Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 347 Gravity Test

"I will give you a brief introduction here. In a moment, all of you will enter four major areas to be tested. Each test will be worth one hundred points. In other words, the maximum score is four hundred points!"

"Everyone, please look at the ground again. That's right! These are the legendary formations. Not only can they control everything in the War Soul Cave, but they can also feed back a lot of information inside so that everyone in the Immortal League Square can see it. Check out your score!"

"Okay! You will know exactly how to test and get higher scores after you go in for the test. Now we will start testing in batches. Each area can only test two hundred people at the same time. Therefore, you will be separated. Conduct tests in four areas at the same time. After the test is completed, immediately change areas for the next test!"

"Now I am starting to read the list of test members in the power area. All the people whose names are read can just go to the power area and choose a room with no golden light on the top of the door to go in!"

After Yi Chentaotao introduced the subject incessantly, he began to read out the list of the first batch of people to be tested. Soon, the people whose names were read out all headed towards the force area. Everyone was curious and wanted to find out quickly. What is this kind of test all about!

"Du Long, Qin Huofeng, Xia Qinglian..." Du Long and others were actually on the list of the first batch of tests, and followed the other named people towards the power area.

Stepping into the entrance of the force area and walking inside, you can see golden light shining on the stone doors. Obviously, these golden light-lit secret rooms are occupied by people.

Continuing to go inside, Du Long and others soon found secret rooms with wide open doors and no golden light on the top of the cave. After saying hello to each other, they entered these secret rooms one by one!

Kaka. . .

As soon as Du Long stepped through the door, the stone door behind him made a mechanical sound, and quickly closed it. He turned around and glanced curiously, and then he turned his attention to this building with only a few dozen square meters. A meter-sized secret room.

A golden light shines on the top of the secret room, bringing visible light to the entire secret room!

On the ground in the middle of the secret room, there is a disk with a radius of several meters. Array patterns extend from the disk and spread to the surrounding walls.

Just when Du Long didn't know what to do next, a clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded in the secret room: "Du Long! Please stand on the disc and prepare to accept the pressure test! Remember, once you fall or exit the disc , the stress test ends automatically!"

'Wow! Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the Immortal League, which integrates the formation with gravity, and integrates the soul of a high-level monster into the core of the formation to control the operation of the formation! ’ The beauty of the Ring Spirit suddenly cried out coquettishly.

Du Long nodded, walked into the disc with a curious look on his face, and stood in the middle.

"Du Long, you are now ready to start the test. Your strength has reached the second level of Gangdan. Therefore, the maximum test pressure for you is five thousand kilograms. Remember, once you feel that you cannot bear it, please exit the disc or lie down to end it. Test!" The crisp voice sounded again.

As the voice fell, a force of gravity began to appear on Du Long. Needless to say, the Nazgul Beauty had already removed the weight from his body. Soon, the gravity slowly increased, and a golden gravity value began to appear on a wall, and The score is worth two strings of data!

For every 50 kilograms of gravity value increase, the score will be increased by one, and so on. If all the 5,000 maximum weights are added, Du Long will be able to obtain a perfect score of 100!

Feeling the weight on his body gradually increasing, Du Long crossed his arms and looked at the golden value on the wall rising with great ease!

It can be seen that with the disc as the center, the surrounding array patterns are getting brighter and brighter. Obviously, the method of increasing the gravity above the disc requires the entire array to provide stronger power!

"The gravity value reaches one thousand kilograms... The gravity value reaches two thousand kilograms... The gravity value reaches five thousand kilograms! Congratulations Du Long! You got a score of 100 points in the gravity test! Well, you can choose to continue to increase the gravity to test yourself limit value, you can also exit the test directly!”

Staring blankly at the score of 100 points on the wall with a gravity value of 5,000 kilograms, Du Long still held his hands in front of his chest. The 5,000 gravity value was too easy for him. You know, he usually carries a heavy weight. It’s more than five thousand, reaching the value of six or seven thousand!

After hesitating for a moment, Du Long, driven by curiosity, decided to try to see how high he could reach the limit!

"Continue to increase gravity!" Du Long said in a deep voice.

"Understood! Continue to increase the gravity. Please be careful not to force it too hard. Once you feel you can't bear it, lie down immediately! I will terminate the test immediately!" The crisp voice reminded mechanically.

The formation patterns around the disk became brighter again, and one could see that the score on the wall, which was originally set at 5,000 gravity and 100, began to change again and continued to grow upward slowly.

"The gravity value reaches six thousand kilograms... The gravity value reaches seven thousand kilograms... The gravity value reaches eight thousand kilograms... Ten thousand kilograms... Eleven thousand kilograms..." Every time the gravity value increases by one kilogram , that crisp sound will remind you mechanically.

Du Long also became uncomfortable from being relaxed at the beginning. As the gravity continued to increase, he no longer dared to keep his hands folded across his chest. He clenched his fists, his face began to turn red, and he began to sweat a little. Pearl!

Normally, you can practice popular footwork with a weight of six to seven thousand kilograms, but once the gravity exceeds ten thousand, it is not as simple as increasing it by a few percent. The huge gravity not only acts on the muscles, but also on the internal organs. Above!

For example, Du Long's muscles can bear a weight of 10,000 kilograms with ease, but the internal organs in his body cannot. After reaching 10,000 kilograms, every additional point is extremely painful!

"Eleven thousand kilograms...Twelve thousand kilograms..." In the secret room, the voice was still so clear and sweet. It was reporting the numbers mechanically, as if it had no idea that the value at this time had reached the Gangdan level. The limit of what you can bear!

Obviously, the existence of this numerical value is definitely not on the same level of intelligence as the Ringwraith beauty Ling'er. Otherwise, at least a warning should be issued!

Finally, when the gravity reached 15,000 kilograms, Du Long fell to his knees with a bang. The huge pressure made him breathless. He felt that if he didn't stop, his heart would explode!

"Du Long, Gang Dan's second-level basic combat strength, the gravity limit is 15,000 kilograms, and you get 300 points!" The voice sounded mechanically again, and Du Long, who was breathing heavily, didn't hear it clearly at all.

However, when such a golden value suddenly appeared on the huge wall in Xianmeng Square, everyone on the scene was dumbfounded!

‘Du Long! The basic combat power value is Gangdan Level 2, the gravity limit test value is 15,000 kilograms, and the current points are 300! ’


Countless people at the scene exclaimed in surprise. They never expected that the gravity limit test value of a Gangdan-level being could actually reach 15,000!

"Oh my god! Is there something wrong?! The pressure of over 10,000 kilograms can only be achieved by spiritual level strength, right?!"

"This...is this too ridiculous?! Is this the test result of Gangdan's second level strength?!"


Suddenly, after seeing this result, everyone started talking!

On the rostrum, the elders, saints, and a bunch of spirit-level beings from the Immortal Alliance were all dumbfounded. Outsiders didn't know the details of the gravity test, and almost all of them didn't know it.

Normally speaking, only with the existence of spiritual level strength can the gravity pressure test exceed 10,000. Even the existence of the ninth level of Gangdan perfection can only withstand the ultimate gravity of six to seven thousand kilograms at most!

But Du Long is only a being with second-level Gangdan strength. How could he get a gravity pressure test result of 15,000 kilograms? !

"It's no wonder! This guy can defeat two spirit-level beings in an instant. It turns out that his physical strength has already reached such a terrifying level!" After Elder Zhou of the Immortal Alliance regained consciousness, he couldn't help but shake his head and murmured softly. .

"That's right! I find it strange. His basic combat value test only reaches the second level of Gangdan, but how can he kill two spiritual level beings in public? I'm sorry that his basic combat value is not that high, but his physical strength But it has long exceeded the scope of basic combat power!" Another elder followed.

"But this is unreasonable! How on earth can a second-level Gang Dan person train his body to such an extent?!" Another Immortal Alliance elder said doubtfully.

"Unless! He has been doing horrific weight-bearing training since he was a child, but according to intelligence, this kid has no conditions for such intense training? Alas! What a strange little guy!" Elder Zhou shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, the other two test results that suddenly appeared shocked people again. They were the gravity test results of Qin Huofeng and Xia Qinglian!

The test results of the two were almost the same, both reaching six or seven thousand kilograms. You know, the strength of the Qihai level is 100% as long as the gravity reaches three thousand kilograms. The two of them exceeded it by more than twice!

Therefore, their final score actually exceeded the limit of one hundred, reaching a score of more than two hundred!

For a time, the entire Immortal League Square was boiling again, and many people were speculating that these three guys from the Haotian Empire must have gone through gravity training to be able to do this!

In addition to the three outstanding performances of Du Long, there are two other people whose performances are extremely eye-catching, namely Lu Leer from Dongyang Kingdom and Liu Shilin from Xian League!

These two women are both at the Qi Sea level. Their final test limits were 4,050 and 3,09 respectively. Lu Leer was slightly higher than Liu Shilin!

These two people have a special relationship with the Immortal Alliance. They know the importance of gravity pressure training and will take time to carry out gravity pressure training in their spare time!

However, everyone knows that this kind of gravity pressure training is very painful and cannot be tolerated by ordinary people!

Moreover, gravity pressure training has certain risks. Once you train too much, not only will you not be able to achieve the best results, but your training will be basically destroyed!

Who can do the best weight-bearing training like Du Long and the other three, under the real-time monitoring of a mysterious Nazgul beauty?

Here comes the first chapter. . . I just couldn't get online, it's a bit late, I'm sorry. . .

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