere did not reject his appearance and was still beating endlessly there.

Du Long seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was distracted a million times and was carefully analyzing the scene he saw in front of him.

He now needs to find a way to subdue this huge 'heart'. At the same time, he is also studying the laws of the huge 'heart' that keeps beating and then releases the vibrations and fluctuations of space and time!

The first thing Du Long thought of was to shed blood to identify the master. Yes, the method was that simple. He threw a large ball of blood on the huge 'heart' to see if he could directly identify the master.

However, after waiting for a long time without any movement after bleeding, he knew that this method failed again.

Immediately afterwards, he began to try various different methods, but he still ended in failure again and again!

It wasn't until he tried almost all the methods he knew that he felt he had given up. The normal methods of identifying the master were simply ineffective against this huge 'heart'!

So he had no choice but to give up the conventional methods of identifying his master, and instead sat cross-legged on the surface of the huge heart, letting his body beat with the beating of the heart!

He is like a stubborn stone on the surface of a huge 'heart', sitting quietly on it and unwilling to come down again.

Time began to pass day by day.

Du Long was distracted for billions of times, studying the laws of heart beating, and studying the laws of space-time oscillations that emerge when the heart beats!

He needs to conduct in-depth observation and research on some rules that seem to have little effect on the surface, and then try to find some useful rules from them!

Du Long gradually changed from being eager to conquer the huge 'heart' at the beginning, to calming down and letting himself merge into the beating of the heart.

Whether it is his body or soul, plus the fluctuations and changes in power within his body, they gradually maintain the same frequency as possible with that huge 'heart'.

This process is extremely complicated. He needs to analyze countless different changes, and then try his best to completely integrate them with each other!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years passed quietly through the fingers.

At this time, Dulong was like a real stubborn stone on the surface of a huge 'heart', as if it had completely taken root and grown on the surface of a sphere as huge as the moon!

If no one deliberately looked carefully, I'm afraid they would never be able to discover his existence. His whole person seemed to be completely integrated into the huge 'heart'? !

Woo Peng! Woo Peng! Woo Peng!

The huge heart is like a perpetual motion machine, beating day after day, year after year.

Whenever the sound of "Woo" sounds, it is the process of rapid contraction of the huge "heart"!

On the contrary, when the "peng" sound is heard, it is the process of the huge heart suddenly expanding and getting bigger!

At a certain moment, when the whine sounded again and the huge heart suddenly contracted, Du Long, who was still sitting there, suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

It was as if he was sucked into a space-time shock wave inside the huge 'heart', and instantly entered a strange cave space inside the huge 'heart'.

This is also a circular cave, only about a few dozen meters in diameter. There is also another beating little 'heart' suspended in the air? !

Compared to the huge 'heart' that is the size of the moon outside, this 'heart' is only less than one meter in size. There is nothing wrong with describing it as a small heart!

Du Long had been completely awakened when he was sucked into this space, and his eyes suddenly lit up after seeing the scene here.

He couldn't wait to rush to the little 'heart', and then swayed out a ball of bright red blood again, hoping to completely claim the owner of this smaller heart.

A ball of at least hundreds of milliliters of blood was scattered on the surface of the heart, and was absorbed by the little 'heart' in an instant. The little 'heart', which was originally slightly dull, immediately bloomed with a bright red light.

This little 'heart' lit up like a red light bulb, and an extremely complex information poured into Du Long's mind!

At that moment, he felt that he had a blood connection with the little 'heart', and at the same time he also received a large amount of information transmitted into his mind by the other party.

In these memories, there are not only methods of controlling this 'strange planet', but also some explanations about the true origin of this 'strange planet'.

After quickly receiving all the information, Du Long finally had a deeper understanding of the 'strange planet' in front of him!

The so-called 'strange planet' is actually just a super magic weapon.

That's right!

It is a magic weapon that returns to its true size after losing control of its owner, except that its true size is larger!

This magic weapon is called Nalaka Space-time Storm Ball. As the name suggests, its main function is to create special space-time storms.

The space-time storm it creates is very different from the Xuantian storm released by the Xuantian Mirror.

Naraka space-time storm ball.

After the space-time oscillations are precisely amplified through special internal structures, they can cause extremely fatal damage to certain special beings!

The main purpose of creating this super magic weapon is to deal with the Ice Clan!

However, any super magic weapon will have corresponding weaknesses.

The Ice Tribe suffered heavy losses when facing this super magic weapon.

In the end, I had to use some kind of conspiracy to lure the owner of this super magic weapon out, and then kill him before the other party could take out the magic weapon!

The death of the master of the treasure caused it to become an ownerless thing, and finally transformed into its real size and suspended in a certain airspace.

The Ice Clan tried countless ways.

He wanted to take possession of this space-time storm ball magic weapon, but unfortunately all methods failed in the end.

Ever since.

The Ice Clan began to try to destroy this super magic weapon with all their strength. Dozens or hundreds of powerful men at the level of the Eternal God King of the Ice Clan joined forces to launch a full blow, wanting to completely destroy it from the void!

Dozens or hundreds of powerful men at the level of the Eternal God King join forces to strike with all their might, and even time and space may be shattered.

However, this Nalaka space-time storm ball will only be bombarded and thrown a long distance at most. Even if it is bombarded into a space-time rift, it will still appear intact somewhere in this different world!

There is really nothing the Ice Clan can do with it!

Instead of blasting it out of the Ice Tribe's territory, it would eventually fall into the hands of an unknown enemy.

Why not let it exist within the territory of the Ice Clan, and then send a powerful person from the God King Realm to take care of it? !

after all.

A super magic weapon like this, which has extremely terrifying lethality against the Ice Clan, can only be reassured if it is placed under one's nose.

Ever since, the void around this Naraka space-time storm ball has been designated as a private territory that prohibits any living being from entering!

This matter was also deliberately hidden by the Ice Clan, and there was not a single word related to the Nalaka restricted area in any classics.

Du Long was able to learn about the existence of the Naraka restricted area from the mysterious strongman behind the fireball inside the restricted area, and then he was so lucky that he 'passed' this airspace. This can only be described as a coincidence.


Inside the cave, Du Long watched the origin of the Nalaka space-time storm ball as if playing a movie in his mind.

A lot of the information is some video footage witnessed and recorded by the Naraka Spacetime Storm Sphere, not any written information.

But even so, he still saw many scenes from the video after Nalaka was created.

There are also scenes of how Nalaka's former owner used this super treasure to defeat the Ice Clan, abandoning their armor and fleeing continuously.


With the death of Nalaka's former master, the tribe he led was finally defeated by the powerful Ice Clan, and there is no information that it was completely destroyed by the Ice Clan, because Nalaka has been left in this airspace forever!


"From now on, I am your new master. I can take you on adventures together. You no longer have to be trapped here and cannot move!"

After Du Long successfully mastered how to control the Naraka space-time storm ball, he subconsciously murmured to himself.

Naraka's heart seemed to be beating much faster, and it seemed to be responding to Du Long's words in this way.

Even though it is a super terrifying mass murder weapon, it still does not have too profound wisdom.

This may be related to the fact that after it was created, it did not stay with the previous owner for too long and the previous owner died, right? !

The weapon spirit inside a super magic weapon like this can only continuously improve its intelligence level after following its owner for a long time. It does not possess high wisdom as soon as it is created!


"Now let's take a look to see if there is the spiritual consciousness of the strong Ice Tribe people in the airspace outside you!"

Du Long stared at the big killer weapon in front of him with bright eyes, and began to completely integrate his mind into the entire Naraka space-time storm ball.

In this way, he seemed to be this space-time storm ball, and all the images that Laka could see and perceive fell into his eyes!

That's right!

Now he is Nalaka, who can clearly see the starry sky outside the restricted area, and can also sense whether there is a powerful divine king of the Ice Tribe covering this airspace!

Du Long is not in a hurry to leave, but is waiting for a suitable opportunity!

As long as he waits for the right opportunity, he will take the Laka Storm Ball and leave this star field quietly!

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