Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3304 Promoting Union

Inside the main meeting hall of Jinshan Temple.

Du Long sat unceremoniously on the main seat. Next to him were Yin Qingyi and other three disciples of the clan leader, and then the leaders of various large and small forces.

Yin Qingyun, Leng Aotian and other old acquaintances also put down their respective defense zones and couldn't help but come to the main hall to participate in this meeting.

In the huge hall, countless eyes were silently watching the figure on the main seat.

It was this figure that had just done so with one fell swoop.

Just like wiping out a bunch of ants, he easily wiped out all the alien traitors in the entire Jinshan world!

Everyone is secretly guessing, what kind of terrifying cultivation level does the 'True God Meng Tao' in front of them reach to be able to calm down Huanyu so easily? !

People are also secretly guessing.

Where did this true god, who had been missing for many years, go, and what kind of opportunity did he get that made his cultivation level rise a lot? !

in the crowd.

The great elder of the Meng family, who was jointly attacked by the Bai family and the Eight-Armed Titan clan not long ago, now looked at the powerful true god of his family with a red face.

Du Long has not revealed his true identity in this world. Only in this way can he stabilize the morale of the army and prevent people from being divided because of his status as an outsider.

Because, in the following time, he still needs to fight against the aliens with all his strength, and the stability of the rear is also very important!

Because of this, he doesn't plan to reveal his true identity yet!

"Master! Where have you been all these years?! This disciple thought.

. "

In the calm main meeting hall, Molodun's slightly excited questioning voice came.

Among the three brothers, he is the one with a relatively simple mind, mainly because the nature of the giant family is so difficult to change!

"Let's talk about this later!" Du Long stretched out his hand and pressed it, then looked at the main holy city of Jinshan outside the main hall: "I will bring in your other senior brothers and sisters first and then we can talk! "

As he finished speaking, several figures suddenly appeared inside the hall. They were the direct disciples that Du Long had accepted through different levels of ranking competitions.

Except for the three Yin Qingyi people who were originally in the hall, only Lewerk defected with the family, and Zheng Kaiyun, a direct disciple, died in the battle.

Then there are Zhao Bingshuang and several other direct disciples, and they all passed Du Long's test!

"Disciple pays homage to Master!"

The few direct disciples who were suddenly admitted into the main hall knelt down and paid homage to Du Longxing, who was on the throne!

"Everyone, get up!" Du Long raised his hand with a smile and said: "You brothers and sisters performed very well, but it's a pity that Zheng Kaiyun died on the battlefield!"

"Master Zheng! You children of the Zheng family are very good. Since Zheng Kaiyun and I have no master-disciple relationship, then we should select an outstanding child from the Zheng family who is at the peak of the ninth level and continue to be my disciple!"

"Thank you, Lord True God, for your love! Even if Kaiyun died in battle, he would have no regrets!" In the main hall, the head of the Zheng family, the top family, came out excitedly and bowed gratefully to Du Long, who was on the throne.

"Master Zheng, you're welcome! The Zheng family has been extremely determined in resisting the foreign invasion. This is the benefit the Zheng family deserves!" Du Long nodded and replied with a smile.

"Any merit must be rewarded, and any fault must be punished!"

"The scourge of alien races facing the civilized forces in our home world has not been completely eliminated. We still need the elite people of all races present here to continue to sacrifice their lives and fight to the end for the final victory!"

"Now let's start allocating the territory of Jinshan World. First of all, some of the territory that originally belonged to the various tribes here will be returned to everyone here intact!"

"As for the territory that originally belonged to the forces that betrayed the native world, for the time being, the manpower arranged by me will come forward to collect them all!"

"These territories are either used to reward forces that have made contributions in the subsequent war with foreign races, or they can be used to settle some foreign civilized forces in the native world!"

"Moloton just asked me where I have been in recent years. Now I can tell you the answer!"

"For many years, I have been studying the real situation of this world. What kind of world do we live in?!"

"Is it just the Jinshan world and the divine realm outside it, as well as the lower realm at a lower level?!"

"I believe that all of you here already know that the world we live in is not limited to such a small amount of time and space!"

"Because, every long period of time, there will always be some foreign monks who suddenly come to this world, and then after they stay for a period of time, they will inexplicably disappear without a trace!"

"And I followed the footsteps of those outsiders and arrived at another world of Xuantian Chaos that is countless times larger than ours!"

"Surely someone here should know that we are called by outsiders the indigenous people of the world of battlefields and ruins of prehistoric civilization, right?!"

"That's right! We are indeed a group of indigenous people in the world of prehistoric battlefield ruins, the descendants left behind after the destruction of the prehistoric civilized world!"

"And the chaotic world of Xuantian outside is the foundation of the world we live in!"

"Whether we are the indigenous forces left over from prehistory or the monks from the new civilized world outside, they all belong to the same world group with the same origin!"





Du Long sat on the main seat and talked eloquently, carefully describing the relationship between the world of battlefield ruins of prehistoric civilization and the new world of civilization outside.

He just wanted to eliminate everyone's doubts about outsiders first, so that they would not mistake outsiders for foreign forces!

We also need to let everyone understand that the creatures on both sides belong to the same Xuantian Chaos World and should work together to deal with the real enemy alien race!

With his now supreme prestige, everyone at the scene believed his words.

True God Meng Tao disappeared for such a long time, and he actually went to the outer chaotic world of Xuantian to contact the new civilization forces there? !

No wonder he disappeared for such a long time!

"Lord True God Meng Tao!" Yin Qingyun, the former patriarch of the Yin family, couldn't help but asked loudly: "May I ask what level of cultivation you have reached now?!"

"You can think that I am now a strong man in the realm of eternal god general!" Regarding this question, Du Long answered ambiguously, not wanting to reveal all his trump cards in public.

"Lord True God!" Leng Aotian couldn't help but ask: "Does your return mean that forces outside the world of battlefield ruins can also enter the world of Jinshan?!"

"Yes!" Du Long himself had the intention to promote unity and cooperation between the two parties, so he naturally nodded and replied with a smile: "The Jinshan world we are in should be located deep in the world barrier of the Xuantian Chaos World!"

"Even if I am outside, I cannot find a way to enter. This time it is because the time and space channel that came in is opened again, so that I can return to our world again!"

What he said was half true and half false, and the more so, the more people believed it.

"So, can the forces from the outside world also come in?!" Leng Aotian frowned and continued to ask.

"That's right!" Du Long's face became serious: "In order to join forces with the forces in the outside world to jointly resist the alien invasion that has not yet ended!"

"I hereby declare that from now on, all unfriendly behaviors towards outsiders in the outside world of all races will be cancelled!"

"No force is allowed to easily break into conflict with external forces before it is attacked!"

"Yes! True God Meng Tao!" In the face of absolute strength, the leaders of all the forces present respectfully accepted the order.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction and said: "Everyone must remember that our real enemy comes from outside this Xuantian Chaos World, and we must unite all the forces in our Xuantian Chaos World!"

"Yes! True God Meng Tao! We must respect the will of True God!"

Unknowingly, almost all the remaining leaders of various forces in the entire Jinshan world began to follow Weidu Long's lead.

And this was also the best effect Du Long wanted to achieve. He was not in a hurry to come forward and let those fools jump out, just so that during the subsequent alien invasion, he no longer had to worry about a fire in the backyard!

After a brief explanation, the meeting ended, and high-level personnel from various large and small forces evacuated.

In addition to going out to carry out the tasks assigned by Du Long, they also need to rearrange various industries of their own clan, especially those areas of Jinshan World that were originally given up, and they also need to reoccupy them.

Everyone here is the Great God of Creation of Xuantian. They never need to worry about being short of manpower. In the Xuantian World within everyone, there are countless clansmen living there.

Inside the Meng family's mansion.

The mansion, which had gradually become deserted due to the disappearance of True God Meng Tao for many years, became extremely lively again because of his return.

The people of the Meng family who came in and out of the Meng family's mansion raised their heads again. They no longer dared to straighten their chests when going out like before!

Inside the Meng family's mansion, in the forbidden garden belonging to Du Long, the master and disciples were gathered together at this moment!

"Okay! There are no outsiders here now!"

"First of all, congratulations to you for successfully completing the final test of becoming a master. You have officially become my direct disciples!"

"Come! Let's first get to know the new junior brothers and sisters who have been recruited as masters outside!"

In the main hall, after Du Long made some opening remarks, he waved his hand and released his direct disciples, including Qin Yu.

These are all beings who have successfully broken through to become the Eternal True God, and among them Qin Yu has even broken through to reach the realm of Eternal God General!

The appearance of a group of eternal true gods and generals, and their terrifying aura that had not been restrained on purpose, startled many old disciples present on the spot.

"Meet the Master!"

After a group of direct disciples appeared, they all bowed and saluted Du Long who was sitting on the throne.

"No gifts! Everyone, please find a seat and sit down!" Du Long waved his hand and motioned for everyone who had just appeared to take their seats: "These are the direct disciples that I have accepted in the Jinshan World!"

"Here I would like to set a new rule for everyone, that is, the students under my master will be ranked according to their strength. Whoever has higher strength will be the senior brother and senior sister, and vice versa!"

"In short, the purpose of establishing this rule is to hope that everyone can strive for the top!"

"Master!" Molodun glanced at the people who had just appeared at the scene and said, "Why don't you see Senior Brother Du Long?!"


The many new direct disciples who appeared on the scene naturally knew what Du Long's name represented, and they all showed doubts.

"here I am!"

Du Long touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment, and directly communicated the current situation secretly to the outside direct disciples, and then released his Yin-Yang creation clone.

"I've met Senior Brother Du Long!"

Upon seeing this, Yin Qingyi and others bowed respectfully to Du Long's Yin-Yang creation clone.

On the contrary, the external direct disciples did not move, and each of them looked at the scene in front of them with complicated expressions.

"Alright! I am going to go to the secret inheritance place of Jinshan immediately to practice in seclusion for a period of time. Let your senior brother preside over the meeting here!"

Sensing that something was not right in the atmosphere, the multidimensional creation clone immediately found an excuse and ran away.

He also needs to enter the secret realm of inheritance to systematically cultivate the mystery of the twelve-dimensional avenue of creation to reach the true peak and extreme state.

When this clone was in the outside world, it could not find the secret inheritance realm of the peak and ultimate realm of the Eternal God King.

After so many years of hard training, he still failed to reach the peak and ultimate state. He wanted to make up for the final shortcomings of this clone as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we have more chances of winning in the subsequent alien invasion!


Du Long's yin-yang creation clone actually knew everything through memory sharing. He sat directly on the main seat and coughed twice.

"Okay! Now let's assign several tasks to the direct disciples of Jinshan World. One of them is to teach you the clone technique of transforming three pure beings into one qi!"

"The second is to teach you the experience of how to break through to the realm of eternal true gods. Don't envy the brothers and sisters here who have already broken through to the realm of eternal true gods, because with your cultivation talents, the probability of successful breakthroughs will be very high!"





In the main hall.

Whether they are direct disciples within the Jinshan world or disciples from the summary meeting from the outside world, all of them are extremely respectful to Du Long.

One party regards him as his eternal senior brother, and the other party regards him as his mentor!

Du Long did not plan to teach Yin Qingyi and others these things personally, but asked his direct disciples from outside to teach them on their behalf.

From now on, he will try his best to cultivate as many powerful people as possible in the eternal true god realm, and then he will have more power to fight against the invading alien races to the end!

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